The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 231: Lingdao vs Taixuan Taoist

If you are in Lingdao, it will be too light. Even though the Lord Xuantou was suppressed to the middle of Tianzun, he still did not put Lingdao in his eyes. Unexpectedly, Ling Road even threatened to beat him, it is simply overreaching. Tai Xuandao decided that he would not beat the Lingdao and refused to stop.

Tai Xuan Dao did not use any martial arts, but only punched and attacked Ling Dao. His achievements in the martial arts are far from being comparable to Lingdao. Every move, punch and kick, all contain the rules of the avenue. If it is a general mid-term esteem, it can only be defeated by him.

Fortunately, Lingdao is not the same. He is not only a prince, but also one of the strongest martial arts exercises that have been cultivated in the past. His insights are indeed worse than those of Taixuan Taoist. His combat experience is also inferior to Taixu Taoist. However, he has the supreme gold shackles that can make up for this gap.

Lingdao also did not use martial arts. In the face of the Taixuan Taoist who was suppressed to the middle of Tianzun, he had the same advantage. For example, the physical strength of the Taixuan Taoist is not comparable to him. For example, the power of the Taixuan Taoist is not comparable to him, and the speed of the Taixuan Taoist is also worse.

Hard hit, the loss is the Taixuan Taoist, the nine-tailed fox family is powerful in the will, the flesh is far less than the real dragon. Of course, the Taixuan Taoist will not be stupid, the power will not work, the flesh will not work, the speed will not work, but his use of the Tao is far superior to Lingdao.

One way, in the hands of the master of Taixuan, is full of vitality, like a living creature. The road to Lingdao, although indestructible, is quite rigid. In the confrontation of the Taoist, Lingdao completely fell to the disadvantage. Fortunately, in the flesh of the confrontation, Lingdao is an absolute advantage.

"Xiaoxuan Zi, you too let my sister down and let you beat a mid Senior, you should not do it. If you do not come up with real skill, and do not mind sister Ling Road beat you with."

The hustle and bustle of Emperor Xixi was lying in a luxurious seat. The performance of the Taixu Taoist did make her very disappointed. In fact, letting Taixuan Taoist and Lingdao a realm is already a partiality to Taixu Taoist. If you really want to be fair, you should suppress the Taixu Taoist to the predecessor of the Tianzun, even the peak of the heavenly kingdom.

"What a joke? How can I not do it? I just warmed up. If I am really good, can he be my opponent?"

At the same time as Tai Xuan Dao’s speech, the movements on his hands are getting faster and faster. If the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty slandered him, even if he returned to his original state, he would still have only been shackled. He has now refused to be bullied. As long as he can defeat the Lingdao, he can sneak into the road and make the Emperor Xixi satisfied.

His willpower turned into a wild beast and plunged into the world of the will of Lingdao. The will of the nine-tailed fox family is the strongest, even the true dragons and idols in the same realm are far from being comparable. He used the will to attack, and the confrontation with Lingdao is basically nearing the end.

"Humanitarian Changlong!"

Lingdao did not hesitate, and directly displayed the will of martial arts. Although the will of the Taixuan Taoist attack, at first glance, nothing is great, but he did not dare to have a little care. Perhaps it seems that the ordinary will attack, there is incomparable power.

Countless figures appear in the will world of Lingdao. Fortunately, he responded quickly, or else there will be big problems. The sacred beasts that the Taixu Taoist used to gather together with the willpower, just open their mouths and suck, and thousands of people disappeared.

When the wild beasts rushed into the crowd, countless figures immediately collapsed. It is not the humanity of the emperor's emperor, Changlong, but Lingdao is not willing to work on the will. For a long time, Ling Dao had never used the will to attack, unless other warriors first used the will to attack him, and he used the will to attack.

In the face of ordinary warriors, the disadvantage of Ling Dao will not appear at all. However, his current opponent is the leader of the nine-tailed fox family, and the weak will of the will, so that he has just confronted the Taixuan Taoist, and he is completely defeated. If you go on like this, Lingdao loses to Taixuan Taoist, just a matter of a moment.

"Don't be struggling in vain, compared with the Lord, you are still too tender. Even if the Lord is suppressed to the middle of the heavens, you can easily win you. This is mainly for you, there is no difficulty at all."

Tai Xuan Dao is very incomparable. In the past, he was not good at personally shooting Ling Dao. Now, it is the Emperor Xixi who let him sneak into the road. He is not embarrassed. If you don't sneak into the road, it will make you feel unhappy. If you are unhappy, he is likely to be repaired by Yunxi Emperor.

"You haven't beat me yet, happy now, is it too early?"

After all, Lingdao did not have the inheritance of human relationships. Humanity Changlong was in his hands and could not exert the strongest power. Fortunately, there is the same martial arts in the wild, and it is the same as the emperor's true dragon fist and the illusion of the gods. It is very suitable for Lingdao cultivation.

"Nine-tailed heaven and earth!"

