The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 145: Are you embarrassed?

The blood-mosquito stone has made great achievements, and Lingdao certainly doesn't mind boasting about it. The three dragons in the state of prosperity, Lingdao is not an opponent at all, but the three dragons who are short of qi and blood are lost to Lingdao. The **** black mosquitoes are beyond the expectations of Lingdao.

The three Tianzun of the Dragons did not understand what was going on, and Lingdao killed them. The fifth level of the Yuan originated into a dragon, hitting the three Tianzun of the Dragon. Even if the days are not used, the power of Lingdao can be comparable to that of the late Tianzun.

"What do you stand stupid? Don't you?"

The true dragon family’s sorrowful sorrow can’t help but swear. If no other warriors intervene, the three dragon lords will die in Lingdao sooner or later. However, there is no military who listens to the true dragon family to Tianzun. They are not afraid of Lingdao, but they are afraid of the blood-winged black mosquitoes behind Lingdao.

The ability of the black-winged black mosquitoes, they have seen, even the dragon's peak Tianzun, in front of the blood-winged black mosquitoes, there is no resistance. Among them, the dragons who are weaker than the dragons of the dragons occupy the majority, and there are quite a few differences between the dragon and the dragons. Even if it is stronger than the dragon's peak, it is also strong and limited, and dare not take his own life to gamble.

"A group of cowards, the face of the Yaozu let you throw it away, can't you have a little bit of interest?"

The sacred sage of the sacred family can't stand it, and they hate the martyrdom of iron. If Lingdao is like his realm, he is definitely the first to fight with Lingdao for three hundred rounds. It is a pity that in the late period of Ling Dao’s talent, he really couldn’t afford to be interested.

After knowing the embarrassing situation of the demon warriors, the true dragon family’s Zhitian Zun forced the shot to remove the black-winged black mosquito. Fortunately, the blood-winged black mosquito first noticed his intention and hid in the small world of Lingdao. Even if the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun is shameless, he still can't shoot Lingdao.

The dragons can not put a lot of emperor power in their eyes, but the fox is not the same. Moreover, the one who warned them is still the younger brother of the Lord of the Holy Land, the Taixu Taoist. The Tianlong Zun of the true dragon family has of course heard about the affairs of the Taixu Taoist. If it causes the dissatisfaction of the Taixuan Taoist, he will be affected later.


Lingdao’s punches are getting heavier and heavier. The first one to die in Lingdao’s hands is the late Tianzun of the Dragon. The remaining two peaks, Tianzun, completely lost the courage to do it. They just wanted to hide behind the true dragon family and Tianzun, and let the true dragon family protect them.

Unfortunately, their speed is not comparable to Lingdao. The qi and blood deficits, not only the strength of the war, but also the speed is far less than the heyday. Without waiting for them to run behind the real dragons to Tianzun, Lingdao will have no chance to play both of them.


The true dragon's sacred molars have nothing to do with Lingdao. The dragons of the Lianlong people died in the hands of Lingdao, and the dragons of the Dragons could not count on them. The trip to the sacred place of the fox, the dragon can be described as a majestic sweep, even if the true dragon family to return to heaven, it is also subject to punishment.

"Give you a chance to shoot at me, you can suppress it to the end of the heavenly kingdom, and I will die with my life." Lingdao said with a smile, the smile is full of laughter, "However, I want to remind you One day is the defeat of the men, the day is the defeat of the men, the same repair, you are far from my opponent!"

The arrogance is really too arrogant. Don't say that the true dragon family can't listen to it, even if it is other dragon warriors, they can't wait to tear the mouth of Lingdao. It is a pity that among the dragon warriors, there is no dare to do it. Tai Tian Zun and Xuan Tian Zun are the ones who died last time under Ling Jianhao’s Jianguang. The rest of the mid-term Tianzun, the predecessor Tianzun and Tianjun, and Lingdao hands-on words, is to find death.

"In the late period of the district, Tianjun, dare to look at everything, don't you know what is called heaven?"

"I heard that you killed the first day of our Scorpio family, right?"

"Say, how do you want to die, is it under my knife, or is it under his sword?"

The Tianzhu domain is adjacent to the Tianhu domain, and the strongest of the Tianzhu family uses the Star Gate to come, naturally it does not take too long. The Scorpio family who died in the hands of Ling Jianhao was too many, and the elders of the Scorpio family could not care. This time, the Scorpio warriors who came here not only have Datianzun, but also the Holy King, even the Daojun.

To kill the Tao, it is the three great goddess of the Tianzhu family. It’s not that the Scorpio family has no more powerful celestial respects, just that they are not good at dispatching. The Taixu Taoist said that Lingdao is a part of the Tianhu Holy Land, and the Tianzhu people must be able to handle the Lingdao. Since Ling Dao can kill Feng Tian Tian Zun, then, Da Tian Zun’s shot is reasonable.

"Who am I, I have come to three more dogs, why, want to kill me?"

