The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 214: Great confrontation

"You are yours, you are you, I can't beat you, it's more than enough to beat you."

Wei invincible cold face said that the emperor's palace in the sky is in front of her, it is really vulnerable. There are very few warriors who can compete with Wei invincible in the same realm, not to mention the gods who are lower than her. Even if this **** is a emperor, it is still useless.

Seven killing emperors come to Tianling domain to kill the emperor, and Wei invincible will certainly not be polite to the son of the seven killing emperors. Of course, if the Sixth Anniversary of the Xianyi Palace took the initiative to challenge the Ling family, Wei Invincible is also not good at the Xianliu Palace, so that others can say that she is bullying.

"Dare to hit the slap of our emperor, you are looking for death!"

A gentleman who lifted the sedan, at the fastest speed, rushed to the side of the sixth old man. After Tian Zun broke through to the holy kingdom, it was not the ability to counter the Tao. However, he is not the predecessor of the Tao, but the peak of the king, Wei invincible can never be his opponent.

However, his attack did not touch Wei invincible. Although Lingjia became a emperor's power, it took a few years, but Lingjia also did not lack the Tao. Xianyi Gongdao Jun wants to deal with Wei invincible in Lingjia, and Ling’s Daojun certainly does not agree. The Tao Jun who shot, Lingdao knows, it is Ling Jianhao.

The fierce sword light not only smashed the attack of the immortal palace, but also squatted on the body of the immortal palace. Ling Jianhao's strength is no small improvement compared to before. On the shoulder of Xianjun Gongdaojun, there was a deep visible bone wound.

"Happy Emperor, this is the way you treat your Ling family?"

As a seven-killing emperor, it is impossible to shoot Ling Jianhao and Wei invincible. The Daojun of Xianxian Palace and his son were beaten, and he could not ignore it. Wei Wudi and Ling Jianhao did not have the qualification to talk to the Seven Killing Emperors. The entire Ling family, only the Emperor has the qualification.

Above the sky above the sky, the clouds are densely covered, and the Thunder roll, as if there is a day of punishment. The owner of the Lingxiaoge Pavilion and the strongmen around him trembled because they knew that it was not the heavens but the seven emperors. The practice of Wei Invincible and Ling Jianhao has already provoked the seven killing emperors.

"Imperial monarch, I see that the Ling family did not put the Xianyi Palace in the eyes, not as good as the date of your final battle, let the Lingjia family know you are amazing."

"When you testify, the Lingjia family is still not born. What qualifications does he have to pose in front of you?"

The owner of the Lingxiaoge Pavilion and other powerful people are killing the emperor in the seventh, because they believe that as long as the seven emperors are willing to take the shot, the imperial emperor is certainly not the opponent of the seven killing emperors. Even if the seven killing emperors want to kill the emperor, the emperor has no ability to resist.

"Shenzhen Palace warriors are not the guests of my Ling family. We treat the enemy, we will not be soft."

There is a contradiction between the Emperor and the Xiantang Palace. Even if there is no Lingdao, the Seven Kings will also find the trouble of the Emperor. At the beginning, when the Seven Killing Emperors retreat, the old seven of the Xiantang Palace came to Lingjia, and if it wasn’t Lingdao, the old seven of Xianyi Palace would probably stir up the ceremonies of the Emperor.

Lingjia’s hospitality will definitely not be used on the enemy. The Seven Kings did not think that the Emperor of the Supreme was so determined. However, the seven killing emperors do not care about the attitude of the emperor, because the emperor is in his heart, is a dead person.

The strength of the emperor is only in the middle of the emperor. The strength of the seven killing emperors, among the great emperors, can be discharged to the middle reaches. It’s not that there’s no more than the great emperor who killed the emperor. However, Tianling’s domain could not be better than the seven killing emperors. Just killing the emperor alone will be able to sweep the Tianling domain.

"Well, after three days, the Emperor is going to see how you can't be soft."

There is not much speculation in the sentence, and the seven killing emperors do not mean to waste the tongue with the emperor. See the true chapter under the hand, the seven killing emperors will let the happy emperor recognize the gap between them. If he had proved to be 80,000 years old, if he could not solve a junior who had just proved his way, other emperors still did not know how to laugh at him.

The sixth son of Xianyi Palace and the Tao Jun around him were caught by an invisible force and captured by the seven emperors. Seven killing emperors did not go to Lingjia, nor did they go to Lingxiaoge, just sitting in the center of Tianling. No matter how much he is?


?? Sorry to the Emperor of the Emperor, and the Happy Emperor confrontation, he must adjust himself to the peak state.

"Teacher, if the peak of Xianyi Palace challenges you, you must not fight. You just broke through to the middle of Tianzun, and he is too poor to confront him."

Wei invincible to pick up the old man from the Xianyi Palace, it is really easy, but she does not want Lingdao and the Xianliu Palace to fight. It’s not that she has long-term ambitions and her own prestige, but that she has two small realms. Lingdao has no chance of winning.

"If you have three long and two short, it will definitely affect Master's mood. If you don't think for yourself, you should consider it for Master."

