The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 87: Meet the enemy

It is not the elders of the power, but the Lingdao and Xuelingyao and the four. Of course, they can see that Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao are only Tian Zun's martial arts. As for the four, there is no such thing as a singular atmosphere. At most, there is only a king.

"Hey, how are the two juniors? The things inside the tomb of the emperor are definitely not what they can grab. Compared with Daojun, what is their strength?"

"However, their courage is not small, only Tianzun dare to go into the Daogu Valley. Do they not know that the Daogu Valley is a forbidden land in our wilderness?"

The reason why the strong men of the Holy Trinity did not shoot for Ling Dao was because they felt that Ling Dao would not get anything in the tomb of the emperor. Although there is no avenue in the ruins of the valley, it is impossible to use the power of the Tao, but it is impossible for Tianzun to compete for the prince.

What's more, the strong man of the Great Court of the Han Dynasty knows that there is not a small number of powerful forces entering the tomb of the emperor. Lingdao and Xuelingyao can live out, purely by luck, or else, whether it is a trap in the tomb of the emperor, or a strong force of the power, can Lingdao and Xueling Yao die without a place of burial.

"How come so bad? Just came out and met a large group of monarchs?"

In the Valley of the Killing Valley, Ling Dao can indeed compete with Dao Jun. However, out of the valley, he must not beat the king. Lingdao has nine Tianfu not fake. The problem is that the nine Tianfu is still not comparable to a Taoist palace. The Taojun is the existence of the contact road. Tianzun is still far away.

Of course, Lingdao is not afraid of the strongest of the Han Shengting, because the annihilation clock will soon come out. Daojun is strong again, and he is still not enough to meet the soldiers. Moreover, Lingdao can be sure that the annihilation clock is not comparable to the average emperor. The same is the cultivation of the wild and the immortal, refining the predecessors of the annihilation clock, is definitely the great power of the heavens.

"Hey, this little girl looks good. If it is dedicated to the three emperors, the three emperors must be very happy?"

Even if the strong men of the Holy Trinity lived for thousands of years, they were astonished by the beauty of Xue Ling Yao. The three emperors of the Holy Trinity of the Han Dynasty are lascivious, and the Holy Emperor of the Holy Trinity of the Han Dynasty is most fond of the Three Emperors. If they please the Three Emperors, they will be pleased to please the Holy Emperor of the Holy Trinity.

Moreover, the three princes are extremely talented and the future is boundless. As long as the time of the three emperors, the three emperors can certainly surpass the current emperor. After all, when the Three Emperors were in heaven, they consolidate the nine Tianfu, and the Holy Emperor was only the Tiantian Zun.

They did not lower their voices, and Lingdao heard their words clearly. Lingdao’s face sank immediately, and there was no enmity. They even played the idea of ​​Xue Lingyao. If they want to do it, when the clock goes out, Lingdao will not let them go.

"Kid, you can go. As for the girl next to you, leave it. The woman who can be the three emperors of our Han Dynasty is the blessing that she has cultivated for eight generations."

"Under the whole world, it is the king's land, the land of the soil, is not the king. If you are a warrior in the wilderness, then you are the subjects of our Holy Trinity. If you know each other, listen to it, otherwise, don't blame us for bullying. small."

The two singers who spoke suddenly burst into the power of the monarch. Xue Lingyao couldn't help but retreat, and the power of Daojun was definitely not something that she could resist. Fortunately, Lingdao quickly blocked in front of Xueling Yao, Lingdao and Xueling Yao are different, with the blood of the Emperor, he is not afraid of the king.

"Give you two choices, either roll or die!" Lingdao's eyes are extremely cold, and the killing is like a solid. "If you don't roll now, when you regret it, it's too late."

What can be called the Holy Court is definitely the Emperor's power. However, Lingdao itself is the Emperor, and certainly not afraid of the Emperor. The strong people in the Holy Trinity of the Han Dynasty are too ugly to listen to, and Lingdao will certainly not be polite to them. Anyway, there is a killer clock, this killer is now, he can completely kill the strong man of the Great Han court.

"I didn't get it wrong? This kid wants us to roll? Who does he think he is?"

"I think this kid is getting mad and can't figure out what's going on. What is the difference between us killing him and crushing an ant?"

"I guess he is from a small force, I haven't seen the power of our Daojun, the frog at the bottom of the well. Or do we just let go and let him know what is called heaven and earth?"

The strong men of the Holy Trinity looked at Lingdao’s eyes as if they were watching a dead person. No one has ever dared to be so disrespectful to them. They originally intended to let go of Lingdao, but now they decided to kill Lingdao on the spot. Anyway, killing Lingdao is easy for them.

"I didn't expect your kid's life to be very hard. It is a miracle to be able to live out of the valley."

At this time, seven strong men came over. First of all, it is the elders of the sacred door that sent Lingdao to the annihilation valley, and the elders of the six knives. Although their lineup is quite strong, it is not enough to look at the big Han Shengting.

