The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 81: Vanishing clock

"Dead? All dead?"

Xue Lingyao’s face is not believed. Lingdao is only a martial artist, but now, a group of powerful monarchs have died in Lingdao’s hands. If you don't see it with your own eyes, Xue Lingyao must feel that Lingdao is joking. Tianzun Wuwu is definitely not the opponent of the powerful.

"No, there is another escape. As for the other Daojun, it is indeed dead."

The speed of the Elder Sword Gate is already fast, and with the use of the transmission symbol, Ling Dao really can't kill him. However, the elders of the Excalibur had only escaped for a while and could not escape. With the ability of four, you can find the elders of Shenjianmen sooner or later. As long as the elders of the Shenjianmen do not leave the tomb of the emperor, then the elders of the Shenjianmen are still dying, nothing more than the difference between early death and late death.

The fourth is not like a grin, because it not only finds Xue Ling Yao, but also destroys some of the smugglers. Next, four things that are not like to be done are to solve all the other warriors who come in, and then he can follow the Lingdao to leave the tomb.

"Do you know why they came to the tomb?"

One or two tombs of the emperor can be said to be coincidences, but it is no coincidence that the elders of the Knife Gate are coming in groups. Lingdao does not know the reason. He can only ask four. It is not like the understanding of the tomb of the emperor. He must know the reason. Of course, there are also speculations in Ling Dao’s heart. The two words of the emperor’s tomb represent what he does not know.

"If I didn't make a mistake, it should be caused by the noise that occurred in the past time. Oh, I forgot to say that the annihilation clock is the empire of the greedy wolf emperor."

The killing of the valley is formed because of the annihilation of the clock. Although the annihilating clock is the emperor of the greedy wolf emperor, but when the greedy wolf is alive, the annihilating clock does not grow to the peak. The greedy wolf emperor is using the material of the fairy world to create the annihilation clock. Therefore, the annihilating clock has the growth potential of the general emperor.

However, the greedy wolf emperor is not a normal death. After the death of the greedy wolf emperor, no strong person instills energy into the annihilation clock, which causes the growth rate of the annihilation clock to be reduced by a thousand times. Until a while ago, the annihilation clock finally reached its peak, that is, at that time, the annihilation clock broke out with an incomparable tyrannical atmosphere.

If it weren’t for the demise of the valley, it would have attracted more than one elder of the power, and the elders of the emperor. After all, the annihilation of the clock from the time of the greedy wolf emperor, to the present, is no longer comparable to the average emperor. It is not just a soldier who is coveted by a force. The Emperor’s forces also need such a soldier.

"Di soldiers?"

Lingdao’s eyes are bright, and since the killing of the clock is the emperor of the greedy wolf emperor, then the inheritor who is a ridiculous genius is likely to get the annihilation clock. Although he does not use the gods now, as long as the emperor is brought back to Lingjia, the strength of Lingjia can be improved.

"What is your relationship with the Emperor? Do you think it is possible for the Emperor to follow me?"

Although it is not as long as the time of understanding, but Lingdao can feel it, the four do not belong to a very simple beast, so he did not conceal his intention. What's more, who does not want the soldiers? Even if Ling Dao does not say, the four can not guess the idea of ​​Ling Dao like it?

"I don't know, because I am not familiar with the annihilation clock, even I have never seen the soul of the annihilating clock."

During the growth of the annihilating clock, the soul of the annihilating clock is in a state of sleep. Four is not just the guardian of the tomb of the emperor, but the destructive clock is the master of the tomb of the emperor. After all, the emperor can be said to be the continuation of the life of the emperor. 4. Unlike the idea of ​​not knowing the clock, it is even more impossible to influence the idea of ​​the clock.

"However, I can be sure that the annihilation clock is definitely not malicious to the young master."

It’s quite ridiculous, and it’s only one person to practice in one era. This means that Lingdao is the only person who is now practicing wild and singularity. For the Lingdao, the greedy wolf emperor is equivalent to the predecessor of Lingdao. Since the annihilation clock is the weapon of the greedy wolf emperor, then there is no reason to kill the daodao.

"Do you know where the clock is, can you take us?"

The other strongmen who broke into the tomb of the emperor need to slowly search for the annihilation clock, and there may be traps that may fall into the tomb of the emperor. However, there are four ridges that do not lead the way, not only can find the annihilation clock in the shortest time, but also avoid the traps in the tomb of the emperor. The strength of Lingdao is not comparable to that of Daojun. However, Lingdao is much easier than Daojun in the tomb of the emperor.

"Of course, the Lord is coming up, I will take you and the lady to find the clock."

If you are looking for the elders of Shenjianmen, there is still some trouble, but looking for the annihilation clock, for the four, it is not a little difficult, because the four do not know where the annihilation clock is. The four ancestors of the four ancestors followed the savage wolf emperor to fight the world. The sorcerer of the annihilation clock looked at the four ancestors, and certainly would not be embarrassed. Therefore, the four did not seem to be afraid of the annihilation.

