The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 107: Fleeing

"Do you want to use the road to suppress me?"

What puzzles the sacred warriors and celestial warriors of Ling Xiaoge is that, in the face of the suppression of the Taoist rituals, Lingdao is not only not a little nervous, but a relaxed face. It stands to reason that Lingdao is the emperor of Lingjia. It is impossible to see the passage, and it is impossible to not know the power of the Tao.

"Predecessors, please help me."

Just as the Bronze Tower is about to suppress the Lingdao, Lingdao uses the will and the annihilation clock to contact. Dealing with the Taoist device, the annihilation clock does not need to be shot at all, just releasing the breath of the emperor is enough. The weapon is most sensitive to the weapon. The device that the sacred warrior of the singer of the singer of the singer is aware of the existence of the empire, and certainly has no courage to do it.

"a piece of cake."

After the bell of the annihilation clock responded to Lingdao, it released a militetic power. This power is mainly driven by the Taoist priests who are urging the martial arts of the sacred priests. The sacred martial arts of the Linglong Pavilion have not felt it, and it is totally unimportant. As long as there is no Taoist, the sacred warrior of Lingxiaoge is not the opponent of Lingdao.

The bronze tower that has come to the top of Lingdao is suddenly a meal, even if it is the power of a squadron, the bronze tower is shivering. No way, the gap between the Taoist and the Emperor is really too big. The bronze tower's spirits are in amazement and look at Lingdao. How can a small Tianzun have a soldier?

"Right, he is the emperor, the son of the emperor, the emperor must have been given to him by the great emperor. This great emperor really loves his son, even let the emperor protect his son, does he not know that this is not for his son, what is it? Good thing?"

The spirit of the Linglong Pavilion can't help but vomit in the heart of the Emperor, of course, in this case, it certainly can't say it. For it, the Emperor is already a sinful existence, not to mention a living emperor. You must know that the Emperor of the Happy is only a few thousand years old, and the life after it is still long.

"What is going on? Isn't it necessary to suppress Lingdao? Why are you at the crucial moment, the brothers, have you stopped?"

"It's okay, brother, we just want to give him a lesson, not to kill him. What are you afraid of? Is it because he can bully us with one emperor, can we not take revenge?"

"Yes, even if he is a emperor, we can't just humiliate him? We are a disciple of Ling Xiaoge. How many disciples in Tianling domain have us?"

They saw that the bronze tower did not continue to suppress the Lingdao, and they couldn’t help but ask the sacred warrior who was urging the Taoist Pavilion. It is a pity that they did not know that they were not the sacred warriors of their singularity, but the sacred warriors of their squadrons had not been able to mobilize the ceremonies.

The sacred warrior of Lingxiaoge opened his mouth and prepared to explain two sentences. After thinking about it, he still did not speak, but continued to urge the ceremonial device. It is a pity that the device he brought does not listen to her at all. No matter how he pushes, the Taoist device does not deal with Lingdao.

"Not yet retired?"

The soul of the annihilation clock suddenly sent out a will impact, and the gongs of Ling Xiaoge did not react, and they were blasted out. If the Taoist pavilion’s Taoist priest just suspected that there was a sect of the sect of the sect, then now, the singer of the singer’s singer is already sure that the singer’s body really carries the emperor.

Ling Xiaoge’s Taoist device did not hesitate, and turned and ran. As for the life and death of the sacred warriors and the celestial warriors, it would not be taken care of. The sacred warrior of Lingxiaoge mobilized it, causing it to almost fight with the emperor. It hated that the sacred warrior of Lingxiaoge was too late, and how could he protect him?

"What is the situation? The road device actually ran?"

The face of the sacred warrior brought by the Taoist device is a slap in the face. He is counting on the Taoist tactics to deal with Lingdao. Without the help of the Tao, he is not the opponent of Lingdao. Now that the road is running, he wants to get the road back. It is impossible. After all, the road is not his, but the elders of Ling Xiaoge.

"Brother, you don't push the road to deal with Lingdao, how do you still let the device go?"

"There is no Tao, how do we suppress the Lingdao? There is no Tao, how do we teach Lingdao? Without a Tao, how are we the opponents of Lingdao?"

Whether it is the sacred warrior of Lingxiaoge, or the Tianzun martial martial artist of Lingxiaoge, all complained. The power of the annihilation clock, they did not notice, naturally do not know that their squadrons are scared away by the soldiers in the hands of Lingdao. If they knew that Lingdao had the emperor, they must have escaped far.

"Since you have to suppress me, then I don't have to be polite to you."

Lingdao sneered, clenched his fists, and smashed to the three sacred kings of Lingxiaoge. He is playing Yuanshilong Wangquan. With his current strength, Yuanshilong Wangquan is enough to kill the general King of the Kings. However, the three sacred kings in front of the world are all in the late stage of the holy kingdom, and they will not die directly under the martial arts.

The two dragons screamed in the sky, and the dragons first smashed into the three sacred warriors of Lingxiaoge. The three sacred kings of Ling Xiao Ge did not fight back. However, the martial arts they displayed were completely destroyed by the dragon. The power of the martial arts that they exerted is completely incomparable with Yuan Shilong Wang Quan.


The three kings of the sacred kings in Lingxiaoge were like cannonballs, and they flew out. When the celestial warriors of Lingxiaoge looked at them, they fell down on the ground one by one and vomited blood. Their faces were full of horror. Before the battle, Lingdao did not go all out.

"This time is to give you a lesson, and then next time, it will not be forgiven!"

Time and time again, let the Tianzun warriors of Ling Xiaoge understand that they can't be the opponents of Lingdao. Now that Lingdao has said this, the only thing they can do is to be silent. If they retort Lingdao, if they annoy Lingdao, waiting for them will be a dead end.

"Damn! He is not the owner of the Ling family. Why is it so arrogant? What is the meaning of Tianzun in the Imperial Power?"

"He is only in heaven, he will not put our Ling Xiaoge in his eyes. If he is a Taoist, he still does not know what to look like."

Although the warriors in Lingxiaoge are very angry and angry, they don’t want to say that they are angry, even if they are angry at a little. Until Lingdao disappeared from their sight, they only picked one after another. However, this time let them understand that with their strength, they are afraid that they will not take revenge for a lifetime. If you want revenge, you can only find them, or even find a better elder.

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