The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 156: Kyufu Star Picker

The Tianjian sword method of Yan Tianhua's display, in the eyes of the sword, is full of flaws, there is no threat at all. The sword demon only stabbed a sword, and broke the sword of Yu Tianhua. The sharp sword meaning, like a steel needle, tied to the skin of Hao Tianhua, let Hao Tianhua suffer.

When the Sword Devil was in the Great World of Swordsman, he mastered nine kinds of swords. The same is Tian Zun, Yu Tianhua's sword meaning and his sword meaning, it is simply the difference between the clouds and mud. In dealing with Yan Tianhua, he not only did not use the sword of the heavenly sword, but he did not pull the sword at all.

The man Wang Jian joined the scabbard and stabbed him into the body of Yan Tianhua. In the mid-term, the body of Tian Zun is not a hindrance to Wang Jian. Yan Tianhua’s Tianjian sword method did not hurt the sword and the magic. It’s not that Tian Tianhua’s Tianjian sword is not sharp enough, but he has not touched the sword.

"how is this possible?"

Yan Tianhua’s eyes are violent and his face is unbelievable. The strength of Ling Dao, and the Tianzhu family told him, it is totally different. Although he couldn't look down on Lingdao in his heart, he used the sword of the sky, and the result was lost to Lingdao in a flash. To say that Lingdao is only in the late days of Tianjun, he does not believe in one hundred.

Especially when his Tianjian sword device is about to hit Lingdao, an invisible force, his life is so that his sword is offset. His ninety-nine rules, even in a moment, collapsed clean. The way of heavenly respect is more concise and more tenacious than Tianjun. As a result, his way is in front of Lingdao, and he is vulnerable.

獒天佑 and 獒天镇 are a pair of ghosts, and Tian Tianhua is only half weaker than them. I didn’t expect it to be an opponent of Lingdao. They gave Yan Tianhua a pressure, and they felt that Tian Tianhua had to deal with Ling Dao. All they had to do was prevent the Lingdao from fleeing.


At the same time as the swordsman spoke, the force was again exerted, and the man Wang Jian directly penetrated the body of Yan Tianhua. Yan Tianhua snorted and retreated, trying to get rid of Wang Jian and save his life. It is a pity that the swordsman is in chase, and Tian Tianhua has to change back to the body.

In the middle of Tianzun’s mid-term, Tian Tianhua’s body is full of hundreds of feet, which is like a hill. The man Wang Jian is in front of him, small and pitiful. If he uses the ontology at the beginning, he will not suffer such a heavy blow. Of course, he can grow bigger, and Wang Jian can grow bigger.


Yan Tianhua shouted, rolling the sound waves, turned into a thunder, and turned to the sword magic. Let him breathe a sigh of relief, the sword magic retracted the man Wang Jian. However, he did not understand why the sword did not confront him, but chose to avoid it.

"Are you okay? Is it important to be injured?"

"The information is wrong, but it doesn't matter. We will join the two and definitely bring his head back to the family!"

What is the concern of Haotian Town is the situation of Qi Tianhua. What Tian Yuyou cares about is whether he can kill Ling Dao. Judging from the performance of the swordsman, it is by no means a role that they can easily solve. Fortunately, Yu Tianyou and Haotian Town joined hands to kill the peaks and play the same.

"Without a day or two, I am afraid I can't heal."

In the eyes of Hao Tianhua, full of hate, hate Ling Dao hurt him, and hate his own care. To deal with the sword demon, he used the sword of the sky, but he did not go all out. If he used the swordsman as a warrior at the same level from the beginning, perhaps the result would not be the case.

Fortunately, Haotian Town and Yan Tianyou shot, now can avenge him. If he came, the consequences would be unimaginable. Because of his current situation, it is certainly not the opponent of the sword. If the sword demon wants to kill him, it can be done within three strokes.


Suddenly, Yan Tianhua screamed because he found out that there was a sword in his body. It is not a real sword, but a sword condensed. He only fights with the sword and the magic, and naturally he can feel it. It is the sword of the sword. Without waiting for him to move, the sword of the sword is meant to burst open.

It is like a countless sword, piercing through the filth of the sky, and through all the meridians of Haotianhua. Yan Tianhua is suffering from a thousand knives and is carried out in the body. He couldn't take care of the image of Tian Zun again, but rolled it all over the floor, and made a loud noise in the dog's mouth.

"what happened to you?"

Haotian Town quickly ran to Qi Tianhua and checked the situation of Qi Tianhua. What makes him look gloomy is that Yu Tianhua has only one empty shell left. Just when he took out a Tianzhi healing medicinal herb and prepared to heal him, Tian Tianhua’s body turned into a pile of minced meat.


The situation of Hao Tianhua really stimulated the town of Haotian. The flesh is ruined, and the will of Zhai Tianhua cannot last forever. It will take a long time to completely dissipate. Until this time, Hao Tianhua knew why the swordsman did not continue to pursue, and the swordsman had already arranged everything.

The Taojun of the Scorpio family would never have thought that the three mid-term sects he sent would only be handed over, and one of them died under the sword of Lingdao. Lingdao integrated two points, using the sword of the heavenly environment to replace the heavenly king of himself, is completely in the pit demon, and is in the pit of death.

