The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 190: Fight alongside

"Who are you? Don't tell us that you are Lingdao, he can't have the strength of you!"

"Ling Jia is really shameless, even let others pretend to be Ling Dao, you will not be the peak of Tian Zun?"

After killing three disciples of Lingxiaoge, Lingdao’s strength has been comparable to that of Fengfeng Tianzun. In particular, the killing of the last mid-term Tianzun by Ling Dao is really too simple. They are simply not a level of warrior.

Because of this, the remaining disciples of Ling Xiaoge felt that Ling Dao was a fake of Tian Feng. The warriors of other emperor forces will naturally not be bored to pretend to be embossed. Only Lingjia is likely to do so. Lingjia definitely knows that they want to kill Lingdao, and then deliberately let Feng Tiantian pretend to be a slogan and lead them to the hook.

I have to say that the imagination of Ling Xiaoge's disciples is really rich, so Lingdao does not know what to say. Is it difficult for him to prove that he is Lingdao?

"Are you practicing cultivation and destroying your brain? I am not a Lingdao. Is it that you are the owner of the cabinet?"

Lingdao is not in a hurry to shoot, anyway, Butterfly Dance, Qianhui, Aurora and Levin Yuan need time. Moreover, Aurora and Levin are still thinking about revenge. If he kills the disciples of Ling Xiaoge in front of him, who is the revenge of the proud dragon and Lei Wenyuan?

The disciples of Ling Xiaoge sneaked on them again and again and changed them into Lingdao. Lingdao was also angry. When they were only in the heavens, they did not take the Lingxiaoge disciples in front of Lingdao. However, once they break through to the heavens, it is different.

"Budget, even disrespectful to our owners, find death!"

"Whatever nonsense with him, since he is the peak of Tianzun, then we will deal with him together, not shameful."

"That's right, he is immersed in the realm of the realm, bullying us, and we can naturally bully him with many people."

It is not that all the disciples of Ling Xiaoge think that Ling Dao is a fake, some people are skeptical, others are completely unbelievable. However, they need an excuse, an excuse to cooperate with Lingdao to deal with Lingdao.

They said that Lingdao is the peak of Tianzun, and the realm of Lingdao is naturally higher than them. Among them, the highest in the realm, only in the later period of the Tianzun, is a lower realm than the peak of Tianzun. They have teamed up to deal with Lingdao, which is a matter of course.

"You are a shameless disciple of Ling Xiaoge. If you want to go straight together, I will not say anything."

At the same time as Lingdao spoke, Tianfu sacrificed it. There is only one Tianfu, naturally it is the former Tianzun. Of course, the disciples of Ling Xiaoge will certainly not admit it. They can say that Ling Dao deliberately hid the other three Tianfu. Anyway, they insisted that Lingdao is the peak of Tianzun.

However, Lingdao sacrificed Tianfu, not to prove his own realm, but to hit the Tianfu of the disciples of Lingxiaoge. There are very few warriors who dare to do this in the early days of Tianzun. Because of this, it may not have hurt the other people's Tianfu, and his own Tianfu is broken.

Among the illusions, the butterfly dance is the first to condense out of Tianfu, and it is also the first to break through to Tianzun. Instead of waiting for other people, she walked out of the illusion and was ready to help the road. The voice of Ling Dao and Ling Xiaoge disciples, she can hear, outside the situation, she naturally knows.

"We are bullying you only have one person, what can you do?"

A Ling Xiaoge disciple took the lead in the Lingdao shot, but he only had the middle of the Tianzun territory, just attacking Lingdao far away, and did not mean to fight with Lingdao. Everything is afraid of taking the lead. After he has shot, other Lingxiaoge disciples cannot stand by.

"Who said that he is alone?"

It was at this time that the butterfly dance appeared next to the disciple of Ling Xiaoge. She holds the space of the source of the stars, she has the advantage that other warriors do not have. She is like a teleport, a sword cuts off the head of the Ling Xiaoge disciple, and then comes to Lingdao and fights alongside Lingdao.

The butterfly dance that broke through to Tianzunjing has turned at least several times more than before. The mid-term celestial respect of Ling Xiao Ge is more powerful than the mid-day cult of the Burning Sword. However, there is no resistance in front of the butterfly dance in the early days of Tian Zun. In other words, the disciples of Ling Xiaoge, who were killed by the butterfly dance, did not understand what was going on.

"It's you?"

The disciples of Ling Xiaoge naturally know the butterfly dance and one of the disciples of the Emperor. Of course, the reason why they can remember the butterfly dance is not because of the identity of the butterfly dance, but because of the beauty of the butterfly dance. Looking for the Lingxiao Pavilion, I could not find a woman who could compete with the butterfly dance. It’s not that the woman in Lingxiaoge doesn’t look good, but the butterfly dance looks like a fairy.

"What happened? How did her strength become so strong?"

"It should be a breakthrough to the Tianzun, but shouldn’t Tianheng be so tyrannical?"

"Want to do so much? Kill both of them, can't you do it? We are so many people, are we afraid that they will not be two?"

This time, there are three Lingxiaoge's late Tianzun take the lead, and the courage of other Lingxiaoge disciples is naturally big. Mid-term Tianzun is not an opponent of Lingdao. It does not mean that Tianzun is not an opponent of Lingdao. Moreover, among them, there are more than three late Tianzun.

