The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 13: Eighty-eighth

If the deputy lords of the Eight Great Powers really negotiate with them, put the strong men of the True Devil Temple with their own weak ones, and then put the weak people of the True Devil Temple with their own strong ones, the real devil The elders of the temple must have opinions. The elders of the true demon temple are neither fools nor blind, and cannot sit and watch.

The junior matter is still let the juniors handle it themselves. As long as the Tianzun of the Eight Great Powers does not kill, it will not let the Tianzun of the True Devils be a big one. The first round of the test is a nine-day squad, the same realm, it must be the true deity of the true devil. If they don't first eliminate the Tianzun of the True Devils, they will definitely be eliminated.

"You are right, it is good to go with the flow. Even if the final results are not good, we are not shameful. If the Tianzun ratio is too irritating, even if our own Tianzun can be ranked in the forefront, then What is the use?"

"In any case, the top ten rewards are the true devils. Our own Tianzun can squeeze into the top ten. We earned it. We can't squeeze into the top ten. We have no loss. Their way, let them go, we Don't worry about it."

"It is normal for the Tianzun of a product to lose to the Emperor's power. Isn't we the same as the Taoist and the Taoist who are not the forces of God? Anyway, there is only one Heavenly Deity, the Heavenly Respect of our respective forces, It’s not that I’m not in the top ten, why should we do more?”

The deputy lord of the Eight Great Powers made up their minds and did not conduct black-box operations on Tianzun Da. The deputy lord of the ancient Mozong took out four thousand five hundred bamboo sticks, and one force took five hundred and distributed it to the warrior who participated in the Tianzun Dabi. The bamboo sticks won by the nine forces are the same, from the first to the fifth.

Ling Dao’s hand is on the 88th, and his opponent is the 88th of the other eight forces. In the first round of the test, there were a total of 500 games, and the first round of the test was possible, with a maximum of only 500 Tianzun. Because of some trials, the nine Tianzun may be completely eliminated, resulting in only four hundred people who can enter the second round of the test.

"It's a bit interesting. If there is one-on-one, I don't have any opponents. If you have a pair of eight, it will be different."

In the first round, the possibility of encountering the tyrants and the celestial celestial beings was very small. After all, there were not many of the tyrants and the celestial sects of the nine forces. It is difficult to meet the tyrants and the celestial respects from the selection of opponents from more than 4,000 Tianzun. However, as long as Lingdao passes the first round of comparison, the latter test will definitely be able to compete with Ba Tian Zun and Zhi Tian Zun.

There are ten decisive battle platforms in the ancient battlefield, and ten matches can be conducted simultaneously. Ten Tianzun, who appeared in Tianzongzong, is not known. Ling Tian, ​​who played other forces, did not know Ling Dao. However, because there is a Ba Tianzun on the eighth battle platform, Ling Dao still looked at it.

Although it is only a dominant force, but the strength is absolutely not weak. If he is practicing the emperor, the strength must be stronger. The gap between the Taoist and the emperor is still very obvious. Moreover, the martial arts of a product is also better than the martial arts of the forces of God. The strength of martial arts is determined by the pioneers on the one hand and by the practitioners on the other.

The time of the emperor's power transmission is longer than that of a product, which means that the martial arts appearing in the power of the emperor is more than one. It is certainly not the general martial arts that can be passed down. Moreover, the strong power of the emperor's power, the horizon is higher than the power of one. It is simply better than the founder, and the power of one product is obviously not as good as that of the emperor.

The facts are similar to those of the deputy chiefs of the eight major forces. The ten deities on the decisive battle platform are the defenders of the true devil. Although it was not a shameful thing to be eliminated by the Tianzun of the True Devil Hall, it is a very upswing to be able to eliminate the Tianzun of the Real Devil Hall by yourself.

For Tianzun of the True Devils, as long as there is no power to sweep the other eight Tianzun, it is easy to be eliminated. In particular, some of the true demon temple Tianzun, obviously more powerful than the other eight heavenly deities, but the first one was beaten to the battle platform, it is not reconciled.

"Elders, I am not convinced. If they don't join hands, how can I be eliminated?"

"They are deliberate. If we know that our true demon disciples are better than them, they will deal with us first. In this way, what is the significance of Tianzun Dabe?"

The true demon temple of the protest is not one or two. If it is a one-on-one matchup, they lose to other Tianzun and are convinced. However, Tianzun, the power of the eight major forces, joined forces and they were not convinced. The so-called double fist is difficult to attack four hands, let alone an enemy eight?

The Tianzun of the True Devil Temple looked at the elders of the Real Devil Hall, and the deputy sovereigns of the Eight Great Powers also looked at the elders of the Real Devil Hall. If the elders of the True Devils have opinions on the practice of the Eight Great Powers, the deputy masters of the Eight Great Powers will certainly warn their own gods.

"Win is to win, lose is to lose, what do you have to be convinced? If you really have strength, don't say that eight Tianzun join forces, even if 80 Tianzun join forces?"

