The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 228: Fang Tianhua

Lingdao first kills the Tiantian Zun of the Tianzhu family, and then defeats the Tiantian Zun of the Tianzhu family. Tai Tian Zun of the Scorpio family did not see Ling Dao as a medium-term esteem, but placed Ling Dao in the same position as himself.

The seven Tianfu are connected together and are pressed against Lingdao. There is a foresight of the Tianzhu Zun Tianzun, and the Tianzhu family’s Taitianzun certainly will not make the same mistake. As long as he does not give the opportunity to break through the Lingdao, his seven Tianfu will certainly not be crushed by the Lingdao.

The idea of ​​the Tianzhu family is too good, but unfortunately, the reality is not the same. The two Tianfu of Lingdao ran rampant, and ruined one of his Tianfu. Fortunately, he responded promptly. The first time, using the remaining six Tianfu, the two Tianfu of Lingdao were suppressed.

"It was just that I was careless. Now I want you to die!"

A Tianfu was destroyed, and the Tiantian people of the Scorpio family wanted to smash the corpse. Not to mention re-consolidating a Tianfu, it takes time and effort, just one up, and a mid-term Tianzun ruined a Tianfu, he will become the laughing stock of other strong.

The sorrowful and sorrowful Tianzhu family did not hesitate, and directly displayed the martial arts of sacred goods and killed them. He can feel it, and the current Lingdao is already the end of power. The Tiantian and the Xuantianzun of the Scorpio family consumed most of the power of Lingdao.

A pair of big hands, the wind will rise, like two Wuzhishan, smashed toward Lingdao. The martial arts of Taitianzun's sacred martial arts, killing the heavens and respecting the monks and no problem, let alone Lingdao only in the middle of the heavens. Tai Tian Zun of the Scorpio family is preparing for a shot to kill Ling Dao, not giving Ling Dao a chance to win. If Lingdao is to recover, it is not a simple matter for Tianzhu’s Taitianzun to solve Lingdao again.

"The emperor of your Ling family is about to die under the attack of my Scorpio Tianzun. Are you very anxious? Do you want to save him?"

At the same time that the strongest of the sacred kings of the Scorpio attacked Yu Tianyuan, they did not forget to stimulate Yu Tianyuan. Since the battle, he has not taken up any cheapness at all. Only when Yu Tianyuan is in a mess, he can defeat Yu Tianyuan and even kill Yutianyuan.

He can feel it, and Yu Tianyuan cares about the safety of Lingdao. In other words, Lingdao is the key to Yu Tianyuan. Now Lingdao faces a crisis of life and death, and Yu Tianyuan definitely wants to save the Tao. As long as Yu Tianyuan put his mind on Lingdao, the strength of Yutianyuan must have declined.

"Don't stop me, otherwise, even if you die, I will let you die!"

Yu Tianyuan’s face became extremely cold, and a pair of clear scorpions filled with endless killings. He rushed to the right and wanted to get rid of the entanglement of the strong men of the Scorpio. What makes Yu Tianyuan a headache is that the late King of the Scorpio family will not give him a chance.

The late King of the Scorpio family did not know that the urgency of Yu Tianyuan was purely for him to see. It is not that Yu Tianyuan is not worried about the safety of Lingdao, but that Yu Tianyuan knows the card of Lingdao. The Emperor of the Supreme Court let Lingdao go to the underground sacred sacred ceremonies, and Lingdao’s body was armed with emperors.

At the juncture of life and death, Ling Dao calmly and eagerly sacrificed the emperor. With his current realm, it is impossible to mobilize the emperor. Fortunately, he does not need to mobilize the emperor, as long as the emperor is blocked in front, let the soldiers fight back on their own. The attack of the Scorpio family Taitian Zun fell to the emperor, and the emperor would certainly not ignore it.

Yu Tianyuan deliberately sold a flaw to the late Kings of the Tianzhu family, and the late King of the Tianzhu family quickly succumbed to the school. The strongest of the sacred kings of the Scorpio family thought they had succeeded in the late period, but they did not know that it was just in the calculation of Yu Tianyuan.


The blood knife seems to have turned into a blood dragon, rushing to the late king of the Tianzhu family. The strength of Yu Tianyuan finally broke out. After the late Kings of the Scorpio family stepped into the trap of Yu Tianyuan, they finally reacted, but unfortunately, it was already late.

On the other hand, the sacred martial arts of the Tianzhu family, Taitianzun, did not touch Lingdao at all. In front of Ling Dao, there was a painting of Fang Tian, ​​and the martial arts of the Tianzhu family, Tai Tian Zun, hit the square painting. Tai Tian Zun of the Scorpio family only felt a vast power, such as Jinshan down the jade column.

Fang Tian's paintings are only one foot, and the horrible emperor is filled with tens of thousands of feet. The Taitian Zun of the Scorpio family retreats and retreats. It is only the power of the emperor's autonomous dispersal. It is not that he can resist. What's more, he also attacked the emperor's soldiers, and the emperor's self-response, directly vomiting blood to him.

" turned out to be a soldier?!"

Tai Tian Zun of the Scorpio family was almost scared to death by Ling Dao. I did not expect that the Ling Dao sacrificed the soldiers. Normally, Tianzun uses Tianpin weapons, and Tianzun, which uses holy weapons, is a minority. Tianzun, who used the emperor weapon, has never seen the Tiantian of the Scorpio family.

