The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 71: Such as a chicken

Lingdao is a chance to give Situ’s brothers a life. Unfortunately, Situ’s brothers did not think so. In the eyes of Stuart’s brothers, Ling Dao is so arrogant that they are already Tianzun, even if they are still Tian Jun, they are not comparable to the blood knife alliance.

The small forces like the Blood Knife League are a hundred thousand miles away from the power of one product. They practiced the Tao, and the blood knife alliance's exercises are like a world of difference. The age of Lingdao is even smaller than them. What qualifications do you despise?

Although they are not powerful in their genius, they are the youngest sons of a potential elder. On the status, do not know how much higher than the blood knife alliance's lord, let alone Lingdao such a stranger. They have a lot of people, and what can you count on Tianzun?

"I didn't get it wrong? He actually said that we only have one end, is it dead?"

"I don't know what life and death, with a little strength, I think I am invincible in the world?"

"It seems that he does not see the coffin and does not shed tears. The brothers wait for a moment, and the younger brother will take him to the head!"

Among the disciples of the power, one of the predecessors of the Tianzun period was ready to kill Lingdao. His strength is placed in the early Tianzun, almost at a medium level. Of course, this level is only comparable to the Tianzun of his power, not including other forces.

"I spent three years, and finally I will train the Tianpin Wuxue Dragon Snake. Today, I will let you see the martial arts of a product."

His left hand seems to have turned into a dragon, and his right hand is like a giant. The dragon and the giant python are intertwined, the head and the tail intersect, and the void is blocked, and the opportunity to escape is not given. He has already said to his brothers that it is natural that they will take the time to take down the head of Lingdao.

One of the forces that Situ was invaded, called the God of the Knife, and the dragon and the snake were so famous in the Knife Gate. The **** of the sword, Tian Zun, was amazed after seeing the dragon snake that he exhibited. He doesn't need to use a real sword at all, just the dragon and the giant python that he has made with his hands, it is a comparable sword.

"Teacher, don't worry, that kid will definitely die under the dragon snake. We can help you get rid of the kid, but she must give it to us, understand?"

The head of the **** knife, Tianzun, walked to the side of Situ, and smiled and said to Situ. The "her" in his mouth refers to Xue Lingyao. Xuelingyao is the most beautiful beauty he has ever seen. To say that he is not tempted is simply impossible.

"You are expecting such a weak martial arts to kill me, is it too much to look down on me?"

Lingdao couldn't help but laugh. The dragon snake in the front of the sword was displayed in his eyes. It was a joke. He does not need to use any martial arts, as long as he waved his hand, he can break the dragon snake of the gods in front of the sword. The gap between Tianzun and Lingdao in the early stage of Shendaomen is too big.

Since the predecessor of the Knife Gate had to kill him, then he did not mind sending the gods to the front of the sword. For the warrior who wants to kill himself, Lingdao has never been soft. The kindness to the hostile warrior is cruel to oneself. In front of the **** knife front, Tianzun did not pose any threat to Lingdao.

The majestic palm strength not only shattered the dragon and the giant python, but also repelled the predecessor of the **** knife door. I saw a step forward in the early days of the sacred door, and left a deep footprint in the place. In the early days of Shendaomen, Tianzun retired seven or seventy-nine steps before he removed Lingdao’s palm.

"How is it possible? Your strength is so strong that it is so strong?"

Just in the early days of the Knife Gate, Tian Zun thought that when he escaped, Ling Dao’s palm suddenly broke out in his body. The terrible palm power, the moment the life of the gods in front of the gods. It is not that the body of Tianzun in front of the sword is not strong enough, but the difference between him and Lingdao is too great. Lingdao wants to kill the predecessor of the **** knife door, it can be said that it is effortless.

The other gods of Shendaomen are all dumbfounded, and Situ Xuan is even more shocked and wide-eyed. Although Stuart's talent is good, but now he is not the opponent of the front of the sword. Since Lingdao can kill the predecessor Tianzun of the gods of the sword, then Lingdao can also kill Situ.

Stuart’s brain, cold sweat, fortunately he came back with his brothers. If only he is alone, he is likely to have died in the hands of Lingdao. Stuart did not think that he was not the trajectory of his opponent, but now he is much stronger than him.

"How did he cultivate in the end? Is it a chance to get a big day?"

You must know that Situ was already a disciple of the power. He not only cultivated the Tao, but also had the power to provide resources for him to cultivate, and his talent, now Tianjun. However, Lingdao is completely beyond the common sense, and his cultivation speed is much faster than Situ.

