The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 256: Colorful thunder

"The warriors who pass the eighth layer test are either the late Tianzun of the Terran or the Tianzun of the bamboo family. Other warriors have not reached the eighth floor, and the warriors appearing on the ninth floor must have nothing to do with them."

Although the bamboo sacred kings who are outside are unable to see the details of the eighth floor, they cannot possibly know who is on the eighth floor. From the beginning of the dream bamboo world to the present, the first test of the seventh layer of the Tianzhu Tower is the bamboo family's sacred, the second and the last one to pass the seventh layer of the Tianzhu Tower, which is Lingdao.

"It must be the Tianzun of our bamboo family. How can the late Tianzun of the Terran pass the test of the eighth floor?"

First of all, the bamboo family's Zhitianzun appeared on the eighth floor, earlier than Lingdao. When Lingdao had not entered the Tianzhu Tower, the bamboo family's Zhitian Zun had reached the eighth floor. Secondly, the suppression of the Terran warriors in the Dream Bamboo World is far more than the suppression of the bamboo warriors.

Everyone who can become a **** is a genius in genius. Although the strength of Lingdao is not comparable to that of other late Tianzun, it is still unknown whether Lingdao can become Tianzun. In dozens of territories, one can only come out to Tianzun. The two holy kings of the bamboo family have no confidence in Lingdao. It is normal.

"How is it possible? He came up later than me, even before I passed the test of the eighth floor?"

Other warriors do not know who is on the ninth floor, and the bamboo family’s Heavenly Master cannot know. When Ling Daogang appeared on the eighth floor, he had already caught his attention. However, it is impossible for him to find the trouble of Lingdao for no reason.

Before and after the Lingdao experience, the bamboo family’s sacred look is in the eye. Although the test of Ling Dao is not as good as the test of Zhu to Tian Zun, the realm of Ling Dao is not as good as that of the bamboo family. The test of the Tianzhu Tower is fairly fair.

It is said that as long as you can go to the ninth floor of the Tianzhu Tower, you can get great benefits. What are the specific benefits, the bamboo family's Zhitian respect does not know, because each of the warriors appearing on the ninth floor of the Tianzhu Tower, the benefits are not the same.

"No, I can't do things that the Tianzu can do in the late Renren. I must pass the test of the eighth layer."

It is precisely because of the stimulation of Ling Dao that the bamboo family is so high-spirited. Of course, if you want to pass the test of the eighth layer, only the fighting spirit will definitely not work. The bamboo to the heavenly lord is awesome. The problem is that the test that Tianzhu Tower gave him is equally powerful. He is useless than other gods, and he is almost as good as other heavenly masters.

When Ling Dao was on the eighth floor, there was no such thing as the bamboo family. First, the eighth floor of the Tianzhu Tower is not small, and the bamboo family has a short distance between Tianzun and Lingdao. Secondly, the bamboo family’s sacredness is hidden, and Lingdao’s unintentional exploration reveals that the possibility of bamboo to Tianzun is very small.

"I don't know the test of the ninth floor. What color is the thunder, anyway, it is definitely more terrible than the thunder of the eighth floor."

The difficulty of the eighth floor is far beyond the previous seven layers. The bombardment of three consecutive days and three nights almost caused the three Tianfu of Lingdao to collapse. He couldn't easily come over. If the thunder of the ninth floor is even more powerful, can he pass the test of the ninth floor, and his heart is really bottomless.

One after another, the thunder is condensed in the air, not the red thunder, nor the purple thunder, but the colorful thunder. Red orange yellow green blue blue purple, a lot of color, a color is not much. Although the colorful thunder has not yet fallen, Lingdao can feel the terrible of the colorful thunder.

The first time Lingdao was running out of the wild, the three Tianfu seemed to have cast an ancient glory. The huge beasts of the beasts are circling over the three heavenly houses. Can't stop the colorful thunder, he doesn't know, anyway, what he can do is to go all out.


The void cracked apart another large crack, up to a hundred feet, and the colorful thunder was getting closer and closer to the Lingdao. Lingdao’s forehead had begun to sweat. If Lingdao is leaving the Tianzhu Tower now, Lingdao will definitely not be willing to come to the ninth floor. How can he escape without fighting?

The first eight floors have already made the three Tianfu of Lingdao have a qualitative improvement. Although Ling Dao’s current strength of Tianfu is still impossible to stop the attack of colorful Tianlei, but his Tianfu still has no small room for improvement, and maybe his Tianfu can be tempered by the colorful Tianlei.

"Well? How come?"

When the colorful Thunder really squatted on the three Tianfu of Lingdao, Lingdao’s face was incredible. The colorful thunder did not cause any harm to his three Tianfu, but instead increased the strength of his three Tianfu. Not only that, but the power of the colorful thunder is also turned into a way after another.

A mist of water is turned into a fog, the power of the colorful thunder, Lingdao is still a single receipt. How many colorful thunders are smashed down, and Lingdao will refine how many colorful thunders. The number of Taoist masters he has mastered is increasing. It is not long before he broke through to the late Tianzun. In a short period of time, he could not break through to the peak of Tianzun.

