The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 79: Third level

Lingdao practiced the wild and the immortal, but unfortunately, he did not play the real power of the wild and ridiculous, he broke through the martial arts realm again and again, the practice is from the beginning of the physical body to the present Tianjun articles However, his practice still stays at the second level.

The first level of the ridiculous 诛 劲 劲 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , No matter the first level or the second level, there is no significant improvement in the combat power of the military.

The third level is different. If Lingdao can cultivate the wilderness to the third level, it can have arrogant power. The current power of Lingdao is only far beyond the border warlords, essentially and other warriors. The power is the same, no difference.

If his wild scorpion breaks through to the third level, then his strength will be very different from that of other warriors. If he and his opponent have the same strength, his opponent can't beat him because his power is too much. It’s arrogant, and it’s straightforward to say that it’s quite unreasonable, rampant, and completely unstoppable.

In the past, the inheritors did not cultivate the nine-turn dragons, and met the demon warriors in the same realm. Even if they were bigger than their opponents, they were limited. If they did not cultivate to the third level of the wild, they were in strength. There is no big advantage in this aspect.

It’s one of the most advanced exercises in the past and the past. It’s definitely not just that Lingdao’s cultivation is so simple. He wants to defeat him in seven days, and even kills Tian Tianci. It’s ridiculous that Xian Jin is his greatest reliance, even though he There is a memory of past life, but his past practice is the Lingjia sword, and there is no relationship between the wild and the immortal.

In terms of cultivation and ridiculousness, Lingdao is still a rookie. Fortunately, his understanding is extremely high, and he has already touched the threshold of the third level of the ridiculous Xianjin. In seven days, he will cultivate the wilderness to the third level. It is entirely possible to do it.

Ling Dao Duan sat in the middle of the main hall, sneaked into his heart, and his operation was quite ridiculous. He was like a huge whirlpool, sucking infinite source power. He mastered the origin of Yuanshi, and Yuanyuan origin could be evolved into other The source, coupled with the ridiculous 诛 劲 劲 号 称 称 称 称 称 称 称 称 号 号 号 劲 劲 劲 劲 劲 劲 劲 劲 劲 劲 劲 劲 劲 劲 劲 劲 劲 劲

On the first day, he only felt that the origin of the body was getting bigger and bigger, like an inflated balloon, and there was a possibility of explosion at any time. The next day, his body was constantly rising, just sitting on the ground, already three feet high. If you stand up, you must be a giant.

On the third day, his body appeared one symbol after another, which was the text of the ancient times. Of course, all the symbols are the same. If you know the characters of the ancient times, you will know that they are all "brutal". The word, the fourth day, one after another, "Ban", began to drill into the body of Lingdao, his skin surface, branded with the word "man".

On the fifth day, more "Ban" characters emerged. Lingdao's skin has no place, so one word after another, "Ban", rushed into the body of Lingdao, his bones, his veins, All of them were the "manly" characters of the ancient times. On the sixth day, Yuan Shi Yuan Yuan Ding returned to normal, and his body was also retracted to normal size.

"No, it's still not right, although I can feel that I am stronger now than I used to be, but I will be stronger than two or three. What went wrong."

For six consecutive days of cultivation, Ling Dao’s strength has indeed increased. Unfortunately, it is worse than he expected. Ling Dao’s current state, wanting to defeat Yu Tianci, has to count on Tian Tian’s own problems, let alone kill. God gave it, only one day left from the time of life and death.

"Calm, calm, the more critical moments, the more calm, I have to sort out the wild and singularity, no matter what, we must cultivate the wilderness to the third level."

Ling Daokou is quite ridiculous, from the flesh to the Tianjun article. As for the Tianjun article, he does not know what it is. The mouth has no effect, he swears twice, twice has no effect, he Just three times, three times no effect, he is...

On the night of the sixth day, the hall where Ling Dao is located is already full of chanting. It is obvious that he is alone, but there are hundreds of thousands of warriors, and the ancient scriptures in the hall, even so. Lingdao still has not found the crux.

On the morning of the seventh day, the sun rises as usual. The difference is that outside the main hall where Lingdao is located, a large number of Yaozu Tianjun, Lingdao and Tiantianci are again confronted. They have great interest, although they feel that Lingdao is definitely not a godsend opponent, but they still want to take a look at how much progress has been made in the seven days of Lingdao.

