The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 211: You are not Lingdao

"To deal with you in the mid-term, do you need other people? If you are not afraid of running away, just one of me, you can have your life!"

A big Tianzun of Xianyi Palace said with a sneer, with his strength, single-handedly fighting, killing the mid-term Tianzun, without any effort. Even if Lingdao is the emperor of Lingjia, he has the same full grasp. There were seven emperors in Xianyi Palace. He could not know the power of the Emperor.

The key is that he can compete with Xuan Tianzun. Can the emperor in the middle of the Tianzun territory compete with Xuan Tianzun? He has five Tianfu, Lingdao has only two Tianfu, how can Lingdao be his opponent? If he fights for the will, can he not be a big-day sect?

"So, can you dare to die with me?"

In the words of Ling Dao, it was the first time that the opening of the Xianyi Palace was stunned.

However, just for a moment, the Great Heavenly Emperor of Xianxian Palace guessed the plan of Lingdao. Lingdao understands that they can't let him go, so Lingdao wants to find a breakthrough. Unfortunately, Lingdao found the wrong object because his strength is stronger than Lingdao.

"The idea is good, just, your realm is too low. Even if I am going to die with you, it is you who die, not me."

The reason why I promised Lingdao is that as long as I kill Lingdao, I will be able to get the reward of the Seven Killing Emperors. His talent, although good, but placed in the big Xianyi Palace, is nothing. If he personally helped the old six and the old seven to revenge, then there is the possibility of flying.

"You go back and give him to me. I am not afraid of him playing with me, I am afraid he will find a way to escape."

Other Tianzuns are unhappy, and there is no such thing. Anyway, Tianzun takes the lead and retreats. Perhaps, Lingdao really might find a way to escape. At that time, they seized Lingdao and even killed Lingdao. The credit is theirs, and the reward is theirs.

"I am older than you, and the realm is higher than you. If you use weapons, you do bully you. Or, I will give you an empty hand and send you to hell!"

The voice of the fairy goddess of the Immortal Palace just fell, and it was rushed to Lingdao, and both hands were shot. Of course, he did not sneak into the meaning of Lingdao, but he did not give the opportunity to escape. If you wait for Lingdao to shoot, who knows if there will be any accidents.

He did not display any martial arts, it was a simple one. However, he has already sacrificed five Tianfu, and suppressed the Lingdao. With the power of his great heaven, plus hundreds of ways, even with a palm, there is still great power.

"You don't need weapons, I use them, pick me up!"

In front of Ling Dao, a **** battle knife suddenly appeared. When his right hand, holding the handle, the eyes of the fairy goddess of the Xianyi Palace jumped wildly. The Lingdao holding the blood knife is obviously different from the previous Lingdao. Even the other heavenly lords who are not far away feel the same dangerous atmosphere.

The movements of Tianzun and Lingdao in Xianyi Palace attracted a large number of warriors, some warriors, and demon warriors. Especially after learning about Lingdao’s identity, interest in one military after another increased greatly. Some are because of the identity of the emperor of Lingdao, and some are because Lingdao has robbed the qualification of the nine-tailed fox family, and others are because of the Tianzun ranking of Tianzun battlefield.

"He is Lingdao? I thought that Lingdao had three heads and six arms. I didn't expect it to be so ordinary. The bride of the nine-tailed fox family married him. It is better to marry me. What do you say?"

"I just came out from the battlefield of Tianzun. There was a big event in Tianzun’s battlefield. A Tianzun’s former warrior boarded the Tianzun rankings?”

"What kind of jokes do you play? In the end of the day, the warriors in the Tianzun period are still not on the list of Tianzun. How can the Tianzun warriors get on the Tianzun list?"

"Do you believe it or not? Anyway, I am telling the truth. Moreover, I can tell you clearly that it is not someone else, that is, Ling Dao, who is on the top of the Tianzun rankings."

Datianzun, the immortal palace against Lingdao, did not think that Lingdao had such an achievement. Other warriors did not believe, but he believed, because Lingdao not only killed the old seven of the Xianyi Palace, but also killed the sixth of the Xianyi Palace. It’s just a piece of cake with the strength of the old sixth of Xianyi Palace.


The next moment, the Heavenly Palace of the Immortal Palace stopped the cranky thoughts, because the blood knife of Lingdao cut his hands. His palm strength is enough to break the flesh of the mid-term Tianzun. Even if Lingdao holds a blood knife, he still has the confidence to shake the blood knife.

Who knows, the facts are totally different from what he imagined, and Lingdao’s knives are simply incredible. What made him even more unacceptable was that the edge of the blood knife was far beyond his expectations. He thought that with the help of the Tao, he was able to withstand the weapons of the Lingdao, and the result was broken under the knife of Lingdao.

"Want to kill me? You have been practicing for another hundred years!"

Lingdao sneered, and once again, the blood knife was empty. Before, the cut was the palm of the Great Emperor's Palace, and now he cut the neck of the Great Heavenly Palace. Losing your hands, there is the possibility of re-growth. If Lingdao cuts his head, the Heavenly Palace of Xianxian Palace will die.

