The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 209: Mid-term

It is worthy of sacred martial arts, and the power of the big yin and yang reincarnation guns is terrible. Even if Ling Dao practiced it is quite ridiculous, the flesh is not weaker than the real dragon, the power is not smaller than the idol, the speed is not slower than that of the 鲲peng, and even the emperor is really a dragon fist, and it still does not account for a little bit cheap.

One piece of dragon scales collapsed, and the sharp guns pierced the flesh of Lingdao. Lingdao's hands, **** and fuzzy, that is, his physical body is tyrannical, replaced by other pre-existing Tianzun, I am afraid that both hands have been turned into powder. His arms trembled constantly, and his wounds were shockingly wounded.


The collision of the boxing force and the gun mantle caused the void to oscillate. Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiao Ge stepped back one step after another. It was quite ridiculous, and the power of Xian Jin rushed into his body, which was a straight hit. His internal organs are all created, and the limbs are even more riddled.

I have to say that it is really scary to hit the road. Even with the three Tianfu of the sword magic, Lingdao still has two less Tianfu than the Xuan Tianzun of Lingxiaoge. However, life and death fight, Lingdao was created, and Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiaoge also suffered injuries.

Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiaoge did not continue to work because he had to remove the power of the wild and the wild. Lingdao also did not continue to work, in his current situation, if the boxing method is used, it is not enough for the power of 30% in the heyday. What they are comparing now is who can handle their situation in a shorter period of time.

"Your injury is more serious than mine. You are still not my opponent. You are only able to die under my gun."

Self-confidence, derived from strength, Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiao Ge does have the ability to kill Ling Dao. The smile of the winner was on his face, but unfortunately, the next moment, his smile was frozen. Because he can feel that the momentum of Lingdao has not only weakened, but is still growing.

"Give me broken!"

Lingdao bite, is the realm, is repaired, and now, he is indeed not the opponent of Ling Xiaoge Xuan Tianzun. However, once he broke through to the middle of the heavens, the situation is different. With two Tianfu, he will not double his strength, at least 70% to 80%.

One after another, constantly intertwined, and the top of Lingdao, once again appeared a Tianfu. In order to make the second Tianfu become tough in a short time, he also used the sword of the sword to temper Tianfu. Other Tianzun regards Tianfu as a treasure, and carefully strengthens it. He can pour it well, and then Tianfu is in its shape.

Lingdao’s practice cannot be said to be rash, because the sword demon and he are a person, the sword of the sword is his sword. Sword gas can hurt others, can hurt other heavenly Tianfu, but it will not hurt yourself, nor will it hurt your own Tianfu. He dares to do this, and he is sure to be sure.

"God and the Lord, even broke through in the battle, hahaha..."

"You are really unlucky in Lingxiaoge, and even God helps us to Lingjia."

Lingjia Tianzun, who is fighting with the Emperor of the Lancang Pavilion and the elders of the Burning Swordsmen, laughed when they saw the situation of Ling Dao. They have already set their lives and deaths as long as they are okay. When Lingdao was in the early days of Tianzun, although it was not the opponent of Lingxiaoge Xuan Tianzun, it was not much weaker than the Xuan Tianzun of Lingxiaoge. Now that Lingdao has raised a small realm, it is very likely to turn things around and turn defeat into victory.

In the early days of Tianzun, Lingdao will be able to board the Tianzun rankings. In the middle of the Tianzun territory, the rankings will definitely rise. The Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiao Ge’s Ling Dao in the middle of the heavenly reign, is stubborn and weak, even the Tianzun of Ling Xiao Ge, also do not know.

"A temporary breakthrough, what is the use? You can use your arms?"

Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiaoge took the initiative and forced the suppression of the power of riots in the body. He once again applied the holy guns and prepared to kill Lingdao. If Lingdao completes the breakthrough, he is not sure to beat Lingdao, let alone kill Lingdao, and make meritorious deeds for Lingxiaoge.


Lingdao, who is breaking through, can't even deal with Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiaoge. What he can do is to use the real dragon illustrations to withstand the Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiao Ge. Want to be as before, and the battle with Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiao Ge is simply impossible.

"Well, if you let me go once, I will help you once, and I will not owe each other in the future."

Hong Wuliang, who was hiding in the distance, bit his teeth and slashed his sword to Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiaoge. Ling Dao and Ling Xiaoge’s battle of Xuan Tianzun, Hong Wuliang’s clear and clear, he even beat the Lingdao in the early days of Tianzun’s predecessor, certainly not the opponent of Ling Xiaoge’s Xuan Tianzun.

But he still stood up resolutely, even if he died under the gun of Ling Xiaojie, Xuan Tianzun, he also wanted to shoot. His knife is pure, his character is as pure. When he succumbed to the front of Ling Xiaoge, Xuan Tianzun, he just met a shot that Ling Xiaoge’s Xuan Tianzun would kill.

"Teacher, what are you doing?"

"Damn, don't you want to die?"

