The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 155: You two can't be my opponents.

"I am not his opponent? I actually can't beat a Terran respect?"

If you lose to the Terran of the Terran, the Tigers may be able to accept it. After all, there are days outside the sky, and there are people outside. However, it is difficult to accept the Heavenly Respect of the Terran. Although the difference between Ba Tian Zun and Zhi Tian Zun is only a difference between Tianfu, but the gap between the eight Tianfu and the nine Tianfu is not the difference between Tianfu and the two Tianfu.

What's more, all who can become heavenly geniuses are all geniuses in genius. They are rare rivals among the warlords in the same world before they become the gods. After becoming the gods, they can defeat them. Among them, only the same as them.

Until the Tianzun lost to the tyrants, the Tigers’ celestial respects should not be seen, even if they listened, they have not heard of them. The Tigers’ Heavenly Master never thought about it. After becoming the Heavenly Respect, he still had a day lost to Ba Tianzun. The holy emperor of Xuanwu Holy Court is dumbfounded, but the wolf’s sacred **** is even more dumbfounded. The holy emperor of Xuanwu Holy Court does not understand the tiger's sacred respect, and the wolf's sacred sage is to know the strength of the tiger to heaven.

"A nightmare! This must be a nightmare!"

One hundred unbeliefs in the tiger's sacred heart, but the pain in the whole body made him understand that this is not a nightmare, but a fact. Thaksin or unbelief, anyway, the fact is that he is not an opponent of the sword. If he fights again, he is even in danger.

"Don't panic, I will help you."

And the human race of the wolf's celestial ancestors to Tianzun has long been seriously injured by the wolf's sacred to heaven. The tiger’s sacred and the wolf’s sacred priest are now on board, the former is difficult, and the latter cannot stand by. Their enemies are not only one of the swordsmen, but also a white robe knife of the Heavenly Palace.

It is a pity that the Tianzu Zun of the wolf and the Tianzun of the Tigers do not know the white robe of the Heavenly Palace. They only know that the white robe of the Heavenly Palace is the Terran of the Terran. If they let them know, the Heavenly Palace The white robe cutters rank first in the Tianzun rankings. They certainly won't do it, but how far they can escape.

The wolf's sacred celestial being is more cunning than the tiger's sacred celestial being, even if it is to help the tiger's sacred celestial beings, the wolf's sacred ancestor is also the will of the will. The Tigers’ Heavenly Master knows that the wolf’s sacred sacred sneak attack on the swordsman, so they cheered up and once again fought with the swordsman.

Only the strength of the tiger's sacred statue is strong enough, and it is possible for the sword sorcerer to put all his thoughts on him. If the swordsman is not prepared, the probability of the wolf to Tianzun sneak attack is at least 80%. If the swordsman is prepared, the probability of the wolf to Tianzun sneak attack is only 30%.

"In my poisonous claws, your strength must be reduced by at least half. I see how you can play with me."

The claws of the wolf to the heavenly masters are quite powerful. Even if the tigers’ geniuses go all out, they will be tricked if they are not careful. Fortunately, the sword demon is not the tiger's sacred, the sword magic speed of the sword, far beyond the attack speed of the tiger to the heavenly. What's more, the sword demon seems to be unprepared. In fact, his will has already locked the wolf's sacred statue.

Just when the wolf's sacred **** thought that he was going to succeed, the sword devil suddenly turned around, and the man Wang Jian rushed to the paws of the wolf to the heavenly lord with lightning speed. The wolf's celestial face suddenly changed, and he wanted to take back his claws. Unfortunately, it was too late.


The man Wang Jian crossed the wolf to the claws of Tianzun. Although the paws of the wolf to Tianzun were not cut off by Wang Jian, there was a scary wound on the paws of the wolf to Tianzun. The wolf’s sorrowful screams, and retreats again and again, for fear that the swordsman will win the battle.

"I said that I can deal with you two, then, even if you two join hands, it is impossible to be my opponent."

If at the beginning, the swordsman said this, the other warriors present will only feel that he is not self-reliant and does not know the height of the sky. But now, the sword devil said this, the other warriors present will take it for granted, because the sword magic really has such strength.

Whether it is the tiger's sacred, or the wolf's sacred, whether it is a confrontation, but a secret sneak attack, the tiger's sacred and the wolf's sacred are not the opponents of the sword. Although the sword magic is only a tyrannical respect, but he has used his strength to prove that he is not only inferior to the wolf's sacred and the tiger's sacred, but rather stronger than the wolf's sacred and the tiger's sacred.

"Which Chinese teacher said, is it true? His strength is really similar to that of the Chinese teacher?"

When the swordsman started, the white robe knife of the Heavenly Palace was ready to shoot at any time. The curse of the sword demon is unparalleled in the world. The white robe knife of the Heavenly Palace does not want the sword to die in the hands of the Yaozu to Tianzun. However, the white robe knife of the Heavenly Palace never imagined that the sword devil had defeated the Tianzun of the tiger and the Tianzun of the wolf.

Although the white robe knife of the Heavenly Palace is the first place in the Tianzun rankings, he asks himself, when he is in the hegemonic respect, there is no such strength as the sword demon. That is to say, if the swordsman condenses out the ninth Tianfu and becomes the Tianzun, it is fully qualified to be the opponent of the White Palace White Knife.

"It’s that we sneaked at him. Although he and I are just tyrants, his strength is several levels stronger than me. If he and I are confronted with life and death, I am afraid that I can’t stop his sword.”

"It’s awkward. I always thought that he was the burden of our team. Now it seems that the two of us are cumbersome. His strength, although not comparable to the brothers, is not comparable to ours."

In fact, not only do the two of them feel that the swordsman is cumbersome, but other Tianzuns, like them, feel that the swordsman is cumbersome. The two of them really want to know, if other Tianzun knows the strength of the sword, they will regret it. With the help of a sword, the overall strength of any team will increase a lot.

"Everyone is ready, we will be able to play right away."

The true dragon family’s sacred sacred voice, the Qi Peng’s Zhitian Zun has already made a good shot. To save the tiger's sacred and the wolf's sacred esteem, it is sure to take the singer's sacred sacred shot. The Kunpeng family has the highest speed in the world, and the speed of the Kunpeng family to the Tianzun is definitely faster than the sword magic.

"Come out! Since it is already here, why bother hiding?"

However, without waiting for the Tianpeng of the Yipeng family, the white robe knife of the Heavenly Palace has already looked to the place where the Tianpeng and the true dragons of the Qipeng family are in their place. The Tianlong Zun of the true dragon family and the Tianzun of the Kunpeng family have a glance at each other. Is this the top of the Tianzun ranking? Will the power of the will be so tyrannical?

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