The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 73: Shindo Valley

"The elders of one of the five forbidden areas in the wilderness are not believed to be your life!"

The elders of Shendaomen chose to kill the Daogu Valley. First, because the Daogu Valley is dangerous, it will be destroyed by a little carelessness. Second, because the Daogu Valley is the nearest forbidden land from the Shendao Gate. The elders of the Knife Gate will be kept outside the Valley of Desolation. If Lingdao is lucky to escape from the Valley of the Killer, he will kill Lingdao himself.

In front of the Lingdao, a black vortex suddenly appeared, and the majestic force rushed out of the vortex, pulling the half of the Lingdao. Lingdao is not without resistance, but his strength is not worth mentioning compared with the pulling force of the black vortex. Not the power of Ling Dao is insufficient, but the pulling force of the black vortex is too great.

You know, even if you don't use Tianfu, the power of Lingdao can still be among the best in Tianzun. Now, Lingdao has let the Princess of the Wines send the eight-story Tianfu of the Swordsman. The power of Lingdao does not say the first in Tianzun, at least the top three.

"Nine turns to true dragon!"

Under the circumstances, Lingdao can only fully exert the nine-turn true dragon. His strength is not only far beyond the limits of Tianzun, but even comparable to the peak of the Holy King. Of course, the power of Tianzun is only the power of the dragon, unlike the power of the Holy King.

"Tianzun is Tianzun after all, no matter how powerful you are in Tianzun, it will be sent to the Valley of Desolation."

Among the voices of the elders of the sword, they are filled with endless grievances. Although he is not in Akane Prefecture, his younger son’s death cannot be felt. Killing the enemy, not wearing the sky, not to mention, Ling Dao is still his most loved son. Even if Lingdao is broken, he still can't eliminate his hatred.

As it turns out, even if it is a Lingdao that has played a nine-turn true dragon, it can't resist the pulling force of the black vortex. The elders of the Knife Gate personally mobilized the Fu, certainly not his son can compare. Even if the elders of the knives are not in this place, they can still suppress the ridge.

"Oops, from the current situation, I will definitely be sent to the place where it is called the Valley of the Killer."

Although Lingdao has never heard of the ruins of the valley before, but since it is one of the five forbidden areas in the wilderness, then it is certainly not a good place. If you go in, it is estimated that you will die for a lifetime. The wilderness is only a big part of the general territory. It can be called unusual in the wilderness.

"Ling Yao, you first wait for Lingjia in Tianling, waiting for me, rest assured, I have a way to get out of the valley."

Lingdao has already told Xue Lingyao about the Emperor and the Nalaner, and Xue Lingyao went to Lingjia. As long as he reported his name, Lingjia had someone to receive her. Nalan soft children see Xue Ling Yao as a daughter-in-law, Ling Dao believes that Xue Ling Yao will not be a little wronged in Lingjia.

Although Lingdao has the ingredients to comfort Xue Lingyao, he is one of two points. Even if this body dies in the valley, another body can still resurrect the body. The elders of the Knife Gate want to avenge his little son, which is simply impossible, unless he can kill the sword.

If Xue Lingyao disagrees, Lingdao can only push Xuelingya to the far end at the last moment. Lingdao himself can take risks, but he can't take Xuelingyao. After all, Xuelingyao has no two points. In case Xueling Yao died in the Valley of Desolation, then Lingdao could not forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"Well, I promise you."

What surprised Lingdao was that Xue Lingyao nodded. Of course, it is a good thing for Xuelingya to listen to Lingdao. In this way, Lingdao does not have to worry about the safety of Xuelingyao. Although Ling Dao killed a lot of warriors of the Blood Knife League, but with the current ability of Xue Ling Yao, the blood knife martial artists who did not come could not do anything about her.

Xueling Yao has no enemies in the wilderness. Just go to the place where the star gate is, and pass the star gate to the Tianling domain. Regarding Xue Lingyao, Ling Xiaoge is not aware of it at all, and Ling Xiaoge will certainly not send a warrior to deal with Xue Lingyao. As long as Xue Lingyao sees the Emperor or the Nalan soft child, Xue Lingyao is 100% safe.

However, at the last moment, Xue Lingyao suddenly rushed to Lingdao, and Lingdao ten fingers. The pulling force from the whirlpool not only pulled the ridge into it, but was also pulled in with Xue Lingyao. Xue Lingyao previously said that he promised Lingdao, purely to let Lingdao relax and be alert.

If Xueling Yao does not agree, Lingdao is prepared to guard, and Xue Lingyao will still be retired by Lingdao even with Lingdao. Xuelingyao only has to paralyze Lingdao, so that Lingdao can care for the road to the Daogu Valley. Lingdao does not know where the valley is, and Xue Lingyao cannot know. After all, she is a native of the wild.

Destroy the Valley, as the name suggests, can be extinct, even the avenue. Don't say that Lingdao has a god, even if the Tao and the Taoist come in, you can't use the Tao. The killing in the killing valley is more than the flesh. It is better than the power. It is the source of the martial arts. It has nothing to do with the Tao.

