The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 239: Blood family

"Are you threatening me?"

Anyone familiar with Lingdao knows that Lingdao is the most threatened. Zhu Tianyuan thought that the bamboo martial artists in the world of Mengzhu could scare Lingdao, which is really a big mistake. Ling Dao’s offensive power is more powerful than the dream bamboo big world bamboo group.

Last time in the battle of Tianzun, the old seven of Xianyi Palace threatened Lingdao, and the result was that Lingdao still killed the old seven of Xianyi Palace. You must know that behind the old seven of Xianyi Palace, there are seven killing emperors, and the emperor's power is Xianli Palace. The pursuit of Lingdao by Xianyi Palace has not stopped.

"Let me apologize to you, it is a dream. Even if I am difficult to stand in the world of dreams and bamboos, it is a matter of the future. Now, what I want to do is kill you!"

Ling Dao exhibited a record of nine-day heaven and earth, bombarding Zhu Tianyuan. How to deal with the bamboo martial arts, Lingdao does not know, anyway, as long as the world of the will of Zhu Tianyuan is destroyed, Zhu Tianyuan will die. He is making up his mind, not killing the bamboo, but he will not be merciless.

"The Terran Warrior, you will regret it!"

No matter what Zhu Tianyuan said, he could not change the result of his imminent death in Lingdao. Normally, with the strength of Zhu Tianyuan, there is no problem at all in dealing with the medium-term Tianzun. Unfortunately, he encountered Lingdao, a non-conventional existence.

When Zhu Tianyuan died, Ling Dao did feel that a mark was drilled into his body. Although Zhu Tianyuan did not lie, but killed Zhu Tianyuan, Lingdao did not regret it. If the strength of Lingdao is not good, and the demon cloud does not shoot, Zhu Tianyuan will certainly not let go of Lingdao.

"Do you have a way to get rid of the death mark? Isn't the dream bamboo emperor a woman of your sacred place?"

The problem of Ling Dao caused the demon cloud to turn his eyes. The dream bamboo emperor knows how to get rid of the death mark. Perhaps, the Tianhu Holy Land is also known to the military, but the demon cloud is obviously not in it. From the look of the demon cloud, Ling Dao has got the answer. It seems that how to get rid of the death mark is not counting the demon cloud.

First of all, the death mark is not in the world of will, and it is impossible to remove it by the power of will. Secondly, Lingdao can feel that the death mark is not static, but has been moving. In this way, Lingdao wants to get rid of the death mark, which is no easy task.

"The trick is still to separate. It is estimated that the bamboo martial artists just said it is true. Now the bamboo martial artists in the world of Mengzhu have seen me and definitely want to kill me. I don't want to hurt you."

Although Lingdao won Zhu Tianyuan, he certainly would not be arrogant to believe that the bamboo martial arts are all vulnerable. In particular, Zhu Tianyuan also said that the dream bamboo world not only has a powerful Tianzun, but also a strong king. In the strength of Ling Dao’s present, if he meets the strong king of the Holy Land, he will only be defeated.

"Nothing, you have a death mark, it is your business. As long as the death mark is not on me, the bamboo warriors will not deal with me. You may not know, I am not only the saint of the nine-tailed fox family, but also the dream bamboo emperor. The descendants of later generations."

The Emperor Xixi and the Taixu Taoist are indeed from the Mengzhu Emperor. However, from generation to generation, the blood of the bamboo people on their bodies has already been thin to a certain extent. What's more, they were originally nine-tailed foxes, not bamboo martial artists.

The demon cloud did not notice, Lingdao secretly licked his mouth. If the demon cloud knows the words in Lingdao, the consequences are unimaginable. Because Lingdao is, I don’t know that you are a descendant of the dream bamboo emperor, but I know that you are not the daughter of Emperor Xixi.

"Also, anyway, the bamboo martial artists only deal with me and do not deal with you."

Another point, trying to kill the demon cloud is definitely not a simple matter. First, the demon cloud has seven Tianfu, with her strength, even in the face of the Holy King, there is a battle. Secondly, the demon cloud is the tail of the emperor's emperor, and the emperor of the emperor is surely placed on the body of the demon cloud.

At this time, three Tianzun came in the distance. They are not bamboo martial artists, but the demon genius who came in from the three thousand territories. They are not dragon warriors, nor are they a Scorpio warrior. They have never seen Lingdao before, and naturally there is no contradiction with Lingdao.

However, they look at Lingdao's eyes, but they are quite poor. Ling Dao really does not understand why they are hostile to themselves. However, Lingdao can be sure that the strong will that he felt before is theirs. In other words, the process of Lingdao and Zhu Tianyuan hands-on, they may look in the eyes.

"Why do you want to work with the bamboo martial arts? Do you know that it is because of your duel that we have lost a big chance?"

"Damn, the experience of the world of dream bamboo, why should you let a human warrior come in?"

