The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 202: Lingdao’s helplessness

If the eighteen elders of the Burning Swordsman and other Heavenly Masters know that killing the murderers of the 13th Elders and the Five Elders, they are Lingdao, and they don’t know what they will be. They don't put Lingdao and others in their eyes, purely because Lingdao and others are too young.

In the age of twenties, even if you start practicing at an early age, the current realm will not be too high. The two gods of the Burning Heavenly Swordsmen will definitely have no problems. The 18th elders of the Burning Swordsmen will be able to escape if they guard against Lingdao and others. The alien Tianzun is likely to have a transmission symbol, and the 18-year-old elders of the Burning Swordsman do not dare to care.

"You are resting, we can do it."

Although Qianhui and Butterfly Dance are only in the early stage of the Tianzun, they are more than enough to deal with the two late Tianzun of the Burning Heavenly Sword. The gap between Tianzun’s every small realm is big, but they can completely defeat their opponents across borders. What's more, the late Tianzun cultivation of the Burning Heavenly Swordsmanship is only a natural product.

"The big free sword!"

A sword is in hand, and all directions are clouded, and the sky is full of swords, or it is turned into a real dragon, or turned into a sacred pen, or turned into a holy shrine, and rushed to the late Tianzun of the Burning Sword. Lingdao has exhibited the true dragon change, and has also exhibited the change of the 鲲 鲲 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

In the late days of the Burning of the Jianzong of the Qianhui confrontation, Tianzun did not put Qianhui in his eyes. However, when he really started with Qianhui, he knew what it was called genius. The realm of Qianhui is indeed lower than that of him, and only the cultivation of Tianzun is in the early stage. The problem is that Qianhui is stronger than him.

On the other hand, the opponent of the butterfly dance is equally uncomfortable. The golden sword is not a ghost, and it is impossible to prevent it. It was only a moment, and there was a seven or eight sword wounds in the late Tianzong of the Burning Swords of the Butterfly Dance. If you continue to fight, the possibility of the death of Tian Zongzong in the late days of the sword is very high.

"Waste, you two useless things, really throwing us the face of the sword."

The eighteen elders who burned the swords of the heavens made a look to the gods around them. One after another, Tianzun began to attack the butterfly dance and Qianhui. The two former Burning Swordsmen’s late Tianzuns were indeed not the opponents of Butterfly Dance and Qianhui, but with them, they are different.

Just when they were fighting, eight heavenly lords came. What is coming now is not the Tianzun of the Burning Swordsman, nor the Tianzun of other emperor forces, but the Tianzun of Lingjia. Qianhui was originally the son of Lingjia, and later became the apprentice of the Emperor of the Happy, Lingjia Tianzun could not know.

The butterfly dance is also the apprentice of the Emperor of the Happy, and if it looks like a fairy, as long as you can see it once, Lingjia Tianzun also knows. Although Lingdao was not in Lingjia before, he is the biological son of Happy Emperor, and Lingjia Tianzun certainly knows.

Lingdao carved the mark in Dongzhou, they just followed the mark. However, after the Lingdao was not engraved, they could only find it everywhere. Fortunately, their luck is good, finally found Lingdao, Butterfly Dance and Qianhui. Moreover, Butterfly Dance, Qianhui, Lingdao are just as dangerous, they come quite timely.

"You are looking for death!"

"I still want to deal with the apprentices of our family. Can we let you succeed?"

The eight Lingjia Tianzun did not hesitate, and directly applied Tianpin martial arts to kill the Tianzun of the Burning Heavenly Sword. Among them are the late Tianzun, the Fengtian Tianzun, and the Datianzun. The Tianzun of the Burning Heavenly Swords is not their opponent. Under the same circumstances, the Tianzun of the Burning Heavenly Swords can only be beaten by them without any help.

Although the Eighteen Elders of the Burning Swordsman are Xuan Tianzun, his strength is not comparable to that of Lingjia. Lingjia’s Eight Heavenly Respects did not put the Tianzun of the Burning Heavenly Swords in their eyes. The shots were killing, and the Tianzun of the Burning Swordsman died one after another.

"It is the Tianzun of our Ling family. It seems that we are not in danger."

Qian Hui took a deep breath. If Ling Dao didn't shoot, she and the butterfly dance could only cope with the 18 elders who burned the sword. It is still unknown. The eighteen elders who burned the swords of the heavens had six heavenly houses, which were much stronger than the burning swords of them.

"Run, if you don't run again, I must be like them, to die in this place."

The eighteen elders who burned the swords of the heavens did not have the consciousness of death. When they saw that the situation was not good, he abandoned the burning swordsman Tianzun who was present and escaped alone. It is a pity that the butterfly dance is ready again, and the overwhelming swordsman will instantly overwhelm the eighteen elders who burned the sword.

It is not important for the butterfly dance to burn the opponent of the 18th Elder of the Emperor Sword. As long as the time is delayed, the eighteen elders who burned the sword will not escape. After the Eighteen Elders of the Burning Swordsman broke the sword of the butterfly dance, the big Tianzun of Lingjia was rushed over and fought with the eighteen elders who burned the sword.

"Less Lord, are you injured?"

One of Lingjia’s peaks, Tianzun, came to Lingdao and asked with concern.