They don't mean Xiaoling and Butterfly Dance. Of course, they are not qualified to play Xiaodao and Butterfly Dance. Because of this, the vast majority of them are performing martial arts, and the rest is the martial arts. Even if it is a martial art that is not fully mastered, there is a great possibility that it is even more powerful than Tianpinwu.

"Not two, but three!"

The second breakthrough to Tian Zunjing was Lei Wenyuan. Like the butterfly dance, he did not stop and ran out in the first place. Ling Dao and Butterfly Dance are in a bad situation, but he still resolutely joined the battle. Ling Dao and Butterfly Dance are not afraid of the two juniors. Can he still be afraid?

Hundreds of thousands of thunder have been smashed in the body of Ling Xiaoge’s disciples, not Tian Tian, ​​but Lei Wenyuan’s shot. When Lei Wenyuan rushed to Lingdao, all the disciples of Ling Xiaoge who were blocking the road were killed by him. Fortunately, only the previous Tianzun and the mid-term Tianzun were replaced by the late Tianzun. He may not be able to shoot a slap in the face.

"What about three? Is it not the same?"

One after another, martial arts, showed up. At the same time attacking the butterfly dance, there are 16 disciples of Ling Xiaoge, and at the same time attacking Lei Wenyuan, there are 20 disciples of Ling Xiaoge, and at the same time attacking Lingdao, there are 32 disciples of Ling Xiaoge.

Lei Wenyuan and Butterfly Dance are only apprentices of the Emperor of the Immaculate, killing both of them, and not having the power to kill Lingdao. This led to the disciples of Ling Xiaoge who dealt with the butterfly dance, and only half of the disciples of Ling Xiaoge who dealt with Lingdao. The disciples of Ling Xiaoge who deal with Lei Wenyuan are more than the disciples of Ling Xiaoge who deal with butterfly dance, purely because the butterfly dance is beautiful.

As the saying goes, the two fists are difficult to attack four hands, Lingdao's attack is strong, but he is still injured. Thirty-two Tianzun shot at the same time, Lingdao once blocked the attack of twelve Tianzun at most. The remaining twenty Tianzun attacks were all on him.

It is not Lingdao who does not want to avoid, but because the Tianzun of Lingxiaoge not only sacrifices Tianfu to suppress the Lingdao, but also uses the willpower to lock the Lingdao, so that Lingdao can't avoid it. The ants are more than dead, and even if the physical body of Lingdao is strong, they can't hold so many attacks. Fortunately, Lingdao's resilience is extremely strong, as long as it does not hurt the key places, it has no effect on his strength.

Butterfly dance and Lei Wenyuan are equally uncomfortable, and the disciples of Ling Xiaoge who deal with them are not much to deal with Lingdao. The problem is that they only break through to the heavens and respect the strength. They are not as good as the ridge. The body of the butterfly dance is not as good as Lingdao. Her injury is only heavier than Lingdao.

"True dragons change!"

In order to protect the butterfly dance, Ling Dao directly turned into a real dragon, using a huge dragon body to help the butterfly dance against the attack of the disciples of Ling Xiaoge. Lingdao's dragon body kept swinging. Originally, he only had to resist the attack of the twenty-day Tianzun. Now he can do it well, and he must resist the attack of 36 Tianzun.

"You guys who are heavy friends, you know how to help the butterfly dance, why don't you help me?"

Raven’s painful licking and licking, the butterfly dance made him envious. His flesh is also inferior to Lingdao, and he has to deal with his Ling Xiaoge disciples more than he has to deal with butterfly dance. It can be clearly seen that there are no fewer than 20 scars on his body.

The butterfly dance was reddish and white with a look of Lei Wenyuan. Lingdao does not matter, not that his face is as thick as a city wall, but that he has turned into a real dragon, the dragon face and the face are different. The dense scales are enough to cover his expression.

"Don't think I don't know, you are harder to kill than me, even if I have an accident, you will not have an accident."

While talking, Ling Dao’s body swayed violently. His dragon body, the weapon, was not only thirty, but also twenty. Ling Dao is not only physically better than the real dragon, but the strength is not weaker than the idol, not to mention the fact that he also used the nine-turn true dragon.

One after another Lingxiaoge disciples flew out, but unfortunately they were only slightly injured. The situation of Lingdao is a bit serious, and the pieces of dragon scales are broken. After only a hundred breaths, Lingdao had to restore the human form. He was blood-stained and looked very scary.

"What about three, isn't it still in our hands?"

After the disciples of Ling Xiaoge discovered the situation of Ling Dao, it was like playing chicken blood. The martial arts used was even more sturdy than before. In their view, the threat of Lingdao is bigger than Levin and Butterfly Dance. As long as the Lingdao is resolved, Butterfly Dance and Levin are far from enough.

"Three can't, what about the four?"

"More than four, and me, the five of us teamed up, can we still rival you?"

Qianhui’s forefoot came out, and the proud dragon’s foot followed, and the time when they broke through to Tianzun’s environment was almost the same. With Qianhui and Aolong, the butterfly dance and Lei Wenyuan have greatly reduced pressure. Of course, Ling Dao is also relieved, and his disciples of Ling Xiaoge have also reduced a part.

"Okay, now we are all Tianzun, just calculate the previous account with them!"

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