To disappoint the true deity of the true demon temple, the elders of the true demon temple did not mean to go out for them. The elders of the True Devils not only did not say that the Eight Great Powers did not, but they taught them. The elders of the true devil do not help them, then they are really eliminated.

After thinking of going back, the other divisions and brothers asked them how they performed on the Tianzun Dabi, and they were not mad at it. Do they want to tell their brothers that they were eliminated in the first round? They are disciples of the emperor's forces, lost to the disciples of a force, how can they tell the brothers?

The deputy lord of the Eight Great Powers was relieved. Since the elders of the True Devils did not blame the actions of their respective forces, then the subsequent test can be all the same. That is to say, the first round of trials is very unfavorable to the Tianzun of the True Devil Hall. As long as the cooperation is good, the first round of trials will eliminate many of the Tianzun of the True Devil Hall.

"I understand, no wonder the true magic hall is going to participate in our Tianzun comparison. I can be sure that the situation at the moment is in the expectation of the top of the true magic hall. They let the Tianzun of the true magic temple come to our Tianzun Dabe, Isn't it just to sharpen their gods?

It’s not that I have the ambition of others to destroy my own prestige, one-on-one, the same realm, our own Tianzun will basically not be the opponent of the true demon temple Tianzun. They want to sharpen the Heavenly Respect, they can only use the less-to-many approach. Isn’t the rule of our first round of comparisons given them the opportunity? ”

Tang Yaner can be sure that the elders of the True Devils not only don’t mind the Tianzun of the Eight Great Powers who have joined hands to deal with the Tianzun of the True Devils, and they are eager for their Eight Great Powers. The Real Devil Hall is the only emperor power in the Dark Devils, and certainly will not compare with a single power.

"It turns out that we have smashed the top of the Real Devil Hall. They let the Tianzun of the True Devil Temple participate in the Heavenly Respect, not to bully the Heavenly Emperor of our Eight Great Powers, but to cultivate the Heavenly Respect of the True Devil."

"Their discouragement is not something we can compare, and even if we want to compare, it is not comparable. The power of one product is ultimately a force, and the gap with the power of the emperor is not something we can change."

The next test, though the same as before, but the Tianzun of the True Devils has successively played the momentum of the Emperor's power. Even if it is an enemy, it is the same as the true demon temple. There is nothing more to say than Tianfu is more than other gods and defeating the other eight heavenly gods. However, as many Tianfu, the Tianzun of the true demon temple can still sweep the Tianzun of a power, it will be amazing.

When I went to Lingdao, I passed the first round of the test, and I have already had thirty-two. Eighty games, and in the case of the eight major products against the true demon temple, through the first round of the test of the Tianzun, there are still 40% of the true demon temple.

Regardless of whether the deputy chief of the Eight Great Powers is willing to admit it, the Tianzun of the True Devil Temple is stronger than the Tianzun of the Eight Great Powers, and it is stronger than several levels. If you switch to the other eight forces, any one of them will be able to wipe them out.

What makes Lingdao a headache is that the disciple of the true demon who appeared on a decisive battle platform with him is actually Taitianzun. If the disciples of the true demon on the battle platform are weak, the other gods of the power may still fight each other. The problem is that Tianzun of the True Devil Temple has seven Tianfu, and they cannot possibly not join hands.

"How can we let them join hands to deal with me? The Taitian Zun of the Emperor's forces plus the Tiantian Zun and Xuan Tianzun of a power, shouldn't it be too weak?"

The purpose of Lingdao is to let the other eight Tianzun join forces to fight him. Unfortunately, in the eyes of other Tianzun, he is far less than the Tianzun of the Real Devil Hall. I want them to join hands to deal with Lingdao. It is unlikely that they will have nothing to lose when they fight with Tianzun of the Real Devil Hall. Of course, the other forces' big Tianzun and Xuan Tianzun joined forces, and the results were estimated not to be both defeated, but they were swept by the Taizun of the True Devil Hall.

"You are dealing with the Tianzun of the Real Devil's Temple. I have to deal with this kid. Can you pass the first round of comparison, for me, it is far from killing him."

After the Great Devil of the Magical Demon went to the battle platform, he stared at the Lingdao. In fact, he knew in his heart that he met Tai Tian Zun of the Real Devil Hall. Even if he and other Tian Zun joined forces, he did not pass the first round of comparison. Instead of wasting time, it is better to kill Lingdao first.

"Only by you, it is not my opponent. Of course, you and other gods join forces, and it is not my opponent. You are in my eyes, weak and poor, other heavenly, the same."

Lingdao is deliberately mocking other Tianzun. Perhaps, only in this way can they attract their hatred and let them do it themselves. Sure enough, his voice has just fallen, and other gods look at his eyes, full of hostility. Only the Taitian Zun of the True Devil Hall, from the beginning to the end, did not see Lingdao once.

"What kind of equipment is installed, isn't it the Taitian Zun of the Emperor's power, I want to win you, it's easy. I don't want to talk big, you really can't find Tianzun who can fight with me."

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