The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 126: Secretly doing your hands and feet (20th!)

"I know that he will have an outstanding performance when he has the supreme gold scorpion. It is not what I expected, hey, I will win the next time, I am happy."

The young woman in a long green dress secretly snickered. Until now, she still didn't tell the black boy that the sword demon had the supreme gold. She used to watch the books with the swordsman, just to let the swordsman condense out the ninth Tianfu, because she would like to see, to the extent that the person who has the supreme gold scorpion can be strong once he becomes the celestial lord.

"Little black, you can't move plum piles, don't secretly do your hands and feet, have old white and I stare at you, if you play tricks, we will definitely find out."

She laughed like a little fox, because she knew from the beginning that she had a gambling with a black boy, and the black boy had almost no chance of winning. The old man of Hefa Tongyan nodded. Until now, he is still a bit worried, and the sword demon is a tyrant. Why can he kill the celestial **** in the illusion?

"Don't worry, I can count and count, as long as he can pass the thirty-seven stumps, I will give you the next chance to go out."

The black boy did not mean to rely on the account, but he looked at the eyes of the sword demon, full of bad. It’s hard to get out of the opportunity once, and he definitely doesn’t want to lose to others. Of course, with his personality, even if the young woman wearing a long green dress does not say, he will not lie.

When the sword demon went to the thirty-seventh stump, it was hit with the mighty king of the illusion. The sword demon knows that the more the black swordsman in the illusion, the stronger. Therefore, he did not hesitate, and he showed his blood in the beginning. His swordsmanship is getting faster and faster, and later, in the whole illusion, his sword is everywhere.

With a total of nine hundred and sixty-three swords, the sword magic defeated the black swordsman in the fantasy. After discovering everything that happened in the illusion, the black-eyed boy’s eyes were stunned. This result, the black boy is really unacceptable, because the performance of the sword magic can already be comparable to the heavenly honor.

"Little black, from your expression, I already know that he has passed the thirty-seventh stump. Haha, my sister won, you will give me the opportunity to go out next time."

The young woman in a long green dress smiled happily, and as expected, the sword magic passed the thirty-seventh stump. Contrary to her, the black boy’s face is as dark as water dripping. The old man of Hefa Tongyan is urging the black boy to let the black boy talk about what happened inside the fantasy.

"That kid used the sword method to kill the sacred warrior in the thirty-seventh stump. Damn, he won't be a fake person? Or how could he have such a strong strength?"

Although the black boy did not say the specific situation, but the old man of Hefa Tongyan can imagine. Black teenagers certainly know that no Tianzun can hide the number of Tianfu in front of them. Because of this, the black boy is even more depressed. The strength of the sword magic is not a tyrant of the heavens, but the sword magic is the tyrant, not to the heavens.

The black boy has secretly changed the position of the 73rd stump and the 38th stump while talking to the old man who is a child. He is willing to gamble to lose people, but he is also a careful person, the sword is the best for him to lose to a young woman wearing a cyan dress, he certainly has to slash the sword once.

The sword magic thinks that the sacred warrior in the illusion of the thirty-eighth stump is only a little stronger than the previous sacred king. Who knows, this sacred warrior is several times stronger than the previous sacred warrior. Under the rush, where is the sword magic, his opponent is only a moment, the sword magic is defeated.

"Did he not kill the sacred warrior in the thirty-seventh stump? How did he fall on the thirty-eighth stump?" The old man of the black-haired boy’s face just finished asking, not waiting for the black When the boy replied, he understood it. "Little black, black, he didn't deliberately offend you. Why do you want to do it?"

The performance of the swordsman on the 38th and the stumps is so unbearable, it is certainly not the problem of the swordsman itself, but the revenge of the black boy. Fortunately, Lingdao failed on the 38th stump. That is to say, Lingdao passed the test of this level and can continue to participate in the test.

"Little black, black, you can't change it if you are careful about it? If you bully him, can you not be awkward?"

Although the black boy does not look big, his age cannot be judged from his appearance. Don't say Lingdao, even if all the Tianzun warriors present in the scene are in front of them, they are just children. It is a pity that the black boy only snorted and didn't mean to repent.

"He finally failed. If he goes on, I will doubt my own eyes. He is a tyrant, and he has come to the front of us, and has passed the test of this level. I still have several stumps. It."

"It is also a tyrant, why can he pass the test, I can't pass the test. I started from the 18th stump, and I met the goddess. I am unlucky. If I had his luck, I can definitely pass. Tested."

The tyrants who said this sentence did not know that all the fighters who participated in this customs accepted the same test. He thought that the sword devil did not encounter the Tianzun at all. He thought that the sword demon was in the illusion, and only encountered the tyrants. However, not all Tianzun thinks so, and some Tianzun knows that their opponents in the illusion are the same.

"Which power does this domineering force have? Is it possible to have such strength? If he waits for him to become a god, can he fight with me?"

"Fortunately, he is not the best, or he will definitely become my enemy. No, I have to find a chance to get rid of him."

"Only such a genius is qualified to be my opponent. When he becomes a Heavenly Deity, I must fight him. I am not interested in fighting him with his current eight Tianfu."

They listened to the elders who said that the plum blossom piles, so know that the sword magic can walk to the thirty-eighth stumps, and there is a matching strength. Although the performance of the sword magic has attracted their attention, but they only pay attention to the potential of the sword magic, and now the sword magic is definitely not their opponent.

It is a pity that the black boy played a rogue and stopped the sword in advance. Otherwise, they will know that the strength of the swordsman is definitely not as simple as they now know. Normally, the thirty-eighth stumps are impossible to stop the swordsman's footsteps. As for the step in which the sword can go, the black boy is not clear.

Ps: exhausted, both hands are shaking, but fortunately 20 has been completed! Say good twenty, more and more, I hope everyone is happy! By the way, I wish you all a happy June Day. I hope that everyone will always have a childlike heart and be as carefree as a child!

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