The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 74: Qingdi Palace, Lin Rizhen

Although Lingdao is the emperor of Lingjia, he grew up in the world of Jianshen, and there is not much old knowledge in the three thousand territories. The fox sacred land is in the territory of the Yaozu. He did not think that he would meet a famous peak in this place.

If you are a very familiar friend of Lingdao, just hear the voice of the other party, he will definitely know who the other party is. However, the peak of the Heavenly King in the main hall made Lingdao feel extremely strange, and there was no impression at all. The thing he wants to do most now is to walk into the hall and see who is in the peak.

"Lin Rizhen, don't be too much!"

"Don't you have an old warrior with us, we can't move?"

The little holy sage of the Baihu family and the celestial gods of the Scorpio family have shouted, and the people who have just opened the ancestral peaks are not looking at them. If they don't know the strength of Lin Rizhen, they have already smashed into the main hall where Lin Rizhen is located, and unloaded eight pieces of Lin Risheng.

The main hall occupied by Lin Rizhen is not far from the main hall occupied by the white tiger family and the Tianzhu family. The white tiger family, Xiao Shengzun and Lin Rizhen, had handed over and suffered a big loss, otherwise he could not remember Lin Risheng’s name. The Tianzhu family, Tian Tianci, saw Lin Riqi’s shot, so he only protested.

"It turned out that he is Lin Rizhen, one of the strongest Tianjun of the Qingdi Palace. It is no wonder that he dares not to give the Baihu family and the Tianzhu family the peak of the Tianjun. Whether it is their own strength or the forces behind them, Lin Rizhen is not afraid of them. ”

"I know that he is Lin Rizhen, I am relieved. It is said that Lin Rizhen is a person of integrity and extraordinary. He is a rare and modest gentleman. He let us stay in the hall, certainly not for other purposes, but to protect us."

The heavens are too big. Even though Lin Rizhen is very famous in the Qingdi Palace, they still have not seen Lin Rizhen. Even some of them have heard of Lin Risheng, and the other part does not know who Lin Rizhen is. Fortunately, one of the strongest Heavenly Kings in the Qing Dynasty Palace is enough to make the Tianjun who do not know Lin Rizhen feel at ease.

The Qingdi Palace is one of the original Five Emperors' Palaces. Now one of the Four Emperors' Palaces can be juxtaposed with the true dragons, the Phoenix family, and the Kunpeng family. The white tiger behind the little sage and the scorpio behind the gods, if they are fighting the Qingdi Palace, are definitely not rivals.

"Lin Rizhen? Qingdi Palace?"

Lingdao can be sure that he has never seen any Lin Rizhen, Lin Bingyue of the Qing Emperor Palace, he knows. Because of this, he is even more puzzled, obviously do not know, why does Lin Rizhen say that he is old with him? Could it be said that Lin Haoyue is also in the hall?

Still not right, Lin Haoyue and Lingdao are not the best friends, to say that Lin Haoyue will help Lingdao when Lingdao is in danger. Lingdao certainly does not believe that Lin Haoyue will not fall into the stone. Fortunately, Lingdao is not a dead brain, and he can’t figure out what he can’t do.

"You really want to move him, then it will move, I have no opinion."

The white tiger family, the small sacred sage and the scorpio family, have been stunned. They never thought that Lin Rizhen was so good. As long as Lin Rizhen does not intervene, it is not difficult to ask Tian Tian to win the Lingdao. What is really anxious is the little holy deity of the Baihu family. Because Lingdao once made a god-supplied slave, he would like to grab it again.

"Just, I want to remind you that if you move him a hair, I will cut you one leg."

Lin Rizhen spoke intently and gasping, and he made it clear that he was teasing the little holy and white gods of the White Tiger family. The little holy sage of the Baihu family only promised Lingdao. Now he can put a slap in the road. He can't deal with Lingdao, but he can't help Lin Rizhen.

After the last loss, the little holy sage of the Baihu family was concentrating on cultivation. Now it is no longer the same. His realm, in a short period of time, there will be no breakthrough, but the martial arts he cultivated has made great progress. If he can defeat Lin Rizhen now, he will certainly be able to let him know his mind and even go further in the practice.

"I don't want to move him, but I want to move you!"

The little sage of the White Tiger family stepped out of the hall step by step. Until now, Ling Dao saw the true content of Xiao Shengzun. Unlike the previous two white tigers, the peak of the king, the little holy statue of the tiger head, face, a pair of eyes flashing cold cold killing. He just swept away other warriors, that is, let some warriors fall into the hail.

Behind the sturdy body, there is a long tail. Don't think that his tail is just a display. At the crucial moment, his tail is more deadly than the weapon. He had a top body and only wore a pair of animal skin shorts, so that the thick hair blocked everything.

"Take a demon, a white tiger blood king!"

