The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 87: Big day silence hand

Just now, Fengfeng Tianjun is obviously aimed at Lingdao. Although he is a dragon, he also has half of the scorpio blood. Originally, he was still preparing to fight side by side with the singer in the next test. He did not expect that Goddess died in the hands of Lingdao.

To say that Tian Tianci can't beat a mid-term Tianjun, he certainly does not believe, and he has a lot of strength in his heart. The reason why Lingdao can kill Yu Tianci, he thinks it must be because of the mean means used by Lingdao, such as the forcing of the strong refining, or the symbol.

Long Xingyun, on strength, is definitely not comparable to the small sage of the true dragon family, but on the talent, he feels that he is no worse than Xiao Shengjun. However, the true dragon family's cultivation of the small priest is the strongest method of the dragon, far from the practice of his cultivation.

He came to the sacred place of the fox, just to marry the saints of the nine-tailed fox family. Like the Dragons, the Fox family has a long history, especially the nine-tailed fox family must have more powerful exercises than the ones he is currently practicing. If he is taught to practice the emperor who is comparable to the Little Saint, he feels that Xiao Shengjun is not his opponent.

"is it?"

Lingdao originally didn't want to cause trouble. After all, he was only in the middle of the day, and he wanted to sweep all the heavenly kings. It must be a delusion. However, Long Xingyun took the initiative to provocatively, and Lingdao must not be heard as if he did not hear it. Other rainbow peaks occupied by the peaks of the king, he can not argue, the rainbow road of the dragon line must be robbed.

"I don't want to know how powerful other peaks are, so I want to know how powerful you are. If you don't have the ability, how far you can go, don't throw people in front of everyone."

Long Xingyun is just an irony, and Lingdao is a mockery. There are a total of twelve rainbow roads in Tianjun Wuwu. Lingdao did not look at the other eleven rainbow roads, and went straight to the rainbow road occupied by Longxingyun. Under the broad public, Ling Dao does not give Long Xingyun face, Long Xingyun is definitely going to shoot for Ling Dao.

The true dragon family, one of the unparalleled in the flesh, is one of the hegemons of the wild. The dragons, the emperor's forces, occupy several territories. Although Long Xingyun is not a real dragon, he is extremely talented and worships under the door of a Taoist. Because of the subsequent performances, it became the most favored apprentice of the Taoist.

Among the younger generation of the Dalong nationality, there are rare opponents of Longxingyun. Now the mid-term prince of a Terran, even if he does not put him in his eyes at all, it is really a bully. If Lingdao and him are in the same realm, he can still understand that the key Lingdao is two lower realms than him.

"I admire your courage, because you are coming to death. Originally, I did not bother to do it for you, but now it is your initiative, I just give revenge to God."

Revenge for the gods, is the reason for the dragon to kill the Lingdao. Fighting for the rainbow road, there will be battles, and death and injury are inevitable. He did not know the origin of Lingdao, just taking it for granted that Lingdao is a disciple of the Terran forces. Among the Terran forces of the Terran, there are very few who can compete with the Dragon.

Moreover, his master is a Taoist, even though Lingdao is a genius of a certain power, he is not afraid. If his master knew his thoughts, he certainly couldn’t wait to kill him. Lingdao's father is the Emperor of the Happy, when the road is proved, he can kill the king of the king, and he is a master of the road to the Emperor of the Emperor.

"Revenge? Just by you?" Ling Dao paused and smiled. "If it is not without time, I can send you down to accompany him now."

Despise, ** naked contempt, if the true dragon family Xiaosheng Jun despise him, Long Xingyun can still accept, Lingdao a human family in the middle of the day to despise him, the dragon's lungs are quickly blown up. Even other warriors feel that Lingdao is too arrogant, and it is so mad in the middle of the day. If Lingdao becomes the peak of Tianjun, what else?

"It’s no wonder that you haven’t seen the bulls, you’ve all been blown to death. It’s good to be confident, but overconfidence is self-confidence. I’m telling you this now, so that you don’t repeat the same thing in your next life.”

Pieces and scales appeared on the back of the palm of the dragon. He wants to change his destiny. He wants to surpass the little Saint of the true dragon family and must enter the Qingyue world. Because Lingdao had to confront him, the other peaks of Tianjun did not come to join in the fun. However, if he and Lingdao fight too long, other peaks can not grab his rainbow road.

Long Xingyun not only has to kill the Tao, but also has to end the battle in a very short time. Although he does not think that Lingdao has the ability to kill Yu Tianci, he does not take it lightly. The lion is fighting rabbits, but he still goes all out. The gap between Ling Dao and him is definitely not as big as rabbits and lions.

"The big day is dead!"

The palm of the hand is full of dragon scales, rising in the wind, as big as a mountain, like a canopy. The black smoke is filled with smog, and the place where the ridge is located is not visible. The sound of dragons and the sound of dogs and dogs are endless. It is obvious that only Long Xingyun has a shot, but it seems that the Dragon Army and the Scorpio army have killed.

