The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 286: Ambush of the Immortal Palace

"You don't resist, I am leaving you now."

After Ling Dao told the story of the enchantress, the princess of the wine said a piece of cake. A similar thing, the Princess of Wine did not know how many times he had done it. Lingdao and Jianmo are one of them. The Princess of Wine can appear next to Lingdao, and it can also appear beside the sword.

"Now? How do you send me away? The Tianhu Holy Land is passed down from the wilderness to the present imperial power. Can you be strong?"

Even if Lingdao can really defeat Tianzun, it is impossible to take out the Tianhu Holy Land with the demon. The vast fox sacred place is much better than the powerful one. To Heavenly Respect, it is only standing at the peak of the heavenly environment, with the Holy King, the Taojun and even the Taoist Lord.

"Did you not see another one? I can send you to another one, and then I will send you to Lingjia, can you?"

In addition to this method, Ling Dao really does not know how to bring the demon Ji away from the Tianhu Holy Land. Fortunately, the enchantress is 100% trust in Lingdao, Lingdao makes the enchantress do not resist, and the enchantress has no thought of rebellion. The wine princess took the enchantress and sent the enchantress to the chaotic ancient domain.

"Where is this? I really left the Temple of the Holy Land?"

The enchantress thinks that what is happening now seems to be dreaming. The fox sacred land has never been missing the prince. With her ability, it is impossible to leave the fox sacred place under the eyes of Daojun. She also thought that Lingdao was happy that she was happy. I didn't expect Lingdao to do it.

Just a blink of an eye, the scene around the enchantress is completely different from the previous one. Moreover, she now does not feel the breath of the fox warrior, even the Lingdao around him is different from the previous one. After the two points of Lingdao, the temperament of the two bodies is completely different.

"Well, you are no longer in the fox sacred place, here is the chaotic ancient domain, the territory of the human race."

The chaotic ancient domain is a relatively powerful territory of the human race. There are not only three emperors, but also three emperors. The three great emperors refer to the Taiyin Temple, the Ancient Emperor's Palace and the Emperor of the Life Building. They did not include the Taikoo City Master. The time of the existence of the Taikoo City Lord is too long, he can not be the Terran Emperor.

As strong as the Three Emperors, the same in the long river of history, the life of the Terran Emperor is far less than the Xianling family. What's more, the age of the Taikoo City Lord has lived longer than the Emperor of the Xianling. You must know that the Emperor of the Ancient City once saw the Emperor, and the Emperor was the supreme being of the wild.

"Next, I want to give an account to the Emperor Xixi?"

The fox sacred priest who stayed outside the forbidden land witnessed the enchantress and took the Lingdao into the forbidden place. But now, only Lingdao, there is no enchantress. The Taojun of the Tianhu Holy Land rushed into the forbidden land for the first time. Unfortunately, they did not find the enchantress.

"Not good, tell the Emperor about the disappearance of the Virgin."

The Emperor of the Xixi Emperor paid more attention to her daughter, and the Taojun of the Tianhu Holy Land did not know. Although I don’t know if the enchantress disappeared, it has nothing to do with Lingdao. However, the Taojun of the Tianhu Holy Land still took Lingdao for the first time, and took the Lingdao to see the Emperor Xixi.

Daojun wants to take Lingdao, and Lingdao has no intention of resisting. Tianzun and Daojun, the difference between the two realms, even if Lingdao will send the five magical temples of the magic, still not enough to see. Can you find the enchantress, and Lingdao is uncertain, but you can definitely know the life and death of the enchantress. As long as the enchantress is fine, the Emperor Xixi will not be able to make Lingdao.

"See the Great!"

The Daojun of the Tianhu Holy Land bowed respectfully to the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty, and then told the Emperor Xixi of the dynasty. The means of the Great Emperor is far from being comparable to that of Daojun. He believes that as long as Emperor Xixi wants to know the whereabouts of the enchantress, there must be a way to open the mouth of Lingdao.

Moreover, the Emperor Xixi of the Emperor did not need to move rough, and with the will of the Emperor Xixi, it was easy to control Tianzun briefly. Regardless of where the enchantress is hiding in the forbidden place, Emperor Xixi will definitely be able to pull her out. The forbidden land of the Tianhu Holy Land, for the Emperor Xixi, there is no secret.

"I am looking for it, can the two juniors still play tricks?"

Emperor Xixi did not ask Lingdao, but launched the world of will, covering the entire Tianhu Holy Land. In particular, the forbidden land that Lingdao and the enchantress had been to was carefully checked by her carefully. What surprised her was that she did not find the figure of the enchantress.

"Interesting, really interesting, how did you send her out of the fox sacred place?"

She can't find the enchantress, only one possibility is that the enchantress is no longer in the fox sacred place. Because the enchantress is hiding in the sacred place of the fox, it is impossible to search through her will. Lingdao Mingming did not leave the Tianhu Holy Land, but was able to send the enchantress to the fox sacred place, which really aroused the interest of Emperor Xixi.

