The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 47: Depressed deputy

"Even if it is a tyrant of the emperor's power, it is not an opponent of Tianzun, let alone a tyrant who is born in a product. You say that he is strong and powerful, but to say that our true demon can't stop it. His trick is too exaggerated?"

It is not the deputy of the true devil's temple who does not believe in the disciples of the true devil, but what they say is hard to accept. To Heavenly Respect, it is synonymous with the invincibility of Heavenly Respect, and the Tianzun who can defeat Tianzun is only the Heavenly Respect of Heavenly Deity. It is not an opponent of Tianzun.

The genius that the deputy lord of the true demon temple has seen is definitely not comparable to the deputy lord of the Eight Great Powers. First of all, the genius of their true demon temple is definitely more than the genius of the Eight Great Powers. Secondly, he once personally led the genius of the Real Magic Temple to challenge the genius of other territorial powers.

Even the most powerful emperor of the Emperor, he is the opponent of Tianzun. According to the description of the disciple of the true demon temple, the strength of the true demon temple to Tianzun and Lingdao is not at a level. What kind of jokes, the tyrants are the tyrants, and they are not the strong kings.

However, the disciples of the Eight Great Ones and their deputy sects said the same thing as the disciples of the True Devils. The disciple of the true demon temple alone said that the credibility is indeed not high. The problem is that with the disciples of the eight major forces, they cannot be unbelievable. After all, the first place in the second round of the test is indeed Lingdao. The true demon temple is ranked second, and his score is a big difference.

"Is it true?"

Tang Yaner got to Lingdao and asked in a low voice. After all, the power of the Eight Great Ones and the disciples of the True Devils are too ridiculous. She is dubious and normal. Ming knows that the disciples of Tianzongzong cannot lie to her, she still has to ask Lingdao. Only Lingdao nodded, she would fully believe.

"Yes, the true deity of the true demon temple did indeed move with me. In fact, I can kill him with one stroke, but I am innocent and innocent, just knocking him back. The martial arts family Killed, the sorcerer of the Wuhun family, I have killed the same."

For Lingdao, there is nothing to be proud of to defeat Tianzun of the Real Devil Hall. First, the practice of the true demon to the heavenly cultivation is not comparable to him. Secondly, if you can separate the Datianfu, his Tianfu and the Tianfu of the sword magic are definitely more than nine Tianfu. If he can't beat the true deity of the true demon temple, it is better to kill him.

"Good, good, good, I will see you in the third round."

The third round of the comparison of Tianzun Dabu is the ranking battle of the Eight Great Powers. Of course, this year is different because it adds the true magic hall. This year's third round of the comparison of Tianzun Dabu can be said to be the rank of the whole black demon domain. As for the Tianzun of the following forces, it can be ignored. Therefore, the gold content of the Tianzun ranking battle this year is far from the previous Tianzun ranking battle.

Tang Yaner and Tian Mo Zong’s high-level officials originally only hoped that the Tian Mo Zong disciples would be able to win a top ten. Unexpectedly, they had a enchanting demon that could win the championship. Although Ling Dao is not a disciple of Tian Mo Zong, but Tang Yaner does not care, as long as Ling Dao is on behalf of the Tian Mo Zong.

"According to the ranking of the second round of the test, the top 100 can participate in the third round of the test, and the rest will be eliminated."

Since the deputy lord of the Real Devil Hall is present, then the next test is definitely to let him host. The deputy lord of the Eight Great Powers has already told the deputy master of the True Devils the rules of the test. The third round of the test is actually very simple, that is, through the second round of the test of the Tianzun one pair, the winner gets one point, the loser does not score.

Those who can get ninety-nine points are the champions of the third round of comparison test. Those who can get 98 points are the runners-up in the third round of comparison test, and so on. The last one is zero. To get ninety-nine points, you must defeat ninety-nine opponents, that is, to defeat the Tianzun who participated in the third round of the test.

"With the strength of Lingdao, who are our opponents? Don't say one-on-one, even if we dozens of Tianzun hit him, isn't it his opponent?"

"You really want more, even if there is no Lingdao, the first is not our share? Without Lingdao, the first is definitely the true devil to heavenly, who is the first, what is the relationship with us?"

"It is also true that the first thing is not related to us anyway. The real unfortunate thing is the true deity of the true demon temple. Originally, the true demon temple is 100% first, but now, can he keep the top ten? Question?"

Normally, taking the strength of the true devil to the heavenly deity, it is easy to take a second. The key to the true demon temple, Tian Zun was hit hard in the Wushou world. His current strength does not know that there are still a few percent of the heyday. Don't say that there is a confrontation with Ling Dao. Even if it is against the True Devil Hall and the Ba Tian Zun's tyrannical confrontation, the true demon temple's sacred statue can not win, it is an unknown number.

"You come over, the Lord of the House personally gives you healing, you can make your injury heal in a short time. Can you take the first, it doesn't matter, but you can't throw the face of our true devil. Even if you lose, you have to Play the style of our true devil."