"How is it possible? He was the peak of the heavens, and he actually became a big hand to kill?"

"If I remember correctly, the big day should be a martial art. Why can he show his peak?"

"You found that there is no, his way, it has the characteristics of destruction itself. Perhaps, is he suitable for practicing the solitude of the sky?"

The holy king of the dragon family knows that the sky is dead, and the dragon god’s Tianzun also knows that the sky is dead, even the king knows. However, there are very few who can display the hands of the great silence. Don't talk about Tianjun, even if it is Tianzun and the Holy King, it is extremely difficult to train into the sky.

According to legend, after the Dragon Emperor became a Daojun, he created a martial art and defeated all the Daojun of the Dragons at that time. If you try to cultivate the heavens to the highest level, you may even be able to promote the emperor's martial arts, because the most famous emperor of the great emperor is the one who is the master of the world.

"Yuan Shi Long Wang Quan!"

With the improvement of cultivation, the martial arts pioneered by Lingdao has gradually failed to keep up with his realm. Yuan Shilong Wang Quan is derived from the real dragon Wang Quan, combining the world's general trend, the Yuan origin and the Tao. Although it is now only a local martial art, it will certainly become a martial art of heaven and even a martial art.

As far as martial arts is concerned, Lingdao is completely at a disadvantage. The big day is the martial arts, and the Yuanshilong Wangquan is just a martial art. There is no comparability at all. Fortunately, the dragons and clouds in the Long Xingyun show their hands, not the real day of silence, not only flawed, but also no real essence.

In the past, Long Xingyun and other Tianjun played against each other, and after displaying the big day, they will be able to win and lose. It is a pity that his opponent is now Lingdao, a human race boy with the supreme golden dragonfly. At a glance, Lingdao discovered forty-nine flaws, and three of them were fatal.

Yuan Shilong Wang Quan was finally created by Ling Dao. The most understanding of Yuan Shilong Wang Quan is himself. Moreover, he relied on the advantage of speed and played nine punches in a row. Especially in the last punch, he even used the eighth turn of the nine-turn dragon, and broke out the power of the heavenly level.

"A good and rough boxing method, and a big day to kill the hand, can not be compared."

"One in the sky, one in the ground, if the Terran boy can win, I will eat the Rainbow Road."

"Life and death showdown, cast such a boxing method, how much do he want to die?"

"Unless he can also display his martial arts, he will display other martial arts, and there will be no difference between the results and the present results."

In the realm, Long Xingyun has an advantage. Now, in martial arts, Long Xingyun has an advantage. Now, in addition to Wei invincible and enchanting, there is no warrior who believes that Lingdao can win. Wei invincible believes in Lingdao, because Lingdao is the emperor, it is impossible to say that Lingdao has no powerful martial arts. Since Ling Dao dares to use such a boxing method, then he must be confident to defeat Long Xingyun.

"I know that he can kill Yu Tianci, relying on the cards that the elders gave him. Just by his own skill, he is definitely not a god-given opponent. Now, he used his cards and played with me, only one dead end. ""

In the mind of Long Xingyun, I just flashed such a thought, and then I felt an unprecedented crisis. When Lingdao’s double fists hit the huge dragon claws, an earth-shattering sound broke out. If he was not determined, he would have been screaming.

On the huge dragon claws, there are three blood holes, the scales are crushed, the bones become slag, and flesh and blood fly. Lingdao passed the fatal flaws of the hands of the Great Heaven, giving Long Xingyun a **** lesson. The key point is that the front eight punches are just an appetizer, and the ninth punch is the most terrible.

It’s not that Long Xingyun’s response is not fast enough, but the speed of Ling’s punch is too amazing. There is no gap between the eighth and the ninth punches. Long Xingyun just felt pain, and the Ninth Boxing has already scored in three blood holes.


Long Xingyun couldn't help it anymore, and there was a painful snoring in his throat. The three fierce forces, like three poisonous snakes, got into his body, not biting and colliding. Even if he has the blood of the real dragon, the flesh is more tyrannical than the warriors in the same territory, and still can't hold the punch of Lingdao.

Of course, Ling Dao is also uncomfortable, and the power of silence, slammed into the body of Ling Dao. The dragon line cloud to be silenced is the original source of Lingdao. As long as the original source of Lingdao is abolished, the repair of Lingdao will become a castle in the air, and the strength will be greatly damaged.

"I admit, I did sneak at you, the power of the martial arts in your hands, completely exceeded my expectations. I did not expect that your boxing method can actually hurt me." Half said, I couldn't help but cough up the blood. After a while, I continued to say, "However, your face is black, obviously it has been recruited. At most, the time of your interest will be silenced. I want to kill you, it's easy!"

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