The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 182: Burning sword

Tianzun battlefield existed for a long time and a long time ago. It was in ancient times, in the ancient times, and even in the wild. In terms of area alone, the Tianzun battlefield is not only smaller than the Tianling domain, but even larger than the Tianling domain. Of course, the Tianzun battlefield is not within the territory of three thousand, but outside the territory of three thousand.

Only the great emperor can build the star gate to the battlefield of Heaven, that is to say, the vast majority of the warriors who can enter the battlefield of heaven are from the power of the emperor. The rest is either the other forces to borrow the power of the emperor's power to go to the Tianzun battlefield, or to find the starless gate to the Tianzun battlefield.

The emperor's power can be passed down to the present, and naturally the emperor's power has disappeared into the long river of history. A small number of products, there is a star gate to the Tianzun battlefield, a force naturally did not have a great emperor, but the air transport is strong, and found the disappearing emperor power to the star gate of the Tianzun battlefield.

Yu Tianyuan and Wei Invincible did not enter the battlefield of Tianzun. In the past, they were not disciples of the emperor. Now they are about to break through to the holy kingdom. It is impossible to deliberately suppress the realm because of the Tianzun battlefield. Wei invincible is already to Heavenly Respect, and repression can not become the Supreme Heavenly Respect. The limit of Yu Tianyuan is Ba Tian Zun, there is no need to cling to Tian Zun.

"Fortunately, my sister is retreating, otherwise I am afraid there is a headache."

Last time in the Tianluo domain, Lingdao was equal to defrauding Wei invincible to the ancient domain. With Wei's invincible temper, I can't spare Lingdao. Even if it breaks through to Tianzun, Lingdao is not an opponent of Wei's invincible, or even an enemy of Wei's invincible. The gap between Tianzun and Tianzun in the early period is terrible.

Lingdao’s father is the great emperor, and Ling’s family naturally has a star gate to the Tianzun battlefield. However, it is easy to enter the battlefield, and it is difficult to get out of the battlefield. In the battlefield of Tianzun, there is no star gate leading to the three thousand territories of the heavens. Only after completing thousands of people can you leave the Tianzun battlefield.

The so-called thousand people are trying to kill a thousand warriors in the same territory, or kill two hundred high-minded warriors, or kill 40 warlords who are two high-level realms, killing eight high three. A small realm of warriors is no problem.

Of course, after completing thousands of people, you can choose to stay in the Tianzun battlefield. Once this is the case, only one thousand people will be completed again before they can return to the three thousand territories of the heavens. Because of this, the death rate of the Tianzun battlefield is high and outrageous. No way, you can't leave the Tianzun battlefield without killing other warriors.

In the Tianzun battlefield, when the two warriors met for the first time, it was possible to fight and even fight for you. Even if they did not have any hatred before, in order to complete thousands of people, they must also kill other warriors, unless they are prepared to stay in the battlefield forever.

Fortunately, not only can you kill other warriors of the emperor's forces, but you can also kill the warriors who are born and raised in the battlefield. It is said that there are a total of Kyushu in the Tianzun battlefield, which are dominated by nine forces. Fortunately, the nine forces did not surpass the strongest of Tianzun. There is no holy king in the battlefield of Tianzun, and there is no Tao.

The Star Gate established by the Emperor of the Immaculate is just the way to Dongzhou. Lingdao entered the Star Gate, just a moment later, it appeared in the East State of the Tianzun battlefield. Butterfly Dance, Qianhui, Lei Wenyuan and Aolong came in Dongzhou, but I am still in Dongzhou.

It is just a Dongzhou, which is bigger than the Dongjian domain where Lingdao used to be. Butterfly Dance, Qianhui, Aolong and Levin Yuan want to leave Dongzhou and go to other Eight States. It is not a simple matter. The road is far from the next, mainly because there are too many strong people.

The warriors of the nine major forces in the Tianzun battlefield know that the foreign warriors are going to kill them. They are naturally extremely exclusive. The warriors of the nine major forces encountered the warriors who came in from the heavens, not killing them on the spot, or imprisoning them. The martial arts who come in from the heavens, whether it is the martial arts of cultivation or the practice of the martial arts, are not comparable to those of the nine forces of the Tianzun battlefield.

The confrontation between the same realm is basically the victory of the celestial warriors and the defeat of the nine major forces. However, the armed forces of the nine major forces also have an advantage, that is, they are united. The warriors of the three thousand territories of the heavens come from different forces, and it is impossible to really join hands to deal with the nine powerful forces.

Dominating the Tianzun battlefield in Dongzhou is the Burning Heavenly Sword. As for how many Tianzun is burned in the sword, Lingdao does not know that Butterfly Dance, Aolong, Qianhui and Lei Wenyuan do not know. If the butterfly dance and the proud dragons offended the Burning Swordsman, Ling Dao wanted to save them, it was not a simple matter.

"What do I have to do to find Butterfly Dance, Aurora, Qianhui and Lei Wenyuan?"

In the battlefield of Tianzun, Lingdao naturally will not display the Yanpeng change. The speed of Kun Peng is fast, but Kuang Peng’s body is too big, and it is easy to be discovered by the warriors of the Burning Sword. Since they don't know where the butterfly dance and the proud dragon are, then Lingdao had to find a way to tell them that they had come in.

