The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 291: The plan of the sword

"Big brother, you are coming back, Lian Er miss you!"

The Sword Devil and the Barry Star just walked outside the village, and they saw the lotus ran and jumped over. After eating so much cooked meat, Lian's body has recovered enough vitality, just staying in the room for one night, she will still become the same in the morning.

When I think of what the beast has said, look at the happy look of the lotus, the sword is more hateful to the strongest of the Baili family. It is no wonder that the Baili family will be razed to the ground, and it will certainly not be tolerated by other forces.

In particular, the Baili family has become a dog of funeral, and has not realized its own mistakes. Instead, it brought the lotuses and used the blood of the lotus to continue cultivation. Lian Er is just a little girl. I really don't know if their heart is made of iron.

"Well, I will bring you back a lot of monster meat, and I will give you a good meal at night!"

The sword demon holds the lotus in his arms. He already knows that there is a blood mosquito carving under the bed. He naturally will not rush to bring the lotus back to the house. In order to avoid the suspicion of the strongest of the Baili family, the Baili Star deliberately drained the blood of some of the monsters.

In the eyes of no beings, the will is pure and the blood is dirty. The Baili family even used the blood of the beast to practice, it is simply mad. After all, the beastless beast is a beast, just like the swordsman feels that the strongest of the Baili family is the same as the disgusting body of the warrior.

The monsters that have not drained the blood will be sent to other powerful members of the Baili family for cultivation. Therefore, the sword demon chose two fleshy and delicious, and the blood of the beast, with the lotus to the river to clean.

The strongest of the Baili family uses the blood of the lotus to cultivate, naturally will not be ill-treated to the lotus, and will give her enough monster meat every day. The sword devil chooses two monsters from it, and others will naturally have no opinion. What's more, the swordsman is now more valuable than the lotus, and they certainly don't want to fall out with the sword.

From beginning to end, the Baili Star did not say anything to the swordsman. No ones had confidence in their own falsehood, but more words would be lost. After all, he was not an ancient period, and there was no emperor in all major territories. Now he is just a martial artist.

In the evening, the sword magic took the lotus and returned to the room of the lotus. Just coming in, the sword magic is feeling an invisible force, consuming his blood. Yesterday, he only had a feeling of faintness. Now, after being reminded of the incompetent beast, it is easy to find the blood-mosquito stone in the ground.

His willpower, deep underground, is just a **** stone carving, which surprised him. In an instant, he is associated with the nine stone carvings of Wan Fuzong, but Wan Fuzong is far away from the ancient city.

What is the origin of the stone carving, he did not know, he did not move anyway. The Baili family uses blood-mosquito stone carvings to absorb the lotus and his qi and blood power. If he takes out the blood-mosquito stone carving, the strongest of the Baili family will definitely feel something.

After all, the strength is too weak, and now even if you know the sinister intentions of the Baili family, the swordsmen have no way to crack. The non-behavior thought that there was a big force behind him, but since his family knew his own affairs, he had no backstage at all.

Although he is the servant boy of the three dead masters, the three dead masters have now fallen. The other strongmen of the Taoist Temple will certainly not rush to the chaotic ancient domain to help him. If you let others know his whereabouts, the possibility of dealing with him is even greater.

"If you can contact Ray Wenyuan, you may be able to break the current predicament. Unfortunately, I don't know where Levin is, but I can't rely on others, I can only rely on myself!"

When the sword magic thought about it, it placed the hope on the stone. Wan Fuzong has nine moments. If all is obtained, plus blood and stone carvings, there may be incredible power. Anyway, if the dead horse is a living horse doctor, if you can't, then think of other methods.

What he has to do now is to improve his strength. He will take a break tonight in the middle of the day. At that time, his strength can be improved, although it is not comparable to the strongest of the Baili family, but it can be stronger and obviously a good thing.

At the same time, he still has to find a way to make up for the lack of blood of the lotus, if the lotus can cultivate, it is a good way. It’s just that the swordsman doesn’t know what the exercises are for the lotus, but if it teaches the lotus, the ancient heaven and the holy lotus, I don’t know if it’s feasible.

Unexpectedly, after the sword and the lotus said the idea of ​​letting the lotus practice, the lotus immediately said that she remembered a practice in her mind. Lian Er's blood is strong and sturdy, and there is a memory of meditation. I want to come and be born, and I don't know why it is so pitiful.

"That's good, I am starting now, I will teach you to practice!"

The words of the sword demon make the eyes of the lotus child brighter. It is obvious that the lotus child has long wanted to cultivate, but it is hard to teach. After all, the sword magic has the memory of the Ten Heavenly Kings. It is not a problem to teach the Lotus. Anyway, even if the strongest of the Baili family knows that Lian Er began to practice, it is estimated that it will not stop.

