The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 15: Anti-magic eight

"You!" The face of the enchanted celestial celestial temperament was a burst of white, and Lingdao actually said that he was impersonating Tianjun. It was really deceiving. "It was just because I was underestimating the enemy. Once I am serious, I will kill you. It’s easy, you believe it or not?”

Let the celestial sorcerer's celestial celestial being and the true demon's celestial respect, the illusion of the enchantress is not an opponent. Lingdao is just a pre-existing Tianzun, and it has absolute confidence in dealing with Lingdao. The celestial demon of the magical sect is not cultivating the sword of the sky, and now it is used to kill the lingdao.

"The sky is like a sword!"

The celestial swordsmanship of the illusion of the enchantress is created by a tyrant of the illusion of the enchantress. The sword of the big sky can be big or small, it can be long or short, unpredictable, and unpredictable. In his hand, there is only one sword, which gives people the feeling, but it is like holding hundreds of swords.

The Tianfu, which is suppressed on the top of Lingdao, is not to humiliate the Lingdao, but to be the life of Lingdao. In the hands of Tianpin, the sword broke out with a sharp edge. The Tianjian sword and the current Tianpin sword are absolutely different.

"Of course I don't believe, with the help of your three-legged cat, how could you kill me?"

Lingdao did not urge Tianfu to hit the Tianfu of the Magical Emperor Zongzun, because this trick was used to deal with the Taitianzun of the Real Magic Hall. If it is used now, the Taishou of the True Devil Temple is prepared for it. It is not an easy thing for Ling Dao to destroy the Tianfu of the Real Devil Temple.

To deal with the celestial sect of the magical sect, you don't need to use the martial arts in the ridiculous sacred genius. Lingdao's own Yuanshilong Wangquan is properly used. Anyway, the physical body of Lingdao is not worse than the weapon of the heavenly spirit. Even if it is hard to fight with the magical sect of the magical sect, Lingdao will not suffer.


Ling Dao can not only crush the magical demon in the physical strength, but also the strength. Waiting for the fist of Lingdao, squatting on the sword of Tianpin, he directly flew out the sword of Tianpin. The right hand of the illusionist Zun Tianzun seems to have lost consciousness and trembles constantly.

It’s just a trick. The battle between the magical demon and the Lingdao is divided. After the Tianzun of the Magical Demon lost the sword of the heavenly sword, the strength fell by at least 30%. In contrast, Ling Dao, the strength is not only a little weakened, but the momentum is more and more fierce, compared to the beginning, only strong or weak.

"No, how could he be more powerful than my brother in the early days? And my brother is a sword. He can beat my brother with bare hands, how is it possible?"

"There is a problem. There is a problem with his realm. I can be sure that he is not an early Tianzun. I don't know what method he used to hide other Tianfu. He is definitely more than one Tianfu."

"From the strength he showed, he has either six Tianfu or seven Tianfu. Whoever puts his current Tianzun, whoever wants to be a mold, is likely to be pitted to death."

They suspect that the realm of Ling Dao is normal. When Ling Dao participated in the test of Tian Mo Zong, the Tian Mo Zong also felt that there was a problem with the realm of Ling Dao. To say that Lingdao is a predecessor, they have one hundred and one thousand unbelief. They are all from the previous days, and they are well aware of the strength of the previous Tianzun.

However, the other seven major powers of the deputy masters frowned, because they can see that Lingdao did not hide any Tianfu. Although the strength of Lingdao is far beyond the scope of the previous Tianzun, Lingdao really only has a Tianfu. If there are other Tianfu in Lingdao, it is impossible to pass their eyes.


Lingdao's left fist, slamming on the chin of the magical demon celestial respect, a **** tooth, flew down the stage. The face of the magical demon Tianzun is full of sorrow, although he does not know why Ling Dao’s strength is so tyrannical, but he only wants to admit defeat, because he saw the killing in the eyes of Ling Dao.

However, when the Tianzun of the Magical Demon was ready to scream and admit defeat, he was horrified to find that there was no sound. Can not admit defeat, he wants to live, must leave the battle platform. As long as he left the scope of the battle platform, Lingdao could not continue to shoot him. Losing to Lingdao is a shame, but losing face is stronger than being killed.

"When you can kill me, you will kill and find that it is not my opponent, you want to run, how can there be such a good thing under the sun?"

One after another, the road condenses into a long sword, piercing the body of the magical demon celestial body at a speed that is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and passes through the chest. The eyes of the magical Zong Tianzun's eyes, before he started, he did not think that he would die in the hands of Lingdao.

The magical demon sect of the decisive battle is silent, because the magical demon sacred on the battle platform is not a strong one, but it is not a weak one. He is not an opponent of Lingdao, which means that many of the Magical Devils are not the opponents of Lingdao. The magical demon sect who can defeat Lingdao is only a minority.