Every time Lingdao passes through a place, it leaves a butterfly mark, one wing of the butterfly writes the dragon, and the other wings writes the thunder. As long as Butterfly Dance, Qian Hui, Lei Wenyuan and Ao Long discovered it, I definitely knew that he came in. They follow the butterfly mark, and sooner or later they can find the ridge.

It is right for the emperor to let Lingdao come in, because the proud dragon has succumbed to the great disaster, and he was defeated by the strongman of the Burning Swordsman. Qianhui, Butterfly Dance and Levin Yuanquan have discussed how to save the proud dragon. Before the proud dragon enters the burning sword, there is hope to save the proud dragon. Once the proud dragon enters the burning sword, they can’t save the three. Dragon.

"Hey, can you untie the chain on my body? Anyway, you will seal all my repairs, and I can't escape."

The proud dragon was sitting inside the prison car, with one chain after another. In fact, he did not do anything at all, that is, secretly watched the eight elders of the Burning Heavenly Sword bath. To blame can only blame him for being unlucky, accidentally making a noise, and was discovered by an elder of the Burning Sword.

Fortunately, the proud dragon is not the warrior of the Tianzun battlefield, or else he will be unloaded by the eight elders of the Tianjian Zong. The reason why the elders of the Burning Swordsman did not kill him was because he told the elders of the Burning Swordsman at a critical moment that he could pass on all the exercises and martial arts of his cultivation.

"If you talk nonsense, I will dig your eyes!"

One of the elders of the Burning Swordsman said wickedly, because she was one of the eight elders who were peeked by the proud dragon. If it weren't for the thirteen elders who had orders, they would not hurt the proud dragons. She could not let the proud dragon sit safely in the van. Now the proud dragon is still dare to ask for it. I really don’t know how to live and die.

"What are you doing to dig my eyes? I told you that it was too dark at the time. I didn't see anything at all. You can catch me, but you can't swear at me, and you can't filthy me. Don't believe that you find someone who knows me. Who doesn't know that I am a gentleman?"

The proud dragon talked about the lie, and did not lose blush. Anyway, the elders who burned the swords of the heavens did not appear in the battlefield of Tianzun, and did not know the warriors of the three thousand territories. What's more, Aolong has not been famous in the three thousand territories. The only ones who know him are only a few. The military who knows his nature is very few.

"Ten is too dark? You didn't see anything? You are a heavenly king, telling me that you can't see it in the dark, are you stupid?"

For Tianjun, there is no difference between night and day. The proud dragon blinked and said awkward words, a serious nonsense, the elders of the Burning Swordsman could not know. Unfortunately, for the time being, you can't move the proud dragon. You can only wait for the proud dragon to say his exercises and martial arts, and then start with the proud dragon.

In fact, the butterfly dance is far behind, but her hidden ability is extremely strong, and the elders who burned the swords were not found. Unfortunately, she can't shoot because she is not the opponent of a group of elders who burned the sword. Especially the thirteen elders who are headed, at least one is Tai Tian Zun.

The practice of butterfly dance is the martial arts of the Emperor's martial arts, and it is impossible to cultivate the celestial celestial spirit of the martial arts. It is impossible to play the Taitianzun of practicing the heavenly works. If the butterfly dance is rashly shot, it will not only save the proud dragon, but will also put it in.

Qian Hui and Lei Wenyuan are in the rescue army, because there are Lingjia children in the Tianzun battlefield. The two of them are Tianjun, but there are Tianzun among the children of Lingjia who come in. Not only the previous Tianzun, but also the late Tianzun, and even the peak Tianzun. It would be great if you could meet the Heavenly Master or the more powerful Tianzun.

Lei Wenyuan is an apprentice of the Emperor of the Happy, and there are still children who know Le Wenyuan’s Ling family. Qianhui was originally a child of Lingjia, and Ling’s children who knew Qianhui naturally had more. Unfortunately, their luck is not good. Until now, they have not encountered any Lingjia Tianzun.

The celestial **** of the proud dragon, a total of eighteen, eight women, ten men. Lei Wenyuan and Qian Hui and the butterfly dance team may be able to deal with one of them. The remaining 17 elders are enough to kill them without leaving a film. No way, the realm gap is too big.

"Hey? Look!"

At this time, Qianhui discovered the mark left by Lingdao. After hearing the voice of Qianhui, Lei Wenyuan quickly looked over. It is a butterfly, a dragon and a thunder, and naturally refers to them. They don't know if Lingdao is coming in. Anyway, it must be the Lingjiawu.

"We will be able to find this person along the imprint, I hope he can help us save the proud dragon."

Fortunately, Lei Wenyuan, Aolong, Qianhui and Butterfly Dance did not go far, otherwise, Qianhui could not see the mark left by Lingdao. Qian Hui and Lei Wenyuan have brought the speed to the limit, because the butterfly mark left by Ling Dao is gradually getting bigger, so they will not admit the wrong direction.

If the butterfly imprint left by Ling Dao is exactly the same, Lei Wenyuan and Qian Hui can only act separately because they cannot determine where the person who left the mark is. Of course, if the mark left by Ling Dao is getting smaller and smaller, they can only admit that they are unlucky.

"It is a thousand benefits!"

Lingdao's eyes brightened, and the first step was to discover the realm of Qianhui, Lei Wenyuan and Qianhui. There was no Lingdao high, and there was no Lingdao strong. They had not seen Lingdao, and Lingdao discovered them. Being able to find Qianhui and Lei Wenyuan so quickly is beyond the expectations of Lingdao.

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