The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 112: Precarious

"Be prepared to fight with them, they let us hand over our descendants, we can't agree."

"Afraid of anything, big deal is just a death. Anyway, the homeowner will definitely avenge us. However, even if we die, we must pull them back."

It is true that the basics are far less than the Lingxiaoge, but the Lingjia people are more **** than the Lingxiaoge people, because they are step by step from weak forces. Even if there is no happy emperor, the current Ling family can not be underestimated. However, because the edge of the Emperor is too strong, the Ling family was shackled, or ignored.

If they want to make a compromise, they are not willing to ask them to surrender their sons. They are also unwilling to let them surrender their descendants. They are even more unwilling. Although they knew that they were not the opponents of the six masters of Xianyi Palace, they were able to kill the six Taoist monks before the death, and they died without regret.

"You don't want to go alive, you have to go dead. If that's the case, then let's do it."

"The Emperor of the Emperor did not let us kill and kill. If you cooperate, we can let you have a way of life. Unfortunately, if you don't cooperate, then don't blame us."

The six Taoist monks in the Xianyi Palace had shot, and they did not delay the time. At the beginning, they mobilized the soldiers. Now there are two emperors in the hands of the seven killing emperors, and they have five emperors left by the six lords. But nothing, their six lords mobilized five emperors to deal with the Lingjia strongmen in front of them.

"Go, they need you more than I do, you don't have to worry about me, I haven't seen any big winds, have you seen me fall?"

Among the stars, the Emperor of the Seven Dynasties confronted the Emperor, and has been paying attention to the situation of Lingjia. Seeing that the six Taoist monks in Xianyi Palace are ready to start with Lingjia, the Emperor of the Immaculate will not hesitate to send the Happy Sword to Lingjia. Although the Sword of the Emperor of the Sword is not the enemy of the Five Emperors of the Immortal Palace, but the strongest of the Ling family has the Sword of the Happy Sword, the situation will certainly be better.

"The sword of the homeowner? Isn't the homeowner confronting the emperor of Xianyi Palace? How did you give us the sword?"

"No, you must return the sword of the owner to the owner. If the master of the house and the emperor of the Xianyi Palace confront each other, wouldn’t it be a big loss?"

The strong people of the Ling family certainly know the sword of the happy, and it is certain that the owner is worried about them, and they gave them to the sword. However, they can't, they can die, and the homeowner can't do anything. Without them, Lingjia is still a powerful force. Without a homeowner, Lingjia will definitely be razed to the ground by Lingxiaoge.

"Don't be embarrassed, only if you are fine, the emperor can safely deal with the seven killing emperors."

The swordsman of the Sword of the Supreme said the strongest of the Ling family, and then they were in front of them. The strong people of Lingjia looked at each other and knew that their homeowners’ minds had been decided. They could not shake the will of the family. What they can do now is to do their best to block the six masters of the Fairy Palace.

They are not themselves, but the descendants of Lingjia, and their owners. If the lord gave the emperor to them, they would be defeated by the six lords of the Immortal Palace. They had no face to see the family. You know, here is Lingjia, they occupy the right place and the right place.

Although the guardian of the Ling family is far from the power of other emperors, the six lords who used to resist the Xianyi Palace are certainly no problem. Even if the six masters of Xianyi Palace mobilized five emperors, their Lingjia guardian array could withstand a period of time. As for how long they can resist, they don't know.

"I didn't expect it. The Emperor of Ling's family turned out to be a tortoise. The people of Xianyi Palace were killed and named him. As a result, he did not show up until now."

"That is, I used to think that the tiger father had no dogs. Now I know that the emperor of Lingjia is a coward, completely enchanted his fame. If I had such a son, I would have killed him."

"Actually, I admire the Emperor of Ling's family. His heart is sincere. The strong man of Ling family is killing him for life. He can pour it well, hide in it, and he can't even come out. You said, Lingjia How many people will die in the end, he will come out."

They are the young disciples of Ling Xiaoge. The strongmen of Ling Xiaoge do not dare to do anything to Lingjia. They are afraid of revenge from the emperor. What they can do is to let their younger generations go to the door of Lingjia and humiliate Lingdao. In the first place, the Emperor of the Supreme could not be compared with a group of their juniors. Secondly, they did not start with the Ling family, just a few words.

"You are looking for death!"

Wei invincible standing in the crowd suddenly rushed out, just a palm, that is, the disciples of the Ling Xiaoge who had previously humiliated Lingdao. The strength of Lingdao is improving, and the strength of Wei's invincible is also improving. With the strength of Wei invincible now, don't say that Tianzun of Ling Xiaoge, even if it is the holy king of Ling Xiaoge, can beat her, it is only a minority.

"First of all, the younger brother is not in Lingjia. Secondly, even if the younger brother is at home, we can't hand him over to Xianyi Palace."

Although Wei’s invincible strength is tyrannical, it is still incomparable with the six Taoist monarchs. At the master level of the battle, she did not enter, and now the disciples of Ling Xiaoge were sent to the door to give her gas, she could not ask for it. It is a pity that when her eyes were swept away from the disciples of Ling Xiaoge, no disciple of Ling Xiaoge dared to look at her.

"Hey, the previous things, I can not be embarrassed. If you want to start working on our Lingxiaoge disciples, I will blame me for bullying and killing you on the spot."

Standing out is the Daojun of Ling Xiaoge. There is no way. If he does not stand up, he just humiliated Ling Xiaoge’s disciple, but he still doesn’t know what will happen. However, he did not have any invincibility to Wei, Wei invincible is the apprentice of the Emperor of the Happy, he can not help, nor dare not give the face of the emperor.

"Why, do you want to join us in the Lingxiao Palace to deal with our Lingjia?"

The Lingjiaqiang who is resisting the six Taoist monks in Xianyi Palace looks at the Taojun of Lingxiaoge. His eyes are full of irony. After seeing his eyes, the Daojun of Ling Xiaoge couldn't wait to fight him for three hundred rounds, but he finally endured it. As long as the Emperor is not dead, Ling Xiaoge can bear it, of course, certainly can not touch the bottom line of Ling Xiaoge.


After half an hour, the guardian of the Ling family finally could not support it, and was broken by the six masters of the Xianyi Palace. Without a guardianship, the Lingjiaqiangs can imagine the end. In addition, the situation is not optimistic about the emperor who is fighting the seven emperors. The seven killing emperors mobilized two emperors to deal with the emperor, but the emperor could only be empty-handed.

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