"You do have a bit of a skill. If you don't have me, you really have the possibility of passing the first round of comparison. Their group of waste is not your opponent. Unfortunately, your luck is not good, meet me, you only have to be eliminated." The disciples of a product are, after all, only disciples of a powerful force, and cannot be compared to the disciples of our imperial forces."

Tai Tian Zun of the True Devil Temple is full of superiority when talking to Tian Zun, a powerful force. If he is not known, Ling Dao is not only a disciple of the emperor's forces, but also the biological son of the emperor, do not know what his expression will be. Compared with Ling Dao, the real deity of the Real Devil Temple has no advantage at all.

On the origin, Ling Dao is more powerful than the true demon temple. Although Lingjia is not comparable to the real devil hall, Ling Dao is the emperor. The Tai Tian Zun of the Real Devil Temple is only a disciple. On the merits, Ling Dao practiced the ridiculously immortal, and the true demon temple Taitian respected the emperor, far from being qualified and quite ridiculous.

"Do not talk nonsense, you are a disciple of the emperor, I don't know. But I still want to remind you that only with them, you have the qualification to fight with me."

If Lingdao lets the Princess of the Wines send the six heavenly houses of the Sword Demon, then the Tiantianzun of the Real Devil Hall is not qualified to compete with Lingdao even if it is joined with the other six Tianzuns present. Only to the Tianzun, there is a contempt for the Lingdao with the seven Tianfu.

"I don't want to say anything, I want to see, how do you pick up my anti-magic eight!"

The anti-magic eight-style, the most powerful martial arts of the true demon temple, no one, can be trained into the anti-magic eight-style Tianzun, very few. Tai Tian Zun of the Real Devil Hall is said to be a demon style. In fact, he only practiced the first five styles. In the latter three styles, he did not practice, but he could not practice.

It is absolutely different to practice the reverse magic eight style, and only the front five styles. The anti-magic eight style, not only one style is more powerful than one style, but after the eight styles are connected, it will burst into a terrible power. If Tai Tian Zun of the True Devil Hall can penetrate the Eight Styles, it will definitely pose a threat to Ling Dao.

"It turned out to be a devil's eight style. I didn't get it wrong? If the real devil's demon style is displayed, how can we be his opponent?"

"That kid is finished, whether he is a predecessor or a celestial respect, he encounters a demon style, he only has a path of defeat. We dare not kill the goddess of the true demon temple, but the goddess of the true demon hall dares to kill us."

"Responsible, it is his own death, he is the celestial sorcerer of the illusion of the enchantress, and the celestial contempt of the true devil. If the true deity of the temple does not kill him, what is the majesty of the true devil?"

Although the Tianzun of the Eight Great Powers and the Taitianzun of the True Devils are not a position, they will not stand in the same position as Lingdao. In particular, the Tianzun of the Magical Demon, the sorrowful sect was killed by Tai Tianzun of the Real Devil Hall. After all, Ling Dao was in front of them, killing a Tianzun of the Magical Demon.

Lingdao also heard the words of other Tianzun, but he could not be afraid. The strongest martial arts of the true demon temple, and the martial arts recorded in the wild sacred genius, are still not comparable. He is not afraid of the devil's eight styles, but he is afraid that the anti-magic eight is not powerful enough. The stronger the opponent, the more interested Lingdao is.

The seven heavenly palaces of the true demon temple are like seven war gods, guarding him around him. His big hands, changing again and again, saw hundreds of rules, turned into a tall figure and rushed to Lingdao. To deal with Lingdao, I want to use five styles, four styles.

The first figure, as if the flames are condensed, the hot energy is like a tumbling heat wave. The second figure, like a sword, condenses with a metallic luster. The third figure, like the formation of ice and ice, bursts into the cold. The fourth figure is like a boulder condensed, rolling over the ground and shaking.

Four figures, from the four directions, attacked the front of Lingdao. The place where the devil's eight styles are powerful is the four figures in front of the eyes, like the avatar of the true demon temple Taitianzun, and the 70% strength of the true demon temple Taitianzun. Most of the gods who lost in his hands were lost to the demon eight.

"Loss, he lost, but lost in the anti-magic eight, no shame. In exchange for our other gods, the result is the same."

Even the deputy lord of the Tian Mo Zong is not optimistic about Ling Dao, because the anti-magic eight style is so powerful that she knows clearly. In those days, she was the first person under the Holy King of the Devil, but unfortunately, she met a true demon temple, who was trained as a demon eight. She was beaten without any help.

"It's a bit interesting, is this the anti-magic eight?"

Lingdao's pair of pupils suddenly burst into a dazzling golden awn. The general martial arts is simply not qualified to let him use the Supreme Golden Jubilee. It can be called the most powerful martial arts of the true magic hall, and the anti-magic eight style is indeed brilliant. It is a pity that there is no secret in front of the Supreme Golden Jubilee.

"He is actually laughing? When he dies, he laughs out. He won't be scared."

"Look, what's going on with his eyes? Is he going to use his martial arts? When can a disciple of a power be mastered?"

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