Lingdao has the supreme golden dragonfly, and even if it is not fully opened, it can still distinguish the origins of the three great heavens. Although he and the Scorpio family did not reach the end of the end, but the Scorpio strongman in front of him only wanted to kill him and avenge the martyr who died in the Scorpio.

"act recklessly!"

A large Tianzun of the Scorpio family took the lead, and five Tianfu virtual shadows were suppressed over the top of Lingdao. He held the knife in his right hand and smashed it out. There were hundreds of knives bursting out. The dazzling knives, the thorns of the heavenly king could not help but close their eyes, for fear of being hurt by his knife.

Da Tianzun has dealt with the late Tianjun. It can be said that the deceit is too much. The two are not at all a level. Lingdao is against the dragon's peak, and it is still relying on the blood-winged black mosquitoes. It is impossible to defeat the Tiantian people of Tianzhu. Fortunately, Lingdao luck is against the sky, because the mysterious master is not far away.

"He wants to kill you, you can't bear it, you can't bear it!"

The soul of the Beast Tower has always had a good impression on Lingdao. In addition, the Tiantian family’s Datianzun is deeply rooted in the realm and bullying Lingdao. It can’t wait to kill the Tianzhu people’s Datianzun. Lingdao is a ridiculous inheritor of Xianjin. As one of the four followers, the mysterious master cannot see death.

A glimpse of the pattern, from the fingers of the mysterious teacher, rushed out, fine hair. The means of the mysterious master, the inscrutable, is not at all comparable to the Tianzhu family. Da Tian Zun of the Scorpio family still didn't understand what was going on, but they felt that their heads and bodies were separated.

The sword of the Scorpio family, Tian Tianzun, stopped in the air and did not cause any damage to the Lingdao. Lingdao had already prepared for the battle. His fists could not hurt the Tiantian of the Scorpio family, but now he punched the head of the Tianzhu family.

"Dead? How did you die?"

"Who? Who is secretly shooting? Is it right against our Scorpio family?"

The other two Tianzhu people's Datianzun is not an idiot. Of course, they know that it is not the Datianzun who kills the Tao, but the strong one hides in the dark. The monks who came to the Tianzhu family did not pay attention to Lingdao. Their eyes have been placed on Ling Jianhao.

The Daojun of the Scorpio family felt that it was impossible for the three Datianzun to deal with a late Tianjun. When they heard the words of the two great Tianzun, it was already late. The first Datianzun who shot on Lingdao was already dead. They had to put Ling Jianhao aside first, and Lingdao’s things were more important.

"Dao brother, since it has already been shot, then what is necessary to hide?"

"You take the initiative to stand up, we still respect you, if you continue to hide your head, we can still find you, do you believe it?"

The words of the two powerful monarchs attracted a sneer. It’s not someone else who laughs at them, it’s the mysterious master. One after another, the demon warriors looked at the mysterious masters. I didn’t expect to laugh at the Tianzhu family. It turned out to be a beautiful woman who was in the country.

"The Lord is standing in front of you. Are you embarrassed, or are you jealous?"

She dares to shoot, naturally not afraid of the revenge of the Scorpio family, not to mention, just the two scorpio kings in front of her eyes, she has not been in the eye. Other warriors do not know the mysterious lord, Lingdao certainly knows, Tianhuo domain competes for the war of the emperor, the mysterious lord is the biggest winner.

"Thanks to the help of the seniors, I would be miserable. I was uncomfortable when I thought of being killed by a few dogs."

Lingdao's hippie smiles are really not as strong as the strong ones of the Scorpio family. The two Tianzhu people’s Datianzun looked at each other, and they were one left and one right, attacking Lingdao. Anyway, behind them, standing two roads, they shot on Lingdao, do not need any scruples.

I have seen the Lingdao of the mysterious master, and I don’t worry at all. It’s impossible for the two monarchs of the Scorpio to stop the mystery. Moreover, the Beast Tower is in the hands of the mysterious master. The mysterious teaching is mainly to urge the emperors. Not only the two monarchs of the Scorpio are to die, but the four monarchs of the Tianhu Holy Land are also dying.


The two squalls were rushed toward the two great Tianzun of the Tianzhu family. The mysterious masters were so blatantly hands-on that the two kings of the Scorpio family could not sit and watch. However, when the two princes of the same family took the shot, the two killings were to cover them.

The mysterious sect of the singer, even the Taoist also has a headache, and the tyrants of the Scorpio family must not be taken lightly. The two great Tianzun of the poor Scorpio family are still waiting for Daojun to protect them. As everyone knows, the two powerful monarchs of the Tianzhu family are already mud buddhas crossing the river, and they are difficult to protect themselves.

"I will stand in front of you, and you don't need to do it, you will be scattered!"

Ling Dao blinked at the two great Tian Zun of the Tianzhu family. Then, the two great gods of the Scorpio family were separated from each other and the world of the will was broken. The three great Heavenly lords who came to the Scorpio family not only died in their own bodies, but also did not hurt a spur of the Lingdao. It was sad and pathetic.

"Who are you? How dare you fight against our Scorpio family?"

"Do you know what you are doing? Offend my Scorpio, you want to leave the territory of the demon!"

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