"You two together!"

The person Wang Jian pointed to the 獒天佑, the attitude of the sword demon, but also let the 獒天镇 fire three feet. Now even if there is no command from the Tianzhu family, the Tiantian Town will kill the Tao. The angry Qitian Town did not lose its mind, but looked at it with Yu Tianyou.

Haotian Town and Yu Tianyou are competitors in the Tianzhu family and they know each other very well. Although they have only teamed up twice before, they are quite tacit, and it is not a problem to deal with Lingdao. Haotian Town is just thinking, how to torture Lingdao, in order to let Yan Tianhua die.

"Jiufu picks up the stars!"

The first shot was in the town of Haotian, which used the extremely famous Tianpin school. Even if he only cultivated the star of the nine prefectures into the realm of Xiaocheng, it would be more powerful than the swordsmanship used by Tian Tianhua. Jiufu refers to the nine Tianfu, and the Jiufu picking star is created by Tianzun.

The Scorpio family is not as old as Tianzun, but it does not mean that it has not been seen before. He created the Tianzun of the Jiufu Star Picker, and later became the Emperor of the Tianzhu Family. It is said that the Kyufu picking up the stars to practice the ultimate, it is possible to practice the martial arts that he created.

Two Tianfu, suppressing the void, the world and the earth, blocking the eight parties. In the palm of Haotian Town, it is shot nine times in a row, one time more than a horror. It is like nine stars, falling from the sky, shaking in the sky, and shaking in the wild. Before coming, Haotian Town had never thought about it. His first move against Lingdao was to use the school he was proud of.

"Under the Heavenly Master's school, you are afraid that you have never seen it. Because I know that you Lingjia, a talented power that was established. You are a prince not a fake, but you are also the worst emperor in the three thousand territories!"

Haotian Town said that the Lingdao difference is the origin of Lingdao. First of all, the Happy Emperor became the great emperor soon. Secondly, Lingjia became the emperor's power, and it was also a matter of recent years. The other emperor forces in the three thousand territories, which one is not far older than the Ling family?

"is it?"

The sword is too lazy to refute, and the strength is enough to prove everything. The picking of stars in the Kyufu is indeed a very powerful Tianwu martial art. Unfortunately, Haotian Town cannot display the essence of the Jiufu Star Picker. His own swordsmanship is definitely not comparable to the Jiufu star picker, but he can cast his swordsmanship to the extreme.

"Blasting sword!"

After becoming Tianzun, the swordsman did not give up the previous swordsmanship, and the collapsed sword style has become the sword of the sky. Even the ancient city owner, who has seen countless geniuses, still feels that he will become a true kendo master. The predecessor of Lingdao is the genius of Kendo. In this life, because of the ridiculous cultivation of the immortal, there are other martial arts, which leads to impure ethics.

After two points, the sword demon specializes in kendo, sincerely in the sword, specializes in swords, and after the sword, his super-high talent in the kendo is gradually revealed. Just like he is now out of the sword, it is like a collapse of the sky, a big world is crushed, and terror is at its peak.

On the first star, Wang Jianxi was broken, and the star was broken on the second star. Haotian Town attacked nine times in a row, and the sword and the sword broke his nine stars. Even if Qi Tianzhen witnessed the sword magic shot, he still stunned and widened his eyes.

"My Jiufu picks up the stars, and the eternal school that Tianzun pioneered, how..."

Haotian Town only felt that the mouth was bitter, and the Jiufu Star Picker not only did not hurt Lingdao, but made him consume a lot. As early as this is known, he is better off using other martial arts, at least better. Shizhan’s picking star was also defeated by Lingdao, and he was really unacceptable.

"What the situation? Why did the elders say that he was a late Tianjun? Is there such a powerful late Tianjun?"

Yan Tianyou couldn't help but want to marry her mother. Lingdao had two swords, one sword killed Yu Tianhua, and one sword defeated Haotian Town. You know, until now, the sword of Lingdao has not been unsheathed. If Lingdao draws a sword, what does it look like in the end?

To say that a heavenly monarch can hide the realm in front of Daojun, Yu Tianyou does not believe at all. In addition, the Daojun of the Scorpio family could not deceive them. Daojun said that Lingdao was the late Tianjunjing, and Lingdao must be the late Tianjunjing. What secret method did Lingdao use?

This thought was quickly denied by Yu Tianyou, because the Lingdao breath was stable and the look was normal. There was no such thing as an abnormality. There is only one explanation now, that is, after the last war, Lingdao benefited a lot, from the end of Tianjunjing to the end of Tianzun.

"What happened to me? I am not afraid of even the peak of Tianzun, can you still be afraid of a predecessor?"

Yan Tianyou shook his head and began to adjust his spirit. If he is afraid of Lingdao, he will be able to play seven or eight. With a strong player like Ling Dao, he can only win if he plays 10% or even 12%.

"It’s a small look at you before, but now I have treated you as a warrior at the same level. That is to say, now I will fight with you and will only go all out.” Yan Tianyou took a deep breath, big "Don't take it!"

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