The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 250: Helpless

Although in the previous battle, the Dragon's Ba Tian Zun has been injured by Ling Dao, but has little effect on the strength of the Dragon Patriarch. As long as the Dragon's tyrants no longer suppress the realm, returning to the original realm, dealing with Lingdao, a late Tianzun, certainly no problem.

What the Dragon's tyrants don't know is that the previous Lingdao also retains its strength. The four Tianfu houses hidden in the Lingdao Tianfu, Lingdao is not used at all. Now the dragon's tyrants have already sacrificed eight heavenly ancestors, and Lingdao naturally uses the four heavenly sacred swordsmen.

"Give me a defeat, the Terran Kid!"

Using the eight Tianfu to display the Tianpin boxing method, the strength of the dragon's tyrants has a qualitative leap. After a punch and a punch, it seems that there is no pause. His speed of punching is almost scary. Changed to the general late Tianzun, afraid that he will be killed by him in an instant.

Fortunately, Lingdao is not the general late Tianzun. He is not only a emperor, but also a two-pointer. Although he is only in the late Tianzun, he has seven Tianfu. Even if it is not the opponent of the Dragon tyrants, it is certainly no problem to resist the attack of the Dragon tyrants for a period of time.

"True Dragons!"

Lingdao’s side has emerged as a dragon, but unfortunately, it was crushed by the attack of the Dragon’s tyrant. The dragon's domineering is more and more angry, because Lingdao used the dragon to resist his boxing, which is simply an insult to the dragon. If you don't kill the Tao, it is hard to eliminate the hatred of his heart.

What makes the Dragons arrogant is that Lingdao not only has no intention of avoiding it, but still has to deal with him hard. At the end of the district, Tianzun did not even mean that he was afraid of him. He really looked down on him. When did the Terran warriors become so arrogant?

"Idol is broken!"

"Nine-tailed heaven and earth!"

Lingdao did not use Huangji Zhenlongquan. It was too expensive to consume. Secondly, his body was not superior to the Dragon’s tyrant. The idol is a heavenly style that can maximize the strength of his strength. The power of the true dragon family is still not comparable to the idols in the same realm, not to mention the dragons in front of them are not true dragons.

In addition, the nine-turn true dragon used by Lingdao, the power soared to six or seven times its own, completely surpassing the Dragon's tyrant. The power of the gods is not to be underestimated. Moreover, Ling Dao is not just a trick, but a move and then a move, like a madman.

Nine-tailed heaven and earth, the nature of the attack is the world of the will of the dragon. Although the Dragon's tyrants may be stronger than the Lingdao in terms of willpower, Lingdao's nine-tailed celestial print is a martial art recorded in the ridiculous genius, and it is certainly no problem to deal with the dragon's tyrant.

Double attack is also a double guarantee. In the face of the attack of the tyrants, Lingdao naturally does not dare to have the slightest effect. The more the Tianzun environment is to the back, the difference is the difference between the strength and the strength. For example, the strength gap between Datianzun and Xuantianzun is not too respectful and domineering.

Lingdao and the Dragon Patriarch once again fought together and violently roared, as if the mountains were hit together. The face of the Dragon Patriarch is getting more and more ugly. On the one hand, it is because it has not defeated Ling Dao in a short period of time, and it is very shameful. On the other hand, it is because of the will of the Ling Dao, which is beyond the imagination of the Dragon.

"What happened? Why did the Dragon's tyrants regain their realm after the restoration of the realm?"

"Unbelievable, it is incredible. How did the Terran in the late Terran do it? In the late days, Tian Zun and Ba Tian Zou are quite equal, too fake?"

"The strength of the dragon tyrants is very strong. The reason why they can't take the late Tianzun of the Terran is not because of him, but because there is a problem with the late Tianzun of the Terran. In the later days, Tianzun could not have such strength, and it is difficult for him to hide the realm. ?"

The demon warrior has ridiculed the dragon's tyrants, and there are also doubts about the realm of Lingdao. The demon empire forces that have contradictions with the dragons are not in the minority, and the demon empire forces that hate the Terran martial arts are also in the minority. It’s not a matter of high hangs, let them watch the fun, let them help, certainly not.

The confrontation between the Dragon Warlord and the Lingdao, no matter who wins or who loses, or who lives and who died, has nothing to do with them. Lingdao died in the hands of the Dragon Patriarch, they must feel that there is a lingering death in Lingdao, who will let Lingdao a Terran warrior run to the dream world. The dragons are arrogant in the hands of Ling Dao, and they will not have a bit of compassion. The dragons are overbearing, and they have not been taught.

Of course, as far as the current situation is concerned, the possibility of the Dragon's domineering death in Lingdao is very small. Although Lingdao seems to be quite similar to the dragon's domineering, they know that for a long time, Lingdao must be defeated. In the later period, Tianzun is the late Tianzun, which is far from the Heavenly Emperor.

