The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 78: Xueling Yao’s crisis

"Is it you?"

Xue Lingyao's face changed greatly. I didn't expect to use the transmission symbol to escape from the hands of the elders of the knife and they met them again. With her strength, even in places where the avenue does not exist, it is not the opponent of the elders. Fortunately, there is a transmission symbol in her hand, and it is a big deal to use a symbol.

"Yes, it is us, we have to say, we are still very fateful, you are destined to be our cannon fodder."

The elders of Shenjianmen walked toward Xuelingyao. In the dangerous place of the tomb of the emperor, it was possible to let the cannon fodder explore the road at a critical moment. His mission is to win Xue Lingyao. The tasks of other elders are to block the void and not give Xue Lingyao the opportunity to escape using the transmission symbol.

"Don't waste the symbols, useless, even if we can't use the Tao, you can abolish your symbols."

The method of Daojun is far from being comparable to Tianzun. The elders of Shendaomen can use the power of the source to make Xuelingyao's transmission symbol invalid. If Xue Lingyao and their hands-on, they are even more afraid, and they will pull out one of them casually. It is easy to clean up Xuelingyao.

Xue Lingyao can see that the elders of the Knife Gate did not lie, but she could not be shackled by this. Knowing that the transmission symbol was useless, she tried it again. As expected, the transmission symbol did not allow her to leave the place.

"You have hurt the ridge. I am dead, and I will not give you cannon."

Four are not as powerful, Xue Lingyao is witnessed by the eyes, and the battle between Ling Dao and Si is not so fierce. Instead of letting the elders of the swordsman get their embarrassment, it is better to die in their hands. Among the eyes of Xue Lingyao, there was a glimmer of decisiveness. Knowing that they were not the elders of the elders, she was still the first to take the shot.

The elders of the swordsmen blocked the void, only to abolish the transmission symbol of Xuelingyao. To deal with the elders of the sword, it is certainly impossible for Xue Lingya to use the transmission symbol, but to use the attack symbol. The attacking scorpion of the North Hall of the God's Relic Temple gives him an attacking power, and his power is tyrannical. Even if there is no way, Xue Lingyao can provoke an attacking plaque, and it can still explode a very powerful power.

In the case of the killing of the valley, it is beneficial to Xuelingyao. If it is outside, Xuelingya is urging the attacking plaque, it is impossible to hurt the elders of the knives. It is not that the attack of Xue Lingyao by the main hall of the Temple of the North is not very powerful, but the gap between Xueling Yao and the elders of the sword is too big.

Tianzun and Daojun, like the difference between heaven and earth, even the most powerful Tianzun in Tianzun, can not be the opponent of Daojun. Fortunately, the Elders of the Knife Gate can't use the Tao, and Xue Lingyao's attacking symbols are still very threatening to them.

Xue Lingyao took out the first Fulu, turned into a giant beast of Baizhang Gao, and flew to the elders of Shendaomen. Then, she did not hesitate, and immediately took out the second Fu, the third Fu, some turned into a big sword, some turned into a combat, and some turned into a spear.

"I didn't expect that she would still be a repairer. If she can refine the avatar, can we have countless cannon fodder?"

The elders of Shenjianmen exhibited martial arts, and at the same time they resisted the attack of Xuelingyao, they stared at Xuelingyao with a pair of eyes. The avatars can be ridiculously ridiculous, and the avatars can be ignited. Although there is no strength in the substitute, there is no problem in using the substitute to explore the road.

"What kind of joke? She is a god, how can she be a substitute?"

The requirements for refining the avatar are extremely high, and the cult of Tian Zunjing wants to refine the avatar, which is completely delusional. The rebuttal of the elders of Shenjianmen has been recognized by other elders of the same power. If the realm of Xuelingyao is the same as them, it is possible to refine the avatars.

"Do you know if she can refine her avatars? Anyway, let's take her down first."

The elders of the gunsmen slammed a shot, and the cold guns, like a poisonous snake, circumvented Xue Lingyao’s attacking scorpion and rushed to the front of Xue Lingyao. At the same time as Xue Lingyao retreated, he quickly took out a defensive symbol to resist the attack of the elders of the guns.

A crisp sound, Xue Lingyao's defensive shells turned into shells, shattered. The gunshots of the elders of the guns are not only accurate, but the power of the attack is amazing. Xue Lingyao only felt a huge force, hitting her on the air and knocking her out a few tens of meters. This is still in the Valley of Desolation. If it is outside, Xue Lingyao will only be worse.

"How can you even use the symbol of Tianzun?"

The elders of Shenquanmen snorted, and the shadows of the sky slammed into the attacking symbols of Xuelingyao. One weapon after another attacked the weapon, all broken, although it is impossible to use the Taoist Valley, but he uses the power of the source to display the martial arts, which is equally incredible.

"You know that it is not our opponent, and why do you have to struggle without it?"

