The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 246: One death and two escape

The right hand of the **** tyrants seems to have crossed the space and directly hit Lingdao. It is not that Lingdao does not respond, but the attack of the **** tyrants is too fast. The responsiveness of Lingdao is definitely the best in the same world.

It is a pity that in the later days, Tianzun and Ba Tianzun, no, can now be said to be the Heavenly Respect, and the gap between Tianzun and Tianzun in the later period is too great. Even though the three Tianfu of the Lingdao have four Tianfu houses with swordsmen, his strength is still not enough to face Tianzun.

On the back of Ling Dao, a red dragonfly's palm print appeared. The terrible palm power, rushed into the body of Lingdao, shattering the seven or eight bones of Lingdao. Immediately afterwards, Lingdao’s internal organs were damaged. This is also the Lingdao, replaced by other late Tianzun, has been beaten by the **** hegemonic attack.

You must know that Lingdao is only the object of the **** tyrants and the attackers. The real opponent of the **** tyrants is the demon cloud. Although the demon cloud's origin is better than the **** tyrants, the demon cloud practice is also better than the **** tyrants, but the demon cloud is just becoming a tyrant.

After the blood sacrifice to the heavens, the **** hegemony is respected. In a short time, he has the strength comparable to that of Tianzun. With the real ability of the demon cloud, it is certainly not the opponent of the **** hegemony. Fortunately, before the demon cloud came to the dream world, the Emperor Xixi gave the demon cloud life.

At the crucial moment, the demon cloud took out a white fox fur and blew it gently. It is like a peerless warrior, suddenly born, and squatting to the **** tyrants. The demon cloud is a tail of Emperor Xixi. If the demon cloud is killed, it will definitely have an impact on the Emperor Xixi.

After all, Emperor Xixi was the Great Emperor. Even if it was only one of his fox furs, the power of the explosion could still be crushed to Tianzun. The attack of the **** hegemony was broken in an instant, and he did not wait for the **** hegemony to re-shoot, and his body flew out.

The **** hegemonic injury is heavier than the Lingdao, and the whole body is almost broken with hundreds of bones. What is more serious is that there are countless cracks in the will world of the **** tyrants. If the attack of the white fox fur is stronger, the **** tyrant is likely to scream.

Even so, the **** tyrants are separated from the state of the blood sacrifice, and are returned to their original form. The blood sacrifices the heavenly rebellion, which makes the **** tyrants hurt and hurt. Now, he is not as good as the two geniuses of the blood family. Compared with the demon cloud, it is a few levels worse.

"This... is it terrible?"

Lingdao does not know that the demon cloud has a life-saving card, but did not think that the demon cloud's life-saving card is so horrible. The previous **** tyrants and the heavenly lords are no different. However, in front of the demon cloud card, it is vulnerable. Switching to the true sacred, the result is still the same.

"Big brother!"

The second and third of the three **** tribes were shocked. The strength of Lingdao has far exceeded their expectations. Originally, I saw the boss’s shot on Lingdao, and they felt that the outcome was fixed. Who knows that now, the boss of the three **** tribes not only did not kill the Lingdao, but was killed by the demon cloud.

"He was injured, we quickly took him down, and then used him to threaten the Heavenly Lord of the Heavenly Fox Holy Land and take our big brother to leave."

"Yes, let's take the Terran Kid and say, wait for the boss to heal, and we will take revenge. The tyrant of Tianhu Holy Land can use the card once, can you still use the card twice?"

Normally, there is only one life-saving card. If they know the true identity of the demon cloud, they will definitely understand that there are definitely more than one demon card. The previous two demon clouds did not use the cards, just because she did not have the worry of life.

"Get me? By you?"

Ling Dao is not only physically strong, but also resilience is extremely abnormal. It’s just a moment of effort, and his injury is already seven or eight. If the two geniuses of the blood family think that he is injured, they can bully. They can only say that they are whimsical. The current Lingdao, and the previous Lingdao, the gap in strength is not big.

Lingdao, who is playing, is still alive and kicking. Even in the face of the siege of the two **** people, Lingdao still seems to be well-versed. With the advancement of Lingdao's realm, the power of the supreme golden dragon has gradually emerged. Although Lingdao can't display martial arts, the use of Supreme Golden Dragonfly is quite large.

"What happened? Why do I feel his injury, as if it didn't affect his strength?"

"If you can't take him, Big Brother is not the opponent of Tianhu Holy Land, what should we do?"

The two Taishou Zun of the blood family are really panicked. Although they can't solve the Lingdao, they are not afraid of Lingdao. The problem is that once Lingdao and the demon cloud join hands, it is not the two of them who can cope. In the current situation of the **** tyrants, it is clear that they can only drag their hind legs.

"What can I do, run, and now we can do it, only escape."

