The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 205: What kind of joke?

The Eight Elders of the Burning Swordsman struggled to support hundreds of moves, and finally found a flaw in Lingdao, and he punched him with a punch. Ling Tian’s Da Tian Zun once again prospered, and he played 18 times of swordsmanship, and finally killed the eight elders of the Burning Sword.

Ling Tian’s Da Tian Zun is obviously very excited. It is quite a sense of accomplishment to kill a Tai Tian Zun by himself. Even if this Taitian Zun is only the elder of the Burning Swordsman, even the cultivation is only the Tianpin Gongfa. Taitian Zun is still Taitianzun and has the existence of seven Tianfu.

In contrast, Lingdao, but there is no excitement. After all, he even killed himself with the tyrants. Now he and the big family of Lingjia have jointly solved a Taitianzun. Naturally, there is nothing to be happy about. Tai Tian Zun is more than a tyrant.

"It’s not the son of the owner who is the heart of the family. It’s not what I can compare."

Ling Tian’s Da Tian Zun is secretly secretive. On age, he is bigger than Ling Dao. On the realm, he is taller than Ling Dao. As a result, he is complacent when he kills a Tai Tian Zun. If he knew that the five elders of the Burning Swordsman were in the hands of Ling Dao, they might understand Ling Dao’s current mood.

"How? Have you been injured? Is there a fish that has been leaking through the sky?"

After they both went back, they quickly asked about other Tianzun situations. Lingjia’s eight-day Tianzun had five injuries, but fortunately the injury was not very heavy. The injuries of Aaron and Levin are even lighter than them. Butterfly dance and Qianhui are nothing. After all, the elders of the Burning Swordsman mainly deal with other people.

The Tianzun brought by the Emperor of the Burning Emperor and the Elders of the 15th Elders died in the hands of Lingjia Tianzun. Ling Tian’s Da Tian Zun finally breathed a sigh of relief. If he was really burned, he might only be able to save his life if he temporarily left the Tian Zun battlefield.

What they don't know is that Lingdao has been wanted. It is not the burning of the swords, but the gods of the emperor's forces want to find the Lingdao. No way, Lingdao took the predecessor of Tianzun as the leader of the Tianzun rankings, and the blow to other Tianzun was too great.

"Do you know Lingdao?"

For a time, the name of Lingdao sounded in the states of Tianzun battlefield. Tianzun of the Emperor's power wants to challenge Lingdao. On the other hand, he wants to see if Lingdao really has the strength to climb the Tianzun rankings. On the other hand, he wants to know where the Lingdao is.

If Lingdao really has the strength to climb the Tianzun rankings, then as long as they can beat Lingdao, they will be able to board the Tianzun rankings. However, even the strong who have already boarded the Tianzun list will also want to be a sneak peek. If you can kill the Lingdao, it would be better.

In the early days of Lingdao’s reign, will you be able to board Tianzun?


The list, when he broke through to the peak of Tianzun, can definitely squeeze a large group of Tianzun's name to the back. If Lingdao can become Tianzun, it is estimated that he can be on the top of the list of Tianzun.

Of course, Tianzun, the top ten in the Tianzun rankings, is how strong it is. Many Tianzun do not know. The Tianzun of the three thousand territories, far more than ten, can become the top ten of the Tianzun rankings, even in the Tianzun, the same is the leader.

Huang Tian did not pay attention to the people, and finally there is Tian Zun to find out the news of Ling Dao. The demon family has seen the Lingdao, and even tried it in the Tianhu Holy Land and Lingdao. Although they are not sure about the ridges on the Tianzun rankings, are they the Lingdao they know, but they give an answer.

Then, there is Tianzun of Lingxiaoge, saying the identity of Lingdao. At the beginning of the reign of Emperor, the surrounding territory was sensational. Knowing Lingdao is not only the Tianzun of Lingxiaoge, but also the Tianzun of other emperors. The Tianzun of Lingxiaoge is the most unwilling to believe the Lingdao on the Tianzun list, the son of the Lingjia family.

"It is said that Lingdao is only a child of Lingjia. How long does it take for Lingjia to become a power of the Emperor? There is no such thing as a subtle point. How could it be such a talent?"

"Impossible, even if Lingdao is the son of Lingjia, it is impossible to board the Tianzun ranking in the early days of Tianzun. To say that Lingdao is a disciple of the Three Royal Palaces, perhaps I can still believe in three points."

It is their business that Tianzun believes in other emperors' powers. Anyway, the Tianzun of Lingxiaoge is full of killings for Lingdao. Tianzun of the Lingxiaoge did not dare to gamble. If Lingdao is the son of the Lingjia family, the consequences are unimaginable. In the early days of Tianzun, you will be able to board the Tianzun rankings. If you become a Taoist, who else can you win?

Tianzun of Lingxiaoge knew that Lingdao was in Dongzhou, so they tried to find Lingdao. For this reason, they will not hesitate to make the portraits of Lingdao public, so that even if they can't find the Lingdao, the other gods of Tiandi might find Lingdao.