In the confrontation between the Emperor and the Seven Supreme Emperor, Wei Invincible did not like her Master at all. If you add the pain of the funeral, the white-haired person sends a black-haired person, and the emperor is not the opponent of the seven-killing emperor. A great emperor who has just proved his way, and a great emperor who has proved his commandment for 80,000 years, is weak and weak, and Wei is incapable of not knowing.

In fact, this is also an excuse for Wei invincible, she is really worried about Lingdao. The same is the emperor, the same cultivation of the emperor's martial arts, to say that Lingdao can cross two small realms, defeat the Xianliu Palace, the sixth, do not say that other warriors do not believe, even if Wei is invincible.

"The tiger father has no dogs, and the father dares to meet the Emperor of the Fairy Palace. Why should I be afraid of the emperor of the Immortal Palace?" Lingdao not only did not listen to the words of Wei invincible, but said confidently, "I can marry A emperor of the palace can be the second emperor of the Immortal Palace!"

The old sixth of Xianyi Palace wants to kill Lingdao, and Lingdao does not want to kill the old sixth of Xianyin Palace. Xianju Palace and Lingjia, have torn the face, the seven decisive battle between the emperor and the happy emperor is inevitable. Then, the challenge of the emperor of the Immortal Palace, Lingjia Emperor has no refusal.

"Okay, let me fight, let him fight!"

Did not wait for Wei invincible to continue to persuade, the Emperor of the Supreme is the first step to open the way. The Emperor of the Supreme Master knows that Lingdao is a two-pointer, and retreats 10,000 steps. Even if Lingdao died in the hands of Xianliu Palace, it is not irreparable. If Lingdao is to avoid the war now, it will definitely affect his heart.

Wei invincible looked at the emperor, and smashed Lingdao, had to swallow the words into the stomach. The emperor and the Lingdao are worthy of being fathers and sons. They are carved out in a mold. The Emperor of the Supreme Master knows that the Seven Kings are extremely powerful, and they still take over the slogan of the Seven Kings. Lingdao Mingming is two small realms lower than the old six of the Xianyi Palace, and still wants to die with the old Liuyi of Xianxian Palace.

The confrontation between the Emperor and the Seven Supreme Emperor is not only interested in the strong people of Tianling, but also the strong in other territories. There are more and more strong people coming to Tianling, especially Daojun and Taoist. Of course, there are also great emperors, but they have not appeared.

The warrior below Daojun, coming to Tianlingyu is purely a fun, the confrontation of the Emperor, they simply do not get much benefit. However, the Daojun and the Taoist are not the same. If you witness the confrontation of the Great Emperor, you will benefit a lot, even further, and maybe.

For three days, for the strong, the blink of an eye is over. One after another, the strong ones were excited, because they soon saw the battle of the Great Empire. Among them, many people have never seen the great emperor confrontation, and even some people have never seen the real body of the emperor.

"I don't know how many years have passed since the Seven Killing Emperor, and his realm can only be described as unfathomable. The Emperor of Lingjia is really stunning. Just prove that he can kill the King of Sin, if he is given a few more For ten thousand years, he may be able to sit on the same level as the Seven Kings. Now the Emperor of the Sorrow is not a star or a half worse than the Seven Kings."

"It is not difficult to defeat the Emperor of the Seven Immortals, but it is not the same. If you want to kill the emperor, you will be different. The emperor has an inexhaustible heart, unless the seven emperors can destroy the immortality of the emperor. Otherwise, It is impossible to kill the emperor."

"It is not difficult to destroy the imperialism of the emperor by killing the emperor. The next battle is probably the last battle of the emperor, and the emperor will die. Followed by the annihilation. There is no arrogant emperor sitting in the town of Ling, absolutely can not stop the army of Ling Xiaoge."

To say that the biggest beneficiary of the decisive battle between the emperor and the seven killing emperors is definitely the owner of the Linglong Pavilion. Because the owner of the Linglong Pavilion does not have to do anything, the enemy of Ling Xiaoge is about to die. Thinking of the scene of the Lingjia razor, the owner of Lingxiaoge couldn’t help but get excited.

"Happy monarch, dare to fight?"

Although the Emperor of the Supreme took over the gauntlet, the Seven Slayers were once again invited to fight. Seven killing emperors no longer suppress their own breath, the boundless emperor shrouded nine days and ten places. I don't know how many strong people are crouching on the ground, not because they want to marry, but because they can't stand the emperor.

There are very few strong men standing still. They either have the blood of the emperor level, or have the ability to go all out, or have the emperor in hand. Whether you are kneeling or standing, you are looking at the seven killing emperors who stand proudly above the sky.

"What are you afraid of?"

Lingjia also had a glimpse of the emperor, and the emperor of the emperor rose to the sky. From the very beginning, the emperor did not escape the meaning of the emperor. Now that the seven emperors have been invited to fight, he left the Ling family without hesitation. The happy emperor can rise, and nature is not a person who is afraid of things.

There is no Lingjia, who is sitting in the middle of the emperor. In the eyes of the owner of Lingxiaoge, there is no difference between it and the power of one. Of course, as long as the Emperor is not dead, the owner of Ling Xiaoge will not dare to start with Ling. However, the owner of the Lingxiaoge Pavilion has confidence in the Seven Killing Emperors, and the Seven Killing Emperors will certainly be able to kill the Emperor.

"Begin, start, this is the confrontation of the Great, maybe I can only see it once in my life."

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