In the face of the emperor, Tai Tian Zun of the Scorpio family has only one thought, that is, escape. The Scorpio family is the emperor's power, and the Tiantian family's Taitianzun naturally knows the horror of the emperor. It is no easy task for the emperor to break out of the strong power and deal with the great emperor. But if you deal with Tianzun, it is easy to get to the extreme.


The spirit of the Emperor's soldiers stood on the top of the square paintings, and a sharp edge spurred out. The Taitian Zun of the Scorpio family has just begun to escape, and it is the edge of the Emperor's soldiers, running through the head. At the same time that the Tianzhu family’s Taitian Zun died, the world of the will collapsed and died. The injured Scorpio, Xuan Tianzun, is the same as him.

In the late period of the sacred kingdom of the Scorpio, the strong face changed greatly. He knew that there was a soldier in Lingdao, and he would not come to deal with Yu Tianyuan. As long as Yu Tianyuan holds the emperor in his hand, he cannot be the opponent of Yu Tianyuan. The counterattack of the emperor, the Taitian Zun of the Scorpio family could not hold back, and the late King of the King could not hold back.

"District Tianzun, even carrying the emperor, is there any heaven?"

And Tianlingwei’s confrontation with the Scorpio, the Seventh Temple of the Seven Temples, almost fell to the ground. He knew that the Emperor must have a card. When Lingdao sacrificed his paintings, he only thought that Fang Tian was a holy soldier. Unexpectedly, the Fangtian paintings that Lingdao sacrificed were actually the emperors.

The soul of Fang Tian's paintings only stunned the late King of the Scorpio and the Seven Kings. The late King of the Scorpio and the Seven Kings were trembled. They didn't run away, they didn't want to run away, but they didn't dare. Maybe they just fled, and the next moment they died under the edge of the emperor.

"If you have something to say, please also collect the soldiers."

The seven kings of the Scorpio family, the trembling voice, said that he was afraid that the emperor would be unfavorable to him. He is only a holy king, and he is still a hundred thousand miles away from the emperor. Even if he showed the strongest scholasticism and broke out the strongest combat power, it would still be impossible to rival the soldiers who had self-reported.

"Right right, and quickly take over the emperor, we are just a small holy king, do not have to drive out of the emperor."

The late King of the Scorpio, who had a confrontation with Yu Tianyuan, had already been scared and pale. He felt for the first time that death was so close to him. The sharpness of the Emperor's soldiers can easily obliterate Taitian Zun, and it is terrible to the extreme. In the later period, the Holy King was in front of the Emperor and was no different from the ants.

The emperor will not let go of the late sacred king of the Scorpio family. Yu Tianyuan does not know. Anyway, he could not let go of the late sacred king of the Scorpio family. Nowadays, the sacred king of the Scorpio family was shocked by the emperor, and the confrontation with Yu Tianyuan completely fell into the disadvantage. Yu Tianyuan already had an absolute advantage.

"Do you know now? When you want to kill me, why don't you know what to fear?"

Yu Tianyuan shot again, and the blood knife once again slammed into the late holy king of the Tianzhu family. He clearly felt that the strength of the current Tianzhu family, the Holy King, fell by more than 30%. Originally, he had to kill the late King of the Scorpio family. It took a lot of effort to do it. Now it is much simpler.

In particular, Ling Dao deliberately shook the square painting, and almost scared the soul of the late Sacred King of the Scorpio. Yu Tianyuan chased after the victory, one knife and one knife, cut in the late King of the Tianzhu family, the late King of the Tianzhu family had to show the body.

"Useless, you still have to die!"

The blood knife suddenly burst into the incomparable light, as if the red agate was built. The late King of the Scorpio family can only escape constantly, but fortunately, the will of Yu Tianyuan has already locked him. No matter where the late King of the Scorpio escaped, the blood knife in the hands of Yu Tianyuan could be cut on him.

The late King of the Scorpio family was slashed and killed by Yu Tianyuan. How miserable it is. The seven kings of the Scorpio family do have the strength to deal with Yu Tianyuan. As long as he takes the shot, it is easy to save the late King of the Scorpio. The key is that he does not dare, he is not afraid of Yu Tianyuan, but the soldiers of the road.

"There is only you left now, let's talk, how do you want to die?"

In normal times, if a mid-term Tianzun is talking to a seven-sacred king, the seven-sacred king is likely to slap the mid-term Tianzun. But now, the seven kings of the Scorpio family do not dare to give birth to Ling Dao, let alone the things that touch the Ling Dao.

"Little brother, I haven't shot you yet. Do you guys have a saying that they are worthy of being spared and forgiving? Don't know if you can let me go?"

As the Seventh Temple Holy King, even the mid-term Tianzun is really a shame to the extreme. The Seventh Temple of the Scorpio family wants to live, and it is useless to ask Tianlingwei. It is useless to ask Yutianyuan. What really controls his life and death is not Yutianyuan and Tianlingwei, but Lingdao.

"If there are no emperors today, I will definitely die in the hands of your Scorpio Taitian Zun. Do you think I will let you go?"

Lingdao raised the square paintings with both hands and directly attacked the seven kings of the Tianzhu family. Although the seven kings of the Scorpio family did not know how much better than Lingdao, they did not dare to fight back if they gave a few courage to the seven kings of the Tianzhu family. The independent counterattack of the soldiers can directly kill the seven kings.

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