Anyway, they slammed into the sacred road of the Tianzun rankings, the son of the Ling family. To this end, they did not hesitate to devalue their own brothers and brothers, and fabricated one after another. They said that when Ling Dao was at the peak of Tianjun, he defeated the peak of Tianlong Pavilion. After Lingdao broke through to Tianzun, it was defeated by the big Tianzun of Lingxiaoge, and even with Xuan Tianzun of Lingxiaoge.

I have to say that the method of Ling Xiao Ge Tian Zun is still quite useful. Tianzun of Lingxiaoge has not found Lingdao, and Tianzun, who has other emperor forces, discovered the Lingdao group of people. After confirming that the young people in front of the road are the Lingdao, they do not say anything, that is, to stop the road of Lingdao.

"They can go, but you can't go!"

The first thing to open is a peak of Tianzun, with a dark face and a strong body. He can't wait to make a slap in the face. Because he is hard to climb the Tianzun rankings, although it is only the last one, but also the strongest in the Tianzun rankings. However, when Ling Dao boarded the Tianzun rankings, he squeezed his name into the Tianzun rankings.

"Who are you? I don't seem to have seen you?"

The Tianzun of the Three Thousand Territories, and the Tianzun that Lingdao had never seen before went. Even if it is the Tianzun of Tianling, or even the Tianzun of Lingjia, Lingdao also has a lot of unknowns. It is necessary to say that a group of Tianzun in front of you is to complete thousands of people, and it is not right, because they are not interested in Lingjia Tianzun, only interested in Lingdao.

The peak of the previous opening, Tian Zun, glared at Lingdao. He was so easy to climb the Tianzun list, which was squeezed by the Lingdao. As a result, Lingdao turned out to be a rancid person. He naturally had to be angry and angry.

"It doesn't matter if you have seen me before, as long as you are Lingdao."

His side is not only the peak of Heaven, but also the Great Heaven. On the number of people, they don’t have many respects for Lingjia, but there are two big gods among them. Really start to move, they and Ling Jia Tian Zun win and defeat, is still unknown.

"Oh? I don't know what you are looking for?"

Now Lingdao can be sure that the peak of the sky is directed at him. However, there is no hate for no reason. Ling Dao really can't remember when he sinned the peak of the eyes, how can he look at his own eyes, just like to swallow his own life? How much hatred?

"Nothing, I just want to kill you, that's it."

The sturdy peak of Tian Zun couldn't help but say that as long as he kills Lingdao himself, he can once again board the Tianzun rankings, and can go further. In the past, he was only the bottom, and Tianzun ranked 10,000, but if he defeated Lingdao, he would become more than 9,000. In the future, it is not a simple matter for others to push him to the top of the list.

"It turned out to be killing me, although I don't know why, but you can shoot."

Since the killing of Tai Tian Zun and Ba Tian Zun, the momentum of Ling Dao is not comparable to the pre-existing Tian Zun. He has gradually developed an invincible momentum, even if the other party is the peak of Tianzun, he also did not put the other side in the eye. After all, the number of Tianfu owned by Fengfeng Tianzun is just as much as him.

The sturdy peak of Tian Zun apparently did not think that Ling Dao was so discouraged. When he was replaced by the predecessor of Tianzun, he did not dare to compete with Yufeng Tianzun. What's more, he is not a general peak, but a genius with the ability to overcome opponents across borders.

"It turns out that you still don't know, I don't want you to be a fool. Just tell you. You are on the Tianzun leaderboard. If you kill you, you can replace your position and even rank on you. s position."

Lingdao squeezed him out of the Tianzun rankings, he certainly would not say, because it is too shameful. Tianzun, who is standing next to him, also has no more mouths. Among them, they have boarded the Tianzun rankings, and they have not been listed. Just by his battle with Ling Dao, you can see the strength of the military under the Tianzun rankings.

"What jokes do you have? How can our young masters board the Tianzun rankings?"

"Laughing at me, I am still thinking about why, it turns out that you are stupid. You said that it is possible for me to board the Tianzun rankings, saying that our family is not looking for us to be happy?"

Eight Lingjia Tianzun laughed, and some even laughed straight. The son of the owner, of course, is a genius. The problem is that there has never been an early Tianzun who can be on the Tianzun list. Even the mid-term Tianzun and the late Tianzun are equally unlikely to be on the Tianzun list.

"Hey, you said that he is on the Tianzun list, it is better to say that I am on the Tianzun ranking. I am also a predecessor, let me make a name."

The proud dragon followed, and he and Lei Wenyuan, like the Tianzun of Lingjia, did not believe that Lingdao had already boarded the Tianzun ranking. A group of Tianzun in front of us is definitely looking for the wrong person. In the early days, Tianzun could not have anything to do with the Tianzun ranking.

Only Butterfly Dance and Qianhui are thoughtful because they have seen the power of Lingdao. The five elders who burned the swords of the heavens, with eight Tianfu's tyrants, died in the hands of Lingdao. Perhaps it was because Lingdao killed the five elders who burned the swords of the sword and was able to board the Tianzun rankings.

"He is Lingdao, and it is the former Tianzun. It is impossible to be wrong. The person I am looking for is him. The person I want to kill is also him!"

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