The elders of Shendaomen waited for the rabbits outside the Valley of the Killer Valley, just to seek peace of mind. He did not expect Lingdao to escape from the Valley of the Killing Valley. It’s a pity that I didn’t kill Lingdao and took revenge for his son. However, Lingdao died in the Valley of the Dead, and his son should be able to look at it.

"It seems that we don't need us to shoot, this kid is going to die. A Taojun and six holy kings are enough to make him die without a place to die."

The strong man of the Holy Trinity can see that the elders of Lingdao and Shendaomen have hatred. The elders of the Knife Gate came from the outside, not from the tomb of the emperor. They did not need to take the elders of the Knife Gate. Moreover, in their status, it is really not a glorious thing to shoot a junior in Lingdao. The elders of the Knife Gate are going to kill the Tao, they will certainly not stop.

"Kid, if you kneel down and ask us now, maybe we can save you a life."

"Yes, as long as you sincerely ask us, we can guarantee that you will not die. After all, as long as we speak, they dare not give us face."

Of course, they are not really trying to save the road. They just teased the road. If Lingdao really kneels down and asks for them, they can indeed save their lives, but they are limited to life. The elders of Shendaomen can abolish Lingdao and even cut off all the limbs of Lingdao, letting Lingdao fend for himself.

"I have seen you in the king."

Not only the sacred kings of the sacred swordsmen will be saluted, but the elders of the martial arts gates will also be saluted. Although the elders of the Knife Gate are the same as the elders of the Han Sheng Ting Ting, the Han Sheng Ting is the emperor's power, the Knife is only a force, and the Han Sheng Ting has always been overbearing. The elders of the Knife Gate do not want to offend the Han Sheng Ting. Dao Jun.

"This kid killed my son and asked the Dao to understand me. Today I must kill this kid and give my son a funeral."

In the face of the strong man of the Han Sheng Ting, the elders of the Knife Gate must not dare to say a heavy word. The hatred of the son is indeed to be reported, but he cannot be enemies with the strong men of the Holy Trinity because of his son’s hatred. If the strong man of the Holy Trinity has to protect the road, he can only withdraw, and then look for opportunities to deal with Lingdao.

"He doesn't kneel down and ask us, we won't make it for him. If you just take revenge, we only have one request, that is, the worse he died, the better."

The demands of the strong men of the Holy Trinity made the elders of the Knife Gate laugh. The elders of Shendaomen finally understood that the strongmen of Lingdao and Dahan Holy Court are not only old, but also have hatred. To be precise, it is estimated that Ling Dao has offended the strongest of the Han Shengting, so the strong man of the Han Sheng Ting Ting will have to use his hand to vent his anger.

The elders of Shendaomen nodded again and again, Lingdao killed his son, and he certainly would not let Lingdao die too much. Anyway, Lingdao has a god, no matter what, it is impossible to escape his palm. He doesn't even need to be hands-on, just the six holy kings who are next to him, and one can easily solve the Lingdao.

"There is so much nonsense. If you want to fight, you can fight. Who can dare to die with me?"

Lingdao means to be singled out. Although he knows that he is not an opponent of the elders of the sword, he must find a way to delay the time. Anyway, as long as the desolation clock arrives, no matter whether it is the elders of the Knife Gate and the six sacred kings of the Knife Gate, or the strongest of the Han Sheng Ting, they are not enough to see.

"Elder, this kid is too arrogant, let me take it."

A sacred king of Shenshoumen stood up, and the elders of the sacred door nodded. The one who wanted to shoot was the sacred king, dealing with Lingdao, a piece of cake. However, the elders of the Knife Gate gave him an order to injure Lingdao, but he could not kill Lingdao.

"Is the king of the kings?"

Lingdao's face was dignified, even if he sent the swordsman's Tianfu to all, it is still impossible to beat the peak of the Holy King. He fights with the King of the Peak, and he either evades or defends. If he confronts him in a confrontation, he must suffer a big loss. Anyway, his purpose is simply to delay the time. It is not necessary to kill him with the King of the Peak.

"Kid, don't you want to die and die, come over, I will see what strength you have and I will die."

In the face of the provocation of the holy king of the sword, Lingdao did not retreat, but went to the front of the holy king of the sword. Although it is a hostile party, the king of the sword of the gods has to admit that Lingdao is very powerful. When he was replaced by Tian Zun, there was absolutely no courage and a sacred king to die.

"Ling Yao, don't worry, you can stay there and don't move. As long as I persist for a moment, the soldiers can come to save me."

Lingdao uses the will to pass to Xuelingyao to stabilize Xuelingyao. It is a pity that Xue Lingyao did not listen to Lingdao, but walked to Lingdao and shouldered shoulders with Lingdao. The meaning of Xue Lingyao is obvious. Lingdao must be able to compete with the peak of the **** knife door, but must bring her together. To be born together, die together!

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