Even for the first time, Lingdao still feels that the power of Jiuwei Tiandi is bigger than that of humanity Changlong. The nine-tailed magic that has been cultivated before Lingdao may have a certain connection with the nine-day world. In the will world of Lingdao, nine huge fox tails appeared.

The Taixu Taoist masters used the will to condense the wild beasts and wanted to swallow the nine huge fox tails, but unfortunately did not succeed. Nine huge fox tails seem to be long whip, and then, next to them, pumped on the wild beasts. Regrettably, there has been no substantial harm to the wild beasts.

Then, the nine huge fox tails merged into one


Make a big seal, and go to the wilderness and beasts. Originally, Tai Xuan Dao’s martial arts on Lingdao’s will is scornful. How can a Terran warrior compare with the nine-tailed fox family?

However, what happened next completely exceeded the cognition of the Taoist Taoist. The nine-tailed heavenly prints that appeared in the world of Lingdao will completely suppress the wild beasts. No matter how hard the wild beasts struggled, they still could not escape the suppression of the nine-day seal.

"How is it possible? Your will is more tyrannical than most of the nine-tailed foxes in the same world. What is going on? And, the martial arts you used, how have I never seen them?"

In the flesh, even if the Taixu Taoist does not take advantage of it, he can accept it. The will to confront, it is not the same, the willpower is the most proud of the nine-tailed fox family. In particular, he is still a Taoist, and the control of the willpower has long reached a certain situation.

"There is nothing impossible, not my martial arts is so powerful, it is too useless, hahaha..."

After the nine-day Tiandi Seal suppressed the wild beasts, Lingdao was in a good mood. The medium-term Tianzun who can make the Taixu Taoist eat the scorpion is just a person. The Taixuan Taoist had not repressed the realm before, and had handed over the younger generation of the Tianhu Holy Land. However, no military is his opponent.

"Miscellaneous things, small age, dare to disrespect me. In the middle of the heavens, I dare to say that I am useless. If I don’t cry your mother, I will not be a demon!"

The Taixu Taoist once again exerted the will to attack, although his will was suppressed, but he could still use the will, condensing hundreds of swords and stabbing the world of the will of Lingdao. He didn't believe it, and he couldn't clean up the ridge with his accomplishments in the will.

A handle will be a sword, sharp and aggressive, just a moment of time, it is the world of will that has not entered Lingdao. Lingdao can only use the nine-day Tiandi Seal again to suppress the will of the Taixuan Taoist. However, the will of the Taixuan Taoist this time is obviously stronger than the previous one.

"No, if I have been competing with the will, it will definitely be me."

The nine-day seal is really powerful, and the will of Lingdao is not weak. The problem is that Ling Dao is too shallow in his will to attack. Even if the realm of Tai Xuan Dao is suppressed, he is not the opponent of Tai Xuan Dao. If you want to defeat the Taixuan Taoist, you can only rely on the flesh.

Lingdao quickly used the nine-turn true dragon, Shi Zhan Yuan began the dragon Wang Quan, attacked the Taixuan Taoist. The Taixuan Taoist who was preparing for the joke, did not care, and directly ate a big loss. Just a punch, Lingdao will fly out of the main Xuan Dao.

The body of the Tai Xuan Dao, squatting on the wall of the Jiuwei Temple, was like a painting on it, and it took more than a dozen breaths to fall. Although Tai Xuan Dao was not injured, there was still pain in his body. The most important thing is that it is too shameful.

The lord of the heavenly fox sacred place was actually bombarded by a mid-term sacred, and the Taixuan Dao wanted to find a place to sneak into it. The sorrowful and sorrowful Taixu Taoist, once again exerted the will to attack. His willpower condenses thousands of knives and slams into the world of the will of Lingdao.

Lingdao also did not idle, the first time rushed to the side of Taixuan Taoist, once again hit a fist in the body of Taixuan. Fortunately, the Jiuwei Temple has a large array of guards, otherwise the wall must be broken by the body of the Taixuan Taoist. The strength of the main entrance of Taixuan Road on the wall was great, and even the entire nine-tailed temple was shaking.

The nine-tailed heavenly seal suppressed the sword of a handle, but it was still strenuous. Now there is a mouthful of swords, and Lingdao can’t resist it. A mouthful of knives raged in the world of the will of Lingdao, and Lingdao only felt a headache. Fortunately, the will of Lingdao is extremely tough and has not been greatly affected.


Lingdao’s fists fell like raindrops and squatted on the body of Taixuan. The will confronts, Lingdao is completely downwind, but the flesh confrontation, Lingdao will be the main land of Taixuandao to find the teeth. Who can't hold it now, whoever loses.

The boss of Taixuan can only resist the fist of Lingdao, and Lingdao can only endure the will of the Taixuan Taoist. Tai Xuan Dao is not well received, and Ling Dao is equally uncomfortable. It is a pity that they do not accept anyone, they can only continue to fight. Tai Xuan Dao has no face to lose to Ling Dao, and Ling Dao also has no intention of admitting defeat.

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