The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 258: Large courts eat the dragon meat

"Bad boy, you can't stop, this day, you will die with you!"

The angry dragon tyrants no longer defend, and one stroke and then one shot, clearly is the desperate posture of Lingdao. Dragon head, dragon body, dragon claws, dragon tail, all used to attack, dragon head can kill the enemy, dragon body, dragon claws, dragon tail can kill the enemy. Lingdao does not give him a way to live. Even if he is dead, he must take the Lingdao back.

The fear of sorrow, the fear of being unwilling, the strength of the dragon tyrants, this is not weak, in the case of no life, the strength has been improved a lot. Fortunately, Lingdao got the benefit of the ninth floor of the Tianzhu Tower, otherwise it would be impossible to stop the current Dragon Warlord.

Lingdao snorted and said scornfully, "I don't want to give you the opportunity to go with it, but you don't have the skills to do with me. I really don't know how you became a tyrant, obviously have eight Tianfu, It’s not like me, I’m only one of the four Tianfu’s peaks.”

Lingdao is deliberately stimulating the dragon's tyrants. If the dragon's tyrants lose their minds because of anger, they must be better dealt with. With eight Tianfu's tyrants, but with four Tianfu's peaks, it is indeed shameful, especially the Tianzun outside the Tianzhu Tower is not a minority.

"You!" The dragon's domineering piece of dragon scales is tight, but it won't beat Lingdao. Lingdao even said that he did not have the ability to return to it. "This is what forced me, I am not killing today. You can't!"

Being able to become a tyrant, there can be no killer. Usually, the Dragon's Ba Tianzun certainly does not want to use the killer, but now he has done well with the preparations that he has done, naturally, do not care what price to pay when using the killer.

"Blood Dragon Fight!"

The blood of the dragon's tyrants began to burn, and in exchange for unprecedented power. His imposing manners climbed, and the rich blood and suffocation filled the way, such as Shura, who was killed from hell. A pair of dragon horns, already dyed into blood, huge dragon body, but also bloody.

The blood dragon fights the killing, which is the desperate killing of the dragon family. Once the blood dragon fights are used, there are only three results. One is that the dragon celestial annihilation destroys the enemy, the other is that the dragon celestial celestial being destroyed by the enemy, and the other is that the dragon genius and the adversary are together.

"Huangji Zhenlongquan!"

Lingdao took a deep breath and used the nine-turn true dragon to display the emperor's true dragon fist, which is enough to show his emphasis on the dragon's domineering. If you can't beat the dragon's tyrants with a punch and wait for Lingdao, you will not know the tired killing machine. Unless the dragon's blood is dry, or else he will not stop.

A pair of fists, squatting on the two claws of the Dragon Patriarch, directly smashed the two claws of the Dragon Patriarch. Just in the fist of Ling Dao, when he hit the dragon's tyrannical body, the other three paws of the dragon's tyrants, at the same time attacked Lingdao.


As before, the three paws of the Dragon Patriarch were once again broken by the Lingdao. However, the power of Huangji Zhenlongquan has also been weakened. Lingdao's double punches hit the huge dragon's body, just flying the dragon's body hundreds of meters away, without causing fatal damage to the dragon's domineering.

Did not wait for the Dragon Patriarch to launch an attack, Lingdao first kills the Dragon Patriarch. Although it is not Huangji Zhenlongquan, Lingdao uses Yuanshilong Wangquan, which is a nine-turn true dragon to display. It is not to be underestimated. Huangji Zhenlongquan is too expensive and is not suitable for a protracted war.

The dragon’s arrogant arrogance of the sky, he used the blood dragon fight, he is still not the opponent of Lingdao. He left a wound on Ling Dao's body, and Ling Dao could leave dozens of wounds on him. Moreover, what he caused to Lingdao was only a minor injury, and Lingdao caused him a serious injury.

As time goes by, the Dragon’s Ba Tian Zun’s injuries are getting heavier and heavier and weaker. In contrast, Lingdao, the more the war, the more brave, even if there is injury, it still does not affect his strength. Without the other gods, the dragon's tyrants can only die in the hands of Lingdao.

"I didn't expect that I really didn't expect that the Dragon's tyrants would not beat the peaks of the Terran. The true dragons are one of the hegemons of the wilderness. Why is the current dragons so degraded?"

"It is not a problem of the dragon's domineering. His strength is not worse than the general domineering. The problem lies in the peak of the Terran, when did you see the same powerful hegemony?"

Ling Dao and the Dragon Patriotic Duel, they will certainly not participate, although the Dragon's tyrants are like the demon warriors, but Ling Dao is not good. If they rushed out, it is likely to catch their own lives. They have nothing to do with the Dragon's tyrants, and they are not guilty of the Dragon's tyrants.

"I have offended my dragon, you didn't end well. Even if you kill me now, I am just a step ahead of you. Tell you a bad news, our Dragon's Heavenly Admiral has also come in."

