The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 285: Poor

The strength of the solitary scene is not worse than that of the ancient ones. There is a unique scene, and the ancients simply can’t take the sword to deal with the sword. The task of removing the swordsman can only be given to Li Yuanzhang and Ji Bailing. Unfortunately, from the current situation, the possibility of Li Yuanzhang and Ji Bailing completing the task is very small.

Gu Yan saw with his own eyes that Ji Bailing shot twice in a row and failed to kill the sword. To be precise, Ji Bailing’s attack did not hurt the sword. If it is Ji Bailing, which is resisted by the swordsman, it is completely understandable. After all, Du Guxiang is the six kings of the temple, and there are two more temples than Ji Bailing.

Just now, the Sword Devil did not help alone, and it was unscathed. Now he has a solitary guard, how does Ji Bailing kill him? Even if Ji Bailing and Li Yuanzhang joined forces, how can he be treated?

Li Yuanzhang knows the power of Du Guxiang. Du Guxiang does not need weapons, and he can press him with one hand. He did his best to give Ji Bailing the opportunity he had won. He thought that it would be easy to kill the sword magic. Who knows, the result is actually like this, and his opinion on Ji Bailing is normal.

"This is the end of the matter, or will we give up?"

Ji Bailing secretly told Li Yuanzhang that the development of the matter has already exceeded their control. Knowing that they can't kill the sword, they really don't have to stay in this place to waste time.

She did not complete the task assigned to her by the high-rise of the Taiyin Temple. Fortunately, Li Yuanzhang and Gu Yu also failed to complete the task assigned to them by the high-rise building and the high-level palace. Moreover, there are three sacred kings sent by the Taikoo City, who are not able to kill the swordsman.

"give up?"

Li Yuanzhang’s heart is full of unwillingness. He is not only the peak king, but also the gold medal killer of the life building. He did not think that he had not been able to complete the simple task of removing the sword.

However, he knows that Ji Bailing’s proposal is the most sensible choice. They are giving up now, at least they can save their lives. If they fight again, their lives can be saved. It is an unknown number.

"What joke are you doing? How can I give up such a simple task when I am a gold medal killer?"

Li Yuanzhang’s words to Ji Bailing were purely used to fool Ji Bailing. When he and Ji Bailing retreated at the same time, who knows whether Du Guxiang is chasing him or chasing Ji Bailing. If Ji Bailing can continue to fight with Du Guxiang, Li Yuanzhang has enough time to retreat, and there is no need to worry about the pursuit of Du Guxiang.

Didn't wait for Ji Bailing to pass the sound again, Li Yuanzhang was the sword to kill Duoxiang. Of course, Li Yuanzhang’s attack is just a bluff and will not pose any threat to Du Guxiang. It’s not important to be able to fool Dougan, as long as you can fool Ji Bailing.

"He is crazy? Is it important to face more than life?"

Ji Bailing obviously has some hesitation, and reason tells her that it is time to retreat. However, Li Yuanzhang has already shot, she can not abandon Li Yuanzhang at this time. Just now, Li Yuanzhang finally won her the opportunity to kill the swordsman. As a result, she could not grasp it. She was quite sorry for Li Yuanzhang. Now I can’t be sorry for Li Yuanzhang.

"call out!"

Another flying knife, spurred out from Ji Bailing's palm. Then, she did not hesitate to sacrifice four temples, and the countless roads evolved one after another, and attacked Du Guxiang.

Seeing Ji Bailing's shot, Li Yuanzhang did not hesitate to step back. Ji Bailing’s offensive may not be able to make a solitary move. However, it’s definitely a bit of effort for Du Guxiang to break Ji Bailing’s offensive.

"He is this..."

"No doubt, he is running, and he is the first to escape!"

"I know that I can kill the sword, what can he do besides escape?"

In the distance, those Tianzun were dumbfounded, and Li Yuanzhang was still a desperate attempt to fight with Du Guxiang. As a result, he was quicker than the rabbit. It seems that Li Yuanzhang is not prepared to deal with the swordsman, or that there are only ones, ones, ones, ones, ones, ones, ones, ones, ones, ones, ones, ones, ones, ones, ones, ones

"Bastard! He pits me again!"

The most angry, of course, Ji Bailing, the proposal to retreat was proposed by her. I did not expect that Li Yuanzhang had negatively denied her proposal, but she was thinking about how to give herself a chance to retreat.

Losing her, she still felt a little sorry for Li Yuanzhang. Who is sorry now? How can there be such a shameless person under the sun?

"The task of removing the swordsman can only be given to the brothers."

The ancient scorpion shook his head, and then no longer entangled with the solitary scene, and escaped. It’s really not realistic to kill him alone. However, when he was alone, he collected Ji Bailing and was attacked before and after Du Gujing. It was his death.


Du Guxiang repeatedly issued a knife to resist Ji Bailing's flying knife. The solitary family is actually a sword-stricken force. In their solitary family, a knife repair like him will not receive much attention.

The task of bringing the swordsman back to the Solitary family this time is very important to him. If they can get the inheritance of the demon emperor, they will have the hope of surpassing the solitary family. At that time, he is the greatest hero.


Ji Bailing has brought the speed to the extreme, and both Li Yuanzhang and Gu Yu are running away. If she stays in this place, she will die. She is not alone in the fight alone. If she is alone and alone, she will not blame.

"Brother, do you want to chase?"

Du Gujing did not immediately chase the ancient Shu, but asked Du Guxiang. The task assigned to them by the high-ranking family is to bring the swordsman back to the family. It doesn't seem to matter if they kill them.

"Poor and chase!"

If in the Tianjian domain, Du Guxiang will certainly not let Ji Bailing and Li Yuanzhang. With the strength of the solitary Xiang, it is sure to catch up with Ji Bailing, and even Gu Yu and Li Yuanzhang are not necessarily able to escape from birth.

It is a pity that this is not a Tianjian domain. If they chase too far, they will encounter the Taiyin Temple, the Ancient Emperor Palace or the powerful person who killed the life building. It is not Ji Bailing and Li Yuanzhang who died at that time, but they are alone.

"Sword magic, then, follow us. Because I think, they will definitely kill you again. Without us to help you, you will die in their hands sooner or later."

Du Guxiang did not go to see Ji Bailing and Li Yuanzhang, but turned and said to the sword demon. The strength of the sword demon is indeed more tyrannical than he imagined, but in his hands, he can't afford to wave.

Don't look at him in the tone of the discussion with the sword magic, this is only the first ritual soldiers. If the sword demon does not promise him, he will use force, who can make the strength of the sword magic not match him?

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