The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 174: Nine martial arts

In the world of the will of Lingdao, there has been another figure, all of which are imitating the actions of the Lord of the Dust. Let him ask the spirit of the demon to chase the soul, he is not willing, but the spirit of the demon chasing the soul to take him over, he certainly will not ignore the ignorance of the heavenly lord.

The spirit of the demon chasing souls has repeatedly emphasized the power of the heavenly lord. If Lingdao can get the true biography of the heavenly lord, it will definitely benefit a lot. The technique is not to be overwhelmed. Although he is a savage sect of the immortal and the emperor of Lingjia, the culmination of the celestial master can also make him stronger.

At this time, the young warriors of the 18-year-old demon family appeared together behind Lingdao. They tracked the Lingdao, not because Lingdao is not the warrior of the Tianxue family, but because the demon chasing the soul makes the understanding of the main cave house of the Tianchen Road, certainly not what they can compare.

"Who will let you come?"

It is simply impossible to say that the spirits of the demon chasing souls do not know their existence. The reason why they did not stop them was because the spirits of the demon chasing souls felt that they were still clever. Anyway, a warrior comes to the retreat of the dusty lord, and there is no difference with a dozen or dozens of warriors.

"Please ask the demon master to forgive sins. We know that this is not right. How can you punish us? Don't let us go."

They would like to ask the spirit of the demon chasing the soul, why would rather bring a foreign warrior to the retreat of the dusty master, and do not bring them. Fortunately, they know that the demon chasing souls and spirits, if they really questioned the spirits of the demon chasing souls, they certainly did not have good fruit to eat.

The young warriors of the eighteen demon family were kneeling on the ground, and they took the initiative to plead guilty. The spirit of the demon chasing souls had to close one eye and not see them. If Ling Dao asks, the spirit of the demon chasing the soul will definitely open the relationship and prove that it is not the Tian Yao who is the gang.

"You stay in the retreat of the Dust Lord, and the demon master is not accountable. However, if you affect him, the demon master will definitely let you eat and go!"

After listening to the demon chasing the soul of the spirit, the young warriors of the eighteen demon family were overjoyed. They and Lingdao have no enmity, and it is impossible to deal with Lingdao without any reason. If you can get the inheritance of the Lord of the Dust, among the same generation of warriors, there will be very few in the future.

The dream is beautiful, the reality is cruel. After a full hour, the young warriors of the 18-day demon family still had nothing. To say that the retreat of the Lord of the Dust is not passed down, they certainly do not believe, because Lingdao has been concentrating on the front.

"Is it because he got the inheritance, we can only run white?"

"The Lord of the Dust is not let us choose. Why do you choose him as a foreign warrior? Is it difficult because he is the first to come?"

The young warriors of the 18-day demon family were disappointed, some were embarrassed, some were angry. It is a pity that Ling Dao is brought in by the spirit of the demon chasing souls. The demon chasing souls are next to them. Of course they dare not know how to Lingdao. If the spirit of the demon chasing the soul is not happy, it is light to teach them a meal.

"The demon lord is very disappointed with you, and has not been passed down by the lord of heaven. You are not looking for reasons for yourself. If you want to blame other warriors, don't you be ashamed?"

"You can tell you clearly that there is no difference between the first come and the later. The inheritance of the Dust Lord can be learned as long as you can see it, and you can't see it is your own problem."

"I really feel embarrassed for you. He has a harvest of a human race. Do you not see anything from a group of martial artists?"

Deception is the demon spirit, earnestly day orders, foul-mouthed, either do not want to waste power, it really wanted to hit eighteen days demon family of the young Warrior meal. Lingdao can be passed down, is the ability of Lingdao, they are not passed down, they are incompetent.

One after another, the young warriors of the Tianyue family lowered their heads, and the spirits of the demon hunters did not need to deceive them. In other words, the inheritance of the Lord of the Dust is clearly in front of them, but they have no ability to get it. There is a golden mountain in the air, but you can't dig a piece of gold. Their depression can be imagined.

After seven days, Ling Dao stopped the drill in the world of will. When he found the situation around him, he was shocked, because behind him, there were hundreds of young warriors of the Tianxun family. At the beginning, the 18-year-old Tianwu young warriors had no income, and they invited other warriors.

After all, the Tianxue family is the emperor's power, and there is no shortage of peerless geniuses. The young warriors of the three demon sects saw the figure of the celestial lord. They were the warriors of the late Tianjun, the martial arts of the Tianzun, and the warriors of the sacred kingdom.

It is a pity that the military in the late Tianjun period can only see one after another. The Tianzun Jingfeng Wuwu is a time to see a cup of tea. The warrior in the middle of the holy kingdom is even more powerful. One time can observe an hour. If there is no Lingdao, they can be proud of them, and even qualified to joke other warriors.