"Don't waste time with her. If the elders of other forces take the lead, we may not even drink the soup."

"Yes, one step late, we must not let the elders of other forces take the lead."

In order to get off Xueling Yao as soon as possible, the Tao Jun who was present at the scene had all tried their best. The attacking tactics that Xue Lingyao urged, one after another, shattered. Once they are serious and work together to deal with Xue Lingyao, then Xue Lingyao can be said to be vulnerable in front of them. It’s not that Xue Ling Yao is weak, but they are too strong.

In the eyes of Xue Lingyao, there was a trace of despair. In fact, she is not too concerned about her own life and death. What really made her feel sorry was that she did not see Lingdao before she died. Up until now, she still doesn't know whether Lingdao is dead or alive, but she hopes Lingdao can live away from Gudao Valley.

"How have you not found it? Are you familiar with the tomb of the emperor or are you familiar with it?"

How dangerous is the emperor's burial place, Lingdao may not know, and find Xuelingya earlier, it is less dangerous. If it is not too anxious, Lingdao cannot be so urging four. The tomb of the emperor is dangerous on the one hand, and on the other hand, because of his negligence, Xue Lingya is in danger.

"Less Lord, don't worry, believe me, the familiarity with this tomb, if I say second, no one dares to say that he is the first."

Four pairs of eyes are sparkling, like sapphire, very incomparable. Lingdao has already seen the image of Xuelingyao. As long as it discovers Xuelingyao, it will definitely recognize Xuelingyao. In the Valley of Desolation, the four are not as far away as others, even if it is the vision of Lingdao, it is not comparable to it.

A scene in the tomb of the emperor was crossed in the scorpion of the four. It has just turned to Lingdao. If Lingdao let it do the first thing, it can't be done. Then, even if Lingdao doesn't say it, it will be embarrassed. What's more, Lingdao has nothing to do with what it does.

"Found, I found it, haha, less master, I finally found it."

Four did not yell and yell like excitement, Xue Lingyao and the elders of the **** knife door, their battle pictures, all appear in front of it. With its understanding of the tomb of the emperor, it is impossible to know where the elders of Xueling Yao and Shendaomen are.

"Less Lord, the woman you are looking for is dangerous. The old guys I met before are dealing with her."

Xue Lingyao and Shendaomen elders fight their battles, who dominates, who is inferior, and four can't be seen. The gap between Xue Lingyao and Shendaomen elders is not a star or a half. If the Lord of the North Hall of the Divine Fudian gave a lot of charms to Xuelingyao, Xueling Yao might have been taken by the elders of Shendaomen.

"What are you talking about? Are they dealing with Xueling Yao?" Lingdao’s face changed and immediately said, "We have to hurry and must not let Lingyao have something to do."

The elders of the **** knife door are calculating the ridge, and they are going to start with Xue Lingyao. Lingdao has already killed them. Unexpectedly, after Xue Lingyao escaped with the transmission symbol, the elders of Shendaomen found Xuelingyao again, and they still started to work on Xuelingyao. Lingdao really did not let the elders of the knife door let them reason.

"Okay, little master, you are sitting on me, I will take you there."

Despite the cultivation of the ridiculously immortal Lingdao, it is comparable to the Kunpeng family in terms of speed. However, in the eradication valley, the speed of Lingdao is still not as good as four. Wen Yan, Lingdao nodded and rode on the body of the four. Four did not pause like a half, and immediately rushed to the place where Xueling Yao was at the fastest speed.

When Lingdao saw Xuelingyao, Xuelingyao had been defeated by the elders of Shendaomen. The elders of Shendaomen need only a cannon fodder. As long as Xuelingyao does not die, as for Xuelingyao, there is no injury. They don’t care.

"Since you don't know how to advance and retreat, then this elder will give you a lesson."

The elders of Shenquanmen now use the Eight-Party Boxing, which claims to have nowhere to avoid the inability to escape. In the face of the Eight-Party God Boxing, there is only a hard block, and hiding can't be avoided. It is impossible to avoid it. He chose the Eight-Party Boxing, in order to let Xue Ling Yao face him.

In his view, Xue Ling Yao is not seeing the coffin without tears, do not teach Xue Ling Yao, Xue Ling Yao does not know the height of the earth. I think that the elders of his class can be degraded to the heavens. Xue Lingyao will not think that he can really compete with him by Fu Yu?

Xue Lingyao took out one defensive symbol, and some of them became a big clock. Some of them became a shield, and some were transformed into a giant sword. Unfortunately, in front of the Eight-Party God Boxing, it is not enough to see. The big clock is broken, the shield is broken, the giant sword is broken, and the defensive symbols used by Xueling Yao are unified into powder.


The blue boxing shadow, one after another, hit Xue Lingyao, and Xue Lingyao couldn't help but spurt a big blood. Although the elders of Shendaomen did not continue to shoot, they approached Xueling Yao from different directions and did not give Xue Lingya a chance to escape.

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