The reason why it was classified as a forbidden place was because the beasts in the Valley of the Killer were rampant. The beasts in the Valley of the Killing Path, although not high in the realm, but in the place where the Taoist Valley can not be used, their degree of danger has undoubtedly increased by a hundred times. In particular, some of the savage beasts are a group.

If it is outside, Tianzun, Shengwang, and Daojun can easily kill the beasts in the Valley of the Killer, but in the Valley of the Desolation, the Heavenly Respect, the Holy King, or even the Tao, may fall. The beasts in the Valley of the Killer Do not repair the Tao, they only repair the flesh, and the Terran warriors and their bodies are purely looking for abuse.

"Sorry, I just don't want to be separated from you, just lie to you."

Without waiting for the Lingdao opening, Xueling Yao took the initiative to apologize. Ming knows that the Taoist Valley is forbidden, Xuelingyao still chooses to die with Lingdao, and Lingdao does not know how to say Xuelingyao. To say that Xueling Yao is wrong, Xuelingyao is also concerned about Lingdao. This is to say that Xuelingyao is correct. After Xuelingyao and Lingdao came to destroy Daogu, Lingdao was under great pressure.

"But it is not an example."

Lingdao opened his mouth and finally did not have the heart to count the snow Lingyao. In Xue Lingyao's heart, Lingdao is her closest person, knowing that Lingdao is dangerous, she can't leave. Moreover, come here, and now even if you blame Xue Lingyao, what is the point?

Of course, there is a last resort for Lingdao. If there is any danger to his life, he can let the Princess of the Wine send Xuelingya to the sword. As a result, the sword magic has not been in a dangerous place for a while. Experience, when can be, Xue Lingyao's safety is the most important.

"You told me about the situation of the killing valley, so I have a preparation."

Knowing ourselves and knowing each other, and fighting in the land, it is equally applicable. Only by first understanding the forbidden land of the Daogu Valley, Lingdao knows how to avoid danger and even escapes from the Daogu Valley. Although Lingdao believes that there are not a few Tianzun is his opponent, but the forbidden land in the wilderness area, it is not that he can enter and leave at will.

For Lingdao, Xuelingyao is sure to know everything and say nothing. It is a pity that Xue Lingyao knows quite a lot about the things that kill the Daogu. After all, Xue Lingyao was only a child of Xue’s family in Chiyun Prefecture. Even if he later became a disciple of the Shenfu Temple, he was also devoted to studying.

"I wonder if there is a place in this place, I feel that Tianfu has been greatly suppressed. It was not possible to use the Taoist Valley."

If you encounter other warriors in the killing valley, Lingdao has an advantage. He is very ruthless, and his body, strength, and speed are all top-notch. As for the source, Lingdao has a greater advantage, and Yuanyuan is unique in its origin. The fifth level of Yuanshiyuan is better than other sources.

Even if it is compared with the fierce beast, Ling Dao’s physical strength is not necessarily weak. It should be known that the physical strength of Lingdao is comparable to that of the true dragons in the same realm, and even surpassed it. The power of Ling Dao is comparable to that of the idols in the same realm. The speed of Ling Dao is comparable to that of the Qi Peng family in the same realm. In addition, the blood of the emperor of Lingdao, the general beast, can not kill Lingdao.

However, Lingdao can't be taken lightly, because it is also a forbidden place for Daojun. Lingdao's physical body is stronger, can it be comparable to the Tao? Even if you can't use the avenues and the roads, the power and speed of Lingdao can't be compared to the Tao.

"The problem now is, I don't know where we are, where are we going, is it the way to go out? If we go to the center of the valley, isn't it a dead end?"

Around Lingdao, there are lush old trees that are leafy. In the sky of the valley, there is neither the sun nor the moon, and some are just gray smog. Lingdao and Xueling Yao have never been to the Daogu Valley, and certainly do not know where to go is the road to leave the Valley of the Trail, where to go is the road to the valley.

"No, it is an illusion!"

In the three thousand territories of the heavens, the will of the nine-tailed fox family is the strongest. Lingdao cultivation is quite ridiculous, and the strength of the will is not worse than that of the nine-tailed fox family in the same realm. Xuelingyao has not noticed any problems, and Lingdao has already taken Xueling Yao back and retired.

Whether it is an old tree or a sky, it is all fake. If Lingdao did not guess wrong, he and Xue Lingyao are already prey for some kind of beast. Lingdao does not know how to crack the illusion in front of him, only to pull Xuelingya away from this place. It is impossible for the fierce beast hiding in the dark to cover the entire annihilation valley.


A harsh voice blew in the minds of Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao. Then, Lingdao saw a **** bird, stretched a long beak, and squatted toward him and Xueling Yao. Although Lingdao did not see the **** bird in front of him, he could feel the beak of the **** bird, as sharp as a heavenly soldier.

"Ling Yao, you stand behind me, I will deal with this thing."

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