The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 235: Bamboo bamboo world

"She was originally part of me, can I still treat myself not?"

Also, the enchantress is the tail of Emperor Xixi, and it is impossible for the Emperor Xixi to abuse the enchantress, and it is even less likely to be detrimental to the enchantress. The reason why Emperor Xixi’s emperor declared that the enchantress, demon cloud, enchanting and demon are her daughters, is it because they want to protect them?

The fox sacred land is the emperor's power that was passed down from the wilderness. The Emperor Xixi is the lord of the fox sacred land. Any warrior wants to move the enchantress, the demon cloud, the enchanting, the demon, and they must first measure it. On the status of identity alone, demon clouds, enchanting, enchanting and demon, they are only higher than Lingdao.

"We will discuss the marriage of you and the enchantress. As for marriage, you know, it is impossible."

At present, we can only take one step and take a step. After the Emperor Xixi merged with the nine tails, they would open their enchanting things. At that time, Lingdao and the enchantress's marriage are naturally countless. Lingdao is only a prince, whether it is identity or cultivation, compared to the Emperor of the Xixi Emperor, there is too much difference, can not let Lingdao Yuxi Emperor?

What's more, like Lingdao, it is just the enchantress, not the Emperor Xixi. The enchantress is only a tail of the Emperor Xixi, and cannot represent the Emperor of the Emperor. Moreover, let's not say that the Emperor Xixi is just another tail demon of the Emperor Xixi, and he doesn't like Lingdao very much.

"I will ask your father to come to the fox sacred place, and you will be in the family for half a month."

Since you want to set a pro, then Emperor Xixi must definitely ask for the emperor. Lingjia, now also the emperor's power, and the emperor and the Emperor Xixi are the same emperor. More importantly, the Emperor of the Supreme is the father of Ling Dao, the matter of the dear, can not get away with the emperor.

In fact, when Emperor Xixi met the emperor, he would also be jealous. After all, the enchantress is part of her, see the Happy Emperor always give her a feeling of seeing the elders. Fortunately, the identity of the enchantress is her daughter. She and the emperor are equal, and can be said to be relatives.

"Mother is the best, hehe..."

The enchantress hugs the arm of Emperor Xixi, and the relatives are shaking. She was the tail of Emperor Xixi, and it was normal to feel that the Emperor Xixi was close. At the beginning, she felt that Emperor Xixi would definitely oppose her and Lingdao. I did not expect that the Emperor Yongxi agreed to it now.

"I don't know how to arrange the mother-in-law for the next half-month?"

Lingdao deliberately bite the word "Yuemu" and bite it very hard, causing the face of Emperor Xixi to be red. After all, the current Lingdao already knows that the enchantress is part of the Emperor Xixi?


?? Lingdao must be with the demon Ji dear, but also called the Xi Xi emperor mother-in-law, even if the Emperor Xixi lived in a high position all the year round, still itch.

"I am going to send you a big chance to speed up your martial arts entry. Who makes you my future son-in-law?"

I don't know why, when I heard the big chance that Emperor Xixi said, Lingdao always had a feeling of creepy feeling. Compared with the Taixu Taoist, the Emperor Xixi is obviously more difficult to deal with. Although in the heart of Emperor Xixi, there is a lot of opinion on Lingdao, but on the surface she did not show it at all.

Lingdao rolled his eyes, and Emperor Xixi called his son-in-law, which clearly accounted for him, but he could not refute. After all, the enchantress was present, he did not want the enchantress to know the cruel truth. If the Emperor Jixi merges with the enchantress, the consciousness of the enchantress still exists.

"Tomorrow, the younger generation of my fox sacred place is going to the world of Dream Bamboo. Let's join them."

The dream bamboo big world is a place for the younger generation of the fox sacred place to open once in a hundred years. The younger generation of the Tianhu Holy Land does not know how many warriors there are, and wants to enter the world of Mengzhu, but the number of places is limited. After all, the dream bamboo world is not private to the Tianhu Holy Land.

Emperor Xixi said that the big opportunity of the dream bamboo world did not deceive Lingdao. However, it is not easy for Lingdao to get a place to enter the world of Mengzhu. The quota of the Tianhu Holy Land has already been fixed. Now, for Lingdao, there is only one quota for other military personnel.

The time when the enchantress came to the fox sacred place was too short, and I have never heard of the world of dream bamboo. If the enchanting or demon cloud is present, I will definitely understand the intention of Emperor Xixi. Because the dream bamboo big world is the experience of the Yaozu, if the Terran warriors enter, there is definitely no good fruit to eat.

Although the enchantress is a tail of the Emperor Jixi, but now the enchantress, only the peak of the heavens. There is definitely no place for the enchantress to go to the place of the dream bamboo world. Moreover, the enchantress is not good at fighting. If the enchantress enters the dream world, the Emperor Xixi is not at ease.

In the evening, Lingdao got the place in the world of Mengzhu, which was spread in the Holy Land of Tianhu. Not long ago, the younger generation of the Tianhu Holy Land, in order to compete for the place to go to the dream world, hit a big fight. Now Lingdao suddenly grabbed a quota, and the younger generation of the Tianhu Holy Land certainly did not agree.

