The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 106: Wei invincible vs to Tianzun

If the other two gods of the true dragon family say that they want Wei’s invincible life, other warriors must be scornful, but if they are replaced by the true dragon family, the other warriors take it for granted. Wei is invincible and powerful. It is only a tyrant, and it is still impossible to compare with Tianzun.

What's more, the true dragon family's cult of the heavens is still the ancestral dragon, and in terms of exercises, he is definitely superior to Wei invincible. Wei was invincible before the cultivation of the Tao, and later became the apprentice of the Emperor of the Happy, only to renovate the emperor, of course, the emperor of her cultivation, certainly not comparable to the Zulong.

"He can't hold his hand, I can't control it, and I don't want to manage it." Wei Invincible shook his head and did not put the threat of the real dragon to Tianzun at all. "As for you want to kill me, you can try it, just right." If you want to find a match with Tian Zun, it is better to be you."

The scarves don’t let the eyebrows. In the past, many warriors just heard of this sentence, and today they have finally seen it. Switching to other Tianzun, and the true dragon family to Tianzun, may have scared his legs and trembling, however, Wei invincible is not only not afraid, but also actively provoke the true dragon family to the heavenly respect.

The Tianlong Zun of the true dragon family clearly stunned. Since becoming Tianzun, no other Tianzun has spoken to him. Looking at the expression of Wei invincible and eager to try, he really can't understand. Is Wei invincible not knowing what will happen with him?

As a true dragon, his status, even in the Dragon, is as high. He kills a Terran sect of a human race and does not need to care about the identity of the other party. Even if the other party is the target of the cultivation of the Emperor's forces, it is also a white death in his hands.

"Good courage, the deity likes to be like you!"

No matter whether you kill or kill Wei, you can't have any response to the true dragon family. The Heavenly Master of the Real Dragon family does not like to say nonsense, because strength is enough to prove everything. If Lingdao is to be acquainted, the true dragon family’s sacred ancestors can spare Wei’s invincible life. Of course, death sins are exempt, and living sins cannot escape.

If Lingdao does not know each other, there is no meaning to stop at all. The true dragon family’s Zhitianzun can completely kill Wei invincible and then save the true dragon family’s little holy king. Anyway, the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun feels that he really wants to kill Wei's invincible words. For a moment, it is enough to save the real dragon family.

"If you want to fight, this Taoist can give you some space."

Tai Xuandao’s initiative proposed that it was obviously an interest in Wei’s invincible and the real dragon to Tianzun’s confrontation. Although the tyrants are not the opponents of Tianzun, Wei is invincible and full of confidence. The Taixuan Taoist wants to know where Wei’s invincible spirit comes from.

Wei Invincible wants to test the results of recent cultivation, so he will not oppose the proposal of Tai Xuan Tao. The Tianlong Zun of the true dragon family wants to give Wei invincible a profound lesson, and will not oppose the proposal of the Taixu Taoist. Tai Xuan Dao’s main sleeve is a wave, and Wei’s invincible and true dragon’s sacredness is in his small world.

"Your sister is not there, who else can support you?"

"Hurry up and down the hoe, we can consider putting you in a horse, or else, let you die without a place to die!"

"You died in the fox sacred place of our dragon genius, have you thought about the consequences?"

The two goddess of the Dragon family and a holy king successively said that Wei is invincible, they can eat the dead. Anyway, Lingdao is a human warrior. No matter what identity Lingdao is, they don't care. Except for a few people, the Terran forces of the Terran are no one who dares to kill the Dragon's nest.

There is no need for a holy king to take the shot, and the two gods will stand up and kill one. There are no three or two, and they dare not go to Liangshan. The two of them are the worst, and they are also Xuan Tianzun. Lingdao is only a late Tianjun, and compared with them, it is still a big gap.

"You are not swearing, even if you die in my hands, the Dragons do not avenge?"

Ling Dao asked the little saint of the true dragon family. Unfortunately, the current Xiao Shengjun is extremely miserable and has no strength to refute. His strength in punching is getting bigger and bigger, and later, it is like a star falling on a dragon's horn or a dragon head. Even if the body of the true dragon family is too strong, it still can't hold such a violent attack.

"He swears useless, as long as he dies, you must bury him."

"To be right, he is the genius of our younger generation of dragons. Is it that you kill and kill?"

The two gods of the Dragon family put down their faces and shot on Lingdao. A Tianzun used the Tao, and evolved into a sword, and he came to Lingdao. Another Tianzun used the Tao, which evolved into an arrow feather and rushed toward Lingdao. The two Tianzun personally went out and used two different martial arts to deal with Lingdao.

