The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 115: Not only will you lose, but you will die!

"I have seen a pet son, I have never seen such a pet son, Lingdao went out to practice, and the emperor gave him two emperors to defend himself. Is this necessary? Besides, in the realm of Lingdao, how to mobilize the soldiers? Does it depend on the eruption of the emperor himself?"

"The Happy Emperor is too deep, Lingjia and our Lingxiaoge are in the same territory, and we are closely watching the Emperor of the Emperor. However, before this, we did not know that the Emperor had three soldiers."

Whether it is the warrior of the Lingxiaoge or the Taoist temple, all of them believe that the two emperors on Lingdao are given to him by the Emperor. If you let them know, the annihilation clock and the Tiande robes are what Lingdao himself got, and I don’t know what they would look like. Of course, even if Lingdao told them this thing, they would not believe it.

"Tiande robes?" The seven killing emperors looked into the eyes of the heavenly robes, full of incredible, "How can the celestial robes be in your hands? Is the celestial robes not the emperors of the great emperor? What is your relationship with the Emperor of the Han Dynasty? Is he even willing to lend you to the Tiande shirt?"

The Happy Emperor did not know the Tiande robes, but the Seven Killing Emperors knew each other, because the Seven Killing Emperors had been to the Han Shengting Court before, and they had handed over to the Holy Emperor of the Great Han court. Seven killing emperors take it for granted that the Tiande robes are the sacred emperors of the Great Han court to lend to the emperor.

The problem of the seven killing emperors, the emperor did not answer, one, he did not want to answer, and second, he did not know why the Tiande shirt was in Lingdao. As for the borrowing of the Seven Killing Emperors, it is obviously wrong, because the Happy Emperor can see that the Tiande robes are the things of the Lord.

There are two possibilities. One is that the Holy Emperor and the Tiande robes of the Holy Trinity of the Han Dynasty have dismissed the confession, and the other is that the Holy Emperor of the Holy Reign of the Han Dynasty has died. The Happy Emperor is more inclined to the second possibility. . As for how the Holy Emperor of the Holy Trinity died, the Emperor of the Immaculate does not know, but the Emperor of the Sorrow feels that Lingdao should know.

"It’s useless. Even if your Emperor of Ling’s family gets two pieces of emperor, it will be at the same level as our emperor. The Emperor of Ling’s family will not be able to save you.”

"I don't think you are going to struggle. Anyway, you can't be our opponents. We haven't fully mobilized the emperors until now. Once we're fully urging the emperors, you can't stop it."

Lingdao took out two pieces of Emperor soldiers and gave them to the Emperor of the Supreme Emperor. Although the six masters of Xianyi Palace were shocked, they did not pay attention to them. The seven killing emperors also have two emperors, and now the emperor is not at the disadvantage of the emperors. The two emperors of Lingdao gave the Emperor of the Happy, and the strong of Lingjia did not have any light.

The six Taoist monks in Xianyi Palace did not know that Lingdao’s purpose was to give the Emperor’s annihilation and the Tiande’s robes. Lingdao understands that the most important situation is the confrontation between the Emperor and the Seven Kings. As long as the Emperor of the Supreme Court will solve the Seven Emperors, the six Taoist monarchs are not worth mentioning.

In turn, Lingdao handed two emperors to Lingjia's strong, even if Lingjia's strongman blocked the six masters of Xianyi Palace, it is useless. The strong people of the Ling family mobilized the emperor, and it was impossible to help the emperor, but it was even less likely to affect the seven emperors.

"We don't care about our own life and death, as long as the owner is okay. The young master will give the emperor to the owner, which is the most correct choice."

"Don't talk nonsense. If you have the ability, you will force the soldiers to kill us. Anyway, starting with you, we have already set aside life and death."

Although the strongest of Lingjia is not the opponent of the six masters of Xianyi Palace, there are Happy Swords to help them. Until now, they still have no casualties. However, such a fierce battle, the consumption is too big, and then fight down, they certainly can not stop, but fortunately they will see life and death very open.

The six masters of the Xianyi Palace are different. They always have spare time when they are working with the strong people of Lingjia. It’s not that they don’t want to kill the strong guys in Ling’s family, but they’re worried about what’s going on. The strong people of Ling family are not afraid of death, but they are afraid, and they are more than one.

The six masters of Xianyi Palace want to kill the strong people of Lingjia. If they force the soldiers, they are likely to take their lives. Although the six Taoists will only die two or three at most, they are afraid that they will have themselves in the two or three who are dead.

"How did the emperor's emperor come? No need to tell you?" The emperor took a deep breath and slowly said, "I didn't have a soldier before, so that you have the upper hand. Now I am like you. With two soldiers, then you will not only lose, but will die!"

The Happy Emperor is a sword repairer with strong attack power and insufficient defense. However, after wearing the celestial robes, he no longer has to worry about his defense. A sword repair that let go of everything and attack with all strength is absolutely terrible. What's more, this sword repair is still the great emperor.

"Ha ha ha... Didn’t the Emperor hear it wrong? You actually said that the Emperor would die?"

The seven killing emperors couldn't help but laugh aloud. Although the strength of the emperor was strong, the imperial emperor could not kill him. The happy emperor said that he was going to die. In his opinion, it was a joke. Not only did he think so, but the six Taoist monks in Xianyi Palace felt the same, the same as the emperors in the surrounding territories.

"The Happy Emperor is too inflated, even if he now has two emperors as the Seven Emperors, at most, it is a defeat, and it is impossible to kill the Seven Emperors."

"I know the Emperor of the Happy, knowing that he is not a person who believes in the mouth, but what he said now, I do not believe it. How can he be a great emperor in a broken state, how can he kill the great emperor of Vientiane?"

They think that it is true that if the annihilation clock is just a general emperor, it is indeed impossible for the emperor to kill the seven emperors. However, the annihilation clock is not an ordinary emperor. The annihilating clock is the emperor who is cast by the greedy wolf emperor, and is a capable soldier who can grow up.

It is precisely because of the horror of the annihilation clock that the Emperor of the Supreme is able to exaggerate such a seaport. He clearly stated that it was not to scare the seven killing emperors, but to make the seven killing emperors take it lightly. Seven killing emperors felt that the emperor was scaring himself. He did not know that the emperor was really going to kill him, and he really had the ability to kill him.

"This is the Tudor, and it is the great emperor of Vientiane."

Even if it is the heart of the Emperor, it is also unbearable to be excited. The annihilation clock can feel the emotions of the emperor, and it bursts with a dazzling brilliance. The first time that the Emperor and the annihilation clock are united is to kill the seven murderers. This battle is destined to be famous for three thousand territories!

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