The two great Tianzun who were next to Hong Wuliang did not hesitate, left and right, and killed Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiaoge. Hong Wuliang’s strength, they know clearly, if they don’t help Hong Wuliang, the possibility of Hong Wuliang’s death in the hands of Ling Xiaoge’s Xuantianzun is at least 60%.

The Tianpin sword and the Tianpin long gun collided together, and the guns and the knife were strangled. Hong Wuliang couldn't help but spurt a big blood. Even so, he was still in front of the Lingdao. It was just a confrontation, and Hong Wuliang's injury was heavier than Lingdao's injury.

"Stop! Hugh hurt my brother!"

"You have to kill the road, we don't care, but you have to kill the younger brother, we can't stand by!"

The meaning of the two great Tianzun is very clear, that is, let Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiaoge to deal with Ling Dao. They have already sacrificed Tianfu, and ten Tianfu suppressed one side of the world. Only when Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiaoge feels pressure, they have the capital to negotiate.

"Two brothers, what are you talking about?"

Hong Wuliang's face was pale, but he still had a second knife. It’s not a knives, it’s not a sacred method, it’s a simple knife. To the surprise of the two big gods, the injured Hong Wuliang, the second knife is even stronger than the first knife.

It stands to reason that Hong Wuliang's second knife is not comparable to the first knife. The current situation is enough to show that Hong Wuliang's knife method goes further. It seems that Hong Wuliang helps Lingdao, it is not without benefits. After all, Hong Wuliang’s knife method has not broken through for a long time.

"court death!"

Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiao Ge did not want to entangle with Hong Wuliang, and did not want to waste time on Hong Wuliang. Killing the ridge is the most important thing. The problem is that Hong Wuliang has a knife and he can't ignore it. Moreover, Hong Wuliang’s second knife is still a threat to him.

A very simple knife is too fast to be incredible. Perhaps, because of the simplicity, Hong Guangliang's knife can be so fast. Even Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiao Ge, who dared not move forward, could only step backwards and resisted. Fortunately, Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiao Ge has six Tianfu after all, and the strength is still stronger than Hong Wuliang.

"If you have something to say, have something to say, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive."

"Lingdao is there, you have to deal with Lingdao, we will not let the younger brother out of the third knife."

The two great gods respected you with a word, saying that Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiao Ge was upset. Hong Wuliang has issued two knives twice, and Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiaoge has already killed him. However, Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiao Ge did not lose his sense of reason. He could solve the problem of Ling Dao and then deal with Hong Wuliang.


Still the big yin and yang reincarnation guns, Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiaoge believes that there is a Ling Dao who is injured in the body, absolutely can not stop his holy gun. As a matter of fact, as the Lingxiaoge Xuan Tianzun thought, the big yin and yang reincarnation guns broke the true dragon illustrations of Lingdao, and then they rushed into the Lingdao body.

"No, it’s just a residual image. Where is Lingdao?"

The next moment, Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiao Ge is a place where he feels something is wrong. What is the feeling of Tian Pin’s long gun stabbing into the body of the warrior, he cannot possibly not know. Unexpectedly, a shot that must be won, not only did not kill the Lingdao, but also did not touch the Lingdao.

"The person who is going to die is you!"

Ling Dao descended from the sky, two Tianfu one left and one right, the three heavenly palaces of the sword demon, turned into a sword, held in his hand. He did not use the boxing again because his double fists still did not heal. With three Tianfu as swords, even if you can't kill the Xuantianzun of Lingxiaoge, you can make the Xuan Tianzun of Lingxiaoge peel off the skin.

His speed has been raised to the extreme, like an arrow from the string, lightning fast. The three heavenly swords of Tianfu have produced an unparalleled edge. The void is broken and the earth is cracked. There are another big cracks, like the abyss.

"Want to kill me? You are not qualified!"

Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiao Ge’s body has gone through hundreds of battles, even at the moment of life and death, he is still calm and self-sufficient. He raised his gun in both hands and greeted the sword of Lingdao. In the case of Ling Dao, he did not know that a martial art, even with a sharp sword, can play a few levels of power?

It is a pity that Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiao Ge does not understand Ling Dao. The Ling Dao, which is a two-pointer, will not only use the sword but also the kendo master. The achievements of the sword demon in the kendo, the squadron of the squadron of Ling Xiaoge, absolutely cannot be compared with him.

At this time, Hong Wuliang once again issued a knife. The two great Tianzun said that they did not give Hong Wuliang a third knife, but that was the case when Xuan Tianzun of Lingxiaoge had an absolute advantage. Now, Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiao Ge may die under the sword of Ling Dao, they do not mind falling down the stone. Not only did Hong Wuliang have a knife, but the two great Tianzun also displayed Tianwuwuxue, one left and one right, attacking Xuan Tianzun of Lingxiaoge.

It is necessary to cope with the two big heavens around Hong Wuliang and Hong Wuliang, and to resist the killings of Lingdao. Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiaoge only feels a headache. However, Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiao Ge was quickly relieved, because Ling Tian’s Tianjian, wearing the head of Ling Xiaoge’s Xuan Tianzun. Even if it is dead, Xuan Tianzun of Ling Xiao Ge does not know how Ling Dao did it.

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