"She is my fiancée, I took her out of the fox sacred place, is there a problem?"

The sophistry was useless, and Ling Dao simply admitted it, and the enchantress was indeed the sacred place she sent out. Anyway, the enchantress in Taikoo City, retreat 10,000 steps, even if the Emperor Xixi found the enchantress, it is still useless. Can you be stronger than the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty?

At the beginning, the three great emperors of the ancient palace, the desperate building and the Taiyin Temple came out, but they still couldn’t get the Taikoo City Lord. The time of Emperor Yongxi’s emperor was still short, and it’s definitely not enough to compare with the old antiques of the Taikoo Castle.

"You go ahead."

Emperor Xixi waved his hand, and the Tao of the Holy Land of the foxes left the hall. Among the empty halls, only the Emperor Xixi and Lingdao are left. Even if I knew that Emperor Xixi was not malicious, Lingdao was still nervous. In the face of a great emperor, it is impossible to say that there is no pressure on Lingdao.

"Now there are no other warriors present. Let's not say whispers. You don't know that the enchantress is my tail. If she has an accident outside, is this responsibility for you?"

Her nine tails, no matter which one goes wrong, will affect her way. When she needs to fit in with the nine tails, if the nine tails are not damaged, her strength will certainly not only increase exponentially. Of course, she is scared of the ingredients of Ling Dao, and it is not easy to destroy her tail.

"My tail is part of me. You don't really think of my tail as a fiancee? Is it because you want the emperor to marry you?"

The words of Emperor Xixi’s emperor, it’s not a trivial matter to let Lingdao sweat and smash a great emperor. Especially now Lingdao is just a god, and the emperor can kill him with one hand. If you can't beat the Emperor of the Xixi Emperor, if you take the Emperor Xixi to go home, some Lingdao will suffer.

"The Emperor can rest assured that as long as I am still alive, I will never let the enchantress suffer."

The reason why the enchantress left the fox sacred place is because Lingdao hopes that the enchantress can live a normal warrior for a period of time. It is a matter of time for the enchantress and the Emperor Xixi to fit together. However, before this, Lingdao did not want the enchantress to know in advance that she was the tail of the Emperor.

"If this is the case, then you are leaving the fox sacred place now. I can tell you clearly that there are warriors outside the fox shrine ready to kill you."

Just now, when Emperor Xixi launched the world of will, he also discovered the atmosphere of the Terran. The seven killing emperors and the liberty of the emperor's confrontation, the Emperor Xixi did not know do not know. If she expected to be good, the outside Terran is from the Palace of Immortals.

On the bright side, Xianyi Palace only sent out a Ba Tianzun and two Taitian Zun, but there was a Tao Jun in the dark. Such a lineup is to clarify the life of Lingdao, not to give Lingdao a little life. The practice of Xianyi Palace has violated the rules of the three thousand territories.

The reason why the Seven Killing Emperor dared to do this was because he had moved his hands on Daojun. If the Emperor of the Emperor is inspected, he will only use the hands of the Immortal Palace to be a god. Although the Xianyi Palace is more than a star and a half stronger than Lingjia, the seven killing emperors still dare not blatantly chaos.

Ling Dao killed the old six and the old seven of Xianyi Palace, but there are five sons in the Seven Kings. If the seven emperors are chaotic, the emperor can kill the other five sons of the emperor. After all, the emperor of the emperor is the only son of Lingdao, in order to Lingdao, the emperor may do anything.

"Hey, isn't the emperor not investigating the enchantress?"

You know, when Lingdao prepared a stomach, I didn’t expect it to be used at all. Lingdao smiled and then left the hall. The Emperor Yongxi knew the things outside the Tianhu Holy Land, and Lingdao did not know. The power of the will of Tianzun is like the difference between the light of the fire and the moon.

One of the Emperor's Palace's Ba Tianzun and the two Taitian Zun have been kept outside the Tianhu Holy Land. Anyway, there is a Tao who hides in the dark. Lingdao can find Lingdao no matter where it comes from the Tianhu Holy Land. With their strength, they don’t need to take the lead, they can solve the Lingdao.

Last time there was no success, just because Yu Tianyuan pretended to be Lingdao. The Tianzun of Xianxian Palace must have won the Yutianyuan who has become the holy king. Fortunately, the Lingdao in the Tianhu Holy Land is definitely true. It is none other than the killing of Lingdao. The Tao is hiding in the dark, just to prevent it.

"Fast, you are going in that direction, and Lingdao is coming out."

The eyes of the fairy palace are bright, then point to the east, and a tyrant of the Xianyi Palace and two Taitianzun voices. If he can't take it, he will try not to shoot, and the consequences of killing the son of the emperor are not something that he can bear.

"His mother, finally waited for him to come out, as long as he killed him, we can leave the territory of the Yaozu."

"It has to be said that it is dangerous to stay in the territory of the Yaozu. Fortunately, the hatred of the fox warriors against the Terran is not as serious as other demons. Otherwise, we are likely to have been fighting with the demon warriors."

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