The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 25: Do you say they are idiots?

The two tyrants of the Wuhun family have full confidence in their seals, and their means of sealing come from the forces of the emperor. The two of them add up to a total of sixteen Tianfu, which can seal the strength of Lingdao. It is impossible to break their seals with the seven Tianfu of Lingdao.

The Tian Mo Zong two Tai Tian Zun complained that Ling Dao was directly ignored. As soon as they broke the seal of the two tyrants of the Wuhun family, it was easy for him. Secondly, no matter what he does, he does not care about the two heavenly deities of the demon sect. What are the qualifications of the two celestial celestial celestial beings to dictate to him?

"Shut up! What are you using in addition to nonsense?"

The martial arts family's sacred celestial beings, the two celestial celestial celestial celestial sects must not beat, the martial arts family's three tyrants, the celestial sects of the two geniuses can not beat, the Wuhun family of seven Taitianzun, the demon sect The two Tai Tian Zun still can't beat. Even the 18th Xuantianzun of the Wuhun family, the two Tianzun of the Tianzongzong are not necessarily played.

It’s not that the two gods of Tianzongzong do not want to refute Lingdao, but the seven Taitian Zun of the Wuhun family have already played them and have no time to speak. If they are distracted, they are likely to die in the hands of the seven souls of the Wuhun family. The three tyrants of the Wuhun family did not kill Situ, because the Situ 拿 can make Lingdao shackle. The two devils of Tianzongzong are in Lingdao’s heart and have no status.

"Captain, do you want to avenge yourself, or let us take revenge for you."

"Or, you have to torture him to death, we can do it for you. It is still very fulfilling to be able to kill one such powerful Tianzun by hand."

Now Lingdao, in the eyes of the two tyrants of the Wuhun family, is already the fish on the cutting board. What they didn't know was that when they spoke, Ling Dao cracked the seal they set up. As long as you give Lingdao a moment, Lingdao can completely break their seals.

"Don't kill him first, I think his Tianfu is weird. Let's study his Tianfu."

The Wuhun family to the Tianzun stare, it must be the Datianfu of Lingdao. The six heavenly palaces of the sword demon, the sorcerer of the Wuhun family feel no problem. The Datianfu of Lingdao is not only several times larger than their Tianfu, but also the number of Taoist imperials is not comparable to their Tianfu.

"Kid, let's hand over your heaven, or else, we will make you die."

A tyrant of the Wuhun family threatened that if Lingdao did not surrender Tianfu, he would not mind giving Lingdao a little color to see. Unfortunately, Ling Dao is too obedient, he wants Tianfu, Lingdao directly sent all seven Tianfu. The original plan to teach Lingdao can only be left behind by him.

"Why is his Tianfu so big? How is it condensed?"

Not only the celestial curiosity of the Wuhun family, but also the two Taitianzun of Situ and Tian Mo Zong are equally curious. Only the seven Taoist ridges can be pressed to Tianzun, and if Lingdao condenses one or two Tianfu, it is not necessary to fight Tianzun invincible.

Whether it is the tyrant of the Wuhun family, or the celestial sorcerer of the Wuhun family, they have not noticed a cold mang in the eyes of Lingdao. The three tyrants of the Wuhun family not only threatened him with Situ, but also sealed his strength. He wanted to put him and Situ to death. He really did not let the martial arts family dominate.

"go to hell!"

Lingdao’s first deal was not to seal his two martial arts masters, but to guard Situ’s martial arts family. As long as Situ was rescued, Lingdao had time to collect the squad of the martial arts. With his strength, it is impossible to sneak into the tyrants of the Wuhun family.

On the strength, Lingdao is stronger than the martial arts. On the speed, Lingdao is also stronger than the martial arts. In particular, the tyrants of the Wuhun family did not have a little defense. He did not think that the sealed Lingdao could still kill him, and the speed was terrible.

The tyrant of the Wuhun family has just been inductive, and Lingdao’s fist has been on his head. Just a punch, Ling Dao directly killed the tyrants of the Wuhun family. It is not the martial arts of the martial arts family, but the physical body of Lingdao is too strong. What's more, the use of the nine-turn true dragon's Lingdao, the power can even be comparable to the mid-Sacred King.

"what happened?"

"Is he not sealed?"

Lingdao suddenly shot, punching a tyrant of the Wuhun family, and completely let the other souls of the Wuhun family be dumbfounded. It’s even more incredible to seal the two martial arts people of Lingdao’s tyrants. How can they kill the tyrants?

It stands to reason that the sealed Lingdao, even the previous Tianzun can not beat, it is impossible to be the opponent of the tyrant. In the current situation, there is only one explanation, that is, Lingdao has not been sealed by the two tyrants of the Wuhun family, or Lingdao has broken the seal of the two tyrants of the Wuhun family.

"Are you OK?"

