The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 83: Kill the clock shot

"It turns out that I know that my brothers will not ignore the whole situation. If you can get the emperor, what is the sword, the door of the gods, will you not look at the face of our Excalibur?"

"As long as there are emperors sitting in the town, in the wilderness, we are only afraid of the power of the emperor. But the forces below the power of the emperor are not the opponents of our Excalibur."

The importance of the emperor, it goes without saying that the elders of a power elite are far better than the elders of the emperor. Some emperor forces have several emperors, some emperor forces have more than a dozen emperors, and some emperor forces have dozens of emperors, but they have no soldiers in the Excalibur. Even if he received the emperor, the elders of the Shenjianmen did not dare to play in front of the elders of the emperor.

As for the elders of the Shenmen Gate and the elders of the Knife Gate, they will not be fooled. The seven elders of the Excalibur are not worried. From the words of the elders of the gods and the elders of the sword, the seven elders of the Shenjianmen can judge that they will definitely start with the emperors. When the elders of the gods and the elders of the swordsmen were killed by the emperors, they could easily solve the elders of the swords and the elders of the gods.

The facts are the same as those predicted by the Elders of the Excalibur. The elders of the Shenmen Gate and the elders of the Knife Gate are already close to the Emperor. They certainly know that there is danger near the emperor, but this adventure is worth it because the harvest is too great. A soldier can not only make up for their previous losses, but also allow them to skyrocket in their own position.

I have to say that the elders of Shenmengmen, the elders of Shendaomen and the elders of Shenjianmen have shortsightedness. In fact, there are no traps near the emperor, and there is no such thing as a battle. It is not that the Emperor is not important, but that the Emperor does not need to protect himself. The emperor, with the arrogance of the emperor, can rely on the empire's own ability to sweep countless princes.

Of course, the weapon is always a weapon. If the energy of the emperor is exhausted, there is no threat to the Tao. Unless there is a peerless power to mobilize the emperor, instill energy into the emperor. Some emperors have completely erupted, and even can be compared to the emperor. After all, the emperors are classified.

Normally, the rank of the emperor is the same as that of the emperor. For example, the emperor of the great refining of the Taoist territory is inferior to the emperor of the refining emperor. However, some emperors are different, such as the Nether and Death of the Netherland, and now the Nether's life and death are far from the Nether and the Death of the Nethered Emperor.

The annihilation clock is the same as the Nether and the Death Ring. However, the annihilation clock grows very slowly, and the secluded life and death wheel grows very fast. As long as they are martial artists who have cultivated the Nether and the Death Wheel, they are actually strengthening the power of the Nether. Today, the horror of the Nying life and death wheel, even the general Emperor, does not dare to provoke.

“Why is there no danger at all? Is it just a fake emperor in front of us?”

"The safer, the more wrong, the more we are not in a illusion? Security is just an illusion. If we are not careful, we may be dying?"

The elders of Shenmenmen and the elders of the Knife Gate are simply scaring themselves, they are not caught in a illusion, nor have they encountered any danger. Of course, the annihilation clock in front of them is definitely not a fake emperor, but a true emperor, and not a general emperor.

"Or, let me try?"

The elder of the boxing gate, the nearest to the annihilation clock, said that he had reached out and grabbed the annihilation clock without waiting for other elders to agree or disagree. The elders of Shenmeng not only did not stop him, but also helped him block the elders of the Knife Gate, and did not give the elders of the Knife Gate the opportunity to deal with him.

Just when the hands of the true elders were only a mile away from the annihilation clock, the annihilation clock suddenly spurred a golden light. The elders of Shenquanmen have not reacted, and the whole hand is turned into powder. The elders of the gods and the elders of the swordsmen who witnessed this scene witnessed the coldness.

Although their strength is greatly reduced in the Valley of the Dead, their flesh is still the body of Daojun. The annihilation clock is only a golden light, and it annihilates a hand of the elder of the **** fist. If the gold is shining on them, will they disappear completely?

"Ah! It hurts me, save me!"

The elders of the gods who lost one hand screamed that the other elders were saved because the golden light did not disappear, but spread along his arm and toward his body. He didn't know what time he would end when the golden light was all over him, but it was definitely not a good thing.

"How to save? We don't save you, just don't know how to help you, or do you try to use the power of the source to expel the golden light on you?"

On the one hand, they really don't know how to save the wounded elders. On the other hand, they are afraid, afraid that golden light will spread to them. Because they can feel that the life of the wounded elders of the gods is slowly weakening.

