The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 144: Two to heavenly

"I didn't get it wrong? He is not a disciple of the emperor's power?"

The purple girl and the black boy did not think that the sword magic was not from the emperor. They are the same as Huayiyi, thinking that the sword demon is a disciple of the emperor's forces. After all, the general forces are impossible to cultivate a peerless genius such as the sword demon, or an ancient genius.

"Think about it. He is a demon emperor. It is the practice of the demon emperor. It is not a strange thing to be a disciple of the emperor."

The young woman in a long green dress said that the young man in blue standing next to him nodded. Although the sword demon is not a disciple of the emperor's forces, the swordsman's cultivation of the ancient heavens and the holy lotus scriptures is stronger than the emperor's scriptures of many emperor forces. Moreover, since the sword magic can become a demon emperor, then the sword magic can not be ordinary.

"Why are you right? Didn't you find that he has the blood of the emperor? Isn't it a disciple of the emperor's power, why is there a blood of the emperor? Is he a great emperor?"

The old man of Hefa Tongyan couldn't help but retorted that the sword demon was not a disciple of the emperor's power. He didn't know, but he could feel it. The sword demon is the blood of the emperor. With the blood of the emperor, it is enough to show that the sword is the son of the emperor. As for why the sword is not from the emperor, he does not know.

After the swordsman and Huayiyi exchanged the martial arts aspects, they were separated. Although Huayiyi asked the swordsmen to follow her, the swordsmen did not agree. The last thing was dangerous, but it also improved the strength of the sword. Once again, I met the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun. Although the sword magic is still not the opponent of the true dragon family to Tianzun, he will definitely retreat in advance.

A person can fall once in one place, but never fall twice in the same place. The sword demon has suffered a loss in the hands of the true dragon family, and will naturally remain vigilant. The last time he actually blamed him for being too big. He believes that the strength of the true dragon family to the Tianzun is not much stronger than the average Yaozu to Tianzun.

It was not until the real and the true dragons played against Tianzun that he realized that the strength of the true dragon family to Tianzun was much stronger than that of the ordinary Yaozu. As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing each other is not awkward. Since you know the strength of the true dragon family to Tianzun, then, before there is not enough strength, he will try to avoid encountering the true dragon family.

"He is afraid that it will take a lot of effort. In the world of my paintings, it is impossible for him to condense the ninth Tianfu."

The young man in blue shook his head. In the world of his paintings, the sword demon can improve his sword, but it is absolutely impossible to unite the ninth Tianfu. Fortunately, in the current situation of the sword, but still can not condense the ninth Tianfu, staying in the world of painting, it is not a waste of time.

In the world of painting, after all, it is not the real world. Although young people in blue have the ability to go all out, they still do not reach the point of creating the world. Fortunately, his test, as long as the elimination of 101 people, it is over. If the swordsman is almost cultivating, you can leave the world of painting and gather the ninth Tianfu.

The sword demon is the one who walks while practicing the sword and the ninth Tianfu. He does not care much about his heart. Although he would like to condense the ninth Tianfu, he knows that this kind of thing is urgent. Especially his ninth Tianfu is equal to the tenth Tianfu.

"No, why did the little girl before the condensed ninth Tianfu, you are not saying that the world in your painting is impossible to condense the ninth Tianfu?"

The problem of the purple girl, the blue-shirted young man stunned, because the butterfly dance condensed the ninth Tianfu, they are all in the eyes. The ability of young people in blue, he knows best, the problem of the girl in purple, he really can't answer.

The young man in blue quickly looked at his paintings. Until now, he discovered that his paintings had problems. Of course, it is not a bad question, but a good one. His paintings don't know who was moved and his paintings changed.

Now his paintings are both a world and a world. For example, the warrior who enters can enhance the realm inside, which is the same as the real world. However, in the world of his paintings, the warrior who died in the world, the real world is fine, this is not the same as the real world.

"The rot is magical, and there are such means. I am afraid that there is only a landlord. Just why the landlord wants to improve my painting, is it to help them?"

The "Buddhist" of the young people in the blue is naturally the landlord of the Archaic. The power of the Archaic kings is certainly not what they can compare. In the past, the landlords of the Archipelago never did anything similar. Now the landlords of the Archaic are secretly trying to do it because of the robbery? Doesn't the big robbery affect the Archaic world?

"The minds of the landlords are not that we can try to figure out. Anyway, the landlords will not harm us, and will not harm them. They can enhance the realm in them and be able to gather more heavens in them. For them, it is a good thing. ""

They did not continue to discuss the things in the world of painting. At this time, another Ba Tianzun condensed the ninth Tianfu. This person, not someone else, is the proud dragon. He is the second in the world to condense the ninth Tianfu, the first one is the butterfly dance.

Butterfly Dance and Aolong have a high talent and have experienced many times of tempering. It is not surprising that they can now condense the ninth Tianfu. It is a pity that Qian Hui and Lei Wen have not had any movements until now. They are condensed out of the ninth Tianfu, and they are still in the foreseeable future.

"I finally became a goddess, now I am not thinking about it here?"

Although Aolong stayed in the Tianzun battlefield for a long time, he did not deal with the really powerful Heavenly Master. He thought that he would become a sacred person and he could walk in the middle of the world. If he had seen the process of the Huayiyi and the true dragon family's sacred ancestors, he would definitely not think so.

Perhaps God does not like to see the proud look of the proud dragon, after the proud dragon condensed the ninth Tianfu, let the proud dragon meet a demon of the demon. Although the strength of this Yaozu to Tianzun is not comparable to that of the true dragon family, his strength is still not weak.

The proud dragon and the demon's sacred wars had dozens of rounds and they lost. Although this result, the proud dragon said that it was unacceptable, but the proud dragon chose to escape for the first time. His self-comfort was that he broke through to Tianzun, which is not normal than other Tianzun. Just give him time and let him be thoroughly familiar with the current nine Tianfu, he will certainly be able to defeat the demon of the demon.

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