"You said, this time, the Terran Kid and Yu Tianci could fight a few rounds."

"I feel that if you give me serious words, within three strokes, you can completely end the battle."

"The boring showdown has not yet begun, we have all guessed the ending."

"The human race boy will be defeated. He and the goddess of life and death are completely in the Goddess of Heavenly Fox."

Last time, it was the enchanting Taoist road. He also helped Lingdao to slap a slap in the face and robbed the heavenly court. This time, it is the sacred gift of Lingdao’s initiative. If the enchanting continues to intervene, it will not be said. They are the Yaozu Tianjun, even if they don’t stand on the same line with Yan Tianci, they can’t help Lingdao.

"What is the situation, how can it be so lively."

"What happened? How do you look like you?"

Today, not only is the day of Ling Dao and Tian Tianci's duel, but also the day when the Taixu Taoist Lord let them enter the small world. The western part of the demon temple is still very big. The last confrontation between Lingdao and Qi Tiantian is only a small part of the demon. The family Tianjun and the Terran Heavenly King witnessed the whole process with their own eyes, and there was a large part of Tianjun who did not know.

"Nothing, it is a human race boy who doesn't know the heights of the earth. He has to challenge the Tianzhu family of the Tianzhu people. It is obvious that only the mid-term of the heavenly kingdom is repaired. It is necessary to think of killing the heavenly kings. You said that he has disease."

"I still use the reason, the original is the confrontation between the Terran Heavenly King and our Yaozu Tianjun, the name of the godsend, I have heard that it is the most powerful Tianjun of the Scorpio family. The Terran Kid is really a newborn calf, not afraid of the tiger. He doesn't know how good it is."

"No, he knows, because the last time he had a match with Yu Tianci, and he was wounded by Tian Tianci. If it wasn’t for the sacred priest of the fox sacred place, maybe the Terran kid has become a god-given man. The soul of death."

"Oh, no, you are slow, the things of the human race and the godsend, how come to the sacred priest of the fox sacred place, which is the saint, why she wants to gossip."

"What is the relationship between the Terran Kid and the Virgin of the Gods in the Heavenly Fox, I don't know, but the last time I saw the whole process, you listened to me and said to you..."

More and more Tianjun gathered together, whether it is the Terran or the Yaozu, they like to join in the fun, do not know the last thing, then ask this question, want to figure out what is going on, know the last thing The thing that is proud of the last thing, it seems like a secret.

"Our Highness has come, the boy of the Terran, where is it."

"Is it scared, don't you dare to come out of the hall?"

"If you come out next, ask for a lore, maybe we will let you down when you have a soft heart."

Following the three heavenly martial artists of Yan Tianci, they said that the match between Tian Tianci and Ling Dao does not require them to help. What they can do is to give the gods a chance to make a move. To put it bluntly, it’s a slap in the face. Depreciate the ridge, if you want to fly in the future, you will definitely have their benefits.

Unfortunately, Lingdao did not hear them at all, because Lingdao is at a critical moment of cultivation. If they can see the scene inside the hall, they will be shocked. Because of the side of Lingdao, there are fierce beasts and real dragons. There are phoenixes, there are 鲲鹏, there are gods...

Lingdao's robes are swaying, and the black hair is rooted upright. Behind him, it seems to have a projection of a big world. The energy in the hall alone is not enough to practice. So, he communicated wildly. The world, and precisely because of this, his cultivation did not cause much movement.

"His Royal Highness, are you stealing other Tianzun and kidding him away?"

The enchanting and the eight heavenly priests who protected her also came to the door of the hall where Lingdao was. Early, although the enchanting had this idea, she did not put into action after all, and heard the words, the enchanting shook her head, if Lingdao is not in the hall, she is still running to do something.

"The Terran kid will not escape."

"I think it's possible. Maybe, he threatened to kill the gods, he deliberately confused us. As long as his head is not squeezed by the door, he will not make such a confused thing."

"Impossible, I have been outside his hall. If he left the West, how could I not know it."

Just when they were arguing, the hall where Ling Dao was located violently shook, and Lingdao, who was always sitting, finally opened his eyes. In his eyes, there are also two big "barbarians". The word is so good that Ling Dao is finally in the last half of the day, and will be ridiculously cultivated to the third level.

"What are the last words of the Scorpio family, do you have anything to say?"

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