Datianzun of Xianyi Palace quickly mobilized Tianfu to withstand the blood knife of Lingdao. He has already considered whether Tianfu has any damage, as long as he is fine. Unfortunately, he obviously underestimated the ability of Lingdao, just a knife, Lingdao is to split the five Tianfu in two.

The speed of the blood knife not only did not slow down, but it was even faster. The Great Heavenly Respect of Xianxian Palace retreats and still does not escape the blood knife of Lingdao. A wave of blood rushed into the sky, Lingdao used a blood knife, cut off the head of the fairy palace.

"How is it possible? I am not dreaming? How can Lingdao be an opponent of Datianzun?"

"A mid-term Tianzun actually cut off the head of Da Tianzun? If you don't see it with your own eyes, I absolutely don't believe it. Does the Emperor have such a big skill?"

Not only is Tianzun's Tianzun Palace unacceptable, but other warriors are equally unacceptable. They can see that the Great Heavenly Palace is so powerful that it can be the opponent of the Lingdao. In front of Lingdao, the Great Heavenly Respect of Xianxian Palace is like a lamb to be slaughtered.

They have not seen Lingdao before, and they don’t know what Lingdao has. If you change to a warrior who is familiar with Lingdao, you will definitely not understand what happened before. Lingdao is a martial art, occasionally using a sword, but never used a knife, let alone a knife is so hot.

"He can't, you can go on. If you think one can't, then go together."

Lingdao’s words made the face of Xianzhao Palace’s Tianzunqi blue. The ones that came to deal with Lingdao were the four peaks of Tianfu, and the mid-term Tianzun of Lingdao was so unintentional that it was too much. Too much more, Ling Dao hacked a big Tianzun of Xian Xian Palace in front of them.

"He died because of his intentions, and he died under your knife. If he didn't take it lightly at first, you can't be his opponent."

Another big Tianzun of the Xianyi Palace stood up, and it was also against Lingdao. Unlike the previous Datianzun, when he came up, he took out the sword of the heavenly sword and then displayed the sword of the heavenly sword. Lingdao. The lion is also working hard with the rabbit, not to mention the strength of Lingdao.

The power of the Tianjian sword method is indeed not bad, but unfortunately, Lingdao’s knife method is stronger. When the blood knife comes out, the knives of the sky are like the wild beasts who choose to succumb to the people, and madly rush to the Great Heavenly Respect of the Immortal Palace. Jianguang and the knife are intertwined, and the Tiandao and Tianjian collide.

What makes the Tiantian Zun's face whitish is that his Tianjian sword has been split into two halves by Lingdao's blood knife. Without waiting for him to display other martial arts, Lingdao’s blood knife is to break his chest. Even if he used the sword of the sky, he was killed by Lingdao.

"They can't do two of them. Who are you going to change now?"

Lingdao holds a blood knife and points to the remaining Tianzun of Xianyin Palace. After killing the two Tianzun Palaces of Xianju Palace, the eyes of Xianzhao Palace Tianzun looked at Lingdao, which changed obviously. The strength of Ling Dao is not as vulnerable as they think.

"Or I will come, as long as I take it, he will die, and the brothers and sisters will give me a crush."

Now standing out, it is no longer a big heaven, but a mysterious **** who has six Tianfu. When I came to deal with Ling Dao, although there were only two Xuan Tianzun, both of them were geniuses in genius. Not to mention the mid-term Tianzun, even if it is too Tianzun they have killed.

Xuan Tianzun of Xianyi Palace sacrificed Tianfu for the first time, and then he held a spear and shove it to Lingdao. His spears show a dark red, and the warriors who died under the spear of war, there are not a thousand, there are eight hundred. He used to challenge only the stronger who is higher than him. Now he is the first to challenge the warrior who is lower than him.

Fortunately, Lingdao is a emperor. As far as identity is concerned, he is not comparable to Lingdao. The emperor who challenges the lower than his own realm is not shameful at all, because the emperor represents the incomparable realm. Of course, the emperor also has strengths and weaknesses, or else the old seven and the sixth will not die in Lingdao.

"It is definitely you who will die!"

Even if the shot is Xuan Tianzun, Lingdao's face, there is still no change. If someone stares at the eyes of Lingdao, they will find that there is no fear in Lingdao’s eyes, no panic, and some just disdain. Da Tian Zun is not his opponent. Xuan Tian Zun can't be his opponent.

It is still a knife, a simple knife, not only cut off the spear of the fairy palace of Xuan Tianzun, but also the Xuan Tianzun of the Xianyi Palace. Xuan Tianzun of Xianyi Palace is full of confidence, and the result is no different from the two big Tianzun in front.

"You are not Lingdao, you are definitely not Lingdao. It is impossible to be so powerful in the middle of Tianzun. Who are you?"

"I dare to blatantly kill the Tianzun of Xianxian Palace. Three thousand territories are afraid that there is no place to accommodate you. We are going to kill you in Xianxian Palace. Where can you hide?"

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