The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 284: Leaving the dream world

"What kind of tricks did he perform, why have I never seen them? Is it a Terran power? Do you know?"

"I am not familiar with the martial arts of the Terran forces. However, I can feel that his technique is so powerful."

"Don't you talk nonsense? Can you break the sorcerer's sorcerer's skills? Can he not be a descendant of the Three Emperors?"

The Three Emperors opened Taikoo, playing the Yaozu, pressing the Yaozu, killing or the Yaozu. Starting from the Emperor, to the Emperor, and then to the Emperor, I don’t know how many demon strongmen have been slaughtered. However, the demon people have a high dependence on the three emperors, and the three emperors have won the respect of the demon strong with their iron-clad wrists.

The Yaozu pays attention to the inheritance time. The more ancient the forces, the stronger they feel. The oldest imperial power of the Terran is the Three Royal Palaces, and the power of the Three Emperors is obvious to all. At that time, the demon emperor who lost in the hands of the Three Emperors was definitely not in the minority.

"Damn, I almost got a trick. If I let other warriors know that I used sputum to almost make myself pregnant, other warriors are afraid to laugh at me?"

If the fairy goddess of the Xianling family is really recruited, then she will definitely become a legend. Fortunately, she blocked her own skills at a critical moment. Ling Dao's technique of smashing her, she was caught off guard, she has never seen such a strange and powerful martial arts.

"Can you tell me what your martial arts are?"

The celestial person of the Xianling family asked curiously, although Lingdao could not tell her the secret of martial arts, but as long as she knew the name of 瞳 ,, she could guess more or less. Moreover, she did not know, can the old generation of the Xianling family still not know? When I returned to the Linglong domain, she asked the older generation of strong people not to finish?

"I don't want to tell you, but I don't know."

Lingdao did not lie because he really did not know what his martial arts were. If it is not stimulated by the sorcerer's sorcerer's temperament, it is still unknown whether he can display his martial arts. Regardless of whether or not the Xianling family believes in the heavens, he does not deceive the celestial goddess of the Xianling family.

"Not good, time is up."

When the Tianling of the Xianling family was ready to re-appear, her figure gradually blurred. The experience of the dream bamboo world is time-limited. As soon as time arrives, the warriors who enter the world of Dream Bamboo will be sent back.

Not only did the celestial goddess of the Xianling family leave the world of dream bamboo, Lingdao and the demon cloud also left the world of dream bamboo. The strong bamboo people are also prepared to find revenge on the road, but unfortunately, they have no chance. As long as it is not in the Dream Bamboo World and the Tianzhu domain, the strength of the bamboo family Tianzun will be greatly weakened.

If the bamboo family's tyrants and sacred statues are killed in the fox sacred land, they can not only help the dead bamboo buddies to revenge, but may also be killed by the ridge. If they chase to Tianling, then they will definitely die in Lingdao. Tianling is far from Tianzhu, and their strength will drop to a very poor level.

The power of the dream bamboo world is still a crisis of life and death. Lingdao only glanced at it, that is, the fox family who returned to the fox sacred place was three fewer than the fox family who entered the world of dream bamboo. Of course, this mortality rate is very low. For Tianhu Holy Land, this loss is negligible.

The enchantress Ji was waiting for Lingdao early, and saw that Lingdao and the demon cloud came back safely, and the big stone that was pressed at her heart finally disappeared. As long as Lingdao and the demon cloud are fine, the other Fox family, she does not care much. I don't know if it is the illusion of Lingdao. She always feels that the enchantress looks at his eyes, not the same as before.

"Does she know what? Is the Emperor Yongxi in order to convince her to tell her the truth?"

Lingdao and the enchantress's marriage, the Emperor Xixi is one hundred objections. Even if you really let Lingdao and the demon Ji become a pro, you can only be a fake couple, and there is no name. Perhaps, the Emperor Xixi is afraid that the enchantress Ji is doing the wrong thing, and then the enchantress is the thing of her tail, telling the enchantress.

Although Lingdao guessed that there is some truth, this is not the case. The enchantress just wants to find a chance, run away with Lingdao, and fly away. She grew up in the world of Sword God, and she did not have much sense of belonging to the Temple of the Gods. If it weren’t for the Emperor and the enchanting of them, she would feel very cordial, perhaps she had already left the fox sanctuary.

"Is there no danger in the world of Mengzhu?"

The Emperor Xixi and the Taixu Taoist Lord let Lingdao go to the dream bamboo world. It is impossible to say that the demon Ji is not worried. If Lingdao has a long and two short in the world of Mengzhu, she will certainly not forgive the Emperor of the Xixi and the Taixuan. Fortunately, Lingdao is not only okay, but also feels stronger.

"Talk about your harvest in the big world of Mengzhu, you can't go for a trip?"

Tai Xuan Dao did not know when it appeared in the field. With his eyesight, it can be seen in an instant that Lingdao is more powerful than before entering the dream world. The current Lingdao is far from being comparable to the previous Lingdao. It is completely reborn.

What makes him speechless is that there is no such change in the fox family. The dream bamboo big world is the trial land of the Yaozu Tianzun. Don't tell him that Lingdao is the biggest beneficiary. Therefore, he couldn't help but ask the Yaozu Tianzun, I hope they can give a satisfactory answer.