"There is no good thing for the Terran martial artists. If you don't give us enough compensation, we will never let you go."

Their luck is not as good as it is. When they first came to the world of dreams, they discovered a holy medicine. What they did not expect was that the holy medicine had already become refined, and they had just approached the holy medicine, and the holy medicine was running without a trace. They followed all the way, just in time for the decisive battle between Lingdao and Zhu Tianyuan.

At the beginning of the holy medicine, it was prepared to seek help from Zhu Tianyuan. After all, the holy medicine and the bamboo Tianyuan are all from the world of dream bamboo. If Lingdao did not fight with Zhu Tianyuan, they would have to catch the holy medicine, which is not difficult at all. The strength of Zhu Tianyuan, in their eyes, can only be said to be general.

They don't need to join forces at all. Just one person who moves out and beats Zhu Tianyuan has no effort at all. The holy medicine seeks the shelter of Zhu Tianyuan, which is to give them opportunities. Unfortunately, such a good opportunity has passed away. The holy medicine has nothing to do, but the ability to escape is not weak. In addition, the holy medicine is very familiar to the world of Mengzhu. It is too difficult for them to seize the holy medicine.

"Jokes, the bamboo martial arts want to kill me, can I let him slaughter? Then, who do I do, what are you doing? Are you having problems with your brain and want compensation?"

Anyone who is inexplicably beaten by others will not feel good. Although the three Tianzun in front of you are extremely strong, Lingdao will not be afraid of them. He still has reservations about the matchup with Zhu Tianyuan. If he sends the swordsman's Tianfu, the strength will be stronger.

"Good personal guy, when you are young, you dare to disrespect us. I really don't know how to be tall."

"I don't care which power you come from, no matter what your identity. If you don't kill you today, I won't swear."

"Whatever nonsense with him, don't waste time on such a small role, and chase the holy medicine is the most important thing."

When they said the holy medicine, they did not mean to avoid the Lingdao and the demon cloud. Lingdao is stronger than Zhutianyuan, but it can't compare with them. The strength of the demon cloud may be stronger than the Lingdao, but the three of them teamed up, and the demon cloud is definitely not their opponent. Even if Ling Dao and Yao Yun know about the holy medicine, it will not have any effect.

What's more, soon, Lingdao is a dead person. Don't say that they only tell Lingdao holy drugs, even if they tell their secrets, Lingdao is fine. What they have to consider now is not **** the Tao, but who will kill the road.

"Second second, third child, I haven't met the Terran Warrior for a long time. It's better to give him to me and let me try it."

Headed by Tian Zun, wearing a **** robe, full of red hair. The two Tian Zun standing next to him are similar to him. Although they are not brothers, they also have a certain blood relationship. Moreover, they have a good connection. They used to join hands and even killed more than one holy king.

They came from the blood family, and they were the emperor forces that were passed down from the wild. Although in the wilderness, the blood family is far from the hegemony of the time. However, as time goes by, the current blood family does not think it belongs to the dragon family and the Kunpeng family.

"Boss, let me come, I can feel that his blood is very strong. If he can **** his blood, the martial arts that I have cultivated not long ago is likely to go further."

The third child wore a black robe and spoke, sinister. He looked at Lingdao and licked his lips. In his eyes, Lingdao was not a human warrior, not a medium-term esteem, but a blood food. As early as three years ago, he had already condensed the seventh Tianfu.

Previously, the confrontation between Ling Dao and Zhu Tianyuan has exposed its realm. With the strength of the third-generation Tianzun, it is certainly no problem to deal with a medium-term Tianzun. After listening to the third child, the boss nodded, their feelings are good, the boss is just for the early adopters, since the third child is useful, then


The boss will definitely give the Lingdao to the third.

"Hurry up, don't delay the time. If you are within three strokes, you can't solve him. His blood is not yours."

The second child said impatiently, if he had used the power of will, locked the holy medicine, and the holy medicine was still under his control, he slapped the slap in the morning and then went after the holy medicine. He and the boss are stronger than the third.

Although the second child is too sacred, he has become a god, and has been for decades. As for the boss, it is also a tyrant, with eight Tianfu. The three of them joined forces, not to mention the encounter with the tyrants, even if they met Tianzun, they were not afraid.

"There are no problems with the three moves. You are optimistic about the boss."

The third child suddenly shot, the fifth level of the origin of the blood, turned into a **** sea, and instantly drowned the Lingdao. Then, his big hands were caught in Lingdao. His left hand grabbed the right arm of Lingdao, his right hand, and grabbed the left arm of Lingdao.

He is preparing to tear the body of Lingdao and then drink the blood of Lingdao into his stomach. The blood family, feeding on the blood of other warriors, Lingdao is a emperor, and his blood is definitely a big supplement for the **** warriors. It is a pity that the boss and the second child do not know that he is a emperor. Otherwise, they will not easily be cheaper.

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