Lingdao shook his head and motioned that he was fine. Even if he can't use the phoenix to heal the wounds now, the damage caused by his body's original resilience and the **** battle of the five elders of the Burning Swordsman are now almost restored. The reason why he still lives in a half-dead is because he wants to take advantage of the butterfly dance.

I have to say that it is really not the time for the eight celestial sects of Lingjia to come. The eighteen elders who burned the swords of the heavens and the elders who followed him could not make the ridge. If the butterfly dance and Qianhui are lost, Lingdao will personally shoot. Now it can be done well, and the Eight Heavenly Respects of Lingjia directly kill the 18-year-old elders and other elders who burned the swords.

Lingdao only wants to be with Qianhui and Butterfly Dance, and does not want to take eight Lingjia Tianzun. The key is that eight Lingjia Tianzun must stay with him to protect his safety. Let him say that the eight people of Lingjia are not listening.

"I came to the Tianzun battlefield to sharpen myself. If you follow me, what danger can I have?"

Helpless, yes, Lingdao is helpless. To deal with the enemy, he has a way to deal with Lingjia Tianzun, so that he has a headache. Lingjia’s eight-placed Tianzun even promised him that he would not be shot when he was at stake, but the eight-placed Tianzun of Ling’s family would depend on him.

Lingdao straightened his eyes, if there is a crisis of life and death, Lingjia’s eight heavenly gods are afraid that they will not be able to help. The current Lingdao is already on the list of the Tianzun rankings. That is to say, even among all the gods in the three thousand territories, there is also a place for Lingdao.

Of course, the three thousand territories must have come to the powerful Tianzun of the Tianzun battlefield, such as Yu Tianyuan and Wei invincible. If the two of them are willing to come to the battlefield, they will not only be able to board the Tianzun rankings, but they will also be able to climb to a very high position.

"Let's go to the proud dragon and Lei Wenyuan. I don't know how many Lingxiaoge disciples they killed, and they don't know how many gods they killed."

More than the number of disciples who killed Ling Xiaoge, who killed more than the sword of the Tian Zong Tianzun, is not the real purpose of Lingdao. He is only worried about the proud dragon and Lei Wenyuan, the most important is the proud dragon. Although the proud dragon is the proud son, the proud family is also the emperor's power, but the proud dragon is only the abandonment of the proud family.

Raven is not the same, although he has no big background, but he has his own secrets. It’s hard to find Raven’s death, and Lingdao even thinks that Levin is harder to kill than himself. Of course, you can't count the two points.

Butterfly Dance and Qianhui have no opinions, and Lingjia’s Eight Heavenly Respects are even less likely to have opinions. Aolong and Lei Wenyuan are also apprentices of the Emperor of the Happy, and the Eight Heavenly Masters of the Ling family also do not want the Aurora and Levin to have an accident. The apprentices of the Emperor of the Supreme Court, the various geniuses, and when they grow up, the overall strength of the Ling family is certainly not comparable.

The current Ling family, who can really take out the hand, is the emperor. Others, whether they are Daojun or Taoist, are not really strong. The first master of Tianling domain, in Lingxiaoge, the first king of Tianling domain, is also in Lingxiaoge.

Than the top Taoist and Daojun, Lingdao is not as good as Lingxiaoge. Compared with the number of Daojun and Taoist, Lingjia is also not as good as Lingxiaoge. If it weren't for this, the Emperor will not necessarily accept the apprentice. The foundation of the Ling family is too shallow, the number of people is not much, and the peerless genius is pitiful.

Lingdao’s fears still make sense. Aolong and Lei Wenyuan have been chased by the elders of the Burning Swordsman for three days and three nights. This is also to blame Ling Road, if not Lingdao has killed the 13 elders and five elders of the Burning Swordsman, the elders of the Burning Swordsman can not come out.

If the elders of the Burning Swordsman did not come out, the proud dragons and Levin were not as bad as they are now. They are already the predecessors of the Tianzun, and they deal with the early Tianzun and the mid-term Tianzun of the Burning Swordsman. It is a pity that the strongest people who burned the swords of the heavens are more and more, to the extent that they can only escape.

"What should I do? There are both Xuan Tian Zun and Tai Tian Zun in the back. Can we run?"

Ao Long wiped the sweat on his head and asked Lei Wenyuan. It is possible to let a former Tian Zhan sweat, showing how much the dragon is consuming. Aolong and Levin are far away from day and night, not to mention their Tianfu, even if their origins are also bleak.

"No, someone is catching up!"

Lei Wenyuan changed his face and quickly took the proud dragon, changed direction and continued to escape. It is a pity that after only a moment, Levin is far away with the proud dragon and changed direction. Just when Ray Wenyuan thought it was safe, the strong man who burned the sword was in front of them.

"It’s useless, don’t waste your strength. We’re going to burn the fifteen elders of the sword and the eight elders.

"If you know each other, just wait for us to catch you. If you have to toast and not eat fine wine, we don't mind letting you taste the taste of life."

The elders of the Burning Swordsman came one after another and appeared in front of the proud dragon and Levin. There are peaks and gods, but also Tiantianzun, and Xuantianzun, even Taitianzun. In particular, the head of the burning of the Emperor Jianzong eight elders, but also caused great oppression.

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