The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 180: Back to Lingjia

"Your resistance is completely futile!"

"A group of big gods only, even if they join hands, what is the use?"

The demon lord of the demon is not the opponent of the sacred king of the demon, let alone the sacred Tianzun and the later Tianzun. They finally realized what it means to be karma. At the moment, they also bullied Lingdao’s low realm. Now the strong people of Tianhui’s family began to bully their realm.

Moreover, because of the existence of the demon chasing souls, the demon family can no longer use the holy soldiers. In contrast, the sacred king of the Tianxue family, after offering the sacred weapons, immediately let the sacred weapons burst into a terrible power. The sacred weapon in the hands of the Holy King and in the hands of Heavenly Master is totally different.

One after another, the demon family is degraded, and the most aggrieved is the Tiantian Zun and the peak Tianzun. They worked hard to the Tian Yao domain, first because of the realm, can not shoot Lingdao. Then when they thought that the white run, the strong demon of the demon family came to the scene and launched a fight against them.

"The wind and water turn, thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, I ask you to be cool?"

Cool your face!

The Yaozu Tianzun glared at Lingdao, but did not expect this time, Lingdao also had a heart and laugh at them. However, they are also in danger of life, and they are not life-threatening. On the contrary, the strongmen of the Tianxue family help Lingdao, and the situation of Lingdao is reversed. The mood of Lingdao must be how good it is.

Of course, Ling Dao is not idle, and the strongest of the Tian Yao family deals with the Yaozu Tianzun. He is also shooting. Yuan Shilong Wang Quan played again and again, as if there was a real dragon coming, the sound of the dragon sings is endless. Lingdao is not good at dealing with Datianzun, and it is no problem to deal with Tianzun in the later period.

Especially now, the demon Tianzun has no war, and he is thinking about escape, and his strength is greatly reduced. Lingdao is like a rainbow, moving hands, directly is the strength of 12%. Even if it is an opponent that can compete with Lingdao, this time is not the opponent of Lingdao.

There are more and more demon people who have fallen, and there is no suspense in the next battle. Under the urging of the mighty king of the Holy King, a single blow of the holy weapon can kill a demon celestial god. The demon Tianzun, who is still alive, has been completely desperate, fleeing, can’t escape, fight, beat. The only thing they can do now is to wait for death.

"Your demon family is over, and the emperor forces behind us will join hands and will surely razor your genius!"

"Yes, we will wait for you in Huangquandi, and there must be a strong person to avenge us!"

In fact, a group of demon people know in their hearts that the possibility of revenge for the emperor forces behind them is almost zero. None of them escaped at all. At that time, the demon family randomly arranged a death law for them, and they were white dead.

The Tianxue family can be passed down from the wilderness to the present, and nature is not the general emperor. The emperor's forces behind them can't find the demon family without evidence. Retreat 10,000 steps and say that even if the emperor's forces behind them know the truth, they will not fight with the demon family. At the most, let the demon family hand over the murderer.

There are five genius warriors who deal with them. At that time, the Tian Yao family will hand over one or two, and things will pass. No way, they are just Tianzun, in the position of the emperor's power, not much higher. If they are the same masters as Gu Qingtian, the situation will definitely be different.

Until the last demon Tianzun fell, Lingdao grew a sigh of relief. If it weren’t for the strong people of the Tian Yao family, Ling Dao would like to solve them all, which is harder than going to heaven. Not long ago, in the cave house of the Lord of the Dust, the martial arts that taught the heavenly lords of the Tianluo martial arts, it is correct.

"Thank you, if you are not, I may have died in their hands."

The King’s shot is not the same. In the later days, Tian Zun, Feng Tian Tian Zun and Da Tian Zun did not have the ability to withstand the Holy King’s blow. If the strong man of the Tianyue family did not come, Lingdao temporarily broke into the heavenly environment, and it was useless, because once he became Tianzun, Fengfeng Tianzun could shoot him.

"What do you say to Ling brother, why are you polite with us?"

"Districts are only respected by the people. To solve them, it is simply a matter of raising their hands."

The strong guards of the Star Gate, although not the martial arts of the Tian Yao family, but also loyal to the Tian Yao family, of course, it is impossible to say what happened before. The five strong men of the Tian Yao family and Ling Dao will certainly not say that the spirit of the demon chasing souls will not even say.

"Well, I will accept your feelings. If you come to Tianling, or near Tianling, you can inform me."

After bidding farewell to the mighty of the Tianxue family and the spirit of the demon chasing the soul, Lingdao walked toward the star gate. Originally, the strong guard of the Star Gate did not want to pass the Lingdao. However, after the spirits of the demon chasing the soul, they had to let Lingdao pass the star gate and return to the Tianling domain.

The dozens of emperor forces of the Yaozu are indeed negotiating well, and do not give Lingdao a return to the Terran territory through the Star Gate. In order to prevent the Lingdao from slipping back, they not only do not give the Terran martial arts to the Terran territory, nor do they give the Yaozu to the Terran. It can be done now, and their layout is in vain.

