The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 122: Two first rewards

"Looking at landscape painting, what is this test? How do you understand it?"

No doubt can be answered by the sword magic, and after the sweet female voice is finished, it is no longer open. What he can do is to look at the landscape painting in front of him. As for what kind of standard, it is to understand, the sweet female voice did not tell him. The difficulty of this level is obviously greater than before.

"If I didn't make a mistake, this test should be our understanding. Can it be said that this landscape painting is a very powerful martial arts?"

Young geniuses who can enter the Archaic world are not stupid, and they have the same ideas as the swordsmen. It is a pity that even if they racked their brains, they still couldn’t see what level of martial arts paintings were in front of them, and even the martial arts did not look like a half. Even more troublesome is that they are not in the closed space, people who want to find a communication.

What they don't know is that the difficulty of this level is actually not as big as they think. As long as their hearts can calm down, sooner or later they can understand the landscape paintings in front of them. However, few Tianzuns were able to calm down at the beginning. After all, they came to the Archaeological Circle for the opportunity in the Archaeological Circle.

But now, they are locked in a confined space, don't talk about chances, they can't even see their personal shadows. The only thing to be thankful for is that there is no danger in this level. Even if they don't understand the landscape paintings in front of them, it is just a waste of opportunity.

"Right, give it a try with my supreme gold."

Since it is related to understanding, then the Supreme Golden Dragon is likely to play a great role. The facts did not come out of the sword, when he used the Supreme Golden Dragonfly to see the landscape paintings in front of him, this landscape painting immediately changed. Originally, the landscape painting was painted with green mountains and green water, but now it appears in front of his eyes, but it is a sword. Qingshan is a sword, green water is also a sword, trees are swords, flowers and grass are also swords.

"I understand that this landscape painting is not a martial art. It is to let us see what we have learned in my heart. I am a sword repair, so I should see that it should be a sword."

When the swordsman’s words were just finished, the confined space opened without warning. What is floating in front of him is a strange world. He saw men, women and children, saw flowers, birds and worms, and saw the mountains and rivers. Just, I don’t know why, these people give him the feeling that they are not like people at all.

"Congratulations, you were the first person to pass the test of old white. I didn't expect that you passed my test for the first time."

The next moment, a young woman wearing a long green dress appeared in front of the sword. Listening to her voice, the sword demon knows that the previous test was arranged by her, and she admitted it in her words. It is normal for the sword to be the first to pass her test. After all, he has the supreme gold.

"You passed our test twice in the first time, we can't give you a reward. And, I don't know why, I feel that you have a familiar atmosphere. Maybe you have been in contact with our kind, maybe other The reason."

The young woman wearing a long green dress did not tangled on this issue, but said to her back to Lingdao. "You come with me, I will give you a chance."

Although the swordsman came to the battlefield in heaven, in order to confront the more powerful Tianzun, but the organic fate was delivered to the door, he could not. As for the things that the young woman in the cyan dress said, he did not care. The young woman in a long green dress wants to give him a chance, he did not ask, anyway, he will know soon.

The young woman in a long green dress brought the sword to the front of a thatched house, and stopped. "You go in, there must be something useful to you. Take time, after all, you don't have much time. When the time for my test is over, you will be sent out."

The sword magic nodded, and after thanking the young woman wearing a long green dress, she walked into the thatched cottage. Although the thatched cottage is not big outside, the area inside is not small. The sword demon probably estimated it, at least tens of thousands of squares.

"How is it all books? Is it her chance to give me all kinds of martial arts?"

With this in mind, the swordsman took out a book and when he opened the book, he was shocked. Because what is recorded in the book is not martial arts, but a process in which Tianzun condenses the heavenly government. This Tianzun is estimated to be a tyrant, because he recorded the cohesion process of the eight heavens before and after.

After the swordsman had finished browsing, he immediately pulled out the second book. Like the first book, this book still records a process in which Tianzun condenses Tianfu. What is different is that this book contains a process of cultivating eight heavens before and after.

"I really slept and sent a pillow. I didn't expect that there was such a chance in the Archean world. It was amazing."

If it is just martial arts, it is actually not very attractive to the sword. Ling Daoxue is a martial art in the wild, and the sword is the way to create a sword. Although the sword magic also cultivates the swordsmanship in the ancient lotus scriptures of the ancient world, the swordsman mainly draws on the swordsmanship of the demon emperor. One day, he will throw away the swordsmanship of the Emperor, and then absorb the essence of the Emperor's swordsmanship into his own swordsmanship.

How long is this time, the sword magic does not know, he only knows, absolutely can not waste time. Therefore, the sword magic directly took thousands of books at the same time, and then used the Supreme Golden Dragon to browse at the same time. He read thousands of books and used only a dozen breaths. Then he took out another thousand books and looked at it in the same way.

At the time of the swordsman reading, one genius has passed the test of this level. Butterfly dance, Qianhui and Lingdao are the same. Looking at landscape painting is a sword. When Lei Wen looks at landscape painting, it is a heavenly thunder. The proud dragon looks at landscape painting, not a sword, but a big array.

A genius of the dragon family looked at the landscape painting and finally found that the landscape painting was a dragon. A genius of the Kunpeng family saw a landscape painting and found that the landscape painting was a 鲲鹏. There are also many geniuses of the Yaozu who are similar, which is the difference between them and the Terran. For most of the demon warriors, the most important thing is to tap their own potential, instead of repairing the sword.

When the test ended, the swordsman had already seen the book in the thatched cottage. Even with the will of the sword, it is a dizziness. However, his eyes are full of excitement, just this time, he is not white in the Archaic.

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