Some demon warriors even suspected that Lingdao used what secret method to raise his strength to a certain extent in a short time. Otherwise, there is no way to explain it. Lingdao’s later Tianzun can compete with the Dragon’s domineering.

"I still don't believe it. With the strength of my tyrants, I can't solve the late Tianzun of a Terran."

The Dragon's tyrants no longer use the heavenly boxing method, but use the sacred boxing method. Lingdao lost to him, other demon warriors must take it for granted. If he loses to Lingdao, he will not even defeat Lingdao in a short period of time. Other demon warriors will also laugh at him, even if he doesn’t say it, he is sure. Also laughing.

The power of the sacred boxing method is naturally not comparable to the heavenly boxing method. For a time, the pressure of Lingdao increased greatly, and the idols could not stop the holy boxing. It is not that the gods are not as good as the sacred boxing, but the strength of Lingdao, which is inferior to the tyrants of the dragons.

If Ling Dao is also a Ba Tian Zun, with eight Tianfu, and the use of the gods to break the sky, it will definitely win the holy boxing method of the Dragon Patriotic. It is a pity that Ling Dao’s late Tianzun is less than Ba ​​Tianzun’s five Tianfu. It’s impossible to become a tyrant in an instant.

Fortunately, from the beginning, Lingdao was not prepared to defeat the Dragon's tyrants. It is not that he does not want to defeat the Dragon's tyrants, but he knows that it is unrealistic to defeat the Dragon's tyrants with his current strength. Previously, he was hard-hitting with the Dragons, because he was able to barely block the attack of the Dragon.

Now, he is not prepared to fight with the dragon's domineering, because the dragon's domineering display of the holy boxing method, he can not stop. Since it can't resist, then what he can do is to avoid it. Don't forget, his speed is also comparable to the Kun Peng family of the same realm.

In particular, Lingdao also has the supreme gold 瞳, although he has not played with the dragon's tyrants before, but with the help of the supreme gold scorpion, he can avoid the sacred boxing method of the dragon tyrants. Even if the dragon's tyrants use the will to lock the ridge, it still has no effect.

"The human race boy, there is a kind of hiding, you are not a mouse. Before you and I were hard, I still respect you as a man, how can you pick it up now?"

The Dragon King’s tyrants did not want to talk. The problem was that he did not touch the ridge after speeding up the attack. The power of the sacred boxing method is so strong, how can he touch Lingdao and how to defeat Lingdao? He still wants to kill Lingdao, and how can he kill now?

He ate the loss of Lingdao, when he was on the road, Lingdao used the radical method, and he now uses the radical method to deal with Lingdao. While exhibiting the sacred boxing method, he is both satirical and ridiculous, and is also screaming at Lingdao. After all, Lingdao is a young man, and it is impossible to treat his words as a whisper.

The key is that the response of Lingdao is totally different from that imagined by the Dragon. Lingdao is not hiding, but is confronted with the dragon's tyrant. Although the dragon's domineering is not willing to admit, but compared to the street, he is indeed not as good as the ridge.

If you continue to squat, the face of the face must be the Dragon's tyrant. Not only because of the dragon's domineering, but also because of the tyranny of the dragon, and the confrontation with the late Tianzun of a human race, it is a very shameful thing.

Since the radical law can't work, then the Dragon's tyrants have to display a wide range of sacred martial arts. The sacred boxing method he had previously applied did not touch the ridge, but the method he applied next could cover the ten miles.

Although Lingdao has the supreme gold scorpion, but the dragon's tyrannical master's palm is overwhelming, it is too dense, and can not escape. Fortunately, there is no need to evade Lingdao. The dragon’s sacred rituals are powerful, and the problem is that the power is not great.

It can't be said directly that the power of the sacred palm is not great, just relative. Compared with the sacred boxing method that the Dragon tyrants used to display, the current sacred tricks are weaker than others. After all, Lingdao is not a general late Tianzun comparable, but the dragon's hegemonic display of the power of the palm of the hand, he can completely resist.

"You are right, hiding does not mean anything. Come on, I will fight you, you will continue to shoot."

Lingdao’s screaming, almost vomiting blood of the dragon’s domineering. The Dragon's tyrants have already reacted, knowing that his sacred palms can't be swayed. The Dragon's tyrants are really a headache. The power is so great that you can deal with the sacred boxing method of Lingdao. You can't touch the ridge, you can touch the sacred trick of Lingdao, and you can't help Lingdao.

The current Dragon tyrants seem to have only one choice, which is to consume with Lingdao. As long as the power of the Ling Dao is exhausted, when Ling Dao is the fish on the cutting board, how the dragon's tyrants want to slaughter is how to slaughter. Unfortunately, the Dragon's Ba Tian Zun ignored one thing, which is the test of the Tianzhu Tower.

"You play slowly, I am going to the fourth floor. If you want to kill me, you can only come to the fourth floor. Unfortunately, I don't know if you can come to the fourth floor. After all, as a tyrant, you are too used!"

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