The status of Tianzun and the Taoist, one in the earth, one in the sky, not to mention the Taixuan Taoist or the brother-in-law of the Emperor Xixi. The question of the Taixu Taoist questioned, the Heavenly Respect of the Heavenly Fox Holy Land is knowing everything and saying nothing. Some Fox geniuses have acquired the weapons of the heavens in the world of Mengzhu, and some of the enchantress Tianzun have obtained the materials for refining the holy weapons in the world of Mengzhu.

Tianzhu Tower, Zhenlong Ladder and Yulongtai are not only known to the demon cloud, but also among other foxes. There are fox family Tianzun to go to Tianzhu Tower, and there are also fox family Tianzun to go to the real dragon ladder, and the Fox family Tianzun went to the fish dragon station. Unfortunately, the benefits they get at Tianzhu Tower, Zhenlong Ladder and Yulongtai are far from being comparable to Lingdao.

"Listen to the demon cloud, when she went to Tianzhu Tower, Zhenlong Ladder and Yulongtai, I took you. I don’t know how many layers of Tianzhu Tower you have reached, and how many steps to the Real Dragon Steps, and How many wins have been achieved on the dragon platform."

After the other Fox family Tianzun finished, Taixuan Taoist asked Lingdao. The demon cloud said that in the harvest of the dream bamboo world, it was only passing Lingdao. The benefits of Lingdao are still good for Lingdao himself, because the demon cloud thinks that her liver is sore, the demon is better than the person, and the devil is dead.

When the Lord Xuantu was in heaven, he also went to the world of dream bamboo. He is the younger brother of Emperor Xixi, and he is unlikely to get a place to go to the world of Mengzhu. Moreover, when he went to the world of Mengzhu, he was already a tyrant, with eight Tianfu.

"Don't talk in a hurry, let me tell you the benefits I got in the world of Mengzhu when I was young. I went to the real dragon ladder first, then went to the 83rd floor of the true dragon ladder. Then I I went to the Tianzhu Tower and went to the seventh floor in one breath. Later, I went to the Yulongtai, and with my strength at the time, I easily completed 36 wins."

Tai Xuandao's face was proud of his face. At that time, he entered the fox family of the dream world with him, and he could not compare with him. He revisited the old things purely to fight the ridge, so that Lingdao knew that he was very young when he was young.

What disappoints Tai Xuan Dao is that Ling Dao is not only not hit by a little bit, but even with a touch of ridicule on his face. He must be dazzled, how can Lingdao ridicule him? Lend a few courage to Lingdao, Lingdao does not dare to do this?

Tai Xuandao did not notice that the eyes of the demon cloud twitched slightly. Although the benefits of Taixuan Taoist in the world of Mengzhu are not small, but compared with Lingdao, it is pitiful. I really don't know the superiority of the Taixu Taoist. He doesn't say how good the previous things should be.

"I went to the Tianzhu Tower first, then went to the Real Dragon Stairs, and finally went to the Dragon Dragon Terrace. I passed the ninth floor of the Tianzhu Tower. I walked through the 100th step of the Dragon Trail. I got the dragon on the dragon platform. In addition, I also got the holy weapon and the holy drug in the world of Mengzhu."

Lingdao 151 said that the first reaction of the Taixu Taoist is unbelief, and the other Fox geniuses do not believe. Even if it is a demon cloud, it is also a big surprise, because Lingdao passed the ninth heavy thing of Tianzhu Tower, she did not know. Lingdao is leaving the Tianzhu Tower in front of the demon cloud. The demon cloud is also because the Lingdao is unable to hold the test of the Tianzhu Tower, and first withdraws from the Tianzhu Tower.

"I said kid, you can blow like this, do you know what you know?"

Tai Xuan Dao slammed his mouth, although Ling Dao gave him the feeling that it was several times more powerful than before entering the world of Dream Bamboo. But to say that Lingdao passed the ninth floor of the Tianzhu Tower, he did not believe it. He walked through the 100-step steps of the real dragon ladder. He did not believe it. He completed the 100-game winning streak of the Dragon Dragon, and the one hundred unbelief of the Taixu Taoist.

"I don't know about the Tianzhu Tower. He walked through the 100-step steps of the Dragon Stairs. I saw it with my own eyes. Similarly, he completed the 100-game winning streak of the Dragon Dragon, and I also saw it with my own eyes."

Just want to ridicule Lingdao two sentences of the demon Tianzun, immediately ready to go, swallowed into the stomach. Lingdao may lie to them, and the demon cloud is absolutely impossible to lie to them. In other words, if you are Lingdao, it is very likely that it is true. Compared with Lingdao, they are completely going to the dream world to make soy sauce.

"How is it possible? How hard is the ninth floor of the Tianzhu Tower, I will not know? How could he pass?"

The Taixuan Taoist is actually trying to test the Lingdao, because the ninth floor of the Tianzhu Tower has no test at all. This thing, the demon cloud does not know, the other gods of the Tianhu Holy Land do not know. If he had asked the Emperor of the Xixi, he did not know.

"The test of Tianzhu Tower is only eight layers. The ninth floor is purely good for me. Otherwise, how can I become the peak of Tianzun in such a short period of time?"

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