When I heard the words "Little Lady", Xue Lingyao was ashamed and red-faced, and wanted to find a place to sneak in. Lingdao took Xue Lingyao's hand and took Xue Lingyao to ride on the four. Xue Ling Yao slightly closed his eyes, did not dare to go to see Lingdao, but even dare to look at Lingdao.

"People, haha, really a soldier, don't let us come in and take a trip. If we can get the emperor, the strength of our swordsmanship can definitely be separated from other forces. If we get the emperor again, we After a few years, the **** knife door will become a new emperor power."

Lingdao is the elder who killed a **** knife door, but the elders who came in this time are far more than one person. The elders of the knives that Lingdao met were acting alone, and the elders of the knives that appeared near the annihilation clock were collectively acting. There are not many more elders at the scene, just seven.

However, it is not only the power of the Knife Gate that finds the annihilation clock. On the left side of the seven elders of the Knife Gate, there are six elders from the Shenmen Gate. On the right side of the seven elders of the Knife Gate, there are nine elders with Excalibur. So far, only the elders of their three forces have discovered the annihilation clock.

When they first entered the tomb of the emperor, they were far more than just a few people. However, the trap of the tomb of the emperor made them die most of their brothers. Fortunately, as long as they can get the soldiers, then the dead kings in front will not be sacrificed in vain. Their death will bring their future glory to their forces.

Lingdao finds the clock, although it is easier than them, but they come in too much time before Lingdao. Fortunately, it’s early to come, it doesn’t mean they can get the emperor. If it was before, they would have the possibility of getting the emperor, but now the bell of the desolation clock has awakened, which means that the deafening clock has its own consciousness.

"The emperor is ours. If you have to fight with us, it will be ruthless."

The seven elders of Shenjianmen are full of enthusiasm, because the number of elders of the Knife Gate and the number of elders of the Shenmen Gate are less than them. The only thing he scolded was that the elders of the Knife Gate and the elders of the Shenmen Gate joined forces to kick out the nine elders of their Excalibur.

In terms of strength alone, in the presence of Daojun, the seven elders of Shenjianmen are definitely the strongest one. Even in places like Shudaogu, the seven elders of Shenjianmen have the confidence to defeat any elders in the presence of Shenmen and Shendaomen. The problem is that the two fists are difficult to attack the four hands, and the seven elders of the Shenjianmen are stronger. In the face of the siege of the elders of the gods and the elders of the swordsmen, they can only retreat.

"Jokes, the soldiers are the things of the Lord. You said that it is yours, is it yours? Can you say that you can refine the soldiers?"

The twelve elders of Shendaomen laughed and singled out. He was indeed not the opponent of the seven elders of the Excalibur. However, in addition to the elders of their knives and the elders of the Excalibur Gate, there are also elders of the Shenmen Gate. The three-legged situation, although the elders of the Excalibur Gate are strong, they are not enough to drive away the elders of their swordsmen and the elders of the Shenmen Gate.

"I think you still don't want to be good. You can go to this place. It's definitely not easy. Do you think that you can get the soldiers directly? I think we should not fight well, wait for us to win first. Is it not good to be a soldier?"

The nine elders of Shenquanmen still did not relax their vigilance. Until now, he still couldn’t forget the eyes of a former younger brother who looked to him before he died. It is not that he is not willing to save his younger brother, but to save his younger brother, at least to take his half life, he will certainly not take risks.

On the one hand, the nine elders of Shenmengmen are afraid of death. On the other hand, the elders of the Shenmenmen who came to the tomb of the emperor were led by him. If he was three long and two short, even if he was under the nine secluded, he could not die. The teacher brothers confessed. He must live, and only if he is alive can he lead other brothers and brothers to get the soldiers.

"What you said is not unreasonable. We are not suitable for the battle now. Although the soldiers are in front of us, it does not mean that there is no danger. On the contrary, the danger we are about to encounter may be more dangerous than the danger we encountered before. terrible."

The emperor, after all, has an "Emperor" word, and can't wait for it. Although the forces they were in had no emperors, he had seen the horror of the emperors. Once, they competed with a devotee for the Lingshi vein, and then the elders of the emperor's forces invited the soldiers to suppress them.

"Sister, it’s great to meet you."

At this time, the elders of the Excalibur that had previously escaped from Lingdao using the transmission symbol appeared nearby. He did not find the annihilation clock for the first time, but the brother who first saw the Excalibur. Since Ling Dao is a young master who is not like four, then it is very likely that he will be found again. After fleeing, he was like a headless fly, running around, and now finally has a sense of security.

"Teacher, how did you become this look? Looking at the situation, are you having a dispute with the elders of other forces?"

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