After a while, Lingdao returned to Lingjia. The pursuit of the Yaozu has nothing to do with him. Even if he gives the Yaozu a hundred courage, he does not dare to come to Lingjia to be unfavorable to Lingdao. Lingdao is not only the son of Lingjia, but also the biological son of Happy Emperor.

"Teacher, you can count it back!"

The first to meet Lingdao is the apprentice Yu Tianyuan, who is the emperor. Because of the last incident, Wei invincible madly cultivated. Lingdao knows that Wei is invincible, but Wei is invincible and has drilled the horns. It is necessary to think that she is not strong enough to put Lingdao in a dangerous situation.

"Congratulations to the brothers, brothers and sisters, this fear is not far from the holy kingdom!"

The Tianzun martial arts use the Tao to condense the Tianfu, and the sacred kings of the martial arts let Tianfu absorb the infuriating, and then gather the temple. Lingdao can feel that the infuriating body of Yu Tianyuan is very thin. Normally, the infuriating spirit of Tianzun’s warriors is very heroic. The reason why Yu Tianyuan has become what it is now is definitely to break through to the holy kingdom.

"Tongxi, after all, the younger brother is about to break through to the heavens!"

Yu Tianyuan knows what happened in the territory of the Yaozu, and even Yu Tianyuan knows what happened in the Tianhu Holy Land. Therefore, Lingdao is about to break through to Tianzun, and Yutianyuan is not surprised at all. Moreover, Ling Dao is the son of the Emperor of the Happy, and Tian Zunjing is unlikely to have any difficulty for Ling Dao.

"What about the sisters and the butterflies?"

There are a total of six apprentices in the Emperor of the Sorrow, and they can really be called the sisters by Lingdao. Only Wei is invincible. Butterfly dance and Qianhui, Lingdao is generally called the name, do not call the sister and do not call the sister.

"Sister is in retreat. If she knows that you are back, I am sure to be very happy. The butterfly dancer sister, the proud dragon brother, the Wenyuan teacher and the Qianhui sister have all gone out to practice."

Only the tempering of life and death can make the military grow faster. The Emperor of the Supreme will point the disciples and teach the disciples, but their way must go. The master leads the door, and the practice depends on the individual. What step they can take in the future is their own business.

"Going out and practicing?"

While Lingdao was disappointed, he was a bit lucky. If the butterfly dance is there, he must be embarrassed when he talks about the enchantress. As long as he sends the bride price to the fox sacred place, it is equal to the enchantress. In the future, if he pursues the butterfly dance again, I am afraid it will be more difficult.

Although in the heavens, polygamy is normal, and even some strong people have hundreds of small shackles, no one said anything. However, after all, Lingdao has no experience in this area and does not know how to deal with it. I want to ask an individual, Yu Tianyuan can't do it, and the proud dragon can't, and Le Wenyuan can't do it.

"Is my father coming back?"

Last time, if it wasn’t for the Emperor’s personal release, Ling Dao said that it’s a problem to pass the Tianmeng’s Star Gate. Moreover, if it is not the Happy Emperor personally speaking, the Yaozu can not follow the rules, not to mention the Great Heaven, even the Holy King may personally chase the Lingdao.

"Of course, if Master didn't come back, how could I ask me to pick you up?"

Yu Tianyuan’s words made Lingdao stunned. In the past, he only heard about tactics. Now, finally, he has been taught. The Happy Emperor Ming Ming only allowed an incarnation to go to the Yaozu territory, but he knew everything about him.

Lingdao followed behind Yu Tianyuan and went to the place where the emperor was located. The Happy Emperor is not in the main hall, but sits on the top of the mountain. Xiaoyao Peak is the highest mountain in Lingjia. Fortunately, in the realm of Yutianyuan and Lingdao, it is an instant event.

"See my father (Master)!"

Lingdao and Yu Tianyuan also salute at the same time, and the emperor was turned around. After looking at Lingdao, the Emperor of the Happy Nod did nod. The experience of the Yaozu territory is indeed dangerous for Lingdao. If you are not careful, you may die in the hands of the Yaozu strong.

However, the more dangerous it is, the faster the ridge is progressing. If there is no chase killing of the demon strong, if Lingdao has been practicing in Lingjia, it may still be in the middle of Tianjun.

Of course, it is also because the Happy Emperor knows that Lingdao is a two-pointer, otherwise he can't be so risky. Even if the Yaozu strongman chasing Lingdao, he will prepare a life-saving card for Lingdao.

In the lower bounds, the Emperor of the Supreme said that there are important things, so he can only adopt a more radical approach, so that Lingdao has the strength to be more independent.

"Things in the fox sacred place, I hope that you will let go first, because I have more important things, you need to do it."

Lingdao nodded, and the reason why he was anxious to go to the Tianhu Holy Land was because he did not want other elites to marry the enchantress. The person who wins now is him. The demon strong is not qualified to greet the enchantress. He went to the fox sac early and went to the fox sac late, there is no difference.

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