"Just a confrontation, he killed our younger brother? Can he say that he is not in the late days?"

It is possible to kill a Lingdao of the previous Tianzun in one stroke, and they must not pay attention to it. In the case of single-handedly fighting, there is no confidence in the presence of the **** knife door Tianzun. They have to solve the Lingdao, only one way is to join hands. Although it is not a glorious thing to play more and more, it is better than one after another to die in Lingdao.

"Hello, you dare to kill our disciples. Do you know what will happen to killing my disciples?"

"I admit that your strength is very strong, but among us, the swordsman is stronger than you, and countless. You are stronger, but it is only Tianzun. We are not lacking in the door, but not lacking. Holy King, they want to kill you, it’s easy.”

"Of course, killing chickens will not use slaughtering knives, and dealing with the strong people who don't need us at all." It's just us, killing you more than enough."

Tianzun of Shendaomen glanced at each other and walked toward Lingdao. They are crowded and there is no need to be afraid of being alone. It is extremely unacceptable to be able to cultivate to the heavenly environment at the age of Ling Dao. To say that Ling Dao is a strong king of the Holy King, they do not believe in one hundred.

"Kid, you are dead, you have offended the knife door, and we are nowhere in the wilderness."

The elders of the Blood Knife League sneered, and Ling Dao’s first move to kill the gods of the sword, the elders of the Blood Knife League almost laughed. The death of Tianzun in the early stage of the knives means that there is no room for change between Lingdao and Shendaomen. Regardless of the presence of the **** knife door Tianzun can not kill the Lingdao, anyway, Lingdao will die soon in the hands of the swordsman of the knife.

"Do you think that with their group of waste, can you kill me?" Lingdao smiled indifferently and said to the goddess of the knife door. "If you want to die, let's go together and save me time." ""

It is not the Tianzun of Lingdao Xiaoshen’s knife door, but the strength of Lingdao’s present, which is enough to compete with the holy king of the sword. Even the most powerful group of gods from the Knife Gate are not the opponents of Lingdao. Lingdao is the emperor of the emperor's power. Is it a disciple of a powerful force?

"Hurricane! I want to see, how do you resist our killings!"

"I don't know what is so high, and today I will let you see how violent our attack on the sword is."

"The warriors of our knives are mostly good at knives, different knives, and come together. How powerful it is, even our own hearts are not clear."

The gods of the knives in the presence of the gods have been shot, they know that the Lingdao is so powerful, naturally to display the most outstanding school. The next moment, five different knives, was attacked in front of Lingdao. The heavens are rising, and hundreds of thousands of roads are either turned into wind blades or turned into ice skates, stabbing the body of Lingdao.

The blood elders' great elders and Situ Yu retired far away, for fear of being hurt by the aftermath of Lingdao and Shendaomen Tianzun. Situ and the Elders of the Blood Knife League are not only not qualified to play with Lingdao, but even have the ability to stand next to Lingdao. The great elders of Sword League and Situ Wu understand that as long as Lingdao can free up his hand, it is their death.

Situ and the great elders of the Blood Knife Alliance can only pray that Tianzun of the Knife Gate can defeat the Lingdao. Otherwise, if the Taoism solves the gods of the gods, it will certainly not let them both. Situ and the great elders of the Blood Knife League, even if they are desperate, will die in the hands of Ling Dao.

"The light of the firefly, can you compete with the moon?"

Lingdao sneered, and his right hand clenched his fist and made a punch with ease. For Ling Dao, it is a common punch, he did not use any martial arts. However, for the gods of the sword, it is a strong punch, a terrible boxing, enough to collapse everything.

Only when they really fight with Lingdao can they feel the power of Lingdao. Even if they use the knife method, the super-level play, and even the outbreak of 12% of the combat power, in front of Lingdao, still not enough to see. Lingdao's punching ability can easily tear their knives.

The combination of Shendaomen Tianzun is just a joke for Lingdao. One after another, the fist shadow is on the body of the **** knife. Some of the gods and swords of the gods coughed blood, and some of the gods and swordsmen flew out, and the gods of the gods were directly killed by the shadow of the road.

"Strong, too strong, we should not provoke him, not that he does not know the height of the earth, but we do not know the height of the sky. I know that he has such strength, I will never be against him, and will not shoot him. ”

"Nothing, anyway, we are dead in his hands, our elders will certainly take revenge for us. We are just a little earlier than he died, and can wait for him on Huangquan Road."

"On the site of our sacred door, kill our disciples, and not kill one or two. As long as our elders find him, it will definitely smash him. Otherwise, what is the majesty of our knives? ”

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