The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 75: Be regarded as cannon fodder

"What is the situation? I am not blinded? Is it such a little guy who is fighting fiercely?"

Ling Dao, who is only in his twenties, is indeed a little guy for them. Among them, even the youngest one is 2,312. Those who can be regarded as enemies by them will certainly not be young people like Ling Dao. They secretly breathed a sigh of relief and also became curious about Lingdao.

With their cultivation, you can definitely see the realm of Lingdao. It is a forbidden place to kill the Daogu. What is the difference between Lingdao and Tianyou? The problem is that the battle between Lingdao and the beast is showing that the strength is far from being a god.

They even think that Ling Dao’s strength in the Daogu Valley is only weaker than they are. They must know that they are two levels higher than Ling Dao. Normally, the strength of Lingdao’s Tianzun in the annihilation valley should be far less than that of them. After all, there is a gap between Tianzun and Daojun.

"I don't know if he is a disciple of our own power, or a disciple of our hostile forces. Are we helping him or giving him a donkey?"

"From his performance, it is certainly not a disciple of our sacred door. He is alive or alive. He has nothing to do with me. Whether you are dealing with him or helping him, I don't care."

The words of the elders of the swordsman caused the attention of Lingdao. The sects of Stuart and Stuart, who were killed by Lingdao in Chiyunju, are all disciples of Shendaomen. Among them, there is also a disciple who is the son of the elders of the sword. Fortunately, the elders of the Knife Gate did not know Ling Dao. Otherwise, Ling Dao not only had to deal with the beasts of the Desolation Valley, but also had to deal with the elders of the Knife Gate.

Although they have not seen the smashing of the smashing and sacred sacred statues, they can be sure that the martial arts ranks such as 鲲 绝 绝 斩 and the illusion of the gods are high. If the smashing of the scorpion and the illusion of the gods are the martial arts of their own forces, they cannot be unimpressed. By the same token, if Peng Peng’s lore and the illusion of the gods are the martial arts of their hostile forces, they may not have no impression.

"This kind of juvenile genius can't be silent. I have two guesses, either he is a young hero in other territories, or he is the peerless arrogance hidden by the emperor's forces."

"If it is the former, there is nothing. If it is the latter, we will still help him. The chances of being attached to the emperor's forces are few and far between, and it is hard to catch an opportunity. I must not miss it."

Shenjianmen and Shendaomen are in the same name. On strength, Shenjianmen and Shendaomen are almost the same. The elders of Shenjianmen want to influence the forces of the emperor. It is understandable that if there is support from the emperor's forces, the overall strength of the Shenjianmen may be qualitatively improved. The power of the emperor is just as thick as the thigh of the Excalibur.

In addition to the elders of the Excalibur and the elders of the Knife Gate, among them are the elders of the Shenmen Gate, the Gunsmen Gate and the God Arrow Gate. The elders of Shenjianmen took the first shot. After the reaction of the elders of other forces, they all shot. The elders of Shenjianmen wanted to draw close ties with the emperor's forces. Why don't the elders of other powers want to?

If it is a general Tianzun, it is definitely not worth their shot. The key point is that from the performance of Lingdao, Lingdao is not an ordinary disciple. Even in the power of the Emperor, the genius of Ling Dao must also be the focus of training. Although Lingdao only has Tianzunjing, Lingdao is in the position of the Emperor's power, and he is afraid that the ordinary Daojun can't match.

“Thank you for your help from the seniors.”

If there is no elders who have the power of each major, the beasts in front of them can drink a pot. Although the strength of Lingdao is several times stronger than most beasts, but as the saying goes, the ants are more likely to die. More and more fierce beasts are coming, and the result of the battle between the Lingdao and the killing of the beasts is unknown.

"I don't know which force the little brother came from?"

The elders of the Gods Gate asked, if Lingdao is really a disciple of the wild powers, then he must have a close relationship with Lingdao. The other elders who are fighting the fierce battle are also erecting their ears. They hope that the backing of Lingdao is strong enough and the origin is big enough.

"Tian Ling domain Ling family, do not know the predecessors have heard of it?"

Lingjia is hostile, and Lingdao’s enemies are quite a lot. However, Lingdao did not intend to conceal his origins. Once, the wilderness and the Tianling domain were far apart. Secondly, the elders who had hatred of him did not know what forces he came from. In addition, Lingjiao Lingjia is the emperor's power force after all, which can make the strong people in the room taboo, and it is definitely good for Lingdao.

On the realm, Ling Dao is far less than the elders of the major forces, but the only one who can rely on him is the origin. Of course, Lingdao did not say that he was a emperor with the elders of a product. Although the identity of the emperor was more respected, who knows that the elders in front of him will not move their minds.