Although Lin Rizhen also offended the Baisheng family's little sacred and the Tianzhu family's 獒天赐 two, but the arrogance of the white tiger family's small sacred, certainly will not join hands with the Tianzhu family. Even if it is single-handedly lost to Lin Rizhen, it is better than the combination of Tian Tianci to win the glory of Lin Rizhen.

The **** "king" is made up of eight lines. The fifth level of the source of power is attached to the word "王", making the word "王" like a sharp sword. The white tiger blood king of the White Tiger family is now more than 20% stronger than before.

The little holy sage of the White Tiger family did not hesitate and stepped directly into the hall where Lin Rixi was. The Terran Heavenly King who stood at the entrance of the main hall did not dare to stop the little holy sage of the White Tiger family. If the little saints of the White Tigers are not happy, they can shoot them to death.

"Just do this, dare to follow me? Get out!"

The outside warrior only heard a loud noise. Then, the little holy sage of the white tiger family was like a cannonball, and it flew out from the hall where Lin Rikai was. Obviously, the little holy priest of the White Tiger family lost, and the gap between him and Lin Risheng was terrible.

I don’t know how Lin Rizhen took it. The little holy sage of the White Tiger family was injured. Knowing that the white tiger family is a small and sacred demon king, they are wide-eyed, and there is a far-fetched Tianjun who is far more than the white tiger family.

"Just kidding? The white tiger family, the little holy deity, lost so? Are they not coming together to lie to us?"

"This little holy sage will not be fake? How can the real little sage be so unbearable?"

The discussion of the Yaozu Tianjun made the face of the white tiger family's small sages red. However, the little saints of the White Tiger family did not dare to once again enter the hall where Lin Rizhen was located, because the confrontation just made him understand that he was completely a weak person in front of Lin Rizhen.

Fortunately, Lin Rizhen did not kill, or else, the small holy sage of the Baihu family can now live, it is unknown. It’s not that the little sage is not powerful, but that Lin Rizhen is too strong. The former opponent of Xiao Shengzun is not comparable to Lin Rizhen. Of course, the premise is the same realm.

"Little Saint, are you okay?"

The remaining one of the white tigers, Feng Feng Tianjun, rushed to the side of Xiao Shengzun and asked with concern. It is a pity that the little holy sage of the White Tiger family not only did not appreciate it, but instead smacked him a slap in the face. The little sacred sage of the white tiger family fled to the main hall at the fastest speed, leaving only the standing face of the white tiger family. In place.

"Damn, he is much stronger than last time. Is it his last Tibetan mastiff, or is it too much progress during this time?"

Even if the little holy sage of the white tiger family hated Lin Rizhen, now he can only endure it. He and Lin Rizhen are not like a realm of war. If you hit it again, you will still be a little holy, even if it is a real fire, Lin Rizhen is entirely likely to kill Xiao San Zun on the spot.

"He doesn't shoot, do you want to shoot?"

Lin Rizhen no longer cares for the small sacred sage of the Baihu family, but asks the scorpio of the Scorpio family. Before, when Xiao Shengzun shot, he was thinking about it. If Xiaoshengzun dealt with him, what would he do. Who knows, he has not yet come up with a result, and Xiao Shengzun was bombarded.

Now, Tian Tianci only wants to be farther away from Lin Risheng. Who knows, Lin Rizhen has to ask him. If you don’t answer, don’t you lose your face, sweeping the face of the Scorpio family. If you want to answer it, you can find it and find out what it is. Now you don't know.

"Who, didn't you just have to challenge me? Why, I was scared by my momentum? I dare not take it out?"

獒天赐装傻傻愣, deliberately shifting the topic, is not wanting to make a fool. One of the demon celestial kings face each other, did not expect the first day of the Scorpio family, was actually forced to this extent. Originally, I still felt that Lin Rizhen had nothing to do with the demon Tianjun. In an instant, Lin Zhizhen’s danger level was infinitely high.

"Useless waste!"

Lin Rizhen said mercilessly, violently thundering. However, Tian Tianci only made a fire in the main hall, and did not mean to kill. I believe that if you avoid it, you should be stronger than Xiaosheng. Xiao Shengzun’s confidence was full, and even Lin’s trick could not be picked up.

"Are you sure that Lin Rizhen is really a gentleman?"

"It may be that the rumors are wrong, but his strength is extremely powerful."

"Yeah, it’s simply outrageous. It’s a trick to fly the little white sage of the White Tiger family. If I have half of his strength, I can walk across my own power."

The demon celestial being in the field is like a defeated cock, dejected and languid. Contrary to them, a personal family, Tianjun, smiled and swept away. As long as there is a forest day, they feel at ease, and Lin Rizhen is already invisible and has become their backbone.

"What are you doing outside? Don't you come in?"

Lin Rizhen did not continue to be a godsend, but he gave him a sigh of relief. The little holy sage of the Baihu family and the scorpio of the Scorpio family will not deal with Ling Dao now, and Lin Rizhen does not have to fight with Tian Tianci and Xiao Sheng.

"We don't know each other, why do you have an old saying?"

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