The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 104: Reversal of the situation

Being able to win the title of Little Saint in the Dragon, his ability can be imagined. It turned out that he had a great grasp of killing Ling Dao. Now that Ling Dao has exposed his own cultivation, the real dragon family Xiao Sheng Jun has a full grasp. The gap between a small realm is enough for the small dragons of the true dragon family to win the ridge.

Nine Ways, hidden in hundreds of dragon claws, may burst at any time, instant killing. The Xiaoshengjun of the true dragon family has become the peak of the monarch, and it has been a while, not to mention that he has consolidated the realm in the Qingyue Mirror, and the nine roads are all tempered.

It is a pity that the little saint of the true dragon family did not know that when Ling Dao became the king of heaven, he refining the bodhi fruit. Just because of the strength of the Tao, the Xiaoshengjun of the true dragon family has no advantage at all. What's more, there is also a great emperor who assists Lingdao, and the true dragon family, Xiaoshengjun, does not have such treatment.

The dragon claws tear the stars, crush the mountains, cut off the Tianhe, and the martial arts used by the true dragon family Xiaoshengjun will break the trick of Lingdao. The first confrontation, Lingdao did not occupy any advantage, but let the real dragon family Xiaoshengjun out of the limelight. Although many Yaozu warriors have always believed that Lingdao is not the opponent of the true dragon family Xiaoshengjun, but they witnessed the true dragon family Xiaoshengjun prevailing, they are still a sigh of relief.

Ling Dao is a young warrior who can't use common sense. Whether it is the first test or the second test, the style he showed is not comparable to other warriors. Even the true dragons and the holy sages of the sacred family are equally weak.

"The first move, this holy prince is just for you, I did not expect that your strength is too disappointing for the dragon. Now this Saint is a little regretful, should not be a life-and-death match with you, your current situation, really Sad."

The true dragon family, the small sacred priest, sighed and sighed, and suddenly regarded Lingdao as a dying person. However, he did not pause for a while and once again exhibited a kind of martial arts. His arms grew out of dense scales, and the sun shone with sharp luster.

A pair of blue dragon claws, like two wild beasts, crashed toward Lingdao. The thunder and lightning are intertwined, the wind and rain are mixed, the four fields are vibrating, and the nine roads are turned into the horn of the wild and beast, as if there is a power to penetrate the void. The fifth level of the source of power, is like a flash flood, and instantly flooded the road.

"Just you are still a dragon? Four-legged snake!"

Lingdao's hands also showed a layer of dragon scales, but his scales were golden. A pair of arms, like two real dragons, slammed into the air and attacked the sacred dragon. Ling Dao is not only the body of the body, but also the power of the gods, and even the past.

What's more, Ling Dao also cultivated a nine-turn dragon, but unfortunately, with the growth of his strength, now using the eighth turn of the nine-turn dragon, only his strength, soared to six times his own strength many. However, even so, his strength is far more than the true dragon family, like the adult and the child's wrench wrist.

The physical strength, Lingdao and Zhenlong family Xiaoshengjun can be said to be comparable, but the Lingdao strength is greater. Moreover, Lingdao no longer uses the source to support his body, just his weight, you can crush the ground. Lingdao not only punches, but also rushes to the small sage of the true dragon family. The greater the weight, the greater the inertia.


It seems that the two giant statues have collided together, and the big demon temple has been shaken up. Lingdao is still advancing, but the little saint of the true dragon family is flying out. A piece of blue dragon scale collapsed, sprinkled on the ground, and a little red blood, fell.

"what's the situation?"

The true dragon family, Xiao Shengjun, only feels that his head is dizzy, just like there are seven or eight asteroids spinning around his head. On his arm, there were six or seven wounds, and his ten fingers broke most of the time. He and Lingdao hard hit, he not only did not take advantage of the cheap, but also suffered a big loss.

The advantages of the nine rules are not revealed at all, because the road to Lingdao is not vegetarian. As for the physical strength, he has no advantage. Although he is a real dragon, his weight, compared with Ling Dao, is completely sorrowful. Don't say that Lingdao hit him, even if he hits the road, it is his own.

"Just a small dragon in the real dragon family still has an advantage. How can the situation be reversed in a blink of an eye?"

"The front is hard, and the loss is actually the little sage of the true dragon family. It is incredible."

"I can feel that the power that he just broke out is far beyond the limits of Fengfeng Tianjun. He must have mastered the secret of strengthening power."

"It is worthy of being able to compete in the first game and the second game. Even if the opponent is a little higher than him, and he is a peerless genius of the real dragon, he still has no defeat."

Now the demon sanctuary has kings, heavenly kings, heavenly lords, and holy kings, even Daojun and Taoist. Some warriors just think that the scene that happened just now makes them unbelievable. There are also warriors who see the power of Lingdao. Lingdao is not only powerful, but also physically strong, and martial arts achievements are still high.