"In seven days, how did he do it for seven days?"

Some of the young martial artists of the Tianxue family are eager to search for the memory of Lingdao. There is no other reason. It is purely a performance of Lingdao. Tianchen Road starred in the practice of martial arts, Lingdao, a heavenly king, the peak of the military can actually look at seven days, looking for the entire Tian Yao family, may not be able to find such a metamorphosis.

Lingdao did not pay attention to them, but closed his eyes and consolidated what he saw before. The martial arts of the main practice of Tianchen Road, the worst, is the Taoist martial arts, the strongest is the martial arts. In seven days, Lingdao saw a total of nine different martial arts.

"Kid, the demon lord did not lie to you, do you think that the Dongfu Taoist's Dongfu is worth it?"

The spirit of the demon chasing souls is very proud, because it is equivalent to indirectly sending a sect of the Taoist inheritor. It is a pity that, with the identity of the Emperor of the Tao, the spirit of the demon chasing the soul has produced a sense of frustration. The emperor, there must be a true inheritance of the great emperor, comparable to the inheritance of the great emperor.

"Value, indeed, the Lord of the Dust is not able to compete with the great emperor. If I can show his martial arts, it is easy to sweep the borders."

I was so confused that I got the nine martial arts masters of the dusty road. To say that Lingdao is not happy, it must be fake. Moreover, the Lord of the Dust is personally exhibiting martial arts, which is certainly ten times better than the recorded martial arts. The spirit of the demon chasing souls gives Ling Da such a big advantage, Ling Dao will certainly not be the spirit of the demon in this time.

The envy of the young warriors of the celestial family, the inheritance of the heavenly lords, they are eager to want. However, they simply can't see the Lord of Heaven, let alone witness the martial arts of the Lord. If it weren’t for the demon to chase the soul, they might have shot, took the ridge, and then asked Lingdao.

"Hello, don't you know what kind of inheritance you have in the sky? Can you tell us?"

"The inheritance of the Heavenly Dust Master may not be suitable for you as a Terran Warrior. I am willing to pay a price for your inheritance."

"I also want to, as long as I have it, I can give it to you, as long as you share the inheritance of the Heavenly Master with me."

The king of the kings is not lacking in the holy devices, and even some of the great kings of the kings have a ritual. As long as Lingdao is willing to hand over the inheritance of the Dust Lord, even if they are required to surrender all the holy devices, even the Tao, they are willing. The saints or the sects are gone, and there are opportunities to be obtained in the future. The inheritance of the wicked lords may have passed this village, and there is no such shop.

"If you want to learn, just say, I can teach you!"

The warriors of the Tianxun family thought of Lingdao’s many kinds of replies, that is, they did not think of this reply. How important is the inheritance of the Lord of the Dust, how can Lingdao teach them? If the inheritance of the Lord of the Dust is obtained by them, can they be willing to share it with other warriors?

The key point is that Lingdao does not need to lie, anyway, the spirit of the demon chasing the soul and he is a group. They took out the sacred devices or the sects to exchange the inheritance of the wicked lords. As long as they don't want to, Lingdao can only blink at Lingdao, and can't do anything about Lingdao.

"I don't know what you want, is it a saint, or a Taoist? First, let's say, the Emperor, we don't have it. Any one of the Heavenly Demons is much higher than ours."

"The practice is also good, martial arts can also, of course, certainly not the emperor of our Tianxue family, nor can it be the emperor martial arts of our demon family."

Weapons, exercises, martial arts, can be changed, the young warriors of the Tian Yao family almost all said it. They can only take out the Tao or the Tao, or the Taoist martial arts. In fact, they also understand that the things they have come up with are not comparable to the inheritance of the Lord.

They are purely holding a try and have not thought that Lingdao will agree. Under the sun, there is no white lunch, and Ling Dao teaches them that there must be a purpose. Sure enough, as they guessed, Lingdao shook his head, and there was no temptation to teach the Tao, the Tao and the Tao.

"I don't need a Taoist device, nor do I need a martial art. I don't need a Taoist martial arts. As long as you want to learn, I will teach you with your heart. After all, the inheritance of the Heavenly Dust Lord is itself a genius." ”

The young warrior of the Tianxue family was stunned, and did not expect Lingdao to say such a thing. In particular, Lingdao’s eyes are extremely sincere. Can it be said that Ling Dao is really selfless to teach them the inheritance of the heavenly lords?

Think of them before they are the heart of a gentleman, they feel blush. Originally, I also wanted to take Lingdao, and asked Tiandao, the leader of the Tianchen, to inherit the sorcerer’s martial arts.

"As long as you are willing to teach, we are definitely willing to learn!"

"Your friend, I am a certain person. I will go to help you if you open your mouth, even if you are separated by thousands of miles."

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