The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 300: Dead horse as a living horse doctor

"What is this sword? Is there such a power?"

"Fortunately, his opponent is not us. Otherwise, we are afraid to die under such a sword."

"Although I don't know what specific sword he used, but I can conclude that he is using the Taoist school!"

The power of the Dragon Slayer is really scary to those who are in the distance. I thought that the strength of the solitary victory is stronger than them, and it is not much stronger. It now appears that they not only overestimated themselves, but also underestimated the independence.

If you are not in a desperate situation, you will not be able to display the dragons and dragons. In his current realm, forcing the display of the dragon slaughter, the loss of the flesh is great. In addition, he is using a tracker, and the loss is doubled.

Of course, knowing the consequences of forcing the execution of the Dragon Slayer, the problem is that he has to do so. The black sword is about to split, and the current confrontation, if he can not reinvent the solitary, the solitary and the independent, they will not have a half chance of winning.

"Is this kind of attack, can I stop it?" Duo Xiangxiang looked desperate and muttered to himself. "Even if I am lucky enough to block it once, what is the use? What do I take to stop the second and third times?" ?"

Just now, the spirit of the moment has already been thrown into the clouds by Du Guxiang. The shock caused by Tu Longzhen, who was alone in the exhibition, was so great that he even completely destroyed the confidence he had accumulated over the years.

The solitary and the solitary constructions are equally white, and the power of the dragons and dragons is not felt. Tu Longzhen is a Taoist school, far from being an ordinary Taoist martial art. Ask yourself, if they are on the dragon, they will die.

"Teacher, if you can help me through the difficulties, I can let you leave!"

At the moment of life and death, Du Guxiang quickly used the will to pass the sound and asked for help from the sword. He knows that only the swordsmen can save him now. How much do you have in the solitary landscape and the independence of the solitary, he knows everything, and it is useless to expect independence and independence.

Even if you are exhausted and you are exhausted, you can only help Duoxiang to block the moment of independence. It is not a long-term solution. In the current situation, Du Guxiang has no ability to turn defeat into victory, and there is no such thing as Du Gujing and Du Gujian. Of course, there is no such ability in the sword magic, and Du Guxiang has no bottom in mind. Anyway, the dead horse is a living horse doctor.

Since the sword demon can point to the solitary singer and break the killing trick of the solitary singer, it means that the spirit of the sword demon is far above the solitude. Listening to the sword demon, Du Guxiang can at least have a few chances to win, do not listen to the sword magic, Du Guxiang will not have a half chance of winning.

"Simple, you just listen to me, I promise you to win him." The sword demon knows that time is tight, so there is no delay, and immediately use the will of the will, "You force the device to attack the sword tip of the sword!"

The power of the Dragon Slayer is large, and it is not weaker than other martial arts that practiced alone. However, in the view of the swordsman, it is easier to deal with the unique victory of the dragon scorpion than to display the singularity of the martial arts.

Forced to display the dragon slaughter, there are too many flaws in the solitary victory. If there is no sword demon, it is correct to use Dulong to deal with Du Guxiang. Du Guxiang was the first to see Tu Long, and the speed of the sword was very fast. Du Guxiang had no time to study any flaws.

To blame, you can only blame the solitude and the unlucky ones. Under the supreme gold of the swordsman, the flaws of the dragon scorpion are invisible. As long as Du Guxiang honestly listens to the instructions of the sword demon, he can break the dragon scorpion of Du Gusheng. It’s not that Tu Longzhen is not smart enough, but that Du Gusheng has not been able to train Tu Long to a high level.

The sword demon is willing to point out the solitary singer, and there is no relationship between the promise of Du Guxiang. Don't look at him today to know Du Guxiang, but who is alone, he sees more thorough than Du Gujing and Du Gujian.

Waiting for the solitary singer to solve the singular victory, the promise of the previous one, Duoxiang will not recognize 100%. Anyway, Duoxiang is using the will to pass the sound to the sword magic. Knowing this promise, only the sword magic and the solitary Xiang himself.

Douxiang Xiang did not say that, but what about the sword magic?

"It is life and death, here!"

Seeing that the black sword is less than three feet away from the solitary singer, Du Guxiang finally has the courage to spur the Beidou 暮 Yunjian to meet the dragon scorpion of the solitary victory. Du Guxiang has made up his mind. If he obeys the guidance of the swordsman and fails to block the dragon scorpion of the solitary singer, then he will definitely carry the swordsman's back before he dies.

If the solitary family gets the inheritance of the demon emperor, it is like a tiger, and they are afraid that they will never turn over. Therefore, the worst plan of Du Guxiang is to remove the swordsman before he dies, so that he is at least not a sinner of the solitary family.


The sword of the Beidouyun Yunjian and the black sword of the big sword collided with each other and made a very harsh sound. Many of the sacred kings quickly slammed their ears, and some of the slow-moving sacred kings only felt that their ears were roaring and squeaking.

The power of the Dragon Slayer was not fully realized at all, just like an assassin who was shot at the crucial moment. The guidance of the sword demon seems to be simple, but in fact it is extremely subtle. If you change to the monarch of the Solitary family, you may not have the eyesight of the sword demon.

"You!! How could this be??"

The eyes of the alone and the victorious are the bosses, as if they had known for the first time. The dragon scorpion that he thought he was forced to display, even if he could not kill the singer, could also be able to kill Duoxiang. He is countless, that is, he has not counted such a result.


On the sword of the dark sword, there are cracks one after another, like broken porcelain, forcibly sticking together. The face of Solitary is so gloomy, because he knows that the dark sword is no longer a device.

He didn't have a device, but Du Guxiang and Beidou Yun Yunjian are in hand. The next showdown, who wins and who is responsible, still use it?

"Is this kid really a reincarnation of the Taoist? Otherwise, how can there be such eyesight?"

Du Guxiang was shocked and happy. The shock was that the guidance of the sword demon really helped him to block the Tu Long in the solitary victory. The happy black sword of Du Gusheng obviously showed extremely serious damage.

"Two younger brothers, you have to come over and help me." Du Guxiang looked at the eyes of Du Gusheng, killing the machine, "If you don't kill him, we can't keep the demon emperor!"

In the latter half of the sentence, Du Guxiang is using the will to pass the sound to the independent and independent, and the things that the demon emperor inherits, of course, can not be heard to the presence of the Holy King. Otherwise, their enemies will not only be alone, but the presence of the Holy King will be their enemy.

"Done alone wins alone and alone, you have thought that one day, will die in my hand?" Du Guxiang sneered.

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