Ling Dao knew it a long time ago, "You are sick, you want to die". Therefore, after the loss of the true dragon family Xiaoshengjun, he is chasing after victory. Although he is sure to defeat the small sage of the true dragon family, he does not want to let the small priest of the true dragon family defeat the victory because of his own intentions.

When you can kill an enemy, even if you don't kill the enemy, you have to kill the enemy and not give the enemy the ability to fight back. Now Lingdao, although not vacant, but he jumped, enough to cross a few dozen feet. The true dragon family Xiao Shengjun still did not understand what was going on, it was a pain in his chest, Ling Dao stood on his body.

Because Lingdao did not use the Yuanshiyuan source to support his body, the Xiaoshengjun of the true dragon family fell directly to the ground. If it weren’t for the demon sanctuary that had a major nucleus guardianship, now the ground is definitely not the appearance of the true dragon family. The little Saint of the true dragon family turned his eyes straight and was almost stepped into two by Lingdao.


In the throat of Xiaolongjun, a true dragon, a dragon screamed, and then he turned and changed from the human body to the dragon body. Lingdao stood on the dragon with a length of three hundred feet, just like a little bit. However, the true dragon family Xiaoshengjun can not be used as a small point, although Lingdao's body is not big, but Lingdao is too heavy.

"How can the Terran of the Terran be so heavy?"

Although the true dragon family Xiao Shengjun does not know the most important race in the world, but certainly not the human race. Because the body of the Terran warrior is small and pitiful compared to many beasts. The facts are in front of you, and Ling Dao is indeed heavier than all the Heavenly Kings whom the Little Dragon King has seen.

"Give you a chance, if you are willing to be my mount, I will spare you not to die!"

Ling Dao stood on the body of the small dragon of the true dragon family, said the big thorn. Don't say that the true dragon family is angered, even the other warriors of the real dragon family are both eyes. Looking at the three thousand territories, although there are forces of the emperor with the dragons, but there are several emperors who dare to say that they are better than the dragons?

The true dragon family, among the dragons, has the highest status. The true dragon family is also the most powerful Tianjun in addition to the emperor. Lingdao turned a blind eye to the small sage of the real dragon family as his mount, it is simply an idiotic dream.

"Get this holy prince down!!"

Inside the huge dragon's mouth, there was a deafening sound. The true dragon family Xiaoshengjun violently shakes up, but unfortunately, Lingdao does not know when he came to the head of the true dragon family Xiaoshengjun. His right hand is the dragon that is holding the dragon of the true dragon family. angle.

The mouth of the true dragon family, Xiao Shengjun, broke into the ground because Lingdao was too heavy. Under the circumstance, he had to shake his head again and again. Later, he used his own head to hit the building of the demon temple, in an attempt to kill Lingdao, even if he would smash Lingdao.

"I know that you are inferior in your heart and understand that you are not qualified to be my mount. But it does not matter, I can still catch seven real dragons in the future, let them join you and give me a cart."

A group of demon warriors only felt that their ears had problems. They had never seen such a daring human warrior. At the end of the district, the Tianjun only had to threaten to have eight real dragons and pull the car for himself. Even if it is to Heaven, there is still no such big pie.

"Kill him, kill me! What is there, I will give you this day!"

The true dragon family’s sacred screaming, took the initiative to start the back of the little sage. He wants to die, but he is afraid that Xiao Shengjun is worried that Wei invincible will give Lingdao a head. He is now standing out, naturally not to deal with Lingdao personally, but to warn Wei invincible, so that Wei invincible do not mess.

"Reassure, if I don't kill him today, I will die!"

There is a day when the gods do the backing, and the true dragon family has no worries. Although Wei is invincible, he believes that Wei Invincible can't beat the true dragon family. Lingdao humiliated him again and again, and if he did not kill Lingdao, he would not have a foothold in Tianlong.

By brute force, there is no way to fall down the Lingdao. However, there are other ways for the Little Saint of the Real Dragon family. The willpower of the nine-tailed fox family is indeed stronger than that of the true dragon family. Fortunately, the small sage of the true dragon family has mastered the will of the king, even if it is weaker than the nine-tailed fox in the same realm.

"The projection of the will world!"

The little sage of the true dragon family smiled smugly, and the king’s will broke out, shrouded Lingdao. If it is the first road ahead of the test, it is a headache when it encounters the current situation. Fortunately, Lingdao broke forty-five illusions, entered the fifth space of Qingyue Mirror, and raised the half-step king-level will to the king's will.

What's more, Lingdao's cultivation is quite ridiculous, and he learned that the demon fox has changed, and his will is comparable to the nine-tailed fox. Will the competition, how can he lose to the small dragon of the true dragon family?

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