The deputy lord of the true demon temple is the Taoist. As long as the sacred lord of the true demon temple is not dead, he can heal the wound of the true demon temple to Tianzun. In his palace, I don't know how many healing herbs are there. It is not difficult to save one to Heaven. Shengpin Dan medicine is extremely precious to Tianzun, but it is not worth mentioning to the Taoist.

"I am cultivating the true devil's temple. In the past, the true demon temple is the first day of the black demon domain, but I am defeated, and I still defeat the tyrant."

If it is lost to other emperor forces, the true demon temple is still acceptable and acceptable. However, he lost to the Emperor of Heaven and Devil, he is simply unaccompanied. Moreover, his strength and the strength of Lingdao are quite different. It is impossible to ask him to play the style of the true devil in front of Lingdao.

"When I have a confrontation with Lingdao, I will admit defeat directly? Otherwise, in the public, I was defeated by him, how much shame?"

Just throwing his own face, the true demon temple can not care. The problem is that if he loses to Lingdao, he loses the face of the true devil. Only when I saw Lingdao’s shot, I knew the Lingdao’s power. The deputy lord of the True Devil Hall only said that he listened to the disciples of the True Devil and the disciples of the Eight Great Powers. For the strength of Ling Dao, he only had a vague concept.

"For our warriors, winning or losing is a very normal thing. You don't want to be motivated to destroy your own prestige. You are the best, he is the tyrant, how can you be defeated by him? The first of our true devils How can you be afraid of the power of Tianzun?"

The deputy priest of the True Devil Hall hated the martyrdom of the iron, and let the Tianzun of the True Devil Temple participate in the Heavenly Respect, in order to sharpen them. He did not think of it, just two rounds of comparison, the true deity of their true devil temple has become what it is now. The other gods of the true demon temple are even more unbearable. They look at the eyes of Ling Dao, full of fear.

In the face of Lingdao, who can fight with Tianjian Wang, the Tianzun of the True Devil Temple cannot give birth to a little bit of war. Fortunately, Tian Zun Da is only a test. They are also disciples of the true demon temple. Ling Dao will not kill them in the face of the elders and deputy halls of the true demon temple. Otherwise, they must be far away.

"The Lord of the House is going to have a look. How strong can he be a tyrant?"

The deputy sects of the Eight Great Powers have already set up ten squats. The main hall of the True Devil Hall is mainly to arrange the Tianzun confrontation of the nine major forces. The first choice of the demon lord of the true demon temple is Lingdao. As for the opponent of Lingdao, it is a Taitianzun of their true demon temple.

As long as Lingdao hands-on, even if it is a strike, the deputy master of the true demon temple can see the approximate strength of Lingdao. However, to the devil of the demon temple, the devil of the true demon temple did not do anything with Lingdao. After discovering that the opponent was Lingdao, the devil of the true demon temple immediately gave up.

The confrontation on the other nine platforms has just begun, and the confrontation of the Lingdao has ended. The deputy priest of the true demon hall can't wait to take a slap in the face of the real demon temple. As a disciple of the emperor's power, he even admits to the disciples of a power, and admit defeat is so simple.

"I don't want you to desperately, let you play with Lingdao, what are you afraid of?"

The true demon temple was reprimanded by the deputy of the true demon temple, and the head of the real devil was too low. Tai Tian Zun of the True Devil Temple knows that there is no point in the confrontation with Ling Dao. In case of being injured by Ling Dao, it will affect the performance behind him. However, the deputy of the true devil hall said that he did not have the guts to refute.

The second opponent assigned by the deputy master of the true devil to Lingdao is the Tiantian Zun of Tianzong. Because he feels that Lingdao and Tianzongzong's Taitianzun are from the same sect, Tiantianzong's Taitianzun is certainly not afraid of Lingdao. As a result, the deputy lord of the true demon temple is even more depressed, because the Tiantian Zun of the Tianzong Zong is on the Lingdao, and also admit defeat. The Tian Mo Zong Tai Tian Zun, who was in a confrontation with Ling Dao, used to laugh at Ling Dao. He was afraid that Ling Dao would look for him to settle his bill. He certainly would not give Ling Dao a chance to shoot.

"The Tian Mo Zong disciples can't, the true demon disciple can't, or do I let the magical disciple disciples fight with him?"

The demon sect and the demon sect are in the war, the deputy lord of the true demon temple knows. If the sorcerer disciple and Ling Dao are beaten, the illusionary disciple will certainly not admit defeat, or else the demon lord of the illusionary demon will definitely succumb to the illusion of the demon.

The deputy of the true demon temple has forgotten one thing. Tian Zun is better than the test, but he did not say no to kill. The illusionary disciple will only be more afraid of Ling Dao than the true demon disciple and the Tian Mo Zong disciple. Ling Dao will not kill the true demon disciple and the Tian Mo Zong disciple, but the possibility of killing the magical disciple is very great.

"Isn't it a tyrant? Why are you scared like this? Isn't there a dare to play with him?"

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