"How can we let a Terran warrior enter the land of our Yaozu? Will the quota he get will not be mine?"

"No, can't you take away our quota because he is the future husband of His Royal Highness, is there any reason?"

"Tomorrow, I must challenge him. As long as he is defeated in his hands, there is no such thing as a place in the world of Mengzhu."

The ones that can grab the world of dreams and bamboos, the lowest in the realm, are the peaks of Tianzun. Lingdao, a medium-term Tianzun, is not worth mentioning in their eyes. Especially in the forefront of the tyrants and Taitianzun, the strength is even more incredible.

Early the next morning, the 36 foxes of the Tianhu sacred place were all gathered together. The most ugly face is the top of the ranking. Lingdao's quota, I think it will not be the top of the top of the tyrants and Taitianzun, can only be ranked behind.

When the head of Taixuan Dao appeared in front of their eyes with Ling Dao, they all wanted to immediately take out their shots and teach them a slap in the face. Let's not talk about the dreams of the world. Just because Lingdao can marry the enchantress, it is enough to make them crazy.

The enchantress is the daughter of Emperor Xixi, the holy woman of the Holy Land. Among them, the admiration of the enchantress is not a minority. It is a pity that because of the arrangement of the Taixuan Taoist, Lingdao is qualified to meet and meet, and they have no chance. If you let them know that the enchantress is the tail of Emperor Xixi, lend them a few courage, they do not dare to give birth to the enchantress.

"My sister said that Lingdao needs a place, and whoever is the worst, give him the quota."

On the one hand, Tai Xuandao said with no expression, on the one hand, he did not want Lingdao to go to the world of Mengzhu, because Lingdao may have leaped forward in the world of Mengzhu. On the other hand, he hopes that Lingdao will go to the world of Mengzhu, because it is said that when the Terran military enters the world of Mengzhu, it will be endlessly tortured.

Rao is the master of Taixuan, and he has to admire the ability of Lingdao to offend people. Last time, Ling Dao offended him. Yesterday, Ling Dao even beat him up. I don’t know, later, how Lingdao was offended by Emperor Xixi. Perhaps, when Lingdao was preparing for the enchantress, he had already offended the Emperor Xixi.

"The Taoist, I am not satisfied, why should I give him his place?"

Among the thirty-six Tianzun, the worst peak of Tianzun, the face is gloomy and dripping. Sure enough, the same thing as he expected, Ling Dao’s robbery was his, who gave his strength to the bottom of the 36-day Tianzun. Even the penultimate, it is much stronger than his last.

"You can't accept it, as long as you can convince him and let him take the initiative to give up the quota of the dream bamboo world, then the quota of the dream bamboo world is still yours."

The main martyrdom of Taixuandao, who can grab the peak of the world of dreams and bamboos, is definitely the leader among the same realm. Lingdao is only in the middle of Tianzun. I want to be sure that it is not the opponent of Tianzun’s martial arts. Although Taixuan Taoist lost to Lingdao yesterday, his realm was suppressed to the middle of Tianzun. If the Taixu Taoist master was only suppressed to the peak of Tianzun, yesterday, it would be easy to defeat Lingdao and even kill Lingdao.

"Is it just as long as I don't kill him, just how can I play it?"

Happiness came too suddenly, and the peak of the Tianhu Holy Land did not expect that there was such a good thing. Like Tai Xuan Dao, he thinks that Ling Dao is definitely not his opponent. Conquering Lingdao, for him, there is no difficulty at all. The only thing he needs to care about now is the attitude of the Taoist Taoist.

"Yes, as long as you don't kill him, don't kill him, how do you want to fight, how can I fight. I can tell you clearly, this Taoist does not like this kid very much, you can help me repair him." If my sister is pursuing it, I will be there for you."

It is not easy for Tai Xuandao to have a chance to take revenge. I will definitely not miss it. However, he did not know at all that letting Tianfeng, the peak of the Tianhu Holy Land, deal with Lingdao, is itself the meaning of Emperor Xixi. Otherwise, Emperor Xixi directly ordered that the Tianzun of the Tianhu Holy Land should not be allowed to do so. The Tianzun of the Tianhu Holy Land can only blink.


Lingdao straightened his eyes, did not expect Taixu Taoist not only to avenge, but also shameless to the extreme. It is a pity that the current Lingdao, there is no way to take the Taixuan Taoist. The Taixuan Taoist in the peak state is definitely not the Lingdao can deal with. What he can do now is to accept the challenge of Tianhu Holy Land.

"I don't want to go to the place of the dream bamboo world?"

I don't know why, Lingdao always feels that Mengzhu Big World is not a good place. The sorrowfulness of the Emperor of the Xixi Emperor can be felt. Now add another Taixuan Taoist, Lingdao feels that going to the dream world is not a good thing.

"No, my sister said, you have to fight, you have to fight, you have to fight. I know that you are not the opponent of Feng Tianzun, but if you are honestly beaten, I can help you."

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