The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 243: Escape again

When the three **** gods arrived, Lingdao had lifted the phoenix, and they did not know how Lingdao caught the purple phoenix. However, Lingdao will catch the purple phoenix blood, which is a good thing for them. Originally they had to work hard and grab the purple phoenix blood, but now it is simple.

They feel that it is easier to deal with Lingdao than to deal with Zihuang blood. Zihuang blood ginseng is a holy medicine, they want to catch purple phoenix blood, and dare not go down. Can be different, a human warrior, they kill, there will be no burden. No matter which of the Terran forces are from the Terran, they don't care.

"Handing over the holy medicine? Is it true that I have worked hard to catch the holy medicine?"

Let's not say that the three **** gods and the Lingdao have hatred, even if they and Lingdao have no complaints and no enmity, Lingdao can not give them holy medicine. However, Ling Dao understands that the three celestial celestial beings of the blood family are prepared to be robbed. It is not important that he does not give it. What is important is that the three sacred sects of the blood family are sure to win the holy medicine.

With the strength of Ling Dao, it is certainly not the opponent of the three blood gods. Even if you add a demon cloud, it will not work. After all, the demon cloud is just too respectful. It is hard enough to deal with a tyrant. Let Ling Dao and the two Tai Tian Zun fight, there is no chance of winning.

"Run, run now!"

Lingdao didn't want to, and immediately pulled the demon cloud and fled at the fastest speed. It is not that he does not want to use the transmission symbol, but the three gods of the blood family, have used Tianfu, suppressing the void. Last time, Ling Dao was unexpected and only succeeded in transmitting thousands of miles away. This time, the three celestial gods of the blood family are obviously ready.

Fortunately, the speed of Lingdao is not slow, full force burst, not weaker than Taizun. Of course, it is difficult to get rid of the three gods of the blood family. Fortunately, as long as he leaves the scope of the three **** clan blocks, he can use the transmission symbol again.

"Can you run for the first time, can you let you run for the second time?"

The first time of the blood family's tyrants, the exhibition of martial arts, attacked Lingdao and demon clouds. Although the warrior of the nine-tailed fox family does not want to offend, the holy medicine is more important. For the purple phoenix blood, not to mention offending the demon cloud, even if it is killing the demon cloud, the blood family's tyrants do not care.

Anyway, the dream bamboo big world is not in the three thousand territory, as long as the demon cloud and Ling Dao are all killed, the strong man of the Tianhu Holy Land does not know that he is the demon cloud. A holy medicine, and still a sacred medicine for tens of thousands of years, is definitely worth the risk. In any case, he will not let Lingdao and Yaoyun take away the holy medicine.

A **** palm print, traversing the void, some shot to Lingdao, and some shot to the demon cloud. The **** tyrants attack Lingdao and the demon cloud, just for?


Low speed and demon cloud speed. The other two of the blood family are too respectful, one left and one right, respectively, killing Lingdao and the demon cloud.

For the Lingdao, it is still the third of the three **** tribes. The previous things, let the old three linger in the arms, after all, Lingdao only has the mid-term cultivation of Tian Zunjing, he has five more Tianfu than Lingdao, but he is not swaying, it is really shameful. Only by personally taking the Lingdao, or even killing the Lingdao, can you be shameful.

"Yuan Shi Long Wang Quan!"

Lingdao leaned back and made a sharp punch. The attack of the third child in Yuanshilong Wangquan and the three **** tribes collided. Ling Dao increased the speed with the help of the third of the blood family, and ran faster than before. There is no time to fight with the Taizun of the blood family, and it is necessary to escape, staying in the mountains, not afraid of burning wood.

Like the demon cloud, there is no rest, and at the same time that the third generation of the blood family is attacked, she also exerts the will to attack and deal with the second child among the three blood gods. She and the second of the three **** tribes are Tai Tianzun, who is more than the willpower, and the second of the three blood gods is certainly not comparable to her.

As the sacred woman of the nine-tailed fox family, the strength of the demon cloud must not be underestimated. Her will to attack, even if it is a tyrant, it is a headache, let alone the blood of the Taizun. The blood family who chased the demon cloud is too respectful, and the speed has dropped significantly.

The demon of the demon cloud is not only smashing, but also fierce, the second of the three **** tribes, the eyebrows split a blood mark. It was only a moment, and the second child among the three **** tribes was already injured. However, the consumption of the demon cloud is not small. In order to solve the second child among the three **** tribes, the demon cloud clearly overdraw the will power.

"The second child, the third time, you copied the bread from the front, and handed it to me!"

The boss of the three **** tribes had to take a strong shot, and a pair of big hands seemed to cover the sky. His body gradually grew bigger, like the same giant, overlooking the Lingdao and the demon cloud. His hands, like two Wuzhishan, suppressed Lingdao and demon clouds.

A medium-term Tianzun, a Taitianzun, and the **** three of the Tianzun, are not at all in mind. He once joined forces with his second and third generation to kill the tyrant. Even if the Lingdao and the demon cloud add up, it is still a lot worse than the Ba Tianzun.