The Dragon to Heavenly Respect of the Dragon Dominion is the true dragon family to the Tianzun that Lingdao met in the Tianhu Holy Land last time. He wants to kill Lingdao, just because Lingdao is the Terran warrior to be killed by the dragons. The true dragon family is not the same as Tianzun, because the true dragon family’s Zhitian Zun has already had a hatred with Lingdao.

"You are too naive. When Tianzun is in the early stage, your sacredness can't kill me. Now I am already the peak of heaven and earth. How can your sacred gods kill me?"

On the side of Lingdao, he defended the dragon's tyrants and attacked the dragon's tyrants. His qi is derived from the five Tianfu of the Sword Devil. He is not ignorant of the ability of the true dragon family to Tianzun. Although he is still not an opponent of Tianzun, it is not an easy task to kill him.


The dragon's tyrants were shot down from the air by Lingdao and squatted on the ground. Lingdao stood on the head of the dragon's Ba Tianzun, one foot after another, ready to trample the dragon's tyrants. The Dragon King’s tyrant has never thought about it, he will die at the foot of a peak Tianzun.

"Under the ground, the meat in the sky, it is also idle, and it is better to taste the taste of the dragon meat."

Lingdao did not leave because he had to wait for the demon cloud of the fox land. He came in with the demon cloud, and he couldn’t leave the demon cloud. Although he knows the true identity of the demon cloud, but in name, the demon cloud is still the enchantress's sister. And he and the demon cloud act together, there is always a care.

The fifth level of Yuanyuan originated into the origin of fire, and then Lingdao used the road to condense into a long knife, and cut a big mouth dragon meat from the body of the dragon. The Dragon's tyrants have been dying, let alone rebellion, and now he has not even had the strength to speak.

The aroma of the dragon meat floated into the nose of other Tianzun, making their index finger move. Among them, perhaps they have eaten the dragon meat, but certainly there is no such thing as a daring to eat the dragon meat. The true dragon family is the most short-term protection. Lingdao’s actions are already provoking the entire dragon.

However, Lingdao did not care. When he left the Tianhu Holy Land last time, the Dragon Tianzun began to chase him. Unexpectedly, now to the dream world, the dragon's Tianzun will kill him again. Anyway, the dragon is to clarify his life, why should he have any scruples?

"Is he ignorant, fearless, or ignorant?"

"I see that he is dying, eating dragon meat under the public, can the dragons let him go? Offended the dragon, how long can he live?"

The horror of the dragons, the demon family can not know, from the wilderness to the present, the power of the emperor who was destroyed by the dragons, there are not hundreds, there are dozens. You must know that you can become a great emperor. It is very difficult to destroy a force of the emperor, and most of the forces cannot do it.

For example, the owner of Lingxiaoge, I don’t know how much I want to get rid of Lingjia, but I’m not sure, I don’t dare to do it. Lingxiaoge has been inherited from the ancient times to the present, and the foundation is profound, and Lingjia has not been a powerful force for several years. If you change the Linglong Pavilion into a dragon, Lingjiao may have ceased to exist.

The face of the two sacred kings of the bamboo family is even more ugly than that. They let the dragon tyrants discover the ridge, and the result is nothing. There is a death mark on Lingdao. If Lingdao does not die in the hands of other Tianzun, they must swear the bamboo family's Tianzun. Without absolute certainty, don't shoot at Lingdao.

Three days later, the demon cloud of the nine-tailed fox family did not come out. The phoenix family, who was in the Tianzhu Tower and Lingdao, went out. The tyrants of the Phoenix family saw that they did not pass the hope of the seventh floor. It is better to leave the Tianzhu Tower first and then wait outside the Lingdao.

The tyrants of the Phoenix family knew that Lingdao passed the seventh floor of the Tianzhu Tower and went to the eighth floor. She believes that Lingdao certainly cannot pass the eighth layer. The difficulty of passing the eighth layer is far more difficult than that of passing the seventh layer. Secondly, there have been many years when no Tianzun appeared on the ninth floor.

"How is he outside? Was he hit **** the eighth floor?"

Suddenly, her eyes lit up because she found the Lingdao. Normally, Lingdao is hard to get to the eighth floor, and definitely must temper Tianfu on the eighth floor. Lingdao came out in advance, it must be because the Tianfu was damaged, and it was really impossible to go on the eighth floor.

If the tyrants of the Phoenix family know that Lingdao is the Tianzhu Tower that passed the ninth floor, I don’t know what the Phoenix family’s tyrants will be. After all, the tyrants of the Phoenix family have always felt that it is impossible for Lingdao to pass the eighth layer. As a result, Lingdao not only passed the eighth floor, but also passed the ninth floor.

"The Terran Kid, if you know each other, quickly return the things you took me in the Tianzhu Tower. Otherwise, don't blame me for being polite to you, hear no?"

The strength of Ling Dao, although more than the late Tianzun that the Phoenix family has seen before, is awesome. However, compared with the tyrants of the Phoenix family, the strength of Lingdao is still not enough. The tyrants of the Phoenix family are arrogant and arrogant. It is normal to not put Lingdao in the eyes.

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