"It turned out that he was not a warrior in our wilderness. I knew that I wouldn’t take it. I only know Lingxiaoge in Tianlingyu. Is Lingjia estimated to be only a force?"

"What is the point of wasting my time and saving a disciple of other forces in the other territories?"

"No, I know Lingjia. Lingjia of Tianlingyu used to be a force, but now it is already a power of the Emperor, because the current owner of Lingjia is a great emperor."

It is a pity that even if the Ling family is the emperor's power, they have no meaning to the elders of the Excalibur. The devout powers of the wilderness domain can support them, and the power of the Tianling domain can not help them. If the current situation is dangerous, they estimate how far they have gone.

"Little brothers, the killing of the valley is one of the five forbidden places in our wilderness. Why are you coming in? Wouldn't it be a mistake?"

The eyes of the elders of Shendaomen flashed a bit. As a child of Ling’s family in Tianling, Lingdao may not know the terribleness of the Taoist Valley. He must explain it with Lingdao. They came to destroy the Daogu Valley not for the experience, but because there was a tomb of the emperor in the Valley of the Killer.

He told Lingdao about the situation in the killing valley, in order to let Lingdao follow them. Since Lingdao is not a disciple of the wild powers, they can let Lingdao walk in front of them to explore the road. At the crucial moment, they want Lingdao and Xueling Yao to be cannon fodder. Lingdao and Xuelingyao certainly have no room for resistance.

"This is a long story. Anyway, it is inadvertently coming in."

Fortunately, Lingdao did not explain the specific situation with the elders who were present. Otherwise, the elders of Shendaomen did not calculate him secretly, but dealt with him on the bright side. Although the elders of the Knife Gate will not have the life of Lingdao, Lingdao and Xuelingyao must have suffered a bit.

"For the sake of you and her safety, the two of you are still following us. We are all kings, and it is more than enough to protect you."

In fact, the elders of the Knife Gate are completely talking about the big words. The killing of the Valley is one of the five forbidden places in the wilderness. Don't say that the king, even if the Taoist comes in, can live alive, it is also unknown. If the Tomb of the Emperor is too important, they will not risk taking a trip to the Valley of the Tao. It is very dangerous to kill the valley. If you break into the tomb of the emperor, it is definitely more dangerous.

"The two of them are not very good with us? Not as good as..."

The elders of Shenjianmen were just about to tell Lingdao and Xuelingyao to leave the route of the Daogu Valley, which was stopped by the elders of the Shendaomen. While the elders of the swordsman gave the eyes of the elders of the Excalibur, they used the will to tell the prophet of the Excalibur.

Although the elders of the Excalibur and the Lingdao are innocent, but the so-called dead friends are not dead, if they can use the life of Lingdao and Xueling Yao, and change his life, he certainly will not have a little opinion. The elders of Shendaomen were afraid that other elders would kindly remind Lingdao, and they would talk to the elders of Shenjianmen and talk to other elders.

"I don't know why your predecessors came to kill the valley?"

In the eyes of Ling Dao, there was a trace of doubts. If it was not the shadow of the elders of the sword, he and Xue Lingya would not come to destroy the Daogu. Since the people in front of the road know that the killing valley is one of the five forbidden places in the wilderness, then there is no special reason, they will not come to destroy the Dao Valley.

"Don't mention, some time ago, there was a Taoist in the Valley of the Killing Valley. Then the juniors of our various forces joined the Daogu Valley and wanted to get the Taoist Valley."

The elders of Shenquanmen spoke of falsehoods, and their faces were not red. For disciples of the same power, the Tao does have a deadly appeal. The power of a product of the power, there must be no more power of the emperor, the disciples of the emperor's power in the Tianzun situation, it is possible to have a Taoist self-defense. However, the disciples of a product in the Tianzun territory, certainly no Taoist self-defense.

Although Tianzun Wuwu can not play the full power of the debut, but even if it is part of the power of the Tao, it is not comparable to the weapon. If a disciple of Tian Zunjing can control a device, then they can walk sideways in the younger generation of the forces.

"That will trouble you seniors, and I will follow you with her."

Lingdao’s face did not change a bit, but his heart was already alert. The story of the elders of Shenquanmen is too far-fetched. The warriors of the wilderness domain know the terribleness of the Daogu Valley. How can a disciple of a powerful force rush into the Daogu Valley for a piece of Taoism? They don't know how dangerous it is to kill the Daogu. The Tao is important again. Is it important to have their lives?

When Daojun invited him, Lingdao couldn't refuse it. Although until now, the elders of the current forces are all polite, but Lingdao understands that once they turn their faces, the consequences are unimaginable. Even in the Daogu Valley, the gap between him and Daojun's strength has shrunk a lot, but he has only one face to death. He only has to die.

"Ling Yao, you have to remember, no matter when, you have to be with me, don't be too far away from me, understand?"

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