The second child among the three **** celestial beings gave a voice to the third child, and the third child certainly could not oppose his proposal. They played against Lingdao and deliberately tried to back and back. Moreover, they are not retreating aimlessly, but retreating toward the place where the **** tyrants are located.

Fortunately, the two **** people are too respectful, and they have not crossed the eyes of Lingdao. Lingdao once again displayed the Yuanshilong Wangquan, which was strictly between the two geniuses and the tyrants of the blood family. Although the demon cloud did not help Ling Dao to deal with the two geniuses of the blood family, but the demon cloud did not stop.

"You must kill me first, don't blame me for your life!"

The demon cloud is madly exerting the will to attack, and it is impossible to stop her attack by the **** world. The **** tyrants are not unrestrained, but unfortunately the foxes of the Emperor Xixi are hurting him too much. The **** tyrants only feel that the eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, so heavy that he can't open.

"We still don't care about big brothers, or else, not only the big brother is going to die, but the two of us are also going to die."

"You are right, Big Brother is in the Spirit of Heaven, and will definitely understand us. When we find other blood family, we will find two revenge."

The blood world's dream bamboo world quota is far less than the heavenly fox holy land. The **** warriors who can enter the world of dreams and bamboos are all the best among the gods. It can be said that the two of them are too respectful, among the **** warriors who come in, the worst. Even their big brother can only be in the middle.

Today's blood family is a sacred one. As long as Tianzun is willing to take the shot, it will definitely solve the Lingdao and the demon cloud. The true sacred sacredness is not the same as the **** tyrants who have the power to fight against heaven after the blood sacrifice. Of course, the premise is that the demon cloud no longer uses the life-saving card, otherwise, the Tianzun can only recognize the bad luck.

Lingdao is able to fight with the two geniuses of the blood family until now, and it is already very remarkable. It is simply impossible to stop two escaping blood races. His speed is indeed comparable to that of Peng Peng. The problem is that he only has a late Tianzun. If he is also too esteemed, the two geniuses of the blood family are definitely not as good as him.

"There is no need to chase them. Now they are not my opponents. In the future, they will only be more of my opponents. My strength will definitely be faster than them. Taitian Zun wants to condense another Tianfu to become a tyrant. The difficulty is ten times more than I am the peak of the sky."

The two kings of the blood family can escape from the birth of the day, mainly because Lingdao and the demon cloud do not mean to kill them. Among the three **** tribes, the most powerful tyrant, has died in the hands of the demon cloud. The remaining two are too respectful, and they can't afford any big waves.

The demon cloud and Lingdao looked at each other and laughed. After refining and purifying the purple phoenix blood, the strength of the two of them is not as big as the general one. The demon cloud of Taitianzun is impossible to match the hegemonic respect of the blood family. In the mid-term Tianzun's Lingdao, it is also impossible to cope with the two Taizun respects of the blood family.

"With our two current strengths, not to mention walking in the world of dreams and bamboos, we will be able to cope with most of the heavenly respects."

There are eight Tianfu demon clouds, as long as they do not encounter Tianzun or the Holy King, other Tianzun can not tell her. Although Lingdao only has the cultivation of the late Tianzun, his strength far exceeds his cultivation. Not to mention other people, anyway, the demon cloud is to see Lingdao as Taitianzun.

"Next, where are we going? Isn't the dream bamboo emperor the wife of your fox family? You don't know where there is a holy medicine in the world of dream bamboo?"

The benefits of Zihuang blood ginseng to Lingdao have made Lingdao very satisfied. If you can catch a holy drug, or more holy drugs, the strength of Lingdao will increase, certainly faster. Of course, if the realm is too fast, it may lead to instability.

Moreover, the more the Tianzun environment is to the back, the more difficult it is to cultivate. The reason why the demon cloud refining purple phoenix blood ginseng can become a tyrant is because she is only one step away from the tyrant. If it is to change a Taitian Zun, such as the two Taishouzun of the blood family, the root of the refining purple phoenix blood ginseng, it is impossible to become a tyrant.

"You want to be beautiful, get a holy medicine, your luck is already very good, even greedy want to get other holy medicine." Demon cloud white Lingdao glanced, continued. "However, I do know a good place. There is no holy medicine, but there is something important to us."

What is the specific thing, the demon cloud did not tell Lingdao, deliberately swayed the appetite of Lingdao. The strength of Lingdao is not as good as that of the demon cloud. Naturally, there is no way to take the demon cloud. Anyway, the demon cloud will not harm him, just behind the demon cloud, certainly no harm. What's more, even if he is a coveted thing, how could he not be interested?

Where the demon cloud knows, the other warriors of the Tianhu Holy Land also know. Ling Dao and her have been delayed for some time, and other warriors of the Tianhu Holy Land have already arrived. However, there are still things that the warriors know earlier than them, and the Wuhu warriors know that there is no reason for the bamboo warriors to not know.

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