"Idol is broken!"

Lingdao took a deep breath and slammed his arms, as if the gods were attached, and the power surged. A pair of big hands, like a knives, can open the world and fall into the stars. The power of the emperor's power is strong, and Lingdao does not know. After all, the former Wei invincible, that is, the tyrants, and later became the sacred.

The Wuzhishan drama is like a flash flood, and countless stones roll down. It is a pity that the left hand of the **** bully is still suppressing the top of the road. In the mid-term, Tianzun and Ba Tianzun were separated by six Tianfu. Even though Lingdao sent the four heavenly houses of the sword magic, there are still two Tianfu.

At the crucial moment, Lingdao not only did not have a little panic, but instead calmed down like never before. He once again displayed the illusion of the gods, but he attacked, not the left hand of the **** tyrants, but the heavenly family of the **** tyrants. For a long time, Lingdao’s Tianfu has been invincible, hoping not to let him down now.


The two Tianfu of Lingdao slammed into a Tianfu of the **** hegemony. The hegemonic sect of the blood family apparently did not think that Lingdao did not reach the desperate situation and used such means. The reaction of the **** tyrants is not unpleasant, but the ridge attack is faster.

There are hundreds of cracks in a Tianfu, a **** tyrant. Although it has not been completely broken, the Tianfu, a **** tyrant, can no longer be used in a short time. Lingdao’s Tianfu is really unprofitable, even if it is against the tyrants, it is still effective.

"Come back!"

Ling Dao Xing was so high that he shouted and spurred two Tianfu, and smashed into another Tianfu of the **** hegemony. After eating a loss of **** tyrants, of course, will not eat a loss again. The **** Ba Tian Zun quickly gathered the other six Tianfu, and the Tianfu attacked by Lingdao.

Once I was bitten by a snake, ten years of fear of the well rope, Lingdao used this psychology. In fact, Lingdao did not intend to destroy the second Tianfu of the **** tyrants. It was not that he did not want to, but he knew that he could not do it at all. He was just a frightening **** tyrant, and then took the opportunity to escape.

The **** Ba Tian Zun gathered together seven heavenly houses, and the blockade of the void naturally appeared empty. Lingdao took the demon cloud and left the blockade of the **** tyrants at the fastest speed. Without waiting for the **** tyrants to catch up, Lingdao has used the transmission symbol to escape with the demon cloud.

The two kings of the blood family are waiting for the front, but unfortunately, Lingdao and the demon cloud are running away from the back. Even if they wait for three days and three nights, they can't wait until Lingdao and Yaoyun. They did not think that Lingdao would use the demon of the Yaozu as a breakthrough.

"The **** human warrior is really too embarrassed, and actually ran from under our eyes."

The **** family’s arrogant screaming, but he did not know where Lingdao ran. Lingdao uses the transmission symbol to escape. The transmission symbol is not a straight line transmission. That is to say, the Lingdao may escape to any direction. Finding a person in the world of dream bamboo is like finding a needle in a haystack.

"Big Brother, I think that as long as we look for it, we can definitely find them. Last time, they used the transmission symbol to escape. We didn't take long to meet them. That is to say, the transmission symbol he used could not be transmitted much. distance."

"Yes, as long as we look for it seriously, we can definitely find the Terran martial artist. Next time, I will meet the Terran martial artist again. I will not talk about it, directly exerting the killing trick, and asking for his life. If he can take it for the third time. I fled in front of me, I was killed."

The second and the third said that it makes sense. The problem is that even if Lingdao and the demon cloud are not far from them, they have to find Lingdao and the demon cloud, which is still not a simple matter. Looking for it separately, it is faster to find the Lingdao and the demon cloud. The problem is that once they are separated, even if they find Lingdao and the demon cloud, they can't get the Lingdao and the demon cloud.

They can only find Lingdao and the demon cloud together, so that the efficiency is extremely low. However, they have no other way. The other three members of the blood family are in the same place, they do not know. As for the warriors of other emperors, they never thought about cooperation.

The thing of Zihuang blood ginseng, the lesser the lesser, the less. Their strength is certainly good, but the Tianzun of the dream world is more powerful than them. Moreover, the bamboo martial arts in the dream bamboo world, as well as the strong king of the Holy King.

"Can't delay time, we are looking for them, they are definitely running away. If we don't chase now, who knows where they will go."

The three gods of the blood family can only bite the scalp, look around, can find Lingdao and demon clouds, and completely take chances. What they don't know is that Lingdao and the demon cloud did not continue to escape, but found a hidden valley, refining the purple phoenix. The three tribes of the blood family want to kill Lingdao again and again, which has already aroused the killing of Lingdao.

"You refining part of it, I will refine part of it, as long as it does not hurt the life of Zihuang blood ginseng. When our strength has a breakthrough, we will find revenge for the three gods of the blood family."

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