The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 124: Surprised in black teenager

"Sure enough, this test is much more friendly to Heavenly Master than to Heaven."

After passing the eighteenth stump, the sword demon looked at the situation on the field. Most of them have passed the 18th tree stump, and some have even reached the 27th tree stump. As for the proud dragon, Lei Wenyuan, butterfly dance and Qianhui, they are still in the fifteenth and six stumps.

This test, the sword magic can not help the proud dragon, Lei Wenyuan, butterfly dance and Qian Hui their, proud dragon, Lei Wenyuan, butterfly dance and Qianhui they can only rely on themselves. Fortunately, the swordsmen have confidence in them. After all, they are the first-class geniuses, such as proud dragon, Lei Wenyuan, Qian Hui and butterfly dance.

The sword did not stop, and immediately embarked on the nineteenth stump. He is more and more aware that the Archaic World is right, although he has not been able to fight with the Heavenly Masters, but now this test is not exactly what he wants? Even if the sacredness in the illusion is not as good as the true sacred, is it stronger than the tyrants he had encountered before?

"I must pass the test of this level. The Archaic World is really a magical place. Maybe I can condense the ninth Tianfu in the Archaic."

Before, the young woman wearing a long green dress gave him the chance that he had not fully digested it. Now the black boy gave him the test, just let him use it for digestion. He can feel that he is fighting with the black swordsman in the illusion, and his sword is making a little progress.

Although this progress is not great, but after the end of this level, the progress has been accumulated again and again, definitely not to be underestimated. What's more, as the battle progressed, his understanding of Tianfu's Taoism was also rapidly increasing. Sure enough, fighting is a shortcut to improvement, and it is impossible to rely on retreat.

"It is the young genius who is the first two in the first two levels. Although he is not the first in this relationship, he is still the first in the tyrants. The ones who can walk in front of him are all to Heaven."

The black boy finally looked at the sword magic. If there is any tyrant who can pass his test, then the sword magic is definitely one of them. Unfortunately, the sword magic did not condense the ninth Tianfu, or else the sword magic can definitely give him a surprise. What makes him most surprised now is the white knife who has already reached the 32nd stump.

"If I didn't make a mistake, he must be a disciple of the Heavenly Palace. His knives, fiercely excessive, and the celestial celestial in the illusion, could not stop his sword."

If the white knives are the first, then the red robes are the second, and the latter has reached the 31st stump. The black boy can see the origin of the white knives, and can also see the origin of the red robes, because the swordsmanship of the man's palace was used before the red robes were repaired.

So far, the third place is the Tianzun of the Kunpeng family. The Kunpeng family is worthy of having the fastest race in the world. The Tianpeng of the Kunpeng family has already played the fastest speed in this realm. If it wasn't for the white knives and the red robes, the swordsmanship would be too good.

"He is steadily and steadily step by step. I think his final score will definitely rank in the top three, and maybe even the first."

Compared with the Tianzun of the Kunpeng family, the black boy is more optimistic about the goddess of the gods. Although the goddess of the goddess of Heaven until now, only to the twenty-sixth stump, but his performance, let the black boy to evaluate, not weaker than the white knives of the Heavenly Palace and the red robe sword of the People's Palace repair.

Although it is possible to have one to the Tianzun in dozens of territories, the emperor forces like the Three Royal Palaces, the Idols, and the Kunpeng are often able to cultivate to Tianzun. Of course, even in the imperial powers of the Three Royal Palaces, the Idols, and the Kunpeng, there are very few to Tianzun.

Most of the time, the imperial forces such as the Three Royal Palaces, the Idols, and the Kunpeng family will only have one to the Tianzun among the same generation of juniors. In the past, Lingdao encountered very few tens of thousands of people because his level was not enough. This time the Archaic World was opened, not to mention the tens of thousands of territories to the Tianzun, at least 90% of the Tianzun came.

"This is the little guy from which force? How is it getting stronger and stronger?"

The black boy couldn’t help but look at one of the girls wearing a yellow skirt. Although the girl’s performance in front was not good, after the twenty-seven stumps, she beat the opponent’s speed, which was fast. It’s up. As time went by, she had slowly caught up with the Tianpeng of the Qipeng family, and even had to surpass the posture of the man's palace red robe sword repair.

"No, she is not a monk, but a Taoist. I know, she is a heavenly evangelist, and she will become a Taoist lord in the future. Unfortunately, the six-way lord is destined to prove that she is a sect, her talent. ,wasted."

If the black boy knows the emperor, he will not have such feelings. Because the Happy Emperor was a human being before, and the human Taoist is one of the six Taoist. Since the human lord can prove to be an emperor, then the heavenly lord can do the same. However, the difficulty of the six main roads to prove the emperor is greater than that of the general Taoist.

However, everything has two sides. The difficulty of the six-way main testimony of the emperor is that it is big and false. However, once the six-way Taoist witnesses the emperor, the combat power far exceeds the emperor of the same realm. The Emperor is the example. When the Emperor of the Supreme was just witnessing the emperor, he completed the feat of slaughtering the king.

"No, how is the speed of this kid coming up? Isn't he only the eight Tianfu's tyrants? Why is his strength so strong?"

There aren't many things that can make a black teenager amazed, and everything the sword magic is doing now is enough to surprise him. A girl wearing a yellow short skirt can have excellent performance, but it is not surprising, because the six-way master is inherently powerful, not weaker than the genius of the cultivation of the emperor. However, the swordsman is not the same, because the swordsman is not the best, not the ninth Tianfu.

The sword demon has already reached the twenty-eightth stump. Although this achievement is not so good, the sword demon is only the possession of eight Tianfu. What's more, the black boy can see that the sword can still move on. It is a pity that until now, he has not found that the swordsman has a sign of the ninth Tianfu.

"He is a tyrant, why did he come to me? Is it that his plum pile has a problem? Otherwise, he is a tyrant, how can it compare with us to heaven?"

"Perhaps the illusion that everyone experiences is different. I estimate that the illusion of the tyrants is simpler than us. So, he can come to us, nothing."

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