The strongest of the Baili family had planned to spend some time and let the lotus children practice. After all, the higher the lotus field, the stronger the blood force will be. It used to be because the lotus was too small, and they felt that it would not be effective to let the lotus practice.

"The nine stone carvings of Wan Fuzong, I have to find a way to get it, it is time to go back!"

Since the last trip to Be Xueyu, Lingdao has not rushed back to Wan Fuzong, but has found a place to retreat for a while. The spiritual stone he has received has been used up, but his will is also the ninth weight, the same as the Heavenly Warrior.

Not only that, but when the sword magic broke through to the middle of the Tianbing, the Lingdao also just broke through to the late Tianbing. With Ling Dao’s current strength, it’s easy to go back and deal with Meng Yu Tang. Just do not know, Xue Lingyao and Duan elders, what is the situation now.

Originally he was going to go back immediately, but after thinking about it, as long as he did not return to Wan Fuzong, Xue Lingyao and Duan elders should be safe. Even if Gu Leidian and Baiyue Hall found his body, I would not immediately start to work with Xue Lingyao and the elders, but use them as bait and wait for him to go back.

However, there must always be a degree in everything. If Lingdao never returns, who knows the Gulei Hall and the Moon Palace, will it do anything too radical. Despite the realm of the late Tianbing, compared with the four powers and the three forces, it is not enough to see.

However, as long as Lingdao can be recognized by the stone carvings, Wan Fuzong’s top management will definitely look at him. Xue Ling Yao and Meng Yu Tang, only by the recognition of two stone carvings, became the core disciple of Wan Fuzong. If he is recognized by three stone carvings or even more stone carvings, isn’t the high-ranking Wan Fuzong wanting to treat him as an ancestor?

One thing, Lingdao thought wrong, Gu Lei Hall and Baiyue Temple can indeed find out, Wan Fuzong, Silver Gun League, Shuangjianmen have some disciples to follow, but they do not know, who else is alive. Lin Ruinan of Gu Leidian and Hongdu and others of Baiyue Temple have been killed. Wan Fuzong, Yingun League and Shuangjianmen also have no disciples to go back.

The tops of the Gulei Hall and the Yueyue Hall all thought that Wan Fuzong, the Silver Gun Alliance and the Double Sword Gate were the same as them. They are all used by the girl, and the girl gets the ball, and they don't get any benefit. The short-spoken words of a wonderful girl alone have no effect at all.

Lingdao did not go back. The elders of Gu Lei Hall and Baiyue Temple thought that Ling Dao, like other disciples, had already died in the hands of the girl. Even if the ancient thunder hall and the worship hall are irritated, they will not be implicated in Wan Fuzong, the silver gun alliance and the double sword gate. After all, the three major forces are innocent.

Not only the elders of the Gulei Hall and the Yueyue Temple believed that Ling Dao had died, and even the elders and disciples of Wan Fuzong felt that Ling Dao died in the Mountain Range. The realm of Jian Yi, Zuo Jian and Fang Han Yu is higher than Ling Dao. They are all dead. It is not surprising that Ling Dao died.

Of course, Wan Fuzong still feels that Ling Dao is alive, such as Xue Ling Yao, and then like a madman. However, now whether it is Xueling Yao or a madman, the situation is very bad. Xue Lingyao and her master Nie elders were all imprisoned. The madman was also trapped in Duan Fu and could not go out.

Meng Yutang naturally did not dare to deal with Nie Elder and the madman, but now his mother sent someone to help him, and he was also a strong man in the early days. The four real forces, the highest realm is Tianjun, they naturally do not dare to confront Tianzun.

With Tian Zun supporting the waist, Meng Yu Tang can walk in Wan Fuzong. What's more, he also received the recognition of two stone carvings. The position of Wan Fuzong was originally high. The emperor of Wan Fuzong was blinding one eye and letting the monk be misbehaving.

With the honour of Tianzun, imprisoning Nie Elder and Xue Lingyao, it is effortless. Tian Zun is also banned under Duanfu's peripherals. If a madman walks out of Duanfu, he will give birth to induction. He has already released a swearword, as long as the madman dares to leave the Duanfu, he has a life of a madman.

Lingdao carefully explored around Wan Fuzong. He did not find the traces of the Gulei Hall and the worshippers of the Moon. He walked into Wan Fuzong. When he retired, he did not know what happened. It is time to find a section elder or Xue Lingyao to understand.

"Hey, how do I feel that the young disciple, just familiar, how can he not remember who he is?"

A disciple of Wan Fuzong looked at the back of Ling Dao and fell into meditation. After other disciples heard his words, they ran over and looked at them. They were all talking about laughing and laughing, but when they remembered who Lingdao was, they were scared to death. They are not afraid of Lingdao, but feel that Lingdao is a dead person, and should not appear again.

"God! Hell, I actually saw Lingdao!"

"Lingdao, your death has nothing to do with me, ghosts don't come to me!"

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