But now, the colorful thunder is constantly coming, he can take the opportunity to concise the fourth Tianfu. Of course, he certainly does not do the things that the seedlings encourage, and Tian Zunjing did not cultivate to the limit in the later period, he is impossible to break through. First rely on the colorful thunder, stabilize the realm, and then use the colorful thunder to improve.

"The colorful Tianlei is no better, only one Tianfu can be concise. If it is directly from the late Tianzun to the Datianzun, it may leave hidden dangers."

According to the previous experience, the number of colorful thunder will definitely increase. If Lingdao is used to consolidate Tianfu, it may be able to concise to the ninth Tianfu. However, such a sacred statue is like a castle in the air, compared with the true sacred, one in heaven and one in the earth.

After two days and three nights, Lingdao finally began to condense the fourth Tianfu. It took three hours to complete the fourth prototype of Tianfu. The next thing is much simpler, plus Lingdao has experience, and perfecting the fourth Tianfu is not a bit difficult for him.

"There are a lot of colorful thunder, can't you waste?"

Lingdao moved the four Tianfu in the three Tianfu, and the sword magic operated the ancient heaven and earth in the other, preparing to condense the fifth Tianfu. The time when the sword demon became the peak of Tianzun was earlier than that of Lingdao. Nowadays, from the peak of Tianzun to the Great Heaven, it is a matter of course.

It took another day and a night to complete the fifth Tianfu of the Jianmo. Behind the colorful thunder, Lingdao is not used to continue to consolidate Tianfu, but all refining and turning into a road, placed in the already well-established Tianfu. With the help of colorful thunder, he can consolidate the realm of breakthrough just in a very short period of time.

The peak of the peak of Tianzun, coupled with the sword of the Great Heaven, can gather nine heavenly palaces. Lingdao's four Tianfu are placed outside, and the five magical temples are hidden inside. If you encounter the Dragon's tyrants again, Lingdao does not need to escape. Just one more than Tianfu, Lingdao has one more than Ba ​​Tianzun.

Of course, the Lingdao with nine Tianfu is still worse than the real Tianzun. The operation is quite ridiculous, and it is impossible to play the greatest power of the five magical temples. Unless the sword and the sorcerer fit together, they can match the true sacredness.

"Why can the late Tianzun of the Terran pass the test of the eighth layer, but I can't pass it?"

The bamboo family's sacred hair is scattered and the face is distorted. The time he spent is several times longer than the Lingdao. The problem is that so far, he has not seen the signs of passing the eighth layer. Dealing with his red thunder, the number has been fixed for a long time, and there is no such thing as growth.

"The Terran kid is not on the eighth floor? Has he left the Tianzhu Tower?"

After the test of the seventh floor, the sacred sage of the sacred family came to the eighth floor and looked for the whereabouts of the ridge. Unfortunately, Lingdao is already on the ninth floor. Even if he turns the eighth floor to the bottom, it is still impossible to find the Lingdao. Although he discovered the bamboo family's sacred, the bamboo family's Zhitian Zun did not tell him about Lingdao.

The tyrants of the Phoenix family and the tyrants of the bamboo family are still on the seventh floor. Even if they want to deal with Lingdao, they will not be able to go to the eighth floor without passing the test of the seventh floor. If you let them know, they are already on the ninth floor and don't know what they are.

The test of the seventh floor of the Tianzhu Tower is already difficult for the tyrants of the Phoenix family and the tyrants of the bamboo family. They really can't imagine how big the ability is to pass the test of the eighth layer. The sacred ancestors of the bamboo family and the sacred sage of the sacred family are close to zero through the possibility of the eighth layer test.

"When the late generation of the human race comes out, I must make him look good!"

The Dragon's tyrants chased Lingdao again and again, but unfortunately, he did not encounter Lingdao. It is impossible for him to catch up with Lingdao. It is better to come out directly and wait for the rabbit outside the Tianzhu Tower. No matter which level Lingdao can finally reach, it is impossible for Lingdao to stay in the Tianzhu Tower for a lifetime.

Lingdao did not let the dragon's domineering and so on. When the colorful thunder disappeared, he left the Tianzhu Tower. Whoever entered the ninth floor, the two bamboo sacred kings who were outside were not seen, but whoever came out of the ninth floor, they could see clearly.

"Is it? How could it be him? Is the warrior entering the ninth floor not the Tianzun of our bamboo family?"

"Up to now, only one warrior has entered the ninth floor. Since he is from the ninth floor, then the bamboo lord of Tianzhu is definitely still on the eighth floor."

The two sages of the bamboo family are really unable to accept this fact. To the things that Tianzun can't do, Lingdao has done a late Tianzun. Even if they are not willing to believe, the facts are facts. Since the road from the ninth floor is Ling Dao, then the warrior who passed the eighth layer of test may not be Ling Dao.

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