Soon, they knew that when Jinguang spread the whole body, what would happen to Daojun. Because the golden light all over the body, the elders of the Shenmeng door burned and became a fireman. The key to this fire is not the general fire, but the road fire. The killing of the valley is a place where the avenue does not exist. They want to destroy the road fire, which is simply impossible.

The elders who are hiding in the distance, the seven elders brows slightly, and the fire can kill the elders of the Shenmen Gate, and they can kill them as well. If they do not solve the road fire, they are estimated to be destroyed in the tomb of the emperor. The only thing he can do now is to pray for the fire of the emperor, and run out of the elders of the gods and the elders of the sword.

"I come!"

Seeing that the other Dao did not act again, an elder of the Knife Gate stood up. Instead of grabbing the emperor with his hands, he waved the sword and probed the past. Let him cut the emperor, he certainly does not have this courage, the purpose of his exploration of the soldiers is to see what reaction the soldiers will have.

Anyway, he has already made the worst plan. If the emperor once again inspires the golden light, he will immediately throw away the sword. The elders of the Shenmen Gate just grabbed the emperors with their hands, and then the elders of the Shenmen Gate were lighted by the gold, but Jinguang did not follow other people, nor did he follow other places where the elders of the boxing gates were. Therefore, the elders of the Knife Gate are giving themselves a chance to live, so that they do not know how to die.

The soldiers are in front of them, they can not give up the soldiers because of danger, unless the emperors wake up, they will be wiped out. Otherwise, he will not be willing to bring the emperor back to his own power. Although the Emperor is not comparable to the Emperor of the same rank, the deterrent power of the Emperor is enough to scare all the forces below the Emperor.


The annihilation clock once again gave a golden light, and the sword in the hands of the elders of the sword was in the face of golden light, fragile like a paper paste. The elders of the swordsman had not had time to throw away the sword, and Jinguang had penetrated the sword and shone on him. The elders of the **** knife door died faster than the elders of the **** boxing gate. Jin Guang had just shinen on him, and he turned into a pool of blood.

"How is it possible? Are we in front of the emperor, is it so weak?"

Whether it is the elders of the Knife Gate, or the elders of the Shenmen Gate, they are all scared. They are eager to get the soldiers. The problem is the current situation, which causes fear in their hearts and fear of the soldiers. The soldiers in front of us are really terrible, and killing them is easy.

"The Emperor of the Emperor, we are the elders of the wild fists of the gods, do not know if the emperor can come to our gods to fight in the town?" After a long while, a elder of the Shenmen Gate boldly came out and begged, " As long as the Emperor is willing to sit in our door, we can meet all the requirements of the Emperor."

What the emperor likes, the elders of the Shenmeng door do not know, anyway, hard to come, he can only ask the emperor. As for the emperor, he will not promise him, and his heart is not at all. However, he is so polite to the emperor, the emperor wants to come and will not do anything to him, and will not want his life.


Let the elders of Shenmeng’s door rejoice that the annihilation clock gave him a response, but the response to the annihilation clock was better than nothing. The elders of Shenquanmen stood in the same place, and the emperors let him roll. He was certainly not happy. The problem is that he doesn't roll, maybe the emperor will do it to him.

If there is no death of the elders of the front of the gods and the elders of the swords, the elders of the remaining gods and the elders of the swordsmen may forcibly take the soldiers. But now, the elders of Shenquanmen and the elders of the swordsmen did not dare to shoot the soldiers. After all, no one lived enough.

"In trouble, this emperor is not only conscious, but also refining his great emperor and future generations. We need to get this emperor's difficulty, no less than we personally build a soldier."

It is impossible for Daojun to build a soldier. The meaning of the seven elders of Shenjianmen is that it is impossible for them to get the clock. Unless there are any variables, such as the young people encountered by the Elder Sword Gate who escaped before, it is a counterfeit.

In fact, Lingdao is really a counterfeit. However, it is not that he wants to be a counterfeit, but the elders of the Excalibur are guessing wrong. Lingdao is certainly not a descendant of the Wolf Emperor, but Lingdao is like a greedy wolf emperor. It is a ridiculous inheritor of the immortal, and the Emperor must be biased towards Lingdao.

"Give you three time, all the way to get out of the tomb of the emperor, otherwise, there is no place to die!"

The sound of the annihilation of the clock, the face of the elders of the knives, the elders of the Excalibur and the elders of the gods and fists of the gods, a burst of white. It’s just a time of three interest, even if they have the idea of ​​leaving the tomb, the time is not enough. It is the life of the dead, and it is not their life.

"Daily soldier, you don't want to be too much. We are not vegetarian. If you are willing to leave the tomb with us, everything is fine. If you don't want to, you can refuse us. But if you want to kill us, then we can only daring." Fight with you for a game."

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