The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 117: Extinct a sword

"I don't believe, I don't believe it! How can our family's emperor die? And it is dead in the hands of the emperor? And it was killed by a shot? How is it possible?"

"Fake, absolutely fake, I can be 100% sure that it is fake, you should not be fooled. It seems that their Ling family not only has a guardianship, but also a very brilliant illusion, even our own Taoist All in the move."

The six Taoist priests not only deceived others but also deceived themselves. Of course, they did not feel that they were deceiving themselves because they really thought they were in a illusion. Although they are not great emperors, they have some understanding of the realm of the great emperor. The realm of the seven killing emperors is higher than that of the emperor, and there are two emperor guards, which cannot be killed, let alone killed by a single move.

"Your fairy palace has dealt with my Ling family again and again, it is really deceiving too much. Since the Emperor has killed your great emperor, then you will kill you together."

After the Emperor of the Supreme Resolved the Seven Killing Emperors, he returned to Lingjia for the first time and dealt with the six Taoist monks in Xianyi Palace. What makes him gratified is that Ling Jia’s strong ones are more **** than one, and it is because of their bloodiness that they have saved their lives. If the strongest of Lingjia is timid, it is estimated that death is almost the same.

For the six lords of the Immortal Palace, the Supreme Emperor certainly does not need to use the annihilation clock. Moreover, before the annihilation of the clock, it also consumed a large part of the power of the Emperor. Fortunately, the gap between the Taoist and the Emperor is too great, even if the six Taoist monks in the Xianyi Palace have five soldiers, it will not help.

"You are optimistic, I only show it once."

The Happy Emperor said to the strong people of Lingjia, and then he took a sword from the hands of a strong man in Lingjia, and then displayed a big free sword. He played very slowly, so that the Lingjia strong people present can see clearly.

As for the warriors of other forces, whether it is the Lingxiaoge or the Xianyi Palace, the Happy Emperor does not care. Because the strong people of the Ling family have learned the great self-defeating swordsmanship, now that the emperors are showing their talents, they can have income. The warriors of Lingxiaoge and the Taoist monks of the Xianyi Palace have not learned it. It is impossible to learn how to show the Emperor of the Emperor. Not to mention, the six Taoist monks in Xianyi Palace are about to die here.

Not only the strong people of Lingjia looked at the emperor, but Ling Dao and Wei Invincible also looked at the Emperor. I saw a pair of pupils in Lingdao, which became golden in an instant. Today, he can already use the supreme golden dragonfly. Although his realm is not as good as that of a lot of Lingjia, he can get no less than the strong ones of Lingjia.

Jianguang, the overwhelming Jianguang, instantly drowned the six masters of Xianyi Palace. Although the six lords of Xianyi Palace felt that everything in front of them was fake, they still unconsciously displayed the killer, which was used to resist the great freedom of the sword. They feel that they are in a illusion, so they do not mean to urge the soldiers.

"Puff puff"

At the same time, the six masters of Xianyi Palace were stabbed to death by the sword of the Emperor. In their throats, there was an incision until they fell to the ground and blood was flowing out of the incision. In the face of the Emperor of the Happy, it is normal for them to have no resistance. After all, they are the Taoist, and the Emperor is the Great.

"Dead? All dead?"

The strong people of Ling Xiaoge couldn't help but swallow a sip. Fortunately, they didn't do anything to Ling's family before, or else, now they are not only the six masters of Xianyi Palace, but also them. How strong the six masters of Xianyi Palace are, they are in the eyes, but the six Taoist monks in the Xianyi Palace are in front of the emperor.

To deal with the six Taoist monks in the Fairy Palace, the Emperor of the Supreme is not only using the annihilation clock, but also the Emperor Sword. Even from the beginning to the end, the emperor only had a sword. Although he did not know how terrible the sword was, it was estimated that it would be the same as the six masters of Xianyi Palace.

"I know that you are fortunate, thank you for not doing it before. However, since you have not done it, then the Emperor will not bother you, I hope that you can always be so smart, otherwise..."

Later, the Emperor did not say, but he knew that the owner of Ling Xiaoge knew that the other strongmen of Ling Xiaoge also understood. The sorcerer of the Supreme Emperor is really as simple as cutting a leeks. No one is the weak, who can be brought by the seven killing emperors.

"The emperor is laughing, and we are not enemies with Lingjia."

The owner of Lingxiaoge had to stand up and laugh, although he could not wait to clean Lingjia, but he still had to respect the Emperor. No way, once you leave the Lingxiao Pavilion, it is not difficult for the Emperor to kill him. In the past, the owner of Lingxiaoge felt that there was a guardian of the emperor, and the emperor could not kill him. Although he can't beat the emperor, he can escape in front of the emperor.

But now, the owner of the Lingxiaoge Pavilion will no longer have such an idea. The emperor can even kill the seven emperors who have the guards of the emperors. What is the difficulty of killing a Taoist guardian? The Seven Killing Emperor can resurrect by virtue of his indecent assault, but how can he resurrect his lord?

"So best, let's go."

The happy emperor smiled and did not continue to pursue the meaning of the owner of Ling Xiaoge. After the ceremony of the Emperor of the Ling Dynasty, the Emperor of the Linglong Pavilion took the ceremony with the Emperor of the Emperor. No matter whether it is the old generation of Ling Xiaoge, or the young disciple of Ling Xiaoge, no one dares to stay nearby.

"We are all right? Is the crisis in Lingjia relieved?"

The strong people of Lingjia think that everything that happened before is like dreaming. Originally, the Seven Killing Emperors were killed with six Taoists and seven emperors. They are ready to die. Unexpectedly, the last death turned out to be the six masters of the Seven Kings and the Immortal Palace.

"Long live the owner!"

"It is still very powerful for our family. Although our family has not been a long time, it is still not the opponent of our family."

What they don't know is that the reason why the Emperor of the Supreme Master can do this is because Lingdao brought back two soldiers in time. Of course, the most important thing is to kill the Taoist clock. The Tiande shirt does not play any role. Even if there is no Tiande robes, just relying on the annihilation of a dynasty, the emperor can still kill the seven murderers.

Lingdao also laughed with it, Lingjia is fine. If he is, because of his heavy death and injury, he will definitely be guilty. The Emperor of the Supreme did not explain the matter of the emperor. Once, he said that the emperor was brought back by Lingdao. No one believed, and secondly, if he said this, it would probably bring trouble to Lingdao in the future.

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