Ling Dao will protect Situ Yu behind him, and Tian Zun of the Wuhun family wants to be in front of him and win the Stuart. It is difficult to go to heaven. After solving the tyrant of a martial artist, the prefecture-level squad, only one left to Tianzun and two tyrants. Even if they join hands, Ling Dao can withstand it.

"Nothing, are you not sealed by them? Why can you kill Ba Tian Zun?"

Situ Wu asked the doubts in his heart. The Tianzun of the Wuhun family and the two Tiantianzun of the Tianzongzong also raised their ears. It can be said that the two tyrants of the Wuhun family are more concerned about this issue than Situ. Because of the mistakes of the two tyrants of the Wuhun family, the other martial arts family was killed.

More importantly, the two martial arts ancestors of the sect of Lingdao are the same, and the current situation is no better. The previous battles have proved that the martial arts family's Zhitian is not the opponent of Lingdao. Even after the 18th Xuantianzun of the Wuhun family used the five-gas gathering, their captain is still not the opponent of Lingdao.

"How can their garbage means really seal me? I just pretend to them, they actually take it seriously, do you say they are idiots?"

Ling Dao not only satirizes the two tyrants of the Wuhun family, but also insults other celestial gods of the Wuhun family. His voice has just fallen, and the seven Tianfu, which was previously handed over to the Wuhun family, is an instant burst. His big Tianfu took the lead, and the six heavenly guards of the swordsman followed.

The first reaction of the two tyrants of the Wuhun family was to mobilize Tianfu and resist the seven Tianfu of Lingdao. Didn't wait for them to regret, their Tianfu, just like the martial arts family to Tianzun's Tianfu, there was a crack. This is because they have a total of sixteen Tianfu, and if they are just a Ba Tianfu, they must be destroyed by Lingdao at least one or two Tianfu.

"You are with me, don't be taken down by the martial arts family."

Ling Dao confessed to Situ Yi’s words, that is, the use of the gods to break the heavens and attack the two tyrants of the Wuhun family. Although his strength is stronger than that of the martial arts family, it is a different matter to defeat the martial arts family and to kill the martial arts. It is not easy to kill the sorcerer's sacred ancestor. Lingdao can only start with the two tyrants of the Wuhun family.

"Reassured, I will definitely not give them another chance."

After Situ Yujin entered the Wushou world, he was also prepared to find Lingdao, and then acted with Lingdao to take care of Lingdao. Unexpectedly, after the real encounter with Lingdao, it was not that she took care of Lingdao, but Lingdao took care of her. Although she is already a tyrant, her strength is a lot worse than Lingdao.

When Ling Dao dealt with the two tyrants of the Wuhun family, Situ Yi also displayed Tianwu martial arts and attacked one of the martial arts people. Situ's attack, although it is impossible to kill the tyrants of the Wuhun family, but can create trouble for the tyrants of the Wuhun family.

"The big devil is proud of the knife!"

"The tyrants are square!"

After all, the two tyrants of the Wuhun family have gone through a hundred battles. Lingdao has just shot, and they have used their skills to deal with Lingdao. Although their strength is not as good as Lingdao, they stand behind Tianzun and 18 Xuantianzun. All they have to do is block the attack of Lingdao, and then let Tianzun and 18 Xuantianzun deal with Lingdao.

A dark magic knife, up to a hundred feet, from the heights, suddenly squat. Rolling the magic, drowning one side of the world, the knives of the knives, scratching the void. Just a knife, as if to be able to split the heavens and the earth in half, the overwhelming knives, filled the entire battlefield.

In the southeast and northwest, there is a huge palm print, the power of terror, and the emptiness of the sky keeps shaking. When the four palm prints attacked Ling Dao at the same time, it was like the Wan Xiongfeng suppression. The martial arts of the true demon temple is the martial arts of the martial arts.

"Idol is broken!"

The two gods, one left and one right, slammed into the dark magic knife and the four huge palm prints. The idol is broken, and it is said to be able to break the sky. The power of the attack is unparalleled and extremely extreme. The magic knife of the size of a hundred feet collapses instantly and turns into thousands of pieces. The four huge palm prints were also crushed by the idols.

What scared the two tyrants of the Wuhun family was that they had a Lingdao in front of them, and the actions of the two Lingdao were exactly the same. It is not Lingdao who cultivated the secret law of the avatar, nor did Lingdao pull the sword magic over, but the speed of Lingdao was too fast, which caused the illusion of the two tyrants of the Wuhun family.

"No, if I don't shoot again, the two of them will die."

The martial arts family’s Zhitian Zun has a headache, because he can only save one tyrant, and another tyrant is helpless. At this time, he had no time to think about who had a better relationship with him, but instead shot the nearest tyrant. As for the other tyrant, he can only play a hand to help him withstand the attack of Lingdao.

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