Lingdao and the real dragon family have a decisive battle. Even though most of the warriors feel that the small dragons of the true dragon family will win, there are still very few warriors who believe that Lingdao will be the winner. But now, the two Tianzun one left and one right, pinpointing Lingdao, it can be said that Lingdao has no odds.

"Dragons, how to say it is also a big force passed down from the wilderness, how is one more than a shame?"

"I thought that the match between Tianjun and Tianjun, using the life-giving cards given by the elders, was shameless. I didn't expect your dragons to be more shameless."

"A Xuantian Zun and a Taitian Zun, teamed up to deal with a late Tianjun, really, I have lived for so many years, I really saw it for the first time."

The Terran martial artists have ridiculed the Dragons, but unfortunately, the two gods of the Dragons are still doing their own thing. Lingdao has already killed the half-dead of the true dragon family. If he continues to fight, it is inevitable that the small dragon of the true dragon family will die.

"His sister is not there, so he is dead."

There are sympathy for the Lingdao, and it is also the same for Lingdao. Just, let them turn over their face and become a deadly enemy for the Lingdao, and the demon warriors, they are indeed one hundred unwilling. In particular, Tianjun Wuwu, they also said that Tianzun’s affairs are not round to their intervention.

"I am afraid I have been discovered by the strong people of the Tianhu Holy Land. Unfortunately, he is in danger. I can't stand by."

If Ling Jianhao is called Uncle Lingdao, Ling Jianhao is definitely not happy. However, Lingdao has a life-threatening situation, Ling Jianhao can not sit and watch. Moreover, the Happy Emperor let Ling Jianhao come. It is to hide in the dark to protect the Lingdao. He thought that it would be easy to save the ridge, but unfortunately, the reality is different from what he imagined.

Around the demon sanctuary, covered with a large array of defenses, when the full defense was launched, Ling Jianhao was a monarch, and there was no such thing as even going in. Ling Jianhao wants to save the Tao is one thing. It is one thing to save Lingdao. He is powerless and is talking about his current situation.

"I really can't stand it anymore, you both give me a hand!"

A roar, came from behind Lingdao, and then, in front of Lingdao, there was a tall figure. Lingdao is still thinking about how to deal with an attack by Xuantianzun and Taitianzun. I didn't expect it to be so confused. The strong guy who is in front of him, although he does not know who it is, but the strength is definitely strong.

The attacks of Xuan Tianzun and Tai Tianzun have disappeared from invisible. The strong person who appeared in front of Lingdao is not someone else, but a tyrant of Tianhu Holy Land. The vast Tianhu Holy Land, more than one Ba Tianzun, before participating in the first test and the second test, is another Ba Tianzun.

"Well, save him now, and then draw a close relationship with him, and put out the things of him and the demon too. The lord always thinks that there are important things that need me to figure out."

It’s not the way to know Ling Dao, but the super-dominant leader of the Tianhu Holy Land. His strength is obviously stronger than that of the Dragons' Taitianzun and Xuantianzun, even at a level. If Lingdao is in the same state as them, they are certainly not the opponents of Lingdao.

Originally, the transcendental Taoist had long let the warriors of the Tianhu Holy Land approach Lingdao. Unfortunately, Lingdao had been staying in the main hall of the Western District. He had no chance at all. It’s hard to wait for the road to come out. The first test and the second test are not too dangerous. There is nothing on the surface of the Taoist, and the ants in the hot pot are already anxious.

"He is not your fox sacred place. Are you too involved?" Is it too much?"

"If you are in the territory of our dragons, would you dare to shoot us?"

The two goddess of the Dragon family said that if they were replaced by other gods, they might have played with each other. It is a pity that it is the tyrant of the Tianhu Holy Land. The demon temple is the site of the fox sacred land, they can not be unscrupulous in the fox community.

What's more, even if they join hands, they still can't beat the Heavenly Emperor of Heavenly Fox. More than strength, no, and is the home of the Fox, they can only protest in the mouth. In action, it is still prudent and careful, otherwise, I don’t know what the consequences will be.

"Come out, they are out!"

There is a demon warrior's eye, first exclaimed. The confrontation between Lingdao and Zhenlong, Xiaoshengjun, although attracting attention, is much less attractive than Wei’s invincible and true dragon to Tianzun confrontation. It is a pity that Wei Invincible and Zhenlong to Tianzun are in the small world of Taixuan Taoist. They did not see any process at all.

"Haha, you are dead, as long as he shot, you have no way to live."

"Is it awesome? Isn't it, you are better than us, but you can cure you, there is a dragon."

The two gods of the Dragons are very proud, but when they discover the situation of Wei invincible and the true dragon to Tianzun, they can't laugh. They originally thought that even if Wei invincible did not die, there would be at most half life. Who knows, the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun is as embarrassing as Wei's invincible, it is incredible.

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